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ganglia - distributed monitoring system



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______                  ___
    / ____/___ _____  ____ _/ (_)___ _
   / / __/ __ `/ __ \/ __ `/ / / __ `/
  / /_/ / /_/ / / / / /_/ / / / /_/ /
  \____/\__,_/_/ /_/\__, /_/_/\__,_/
              /____/ Distributed Monitoring System

Ganglia is a scalable distributed monitoring system for high-performance computing systems such as clusters and Grids. It is based on a hierarchical design targeted at federations of clusters. It relies on a multicast-based listen/announce protocol to monitor state within clusters and uses a tree of point-to-point connections amongst representative cluster nodes to federate clusters and aggregate their state. It leverages widely used technologies such as XML for data representation, XDR for compact, portable data transport, and RRDtool for data storage and visualization. It uses carefully engineered data structures and algorithms to achieve very low per-node overheads and high concurrency. The implementation is robust, has been ported to an extensive set of operating systems and processor architectures, and is currently in use on over 500 clusters around the world. It has been used to link clusters across university campuses and around the world and can scale to handle clusters with 2000 nodes.

The ganglia system is comprised of two unique daemons, a PHP-based web frontend and a few other small utility programs.

Ganglia Monitoring Daemon (gmond)

Gmond is a multi-threaded daemon which runs on each cluster node you want to monitor. Installation is easy. You don't have to have a common NFS filesystem or a database backend, install special accounts, maintain configuration files or other annoying hassles.

Gmond has four main responsibilities: monitor changes in host state, announce relevant changes, listen to the state of all other ganglia nodes via a unicast or multicast channel and answer requests for an XML description of the cluster state.

Each gmond transmits in information in two different ways: unicasting/multicasting host state in external data representation (XDR) format using UDP messages or sending XML over a TCP connection.

Ganglia Meta Daemon (gmetad)

Federation in Ganglia is achieved using a tree of point-to-point connections amongst representative cluster nodes to aggregate the state of multiple clusters. At each node in the tree, a Ganglia Meta Daemon (gmetad) periodically polls a collection of child data sources, parses the collected XML, saves all numeric, volatile metrics to round-robin databases and exports the aggregated XML over a TCP sockets to clients. Data sources may be either gmond daemons, representing specific clusters, or other gmetad daemons, representing sets of clusters. Data sources use source IP addresses for access control and can be specified using multiple IP addresses for failover. The latter capability is natural for aggregating data from clusters since each gmond daemon contains the entire state of its cluster.

Ganglia PHP Web Frontend

The Ganglia web frontend provides a view of the gathered information via real-time dynamic web pages. Most importantly, it displays Ganglia data in a meaningful way for system administrators and computer users. Although the web frontend to ganglia started as a simple HTML view of the XML tree, it has evolved into a system that keeps a colorful history of all collected data.

The Ganglia web frontend caters to system administrators and users. For example, one can view the CPU utilization over the past hour, day, week, month, or year. The web frontend shows similar graphs for Memory usage, disk usage, network statistics, number of running processes, and all other Ganglia metrics.

The web frontend depends on the existence of the gmetad which provides it with data from several Ganglia sources. Specifically, the web frontend will open the local port 8651 (by default) and expects to receive a Ganglia XML tree. The web pages themselves are highly dynamic; any change to the Ganglia data appears immediately on the site. This behavior leads to a very responsive site, but requires that the full XML tree be parsed on every page access. Therefore, the Ganglia web frontend should run on a fairly powerful, dedicated machine if it presents a large amount of data.

The Ganglia web frontend is written in the PHP scripting language, and uses graphs generated by gmetad to display history information. It has been tested on many flavours of Unix (primarily Linux) with the Apache webserver and the PHP module (4.1 or later). The GD graphics library for PHP is used to generate pie charts in the frontend and needs to be installed separately. On RPM-based system, it is usually provided by the php-gd package.


The latest version of all ganglia software can always be downloaded from

Ganglia runs on Linux (i386, x86_64, ia64, sparc, alpha, powerpc, m68k, mips, arm, hppa, s390), FreeBSD, NetBSD, OpenBSD, DragonflyBSD, MacOS X, Solaris, AIX, IRIX, Tru64, HPUX and Windows NT/XP/2000/2003/2008 making it as portable as it is scalable.

Monitoring Core Installation

If you use the Linux RPMs provided on the ganglia web site, you can skip to the end of this section.

Ganglia uses the GNU autoconf so compilation and installation of the monitoring core is basically

% ./configure
% make
% make install

but there are some issues that you need to take a look at first.

Kernel multicast support

If you use the ganglia multicast support, you must have a kernel that supports multicast. The vast majority of machines have multicast support by default. If you have problems with ganglia this is a core issue.

Gmetad is not installed by default

Since gmetad relies on the Round-Robin Database Tool ( see ) it will not be compiled unless you explicit request it by using a --with-gmetad flag.

% ./configure --with-gmetad

The configure script will fail if it cannot find the rrdtool library and header files. By default, it expects to find them at /usr/include/rrd.h and /usr/lib/ If you installed them in different locations then you need to instruct configure where to find them using:

% ./configure --with-librrd=/rrd/path --with-gmetad

Of course, you need to substitute /rrd/path with the real location of the rrd tool directory where the header file can be located inside an include subdirectory and the library can be located inside a lib subdirectory. As an alternative you could set "-L" in LDFLAGS, and "-I" in CFLAGS and CPPFLAGS for the library path and the header path respectively.

AIX should not be compiled with shared libraries

You must add the --disable-shared configure flags if you are running on AIX. For more details refer to the README.AIX file

% ./configure --disable-shared
Solaris dependencies could be problematic

Not really a Solaris specific problem, but since Solaris has several different package repositories, all of them unofficial, it is difficult to be sure that all possible permutations have been confirmed to work reliably.

Be sure to have all dependencies covered, as explained in the INSTALL file and to use GNU make and a gcc compiler that builds 32bit binaries with all other libraries matching that ISA.

When in doubt, build the problematic dependency from source and remember to distribute it together with your ganglia build as everything is dynamically linked by default.

Be particularly careful with libConfuse, especially if using the old 2.5 version. LibConfuse 2.5 is known to be incorrectly packaged and to compile by default as a static library which will fail to link with ganglia.

Propietary *NIX systems might not work at all

The good news is that the libmetrics code that used to work before 3.1 is still most likely working fine and so there is nothing fundamentally broken about it.

But the bad news is that in order to add the dynamic metric functionality, the build system and the way gmond used to locate its metrics had to be changed significantly. Therefore getting gmond to build and work again required fixes to be implemented for all platforms.

Since none of the developers had access to HPUX, IRIX, Tru64 (OSF/1), or Darwin (MacOS X) those platforms might not be able to build or run a 3.1 gmond yet. If you have access to any of these platforms and want to run ganglia 3.1, feel free to drop by the ganglia-developers list with suggestions, or even better patches.

GEXEC confusion

GEXEC is a scalable cluster remote execution system which provides fast, RSA authenticated remote execution of parallel and distributed jobs. It provides transparent forwarding of stdin, stdout, stderr, and signals to and from remote processes, provides local environment propagation, and is designed to be robust and to scale to systems over 1000 nodes. Internally, GEXEC operates by building an n-ary tree of TCP sockets and threads between gexec daemons and propagating control information up and down the tree. By using hierarchical control, GEXEC distributes both the work and resource usage associated with massive amounts of parallelism across multiple nodes, thereby eliminating problems associated with single node resource limits (e.g., limits on the number of file descriptors on front-end nodes). (from )

gexec is a great cluster execution tool but integrating it with ganglia is a bit clumsy. GEXEC can run standalone without access to a ganglia gmond. In standalone mode gexec will use the hosts listed in your GEXEC_SVRS variable to run on. For example, say I want to run hostname on three machines in my cluster: host1, host2 and host3. I use the following command line.

% GEXEC_SVRS="host1 host2 host3" gexec -n 3 hostname

and gexec would build an n-ary tree (binary tree by default) of TCP sockets to those machines and run the command hostname

As an added feature, you can have gexec pull a host list from a locally running gmond and use that as the host list instead of GEXEC_SVRS. The list is load balanced and gexec will start the job on the n least-loaded machines.

For example..

% gexec -n 5 hostname

will run the command hostname on the five least-loaded machines in a cluster.

To turn on the gexec feature in ganglia you must configure ganglia with the --enable-gexec flag

% ./configure --enable-gexec

Enabling gexec means that by default any host running gmond will send a special message announcing that gexec is installed on it and open for requests.

Now the question is, what if I don't want gexec to run on every host in my cluster? For example, you may not want to have gexec run jobs on your cluster frontend nodes.

You simply add the following line to your gmond configuration file (/etc/ganglia/gmond.conf by default)

no_gexec on

Simple huh? I know the configuration file option, no_gexec, seems crazy (and it is). Why have an option that says "yes to no gexec"? The early versions of gmond didn't use a configuration file but instead commandline options. One of the commandline options was simply --no-gexec and the default was to announce gexec as on.

Once you have successfully run

% ./configure <options>
% make
% make install

you should find the following files installed in /usr (by default).


If you installed ganglia using RPMs then these files will be installed when you install the RPM. The RPM is installed simply by running

% rpm -Uvh ganglia-gmond-GANGLIA_VERSION.i386.rpm
% rpm -Uvh ganglia-gmetad-GANGLIA_VERSION.i386.rpm

Once you have the necessary binaries installed, you can test your installation by running

% ./gmond

This will start the ganglia monitoring daemon. You should then be able to run

% telnet localhost 8649

And get an XML description of the state of your machine (and any other hosts running gmond at the time).

If you are installing by source on Linux, scripts are provided to start gmetad and gmond at system startup. They are easy to install from the source root.

% cp ./gmond/gmond.init /etc/rc.d/init.d/gmond
% chkconfig --add gmond
% chkconfig --list gmond
  gmond                 0:off   1:off   2:on    3:on    4:on    5:on    6:off
% /etc/rc.d/init.d/gmond start
  Starting GANGLIA gmond:                                    [  OK  ]

Repeat this step with gmetad.

PHP Web Frontend Installation

  1. The ./web directory of the ganglia distribution contains all the necessary PHP files for running your web frontend. Copy those files to /var/www/html, however look for the variable DocumentRoot in your Apache configuration files to be sure. All the PHP script files use relative URLs in their links, so you may place the ganglia/ directory anywhere convenient.

  2. Ensure your webserver understands how to process PHP script files. Currently, the web frontend contains certain php language that requires PHP version 4 or greater. Processing PHP script files usually requires a webserver module, such as the mod_php for the popular Apache webserver. In RedHat Linux, the RPM package that provides this module is called simply "php".

    For Apache, mod_php module must be enabled. The following lines should appear somewhere in Apache's *conf files. This example applies to RedHat and Mandrake Linux. The actual filenames may vary on your system. If you installed the php module using an RPM package, this work will have been done automatically.

    <IfDefine HAVE_PHP4>
    LoadModule php4_module    extramodules/
    AddModule mod_php4.c
    AddType  application/x-httpd-php         .php .php4 .php3 .phtml
    AddType  application/x-httpd-php-source  .phps
  3. The webfrontend requires the existance of the gmetad package on the webserver. Follow the installation instructions on the gmetad page. Specifically, the webfrontend requires the rrdtool and the rrds/ directory from gmetad. If you are a power user, you may use NFS to simulate the local existance of the rrds.

  4. Test your installation. Visit the URL:


    With a web-browser, where localhost is the address of your webserver.

Installation of the web frontend is simplified on Linux by using rpm.

% rpm -Uvh ganglia-web-GANGLIA_VERSION-1.noarch.rpm
Preparing...                ########################################### [100%]
   1:ganglia-web            ########################################### [100%]


Gmond Configuration

The configuration file format has changed between gmond version 2.5.x and version 3.x. The change was necessary in order to allow more complex configuration options.

Gmond has a default configuration it will use if it does not find the default configuration file /etc/ganglia/gmond.conf. To see the default configuration simply run the command:

% gmond --default_config

and gmond will output its default configuration to stdout. This default configuration can serve as a good starting place for building a more custom configuration.

% gmond --default_config > gmond.conf

would create a file gmond.conf which you can then edit to taste and copy to /etc/ganglia/gmond.conf or elsewhere.

To start gmond with a configuration file other then /etc/ganglia/gmond.conf, simply specify the configuration file location by running

% gmond --config /my/ganglia/configs/custom.conf

If you want to convert a 2.5.x configuration file to 3.x file format, run the following command

% gmond --convert ./old_25_config.conf  

and gmond with output the equivalent 3.x configuration file to stdout. You can then redirect that output to a new configuration file which can serve as a starting point for your configuration.

% gmond --convert ./old_25_config.conf > ./new_26_config.conf

For details about gmond configuration options, simply run

% man gmond.conf

for a complete listing of options with detailed explanations.

Gmetad Configuration

The behavior of the Ganglia Meta Daemon is completely controlled by a single configuration file which is by default /etc/ganglia/gmetad.conf. For gmetad to do anything useful you much specify at least one data_source in the configuration. The format of the data_source line is as follows

data_source "Cluster A"
data_source "Cluster B"

In this example, there are two unique data sources: "Cluster A" and "Cluster B". The Cluster A data source has three redundant sources. If gmetad cannot pull the data from the first source, it will continue trying the other sources in order.

If you do not specify a port number, gmetad will assume the default ganglia port which is 8649 (U*N*I*X on a phone key pad)

For a sample gmetad configuration file with comments, look at the gmetad.conf file provided as part of the distribution package in the gmetad directory

gmetad has a --conf option to allow you to specify alternate configuration files

% ./gmetad -conf=/tmp/my_custom_config.conf

PHP Web Frontend Configuration

Most configuration parameters reside in the ganglia/conf.php file. Here you may alter the template, gmetad location, RRDtool location, and set the default time range and metrics for graphs.

The static portions of the Ganglia website are themable. This means you can alter elements such as section lables, some links, and images to suit your individual tastes and environment. The template_name variable names a directory containing the current theme. Ganglia uses TemplatePower to implement themes. A user-defined skin must conform to the template interface as defined by the default theme. Essentially, the variable names and START/END blocks in a custom theme must remain the same as the default, but all other HTML elements may be changed.

Other configuration variables in conf.php specify the location of gmetad's files, and where to find the rrdtool program. These locations need only be changed if you do not run gmetad on the webserver. Otherwise the default locations should work fine. The default_range variable specifies what range of time to show on the graphs by default, with possible values of hour, day, week, month, year. The default_metric parameter specifies which metric to show on the cluster view page by default.

Commandline Tools

There are two commandline tools that work with gmond to add custom metrics and query the current state of a cluster: gmetric and gstat respectively.


The Ganglia Metric Tool (gmetric) allows you to easily monitor any arbitrary host metrics that you like expanding on the core metrics that gmond measures by default.

If you want help with the gmetric sytax, simply use the "help" commandline option

% gmetric --help

  The Ganglia Metric Client (gmetric) announces a metric
  on the list of defined send channels defined in a configuration file

Usage: gmetric [OPTIONS]...

  -h, --help          Print help and exit
  -V, --version       Print version and exit
  -c, --conf=STRING   The configuration file to use for finding send channels
  -n, --name=STRING   Name of the metric
  -v, --value=STRING  Value of the metric
  -t, --type=STRING   Either
  -u, --units=STRING  Unit of measure for the value e.g. Kilobytes, Celcius
  -s, --slope=STRING  Either zero|positive|negative|both  (default=`both')
  -x, --tmax=INT      The maximum time in seconds between gmetric calls
  -d, --dmax=INT      The lifetime in seconds of this metric  (default=`0')
  -S, --spoof=STRING  IP address and name of host/device (colon separated) we
                        are spoofing  (default='')
  -H, --heartbeat     spoof a heartbeat message (use with spoof option)

Gmetric sends the metric specified on the commandline to all udp_send_channels specified in the configuration file /etc/ganglia/gmond.conf by default. If you want to send metric to alternate udp_send_channels, you can specify a different configuration file as such:

% gmetric --conf=./custom.conf -n "wow" -v "it works" -t "string"

All metrics in ganglia have a name, value, type and optionally units. For example, say I wanted to measure the temperature of my CPU (something gmond doesn't do by default) then I could send this metric with name="temperature", value="63", type="int16" and units="Celcius".

Assume I have a program called cputemp which outputs in text the temperature of the CPU

% cputemp

I could easily send this data to all listening gmonds by running

% gmetric --name temperature --value `cputemp` --type int16 --units Celcius

Check the exit value of gmetric to see if it successfully sent the data: 0 on success and -1 on failure.

To constantly sample this temperature metric, you just need too add this command to your cron table.


The Ganglia Cluster Status Tool (gstat) is a commandline utility that allows you to get status report for your cluster.

To get help with the commandline options, simply pass gstat the --help option

% gstat --help

  The Ganglia Status Client (gstat) connects with a
  Ganglia Monitoring Daemon (gmond) and output a load-balanced list
  of cluster hosts

Usage: gstat [OPTIONS]...
   -h         --help             Print help and exit
   -V         --version          Print version and exit
   -a         --all              List all hosts.  Not just hosts running gexec (default=off)
   -d         --dead             Print only the hosts which are dead (default=off)
   -m         --mpifile          Print a load-balanced mpifile (default=off)
   -1         --single_line      Print host and information all on one line (default=off)
   -l         --list             Print ONLY the host list (default=off)
   -n         --numeric          Print numeric addresses instead of hostnames (default=off)
   -iSTRING   --gmond_ip=STRING  Specify the ip address of the gmond to query (default='')
   -pINT      --gmond_port=INT   Specify the gmond port to query (default=8649)

Note: gstat with no option will only show gexec-enabled hosts. To see all hosts that are UP (regardless of their gexec state) you need to add the --all flag.

% gstat --all

Extending Ganglia through metric modules

There are currently two ways in which metric modules can be written and plugged into Gmond in order to extend the types of metrics that Ganglia is able to monitor. As of Ganglia 3.1, a pluggable interface has been added to allow the Gmond metric gathering agent to collect any type of metric that can be acquired through programatic means. The primary metric module interface is C with a secondary python interface. This means that pluggable modules can either be written and compiled into dynamically loadable C based language modules or written and deployed as python pluggable modules.

The basic steps when writting a pluggable module either in C or in python, is as follows:

1. Create a module definition structure that contains callback data and metric information

There are simple metric module examples for both a C based and a python based module under the gmond/modules and gmond/python_modules source code sub-trees. Please see these module examples for more details.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What metrics does ganglia collect on platform x?

To see a complete list of the metrics that a particular gmond supports, run the command:

% gmond -m

and gmond will output all the metrics that it is capable of collecting and sending.

This table describes all the metrics that ganglia collects and shows what platforms the metric are supported on. (The following table is only partially complete).

Metric Name    Description                             Platforms
boottime      System boot timestamp                    l,f
bytes_in      Number of bytes in per second            l,f
bytes_out     Number of bytes out per second           l,f
cpu_aidle     Percent of time since boot idle CPU      l
cpu_idle      Percent CPU idle                         l,f
cpu_nice      Percent CPU nice                         l,f
cpu_num       Number of CPUs                           l,f
cpu_speed     Speed in MHz of CPU                      l,f
cpu_system    Percent CPU system                       l,f
cpu_user      Percent CPU user                         l,f
disk_free     Total free disk space                    l,f
disk_total    Total available disk space               l,f
load_fifteen  Fifteen minute load average              l,f
load_five     Five minute load average                 l,f
load_one      One minute load average                  l,f
location      GPS coordinates for host                 e
mem_buffers   Amount of buffered memory                l,f
mem_cached    Amount of cached memory                  l,f
mem_free      Amount of available memory               l,f
mem_shared    Amount of shared memory                  l,f
mem_total     Amount of available memory               l,f
mtu           Network maximum transmission unit        l,f
os_name       Operating system name                    l,f
os_release    Operating system release (version)       l,f
part_max_used Maximum percent used for all partitions  l,f
pkts_in       Packets in per second                    l,f
pkts_out      Packets out per second                   l,f
proc_run      Total number of running processes        l,f
proc_total    Total number of processes                l,f
swap_free     Amount of available swap memory          l,f
swap_total    Total amount of swap memory              l,f
sys_clock     Current time on host                     l,f

Platform key:
l = Linux, f = FreeBSD, a = AIX, c = Cygwin
m = MacOS, i = IRIX, h = HPUX,  t = Tru64
e = Every Platform

If you are interested in how the metrics are collected, just take a look in directory ./libmetrics in the source distribution. There is a directory for each platform that is supported.

What does the error "Process XML (x): XML_ParseBuffer() error at line x: not well-formed"

This is an error that occurs when a ganglia components reads data from another ganglia component and finds that the XML is not well-formed. The most common time this is a problem is when the PHP web frontend tries to read the XML stream from gmetad.

To troubleshoot this problem, capture an XML from the ganglia component in question (gmetad/gmond). This is easy to do if you have telnet installed. Simply login to the machine running the component and run.

% telnet localhost 8651

By default, gmetad exports its XML on port 8651 and gmond exports its XML on port 8649. Modify the port number above to suite your configuration.

When you connect to the port you should get an XML stream. If not, look in the process table on the machine to ensure that the component is actually running.

Once you are getting an XML stream, capture it to a file by running.

% telnet localhost 8651 > XML.txt
Connection closed by foreign host.

If you open the file XML.txt, you will see the captured XML stream. You will need to remove the first three lines of the XML.txt which will read...

Connected to localhost.
Escape character is '^]'.

Those lines are output from telnet and not the ganglia component (I wish telnet would send those messages to stderr but they are send to stdout).

There are many ways that XML can be misformed. The great tool for validating XML is xmllint. xmllint will read the file and find the line containing the error.

% xmllint --valid --noout XML.txt

will read your captured XML stream, validate it against the ganglia DTD and check that it is well-formed XML. xmllint will quiet exit if there are no errors. If there are errors they will be reported with line numbers. For example...

/tmp/XML.txt:3393: error: Opening and ending tag mismatch: HOST and CLUSTER
/tmp/XML.txt:3394: error: Opening and ending tag mismatch: CLUSTER and GANGLIA_XML
/tmp/XML.txt:3395: error: Premature end of data in tag GANGLIA_XML

If you get errors, open XML.txt and go to the line numbers in question. See if you can understand based on your configuration how these errors could occur. If you cannot fix the problem yourself, please email your XML.txt and output from xmllint to [email protected]. Please include information about the version of each component in question along with the operating system they are running on. The more details we have about your configuration the more likely it is we will be able to help you. Also, all mailing to ganglia-developers is archiving and available to read on the web. You may want to modify XML.txt to remove any sensitive information.

How do I remove a host from the list?

A common problem that people have is not being able to remove a host from the ganglia web frontend.

Here is a common scenario

1. All hosts in a cluster are send on the ganglia udp_send_channels.
2. One of the hosts fails or is moved for whatever reason.
3. All the hosts in the cluster report that the host is "dead" or "expired".
4. The sysadmin wants to removed this host from the "dead" list.

Unfortunately there is currently no nice way to remove a single dead host from the list. All data in gmond is soft state so you will need to restart all gmond and gmetad processes. It is important to note that ALL dead hosts will be flushed from the record by restarting the processes (since they have to hear the host at least once to know it is expired).

If you add the line

globals {
  host_dmax = 3600

then hosts will be removed from host tables when they haven't been heard from in 3600 seconds. See man gmond.conf for details.

How good is Solaris, IRIX, Tru64 support?

Here is an email from Steve Wagner about the state of the ganglia on Solaris, IRIX and Tru64. Steve is to thank for porting ganglia to Solaris and Tru64. He also helped with the IRIX port.

State of the IRIX port:

*  CPU percentage stuff hasn't improved despite my efforts.  I fear there
   may be a flaw in the way I'm summing counters for all the CPUs.
*  Auto-detection of network interfaces apparently segfaults.
*  Memory and load reporting appear to be running properly.
*  CPU speed is not being reported properly on multi-proc machines.
*  Total/running processes are not reported.
*  gmetad untested.
*  Monitoring core apparently stable in foreground, background being tested
(had a segfault earlier).

State of the Tru64 port:

*  CPU percentage stuff here works perfectly.
*  Memory and swap usage stats are suspected to be inaccurate.
*  Total/running processes are not reported.
*  gmetad untested.
*  Monitoring core apparently stable in foreground and background.

State of the Solaris port:
*  CPU percentages are slightly off, but correct enough for trending
*  Load, ncpus, CPU speed, breads/writes, lreads/writes, phreads/writes,
   and rcache/wcache are all accurate.
*  Memory/swap statistics are suspiciously flat, but local stats bear
   this out (and they *are* being updated) so I haven't investigated
*  Total processes are counted, but not running ones.
*  gmetad appears stable

Anyway, all three ports I've been messing with are usable and fairly
stable.  Although there are areas for improvement I think we really can't
keep hogging all this good stuff - what I'm looking at is ready for
Where are the debian packages?

Debian packages for 2.5 are available from the main Debian archive for all releases.

There was never an oficial Debian package for 3.0 and so if you need to use that branch you will need to build your own binaries.

Packages for 3.1 are available from Debian (and therefore derivative distributions like Ubuntu) standard repositories.

How should I configure multihomed machines?

Various issues arise when a multihomed machine is running the gmond agent.

Sending multicast packets out on the right interface: the mcast_if option can be declared in the udp_send_channel to force outgoing multicast packets to use a particular interface. The system administrator may also be able to make other platform-specific configuration settings through the OS to achieve the desired behaviour.

Ensuring that outgoing metric packets are always sent with the same source address: the bind and bind_hostname parameters are the solution. Either (but not both) of these can be specified in the udp_send_channel if required. See the gmond.conf man page for details.

Previous advice given in this document suggested adding a route like so:

route add -host dev eth1

and this method is still valid, but it will be over-ridden by the bind or bind_hostname setting.

How should I configure my Cisco Catalyst Switches?

Perhaps information regarding gmond on networks set up through cisco catalyst switches should be mentioned in the ganglia documentation. I think by default multicast traffic on the catalyst will flood all devices unless configured properly. Here is a relavent snipet from a message forum, with a link to cisco document.

If what you are trying to do, is minimizing the impact on your network due to a multicast application, this link may describe what you want to do:

We set up our switches according to this after a consultant came in and installed an application multicasting several hundred packets per second. This made the network functional again.

Getting Support

The tired and thirsty prospector threw himself down at the edge of the 
watering hole and started to drink. But then he looked around and saw 
skulls and bones everywhere. "Uh-oh," he thought. "This watering hole 
is reserved for skeletons." --Jack Handey        

There are three mailing lists available to you: ganglia-general, ganglia-developers and ganglia-announce. You can join these lists or read their archives by visiting

All of the ganglia mailing lists are closed. That means that in order to post to the lists, you must be subscribed to the list. We're sorry for the inconvenience however it is very easy to subscribe and unsubscribe from the lists. We had to close the mailing lists because of SPAM problems.

When you need help please follow these steps until your problem is resolved.

  1. completely read the documentation

  2. check the ganglia-general archive to see if other people have had the same problem

  3. post your support request to the ganglia-general mailing list

  4. check the ganglia-developers archive

  5. post your question to the ganglia-developers list

please send all bugs, patches, and feature requests to the ganglia-developers list after you have checked the ganglia-developers archive to see if the question has already been asked and answered.


Copyright (C) 2002,2003 University of California, Berkeley


The Ganglia Development Team...

Bas van der Vlies       basv               Developer    basv at 
Neil T. Spring  bluehal            Developer    bluehal at
Brooks Davis            brooks_en_davis    Developer    brooks_en_davis at
Eric Fraser             fraze              Developer    fraze at 
greg bruno              gregbruno          Developer    gregbruno at
Jeff Layton             laytonjb        Developer       laytonjb at       
Doc Schneider           maddocbuddha    Developer       maddocbuddha at 
Mason Katz              masonkatz       Developer       masonkatz at      
Mike Howard             mhoward         Developer       mhoward at        
Matt Massie            massie          Project Admin   massie at
Oliver Mössinger        olivpass        Developer       olivpass at       
Preston Smith           pmsmith         Developer       pmsmith at        
Federico David Sacerdoti sacerdoti      Developer       sacerdoti at      
Tim Cera                timcera         Developer       timcera at        
Mathew Benson           wintermute11    Developer       wintermute11 at   
Brad Nicholes          bnicholes       Developer       bnicholes at
Carlo Arenas           carenas         Developer       carenas at


There have been dozens of contributors who have provided patches and helpful bug reports. We need to list them here later.


Hey! The above document had some coding errors, which are explained below:

Around line 894:

Non-ASCII character seen before =encoding in 'Mössinger'. Assuming UTF-8