lwtk.Meta objects are factories for creating derived objects that are sharing the same Lua metatable. They are lightweight wrappers around the standard Lua metatable mechanism.
Let's start by creating a new meta object named "Foo"
local lwtk = require("lwtk")
local Foo = lwtk.newMeta("Foo")
The new meta object Foo
is actually a Lua table that has lwtk.Meta as metatable.
Its tostring
value is "lwtk.Meta<Foo>"
and lwtk.type() evaluates to "lwtk.Meta"
assert(type(Foo) == "table")
assert(getmetatable(Foo) == lwtk.Meta)
assert(tostring(Foo) == "lwtk.Meta<Foo>")
assert(lwtk.type(Foo) == "lwtk.Meta")
The meta object's name is only used for debugging purposes: it is allowed to create two different meta objects with the same name (although this is not recommended):
local Foo2 = lwtk.newMeta("Foo")
assert(Foo ~= Foo2)
assert(tostring(Foo) == tostring(Foo2))
The meta object is used to create new derived objects by simply calling the meta object:
local o1 = Foo()
local o2 = Foo()
The thereby created objects are Lua tables that have Foo
as metatable. Their tostring
contains the meta name "Foo"
and lwtk.type() evaluates to "Foo"
for _, o in ipairs{o1, o2} do
assert(type(o) == "table")
assert(getmetatable(o) == Foo)
assert(tostring(o):match("^Foo: [xa-fA-F0-9]+$")) -- e.g. "Foo: 0x55d1e35c2430"
assert(lwtk.type(o) == "Foo")
assert(o1 ~= o2)
The construction of new derived objects can be customized by implementing the method new
the meta object. The new
method receives the newly created derived object as self
function Foo:new(arg)
assert(getmetatable(self) == Foo)
self.arg = arg
local o3 = Foo(300)
local o4 = Foo(400)
assert(o3.arg == 300)
assert(o4.arg == 400)
Meta objects can be used to create enriched objects by implementing standard Lua metamethods:
local Vector = lwtk.newMeta("Vector")
function Vector:new(x, y)
self.x = x
self.y = y
function Vector:__add(other)
return Vector(self.x + other.x,
self.y + other.y)
function Vector:__tostring()
return string.format("Vector(%d,%d)", self.x, self.y)
local v1 = Vector(100,10)
local v2 = Vector(200,20)
assert(tostring(v1 + v2) == "Vector(300,30)")