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math.js history

2013-05-29, version 0.9.0

  • Implemented function math.parse(expr [,scope]). Optional parameter scope can be a plain JavaScript Object containing variables.
  • Extended function math.expr(expr [, scope]) with an additional parameter scope, similar to parse. Example: math.eval('x^a', {x:3, a:2});.
  • Implemented function subset, to get or set a subset from a matrix, string, or other data types.
  • Implemented construction functions number and string (mainly useful inside the parser).
  • Improved function det. Thanks Bryan Cuccioli (bcuccioli).
  • Moved the parse code from prototype math.expr.Parser to function math.parse, simplified Parser a little bit.
  • Strongly simplified the code of Scope and Workspace.
  • Fixed function mod for negative numerators, and added error messages in case of wrong input.

2013-05-18, version 0.8.2

  • Extended the import function and some other minor improvements.
  • Fixed a bug in merging one dimensional vectors into a matrix.
  • Fixed a bug in function subtract, when subtracting a complex number from a real number.

2013-05-10, version 0.8.1

  • Fixed an npm warning when installing mathjs globally.

2013-05-10, version 0.8.0

  • Implemented a command line interface. When math.js is installed globally via npm, the application is available on your system as 'mathjs'.
  • Implemented end keyword for index operator, and added support for implicit start and end (expressions like a(2,:) and b(2:end,3:end-1) are supported now).
  • Function math.eval is more flexible now: it supports variables and multi-line expressions.
  • Removed the read-only option from Parser and Scope.
  • Fixed non-working unequal operator != in the parser.
  • Fixed a bug in resizing matrices when replacing a subset.
  • Fixed a bug in updating a subset of a non-existing variable.
  • Minor bug fixes.

2013-05-04, version 0.7.2

  • Fixed method unequal, which was checking for equality instead of inequality. Thanks FJS2.

2013-04-27, version 0.7.1

  • Improvements in the parser:
    • Added support for chained arguments.
    • Added support for chained variable assignments.
    • Added a function remove(name) to remove a variable from the parsers scope.
    • Renamed nodes for more consistency and to resolve naming conflicts.
    • Improved stringification of a node tree.
    • Some simplifications in the code.
    • Minor bug fixes.
  • Fixed a bug in the parser, returning NaN instead of throwing an error for a number with multiple decimal separators like 2.3.4.
  • Fixed a bug in Workspace.insertAfter.
  • Fixed: math.js now works on IE 6-8 too.

2013-04-20, version 0.7.0

  • Implemented method math.eval, which uses a readonly parser to evaluate expressions.
  • Implemented method xgcd (extended eucledian algorithm). Thanks Bart Kiers (bkiers).
  • Improved math.format, which now rounds values to a maximum number of digits instead of decimals (default is 5 digits, for example math.format(math.pi) returns 3.1416).
  • Added examples.
  • Changed methods square and cube to evaluate matrices element wise (consistent with all other methods).
  • Changed second parameter of method import to an object with options.
  • Fixed method math.typeof on IE.
  • Minor bug fixes and improvements.

2013-04-13, version 0.6.0

  • Implemented chained operations via method For example will return 5.
  • Implemented methods gcd and lcm.
  • Implemented method, which creates a clone of the unit with a fixed representation. For example math.unit('5.08 cm').in('inch') will return a unit which string representation always is in inch, thus 2 inch. is the same as method, unit).
  • Implemented Unit.toNumber(unit), which returns the value of the unit when represented with given unit. For example math.unit('5.08 cm').toNumber('inch') returns the number 2, as the representation of the unit in inches has 2 as value.
  • Improved: method, unit) now supports a string as second parameter, for example'5.08 cm'), 'inch').
  • Split the end user documentation of the parser functions from the source files.
  • Removed function help and the built-in documentation from the core library.
  • Fixed constant i being defined as -1i instead of 1i.
  • Minor bug fixes.

2013-04-06, version 0.5.0

Note: version 0.5 is incompatible with previous versions.

  • Implemented data types Matrix and Range.
  • Implemented matrix methods clone, concat, det, diag, eye, inv, ones, size, squeeze, transpose, zeros.
  • Implemented range operator :, and transpose operator ' in parser.
  • Changed: created construction methods for easy object creation for all data types and for the parser. For example, a complex value is now created with math.complex(2, 3) instead of new math.Complex(2, 3), and a parser is now created with math.parser() instead of new math.parser.Parser().
  • Changed: moved all data types under the namespace math.type, and moved the Parser, Workspace, etc. under the namespace math.expr.
  • Changed: changed operator precedence of the power operator:
    • it is now right associative instead of left associative like most scripting languages. So 2^3^4 is now calculated as 2^(3^4).
    • it has now higher precedence than unary minus most languages, thus -3^2 is now calculated as -(3^2).
  • Changed: renamed the parsers method 'put' into 'set'.
  • Fixed: method 'in' did not check for units to have the same base.

2013-03-16, version 0.4.0

  • Implemented Array support for all methods.
  • Implemented Array support in the Parser.
  • Implemented method format.
  • Implemented parser for units, math.Unit.parse(str).
  • Improved parser for complex values math.Complex.parse(str);
  • Improved method help: it now evaluates the examples.
  • Fixed: a scoping issue with the Parser when defining functions.
  • Fixed: method 'typeof' was not working well with minified and mangled code.
  • Fixed: errors in determining the best prefix for a unit.

2013-03-09, version 0.3.0

  • Implemented Workspace
  • Implemented methods cot, csc, sec.
  • Implemented Array support for methods with one parameter.

2013-02-25, version 0.2.0

  • Parser, Scope, and Node tree implemented.
  • Implemented method import which makes it easy to extend math.js.
  • Implemented methods arg, conj, cube, equal, factorial, im, largereq, log(x, base), log10, mod, re, sign, smallereq, square, unequal.

2013-02-18, version 0.1.0

  • Reached full compatibility with Javascripts built-in Math library.
  • More functions implemented.
  • Some bugfixes.

2013-02-16, version 0.0.2

  • All constants of Math implemented, plus the imaginary unit i.
  • Data types Complex and Unit implemented.
  • First set of functions implemented.

2013-02-15, version 0.0.1

  • First publish of the mathjs package. (package is still empty)