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OSLC Domains Working Documents

Jim Amsden edited this page May 6, 2019 · 2 revisions

Working Documents

This document provides summary information on the OSLC-OP domains specifications. The PGB and TSC uses this document to help organize our work on this class of specifications.

Some documents are being developed actively, while others are waiting to be assigned an editor. If you would like to contribute, please contact the Domains TC.

Title Status Description Editor Reviewers
Architecture Management CS01 Public review completed Jim Amsden
Change Management CS02 CS02 published requesting statements of use Jim Amsden
Requirements Management CS01 CS01 published, ready to request statements of use Jad El-Khoury, Mark Schulte Ian Green
Asset Management WD Ready for TC review Jim Amsden Gray Bachelor
Automation WD Ready for TC review Jim Amsden John Arwe
Performance Monitoring WD Ready for TC review Jim Amsden
Quality Management WD Gray Bachelor Jad El-Khoury
Reporting Obsolete Draft document, in convergence, Inactive workgroup since March 2012, obsolete and replaced by OSLC Core 2.0
Reconciliation Needs migration But was approved by StC vote, migrate as-is
Product Definition Abandoned Current Drafts abandoned because of overlap with Configuration Management
Estimation and Measurement Needs migration Was approved by StC vote, migrate is-is


  • WD - Working draft has been reformatted to conform to OASIS requirements and is being actively edited actively
  • M - Migrated from previous repository but not yet started
  • CS - Committee Specification
  • Current primary reviewers in bold
  • PRB review in progress - Document ready for review, emphasis on primary reviewers but all TC members encouraged to review
  • Requires additional review - Primary reviews complete, all PGB members encouraged to read through and provide any additional comments
  • PRB review complete - Ready to vote as Project Specification Draft
  • Project Specification Draft - OASIS Project Specification Draft
  • Public Review - Under official Public Review

How to submit review comments

At this stage in our development it is critical that all PGB members review the documents and provide feedback in a timely fashion. The preferred approach is to submit review comments by email to the core committee email list.

PGB members should consider the following when reviewing these documents:

  1. Verify OASIS Open Project document formatting, and formatting vitality (HTML issues, section/subsection issues, etc.)
  2. Verify the Base Requirements section is correctly migrated from version 2.0:
  3. Verify the appropriate document sections from the version 2.0 specification have been migrated to the appropriate sections in the 2.1 specification
  4. Verify the vocabulary and shapes are consistent with the HTML tables in the 2.0 specification
  5. Verify the overall structure, completeness and readability of the specification
  6. Ensure compatibility with OSLC core 2.0 and 3.0, and that no semantic or implementation dependent changes have been made in the 2.1 specification.
  7. Mark appropriate content in order to generate the Conformance section

Developing OASIS OSLC Open Project Specifications

The OSLC Open Project is taking over the work defined in the OSLC Domains TC Charter which is to migrate the current OSLC specifications to OASIS Standards as a document maintenance activity. That is, the documents will be edited to conform to OASIS specification formats and naming conventions, without changing anything in the specification that would impact existing implementations. As a result, existing implementations can be used as "Statements of Use" required to move from OASIS Committee Specification to OASIS Standard. This will limit the time and effort required to migrate these specifications so that all OSLC specifications will be managed and governed by OASIS.

The document maintenance work required to migrate these specifications is more or less the same for each of the listed documents and consists of:

  1. Instantiating the OASIS-ReSpec-Template.html in the proper folder in the GitHub repository
  2. Modifying the template place holders for the target document:
    • domain-name: replace with your specification's OSLC domain name (e.g., Change Management)
    • domain-short-name: replace with your specification's short name (e.g., cm)
    • Update the editors as needed
    • Add any localBiblio entries for the references in the specification. Mark normative references with !{key} (e.g., !OSLCCore3)
    • Following the structure of the ReSpec template, copy the applicable content from the specification to the abstract, introduction, terminology, concepts and base requirement sections
    • Copy the rest of the contents of the specification to appropriate new sections in the migrated document following the ReSpec conventions for normative and non-normative sections, subsections and examples. See the Change Management specification for examples on how to format these document elements.
    • Add any Additional artifacts if the document is a multi-part specification.
    • Include the div sections that format and include the domain vocabulary and resource shapes in the appropriate Vocabulary Terms and Resource Constraints sections. The vocabulary and shapes documents (.ttl files) will be provided for you.
    • Update the Participants names in the Acknowledgements section
  3. Use ReSpec to render the HTML document and check for any ReSpec or HTML errors, fixing as needed

All specifications use ReSpec to generate the specification document from JavaScript objects and XML tags in the specification documents. The easiest way to edit these documents is to use a text editor that understands HTML tags (e.g., can do syntax highlighting, automatically add end tags, etc.), supports spell check, and word wrap. On Mac OS X, Sublime Text or the eclipse HTML editor are good options. On Windows, NotePad++ or the eclipse HTML editor work well.

If you don't know how to format something, or are having problems with ReSpec errors or incorrect formatting, use the Change Management specification as a guide on proper use of HTML elements and ReSpec. This is the most recently migrated specification.

All the OSLC Domains TC specifications are managed in a GitHub repository. You can use the git command line interface or GitHub Desktop to clone the repository, commit and synchronize your changes.

Raise any issues you want the TC to address using GitHub Issues for the OASIS Domains TC.

Useful Specification Editing Hints

Editing the HTML documents in a text editor is easier if you enable spell checking and word wrap. For Sublime Text, use View > Spell Check and View > Word Wrap > Automatic.

Example text that includes embedded RDF/XML, XML or HTML source needs to be encoded inside HTML pre elements. For Sublime Text, select the text that needs to be encoded, do Shift-CMD-P and type en to scroll to the Hasher:Entity Encode command. Press return to encode the selected section.

Use the Specref API to get bibliographic specification references. Normative references are marked as !label.

In the respecConfig, localBiblio, the authors field must be an array even if there’s only one author.

Master citation lists for IETF RFCs and W3C Recommendations, updated for the Spring quarter, are available. As a reminder, these lists are prepared by the TAB quarterly to help OASIS editors include current IETF and W3C citations in the working drafts they are authoring. The citations are presented in each organization's requested format. Just seach, copy and paste into the references section of the document. 

Publishing OASIS OSLC Domain Specifications

ReSpec is used to develop the OASIS OSLC-OP Project Specifications. However, OASIS may have specific formatting requirements for specifications published to their document library. These specific formatting details are not yet known and will be documented here as soon as they have been developed.