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209 lines (160 loc) · 7.98 KB


Launch system and workcell orchestrators and all mock nodes

The script will launch the system orchestrator and 2 workcells orchestrators (each with a IRB910SC and IRB1300 robot), along with a Zenoh bridge to link selected ROS endpoints between them. These 3 orchestrators and their accompany components will be in different ROS_DOMAIN_IDs. To launch these components individually, use the following examples given.

NOTE: The ROS_DOMAIN_ID occupied by the Zenoh bridges during launch time may be different from the domain values in the Zenoh bridge configurations. This is because the launch file overrides the domain ID of the zenoh bridges to ensure that it is same as that of the orchestrator.

Method 1: Launch system orchestrator, IRB1300 workcell and IRB910SC Workcell together with Zenoh bridge

NOTE: Before running any of these commands, you must set the rmw implmentation to cyclonedds with export RMW_IMPLEMENTATION=rmw_cyclonedds_cpp (If testing with real hardware, specify the arguments use_fake_hardware=False, robot1_ip=<IP> and robot2_ip=<IP>)

ros2 launch nexus_demos headless:=False

Method 2: Launch System Orchestrator and 1 Workcell without Zenoh bridge (Same ROS_DOMAIN_ID)

Launch with Workcell 1

ros2 launch nexus_demos headless:=False use_zenoh_bridge:=False run_workcell_1:=true run_workcell_2:=false

Launch with Workcell 2

ros2 launch nexus_demos headless:=False use_zenoh_bridge:=False run_workcell_1:=false run_workcell_2:=true

Testing with real hardware

ros2 launch nexus_demos headless:=False use_zenoh_bridge:=False run_workcell_1:=True run_workcell_2:=False use_fake_hardware:=False robot1_ip:=<IP_ADDR>

Launch Orchestrators individually

System Orchestrator

ros2 launch nexus_demos ros_domain_id:=0 headless:=False

IRB910SC Workcell

ros2 launch nexus_demos workcell_id:=workcell_1 ros_domain_id:=1 support_package:=abb_irb910sc_support robot_xacro_file:=irb910sc_3_45.xacro moveit_config_package:=abb_irb910sc_3_45_moveit_config controllers_file:=abb_irb910sc_controllers.yaml moveit_config_file:=abb_irb910sc_3_45.srdf.xacro planner_config_package:=nexus_demos planner_config_file:=irb910sc_planner_params.yaml sku_detection_params_file:=irb910sc_detection.yaml zenoh_config_file:=workcell_1.json5 headless:=False

IRB1300 Workcell

ros2 launch nexus_demos workcell_id:=workcell_2 ros_domain_id:=2 support_package:=abb_irb1300_support robot_xacro_file:=irb1300_10_115.xacro moveit_config_package:=abb_irb1300_10_115_moveit_config controllers_file:=abb_irb1300_controllers.yaml moveit_config_file:=abb_irb1300_10_115.srdf.xacro sku_detection_params_file:=irb1300_detection.yaml zenoh_config_file:=workcell_2.json5 headless:=False

Submit a job

Note: Set your ROS_DOMAIN_ID environment variable to that of the system orchestrator before executing the work order

place_on_conveyor work order:

ros2 action send_goal /system_orchestrator/execute_order nexus_orchestrator_msgs/action/ExecuteWorkOrder "{order: {work_order_id: '23', work_order: '$(cat config/place_on_conveyor.json)'}}"

pick_from_conveyor work order:

ros2 action send_goal /system_orchestrator/execute_order nexus_orchestrator_msgs/action/ExecuteWorkOrder "{order: {work_order_id: '24', work_order: '$(cat config/pick_from_conveyor.json)'}}"



Send a request to a specific workcell, eg. test_workcell.

ros2 action send_goal /test_workcell/request nexus_orchestrator_msgs/action/WorkcellTask "$(cat config/workcell_task.yaml)" -f

mock gripper and mock detection

Gripper position from 0 to gripper_max_value:

ros2 run nexus_demos mock_gripper --ros-args -p gripper_max_value:=0.5

To transition lifecycle states

ros2 lifecycle set /mock_gripper configure
ros2 lifecycle set /mock_gripper activate

Call the action

ros2 action send_goal /mock_gripper/command  control_msgs/action/GripperCommand "{command: {position: 0.42}}" -f

## mock vision system

Define the mock detections:

  - sku_id1
  - sku_id2
  score: [0.2, 0.8]
  class_id: [id1, id1]
  position: [[2, 2.1, 2.2], [4.5, 5.4, 3.7]]
  rotation: [[0.707, 0, 0.707, 1], [0, 0, 0, 1]]
  score: [0.7, 0.3]
  class_id: [id2, id2]
  position: [[1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0]]
  rotation: [[0, 0, 0, 1], [0, 0, 0, 1]]

Save this file and launch the vision mock node:

ros2 run nexus_demos mock_detection --ros-args -p config_file:=<path config file>

To transition lifecycle states

ros2 lifecycle set /mock_detector_node configure
ros2 lifecycle set /mock_detector_node activate
ros2 service call /mock_detector_node/detect nexus_detector_msgs/srv/Detect '{id: "sku_id1"}'


The mock_transporter.cpp implements a pluginlib loadable implementation of the Transporter class.

The plugin has a fully qualified name of nexus_transporter::MockTransporter. To launch the TransporterNode with this plugin:

ros2 run nexus_transporter nexus_transporter_node --ros-args -p transporter_plugin:=nexus_transporter::MockTransporter


To launch the mock printer:

ros2 run nexus_demos mock_printer_node

To transition lifecycle states

ros2 lifecycle set /mock_printer configure
ros2 lifecycle set /mock_printer activate

To request for the printer to dispense a sample:

ros2 service call /mock_printer/dispense nexus_dispenser_msgs/srv/Dispense '{}'


To launch the mock_robot_arm_controller

ros2 run nexus_demos mock_robot_arm_controller

To launch the mock_robot_arm_controller

ros2 lifecycle set /mock_robot_arm_controller configure
ros2 lifecycle set /mock_robot_arm_controller activate

To request for a controller action:

ros2 action send_goal /joint_trajectory_position_controller/follow_joint_trajectory control_msgs/action/FollowJointTrajectory '{}' -f

abb bringup


First launch abb_control

ros2 launch abb_bringup runtime_config_package:=nexus_demos description_package:=abb_irb910sc_support description_file:=irb910sc_3_45.xacro launch_rviz:=false moveit_config_package:=abb_irb910sc_3_45_moveit_config use_fake_hardware:=true controllers_file:=abb_irb910sc_controllers.yaml

If running with real robot

ros2 launch abb_bringup runtime_config_package:=nexus_demos description_package:=abb_irb910sc_support description_file:=irb910sc_3_45.xacro launch_rviz:=false moveit_config_package:=abb_irb910sc_3_45_moveit_config use_fake_hardware:=true controllers_file:=abb_irb910sc_controllers.yaml use_fake_hardware:=false rws_ip:=<ROBOTSTUDIO_IP>

Then launch moveit

ros2 launch nexus_demos


For more information see README in abb_ros2 repo. First launch abb_control

ros2 launch abb_bringup runtime_config_package:=nexus_demos description_package:=abb_irb1300_support description_file:=irb1300_10_115.xacro launch_rviz:=false moveit_config_package:=abb_irb1300_10_115_moveit_config use_fake_hardware:=true controllers_file:=abb_irb1300_controllers.yaml

If running with real robot

ros2 launch abb_bringup runtime_config_package:=nexus_demos description_package:=abb_irb1300_support description_file:=irb1300_10_115.xacro launch_rviz:=false moveit_config_package:=abb_irb1300_10_114_moveit_config use_fake_hardware:=true controllers_file:=abb_irb1300_controllers.yaml use_fake_hardware:=false rws_ip:=<ROBOTSTUDIO_IP>

Then launch moveit

ros2 launch nexus_demos