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File metadata and controls

316 lines (247 loc) · 17.1 KB


All Contributors

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This project was created by Oliver Steele (@osteele), and is currently maintained by Daniil Gentili (@danog).

Gojekyll is a partially-compatible clone of the Jekyll static site generator, written in the Go programming language. It provides build and serve commands, with directory watch and live reload.

  Gojekyll Jekyll Hugo
Template language Liquid Liquid Go, Ace and Amber templates
Jekyll compatibility partial
Plugins some yes shortcodes, theme components
Windows support
Implementation language Go Ruby Go


gojekyll build       # builds the site in the current directory into _site
gojekyll serve       # serve the app at http://localhost:4000; reload on changes
gojekyll help
gojekyll help build



You can use gojekyll with the official danog/gojekyll image, for example to build the site in the current directory into _site:

docker run --user $UID:$GID -v $PWD:/app --pull always --rm -it danog/gojekyll build -s /app

Another example, serve the website in the current directory on http://localhost:4040, automatically reloading on changes:

docker run --user $UID:$GID -v $PWD:/app --pull always --network host --rm -it danog/gojekyll serve -s /app

Binary Downloads

  1. Linux, Mac OS and Windows binaries for x86, amd64, armv6/v7, armv8, riscv64 are available from the releases page.
  2. Download the latest version of dart-sass and add it to your PATH, or see the Sass website for full installation instructions.
  3. [Optional] Themes. To use a theme, you need to install Ruby and bundler. Create a Gemfile that lists the theme., and run bundle install. The Jekyll theme instructions provide more detail, and should work for Gojekyll too.

From Source


  1. Install go (1) via Homebrew: brew install go; or (2) download.
  2. See items (2-3) under Binary Downloads, above.

Then run:

go install

[Optional] Install command-line autocompletion

Add this to your .bashrc or .zshrc:

# Bash:
eval "$(gojekyll --completion-script-bash)"
# Zsh:
eval "$(gojekyll --completion-script-zsh)"


This project works on the GitHub Pages sites that I and other contributors care about. It looks credible on a spot-check of other Jekyll sites.

Current Limitations

Missing features:

Also see the detailed status below.

Other Differences

These will probably not change:

By design:

  • Plugins must be listed in the config file, not a Gemfile.
  • The wrong type in a _config.yml file – for example, a list where a string is expected, or vice versa – is generally an error.
  • Server live reload is always on.
  • serve --watch (the default) reloads the _config.yml and data files too.
  • serve generates pages on the fly; it doesn't write to the file system.
  • Files are cached in /tmp/gojekyll-${USER}, not ./.sass-cache


  • Markdown:
    • < and > inside markdown is interpreted as HTML. For example, This is <b>bold</b> renders as bold. This behavior matches the Markdown spec, but differs from Jekyll's default Kramdown processor.
    • The autogenerated id of a header that includes HTML is computed from the text of the title, ignoring its attributes. For example, the id of ## Title (<a href="">ref</a>)) is #title-ref, not #title-https-example-path-to-details-ref.
    • Autogenerated header ids replace punctuation by the hyphens, rather than the empty string. For example, the id of ## Either/or is #either-or not #eitheror; the id of ## I'm Lucky is #i-m-lucky not #im-lucky.


  • An extensible plugin mechanism – support for plugins that aren't compiled into the executable.

Feature Checklist

  • Content
    • Front Matter
    • Posts
    • Static Files
    • Variables
    • Collections
    • Data Files
    • Assets
      • Coffeescript
      • Sass/SCSS
  • Customization
    • Templates
      • Jekyll filters
        • scssify
        • everything else
      • Jekyll tags
    • Includes
    • Permalinks
    • Pagination
    • Plugins – partial; see here
    • Themes
    • Layouts
  • Server
    • Directory watch
  • Commands
    • build
      • --source, --destination, --drafts, --future, --unpublished
      • --incremental, --watch, --force_polling, JEKYLL_ENV=production
      • --baseurl, --config, --lsi
      • --limit-posts
    • clean
    • help
    • serve
      • --open-uri, --host, --port
      • --incremental, –watch, --force_polling
      • --baseurl, --config
      • --detach, --ssl-* – not planned
    • doctor, import, new, new-theme – not planned
  • Windows


If the error is "403 API rate limit exceeded", you are probably building a repository that uses the jekyll-github-metadata gem. Try setting the JEKYLL_GITHUB_TOKEN, JEKYLL_GITHUB_TOKEN, or OCTOKIT_ACCESS_TOKEN environment variable to the value of a GitHub personal access token and trying again.


Thanks goes to these wonderful people (emoji key):

Oliver Steele

💻 🎨 📖 🤔 🚇 🚧 📆 👀 ⚠️

Bjørn Erik Pedersen


Maurits van der Schee


Daniil Gentili


Cameron Elliott


This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!


Gojekyll uses these libraries:

Package Author(s) Usage License Jascha Ephraim Live Reload MIT License kyokomi jemoji plugin emulation MIT License yours truly Liquid processor MIT License pkg serve --open-url option BSD 2-clause "Simplified" License Benjamin Radovsky Polling file watch (--force_polling) BSD 3-clause "New" or "Revised" License Russ Ross, Daniil Gentili Markdown processing Simplified BSD License Listed here The reference implementation of Sass, written in Dart. MIT License Taco de Wolff CSS minimization MIT License Drew Wells Go API backed by the native Dart Sass Embedded executable. MIT License Alec Thomas command-line arguments MIT License Alec Thomas Syntax highlighter MIT License Canonical YAML support Apache License 2.0

In addition, the following pieces of text were taken from Jekyll and its plugins. They are used under the terms of the MIT License.

Source Use Description
Jekyll template documentation test cases filter examples
jekyll help command gojekyll help text help text
jekyll-feed plugin plugin emulation feed.xml template
jekyll-redirect-from plugin plugin emulation redirect page template
jekyll-sitemap plugin plugin emulation sitemap template
jekyll-seo-tag plugin plugin emulation feed template

The theme for in-browser error reporting was adapted from facebookincubator/create-react-app.

The gopher image in the testdata directory is from Wikimedia Commons. It is used under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license.

In addition to being totally and obviously inspired by Jekyll and its plugins, Jekyll's solid documentation was indispensible --- especially since I wanted to implement Jekyll as documented, not port its source code. The Jekyll docs were always open in at least one tab during development.


Hugo is the pre-eminent Go static site generator. It isn't Jekyll-compatible (-), but it's highly polished, performant, and productized (+++).

Liquid is a pure Go implementation of Liquid templates. I created it in order to use in this project.

Jekyll, of course.
