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Authentication server for sc-machine repository

To install poetry run command:

curl -sSL | python3 - 

or just do it with pip3 (not recommended):

pip3 install poetry

To install dependencies run command:

poetry env use 3.8
poetry shell
poetry install

Activate the virtual environment is to create a new shell with poetry shell. To deactivate the virtual environment and exit this new shell type exit. To deactivate the virtual environment without leaving the shell use deactivate.

To install pre-commit run next command (this command and others below run in poetry environment):

pre-commit install

Google OAuth

Google secret file you can get in Google Developer Console

Creating project tutorial Getting client_secret.json file tutorial By default secret file located in the root folder.

PostgreSQL (optional)

sudo apt install postgresql postgresql-contrib

Commands to create database and user for it.

sudo -u postgres psql
create database sc_auth;
create user sc_auth with encrypted password 'sc_auth';
grant all privileges on database sc_auth to sc_auth;


Set postgres in sc_server_auth/configs/settings.toml or use as argument in server run script

Local-CI tool

For checking your branch before pushing just run next command:

./scripts/ [-h] [-t] [-c] [-i] [-b] [-p] [-a]

For sorting imports and clean code with black run next command:

./scripts/ [-h] [-i] [-b] [-a]


To start auth-server run command:

python -m sc_server_auth [-h] [-H HOST] [-p PORT] [-d DATABASE] [-l LOG_LEVEL] [-r] [-e DOT_ENV] [-g GOOGLE_SECRET_FILE_PATH]


After server running you can check endpoints docs by link:

If you don't have keys in sc-server-auth folder you can generate them by making a request to generate token. After that keys will generate automatically.


There is default test admin in sqlite database: name: admin, password: aB1234

Also, you can create him using this py-script:

python -m sc_server_auth.create_admin [-h] [-d DATABASE] [-n NAME] [-p PASSWORD]