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Almond Blossom

+Large blossom branches like this against a blue sky were one of Van Gogh’s favourite subjects. Almond trees flower early in the spring making them a symbol of new life. Van Gogh borrowed the subject, the bold outlines and the positioning of the tree in the picture plane from Japanese printmaking. + + diff --git a/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/HTML/almond_blossom_ru.html b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/HTML/almond_blossom_ru.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ecbdc12 --- /dev/null +++ b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/HTML/almond_blossom_ru.html @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ + + + + +

Цветущий миндаль

+Такие крупные цветущие ветви на голубом небе были одним из любимых предметов Ван Гога. Миндальные деревья цветут рано весной, что делает их символом новой жизни. Ван Гог заимствовал тему, смелые очертания и расположение дерева на плоскости изображения у японской гравюры. + + diff --git a/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/HTML/alyscamps_en.html b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/HTML/alyscamps_en.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3efbd30 --- /dev/null +++ b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/HTML/alyscamps_en.html @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ + + + + +

Les Alyscamps

+This autumn landscape was created by Van Gogh in the French city of Arles during the two-month period of work with Paul Gauguin. Purple poplar trunks cut by frame exactly where the foliage begins. These trees, as columns, bordered by an alley, on both sides lined up a purple-blue Roman tombs. Earth is already littered with dense carpet of orange and yellow fallen leaves, and the new all fall down like snow flakes. The alley black figurines of lovers. + + diff --git a/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/HTML/alyscamps_ru.html b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/HTML/alyscamps_ru.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..96c9edf --- /dev/null +++ b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/HTML/alyscamps_ru.html @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ + + + + +


+Этот осенний пейзаж был создан Ван Гогом во французском городе Арле во время двухмесячного периода работы с Полем Гогеном. Фиолетовые стволы тополя, срезанные по раме именно там, где начинается листва. Эти деревья, как колонны, окаймленные аллеей, с обеих сторон выстроились в пурпурно-голубые римские гробницы. Земля уже усеяна плотным ковром оранжевых и желтых опавших листьев, а новые все падают, как снежные хлопья. На аллее черные фигурки влюбленных. + + diff --git a/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/HTML/avenue_of_poplars_en.html b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/HTML/avenue_of_poplars_en.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..38761c8 --- /dev/null +++ b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/HTML/avenue_of_poplars_en.html @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ + + + + +

Avenue of Poplars in Autumn

+This painting portrays a road, centered on the canvas, and a house in the far background. Van Gogh positioned a single character on the forefront wearing all black and walking across a small cross bridge. The road was painted with shades of brown, red and orange. The tall tree trunks take up almost all of the long, vertical canvas — highlighting the path even more — and have red, orange and green leaves on top that contrast with the blue sky. In this painting, the effect of light and shadow is not entirely realistic: the shadows cast by the trees do not fall in the same direction as those bast by the rails. + + diff --git a/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/HTML/avenue_of_poplars_ru.html b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/HTML/avenue_of_poplars_ru.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..68c1706 --- /dev/null +++ b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/HTML/avenue_of_poplars_ru.html @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ + + + + +

Тополиная аллея осенью

+На этой картине изображена дорога в центре на холсте и дом на заднем фоне. Ван Гог разместил одного персонажа на переднем фоне, одетого во все черное и идущего через небольшой перекрестный мост. Дорога была окрашена в оттенки коричневого, красного и оранжевого. Высокие стволы деревьев занимают почти весь длинный вертикальный холст - еще больше подчеркивая путь - и имеют красные, оранжевые и зеленые листья сверху, контрастирующие с голубым небом. На этой картине эффект света и тени не совсем реалистичен: тени, отбрасываемые деревьями, не падают в том же направлении, что и тени от рельсов. + + diff --git a/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/HTML/bedroom_in_arles_en.html b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/HTML/bedroom_in_arles_en.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5ddec54 --- /dev/null +++ b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/HTML/bedroom_in_arles_en.html @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ + + + + +

Bedroom in Arles

+While he was in Arles, Van Gogh made this painting of his bedroom in the Yellow House. He prepared the room himself with simple furniture and with his own work on the wall. The bright colours were meant to express absolute ‘repose’ or ‘sleep’.The apparently odd angle of the rear wall is not a mistake on Van Gogh’s part – the corner really was skewed. Vincent told Theo in a letter that he had deliberately ‘flattened’ the interior and left out the shadows so that his picture would resemble a Japanese print. + + diff --git a/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/HTML/bedroom_in_arles_ru.html b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/HTML/bedroom_in_arles_ru.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..56ef78c --- /dev/null +++ b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/HTML/bedroom_in_arles_ru.html @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ + + + + +

Спальня в Арле

+Пока он был в Арле, Ван Гог сделал эту картину своей спальни в Желтом доме. Он сам подготовил комнату с простой мебелью и своими работами на стене. Яркие цвета предназначались для выражения абсолютного «покоя» или «сна». Очевидно, странный угол задней стены не является ошибкой со стороны Ван Гога - угол действительно был перекошен. В письме Винсент сказал Тео, что он намеренно «сплющил» внутреннюю часть и не учел тени, чтобы его изображение напоминало японский рисунок. + + diff --git a/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/HTML/bible_en.html b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/HTML/bible_en.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a36d3da --- /dev/null +++ b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/HTML/bible_en.html @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ + + + + +

Still Life with Bible

+This hefty Bible had belonged to Van Gogh's father, a Protestant minister. Van Gogh painted it just after his father's death. He placed his own copy of Émile Zola's La joie de vivre next to it. That book was a kind of 'bible' for modern life. The books symbolize the different worldviews of Van Gogh and his father. + + diff --git a/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/HTML/bible_ru.html b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/HTML/bible_ru.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4ac942b --- /dev/null +++ b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/HTML/bible_ru.html @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ + + + + +

Натюрморт с библией

+Эта здоровенная Библия принадлежала отцу Ван Гога, протестантскому священнику. Ван Гог нарисовал картину сразу после смерти своего отца. Рядом с ним он поставил свою собственную копию «Радости жизни» Эмиля Золя. Эта книга была своего рода «библией» для современной жизни. Книги символизируют различные мировоззрения Ван Гога и его отца. + + diff --git a/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/HTML/cabbage_and_clogs_en.html b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/HTML/cabbage_and_clogs_en.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e1b5bbc --- /dev/null +++ b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/HTML/cabbage_and_clogs_en.html @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ + + + + +

Still Life with Cabbage and Clogs

+The painting was primarily an exercise in colour, surfaces and brushwork. It must have been a great challenge for Van Gogh to convey the different textures of the tabletop, the potatoes and the fabric. It was his first attempt and shows no sign as yet of the characteristic Van Gogh style. + + diff --git a/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/HTML/cabbage_and_clogs_ru.html b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/HTML/cabbage_and_clogs_ru.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f4f4bfc --- /dev/null +++ b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/HTML/cabbage_and_clogs_ru.html @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ + + + + +

Натюрморт с капустой и деревянными башмаками

+Картина была в основном упражнением в цвете, поверхности и мазке. Должно быть, Ван Гогу было непросто передать различные текстуры столешницы, картофеля и ткани. Это была его первая попытка, которая пока не демонстрирует характерного стиля Ван Гога. + + diff --git a/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/HTML/cafe_table_with_absinthe_en.html b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/HTML/cafe_table_with_absinthe_en.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7fb92bd --- /dev/null +++ b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/HTML/cafe_table_with_absinthe_en.html @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ + + + + +

Cafe Table with Absinthe

+Van Gogh painted this café table with a view in highly thinned oil paint with thin brushes. The result looks something like a watercolour. The glass holds absinthe, a popular aperitif. Its alcohol content was 60 to 70%, and it was often mixed with water. Van Gogh drank it frequently. Absinthe was very bad for one's health. + + diff --git a/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/HTML/cafe_table_with_absinthe_ru.html b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/HTML/cafe_table_with_absinthe_ru.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2d8fcb9 --- /dev/null +++ b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/HTML/cafe_table_with_absinthe_ru.html @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ + + + + +

Кафейный столик с абсентом

+Ван Гог раскрасил этот кофейный столик с сильно разбавленной масляной краской тонкими кисточками. Результат выглядит как акварель. Стакан содержит абсент, популярный аперитив. Содержание алкоголя составляло от 60 до 70%, и его часто смешивали с водой. Ван Гог часто пил его. Абсент был очень вреден для здоровья. + + diff --git a/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/HTML/chrysanthemums_and_wild_flowers_en.html b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/HTML/chrysanthemums_and_wild_flowers_en.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9034c84 --- /dev/null +++ b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/HTML/chrysanthemums_and_wild_flowers_en.html @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ + + + + +

Chrysanthemums and Wild Flowers in a Vase

+This still life is not mentioned in Van Gogh’s letters and has puzzled scholars as to its place in his artistic production. The subject enjoys a certain rapport with the mixed bouquets of summer flowers he made in Paris; the quasi-abstract floral wallpaper design in the Berceuse of Arles , and the white porcelain vase in the Irises of Saint-Rémy . + + diff --git a/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/HTML/chrysanthemums_and_wild_flowers_ru.html b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/HTML/chrysanthemums_and_wild_flowers_ru.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7f0a642 --- /dev/null +++ b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/HTML/chrysanthemums_and_wild_flowers_ru.html @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ + + + + +

Хризантемы и полевые цветы в вазе

+Этот натюрморт не упоминается в письмах Ван Гога и озадачил ученых его местом в его художественном творчестве. Субъект наслаждается определенной связью со смешанными букетами летних цветов, которые он сделал в Париже; квазиабстрактный цветочный дизайн обоев в колыбели Арля и белая фарфоровая ваза в ирисах из Сен-Реми. + + diff --git a/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/HTML/cornflowers_and_poppies_en.html b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/HTML/cornflowers_and_poppies_en.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..614f114 --- /dev/null +++ b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/HTML/cornflowers_and_poppies_en.html @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ + + + + +

Vase with Cornflowers and Poppies

+Among the flower still-lifes the present canvas is perhaps the most brilliant and exuberant of its kind. It is characterized by luxurious colour and spontaneous but sure brushwork. Against a loosely painted blue background the artist placed a bouquet of bright red poppies, intensely blue cornflowers, and creamy white marguerites. The narrow vase is placed on a shimmering, but loosely defined surface. The composition vibrates with colour and capture the moment of summer at which these flowers would have been in bloom. + + diff --git a/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/HTML/cornflowers_and_poppies_ru.html b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/HTML/cornflowers_and_poppies_ru.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..42b1f52 --- /dev/null +++ b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/HTML/cornflowers_and_poppies_ru.html @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ + + + + +

Ваза с васильками и маками

+Среди цветочных натюрмортов данное полотно является, пожалуй, самым ярким и ярким в своем роде. Характеризуется роскошным цветом и спонтанным, но уверенным мазком. На слабо раскрашенном синем фоне художник разместил букет из ярко-красных маков, ярко-синих васильков и кремово-белых маргариток. Узкая ваза помещена на мерцающую, но слабо выраженную поверхность. Композиция вибрирует цветом и улавливает момент лета, когда эти цветы были в цвету. + + diff --git a/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/HTML/cottage_en.html b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/HTML/cottage_en.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d45ea4d --- /dev/null +++ b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/HTML/cottage_en.html @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ + + + + +

The Cottage

+The old cottage beneath the red evening sky presents an idyllic picture of rural life. Van Gogh called these humble farmhouses 'people's nests'. He felt they had a sheltering quality. This cottage contains two houses with two front doors and a shared chimney. That type of dwelling was then on the brink of disappearing. 'The thing struck me greatly; those two cottages, half decayed under one and the same thatched roof, reminded me of a couple of worn-out old folk who make up just one single being and whom one sees supporting each other,' he wrote. + + diff --git a/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/HTML/cottage_ru.html b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/HTML/cottage_ru.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..869c06d --- /dev/null +++ b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/HTML/cottage_ru.html @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ + + + + +


+Старый коттедж под красным вечерним небом представляет идиллическую картину сельской жизни. Ван Гог назвал эти скромные фермерские дома «людскими гнездами». Он чувствовал, что у них есть укрытие. Этот коттедж состоит из двух домов с двумя входными дверями и общей дымовой трубы. Этот тип жилья был на грани исчезновения. «Это поразило меня очень сильно; эти два коттеджа, полуразрушенные под одной и той же соломенной крышей, напомнили мне пару изношенных пожилых людей, которые составляют всего одно существо и которого можно увидеть, поддерживая друг друга », - написал он. + + diff --git a/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/HTML/cottages_en.html b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/HTML/cottages_en.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..378d32a --- /dev/null +++ b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/HTML/cottages_en.html @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ + + + + +


+The paint on this canvas contains a lot of sand. It must have blown onto it while Van Gogh was working outdoors. If you zoom in, you can see the bright grains against the dark paint. + + diff --git a/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/HTML/cottages_ru.html b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/HTML/cottages_ru.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..fc261c2 --- /dev/null +++ b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/HTML/cottages_ru.html @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ + + + + +


+Краска на этом холсте содержит много песка. Должно быть, его принес ветер, когда Ван Гог работал на улице. Если приблизить картину, можно увидеть яркие зерна на темной краске. + + diff --git a/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/HTML/exterior_of_restaurant_en.html b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/HTML/exterior_of_restaurant_en.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e19e524 --- /dev/null +++ b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/HTML/exterior_of_restaurant_en.html @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ + + + + +

Exterior of a Restaurant in Asnieres

+This is a simple composition painted in a limited range of summer colors. The green of the shutters returns in the plant-containers, and the yellow wall gives way to the yellow of the paving. Vincent creates a feel for midday in the summer in Asnieres. + + diff --git a/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/HTML/exterior_of_restaurant_ru.html b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/HTML/exterior_of_restaurant_ru.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..73b62ab --- /dev/null +++ b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/HTML/exterior_of_restaurant_ru.html @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ + + + + +

Экстерьер ресторана в Аньере

+Это простая композиция, окрашенная в ограниченную гамму летних цветов. Зеленый цвет ставней возвращается в контейнеры для растений, а желтая стена сменяется желтой на асфальте. Винсент создает ощущение полудня летом в Аньер. + + diff --git a/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/HTML/factory_at_asnieres_en.html b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/HTML/factory_at_asnieres_en.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..80ab570 --- /dev/null +++ b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/HTML/factory_at_asnieres_en.html @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ + + + + +

The Factory at Asnieres

+Van Gogh was identified as one of the first, with other Impressionist and post-Impressionist painters, to depict industrial landscapes such as The Factory at Asnières. + + diff --git a/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/HTML/factory_at_asnieres_ru.html b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/HTML/factory_at_asnieres_ru.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8b02433 --- /dev/null +++ b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/HTML/factory_at_asnieres_ru.html @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ + + + + +

Завод в Аньере

+Ван Гог был идентифицирован как один из первых, вместе с другими художниками-импрессионистами и постимпрессионистами, для изображения индустриальных пейзажей, таких как «Фабрика в Аньере». + + diff --git a/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/HTML/field_with_irises_en.html b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/HTML/field_with_irises_en.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..95740aa --- /dev/null +++ b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/HTML/field_with_irises_en.html @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ + + + + +

Field with Irises near Arles

+In the landscape, he felt he could see a reflection of the world he knew from his collection of Japanese prints. Japanese artists used large areas of colour in their compositions, often with a sharp diagonal. They also regularly zoomed in on a detail in the foreground. Van Gogh adopted these elements in his paintings. It was just like 'a Japanese dream,' he wrote in a letter to his brother Theo. + + diff --git a/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/HTML/field_with_irises_ru.html b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/HTML/field_with_irises_ru.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ac753b2 --- /dev/null +++ b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/HTML/field_with_irises_ru.html @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ + + + + +

Вид Арля с ирисами на переднем плане

+Он чувствовал, что в пейзаже может увидеть отражение мира, который он знал по своей коллекции японских гравюр. Японские художники использовали большие цветовые области в своих композициях, часто с четкой диагональю. Они также регулярно увеличивают детали на переднем плане. Ван Гог принял эти элементы в своих картинах. Это было похоже на «японскую мечту», - написал он в письме своему брату Тео. + + diff --git a/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/HTML/gauguin_chair_en.html b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/HTML/gauguin_chair_en.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1503389 --- /dev/null +++ b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/HTML/gauguin_chair_en.html @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ + + + + +

Gauguin's Chair

+This painting of Paul Gauguin's chair is a 'portrait' of Van Gogh's friend and fellow artist. The modern novels and burning candle on the green seat cushion symbolize the character of the absent painter. Using mainly red and green hues, Van Gogh tried to suggest the mood of night. + + diff --git a/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/HTML/gauguin_chair_ru.html b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/HTML/gauguin_chair_ru.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..13a93f1 --- /dev/null +++ b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/HTML/gauguin_chair_ru.html @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ + + + + +

Кресло Гогена

+Эта картина на стуле Поля Гогена является «портретом» друга и коллеги Ван Гога. Современные романы и горящая свеча на зеленой подушке сиденья символизируют характер отсутствующего художника. Используя в основном красные и зеленые оттенки, Ван Гог пытался подсказать настроение ночи. + + diff --git a/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/HTML/head_of_skeleton_en.html b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/HTML/head_of_skeleton_en.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5adb9c8 --- /dev/null +++ b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/HTML/head_of_skeleton_en.html @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ + + + + +

Head of a Skeleton with a Burning Cigarette

+This skeleton with a lit cigarette in its mouth is a juvenile joke. Van Gogh painted it in early 1886, while studying at the art academy in Antwerp. The painting shows that he had a good command of anatomy.Drawing skeletons was a standard exercise at the academy, but painting them was not part of the curriculum. + + diff --git a/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/HTML/head_of_skeleton_ru.html b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/HTML/head_of_skeleton_ru.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5f587de --- /dev/null +++ b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/HTML/head_of_skeleton_ru.html @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ + + + + +

Череп с горящей сигаретой

+Этот скелет с зажженной сигаретой во рту - юношеская шутка. Ван Гог написал его в начале 1886 года, когда учился в художественной академии в Антверпене. Картина показывает, что он хорошо знал анатомию. Рисование скелетов было стандартным упражнением в академии, но рисование их не было частью учебной программы. + + diff --git a/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/HTML/head_of_woman_en.html b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/HTML/head_of_woman_en.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..037da6b --- /dev/null +++ b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/HTML/head_of_woman_en.html @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ + + + + +

Head of a Woman

+In the winter of 1884-1885, Van Gogh made a large series of paintings in Nuenen (NL): studies of farm workers' heads. Peasant women in Brabant really did wear white headdresses in those days. These intrigued Van Gogh because of the contrast with their faces, which remained partly in shadow. At first glance, this woman's headdress looks white, but if you look more carefully you can see that Van Gogh used a variety of colours. Out of all the study heads from Nuenen, this woman is the only one whose name is known: Gordina de Groot. + + diff --git a/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/HTML/head_of_woman_ru.html b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/HTML/head_of_woman_ru.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..84d0ded --- /dev/null +++ b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/HTML/head_of_woman_ru.html @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ + + + + +

Голова женщины

+Зимой 1884-1885 гг. Ван Гог сделал большую серию картин в Нуэнене (Нидерланды): изучение голов работников сельского хозяйства. Крестьянки в Брабанте действительно в те дни носили белые головные уборы. Это заинтриговало Ван Гога из-за контраста с их лицами, которые частично оставались в тени. На первый взгляд головной убор этой женщины выглядит белым, но если вы посмотрите внимательнее, вы увидите, что Ван Гог использовал множество цветов. Из всех изученных голов из Нуэнена эта женщина - единственная, имя которой известно: Гордина де Гроот. + + diff --git a/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/HTML/houses_at_auvers_en.html b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/HTML/houses_at_auvers_en.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2176d2b --- /dev/null +++ b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/HTML/houses_at_auvers_en.html @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ + + + + +

Houses at Auvers

+Van Gogh was generally meticulous in his depiction of street scenes. Vigorous brush strokes, varying in direction, are used to highlight the contrast and textures. By contrast, the trees and garden are represented in the characteristic swirling manner van Gogh developed at Saint-Rémy. The sky is laden with clouds and a poplar tree bends to the force of the wind. The paint is applied remarkably thinly in places, and there are bare patches of canvas. + + diff --git a/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/HTML/houses_at_auvers_ru.html b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/HTML/houses_at_auvers_ru.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..edb0501 --- /dev/null +++ b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/HTML/houses_at_auvers_ru.html @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ + + + + +

Дома в Овере

+Ван Гог был дотошным в своем описании уличных сцен. Энергичные мазки, изменяющиеся по направлению, используются для выделения контраста и текстур. В отличие от этого, деревья и сад представлены в характерной закрученной манере, разработанной Ван Гогом в Сен-Реми. Небо усеяно облаками, и тополь сгибается под действием ветра. Краска наносится очень тонко, и есть голые участки холста. + + diff --git a/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/HTML/moulin_de_la_gallette_en.html b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/HTML/moulin_de_la_gallette_en.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..05c1513 --- /dev/null +++ b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/HTML/moulin_de_la_gallette_en.html @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ + + + + +

Le Moulin de la Gallette

+Influenced by Impressionism, van Gogh's painted this work with lighter colors and unrestrained brushstrokes to capture light and movement. The painting features the Moulin de Blute-Fin, a 17th-century grain-mill, which was an attraction for its views of Paris. At this time there were three windmills on the butte, but this was the windmill van Gogh favored as a subject for his paintings. + + diff --git a/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/HTML/moulin_de_la_gallette_ru.html b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/HTML/moulin_de_la_gallette_ru.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f1c8e50 --- /dev/null +++ b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/HTML/moulin_de_la_gallette_ru.html @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ + + + + +

Мулен де ла Галетт

+Под влиянием импрессионизма Ван Гог нарисовал эту работу более светлыми цветами и безудержными мазками, чтобы уловить свет и движение. На картине изображен Мулен де Блюте-Фин, зерновая мельница 17-го века, которая привлекала своими видами Парижа. В это время было три ветряные мельницы, но именно эта ветряная мельница была признана Ван Гогом предметом его картин. + + diff --git a/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/HTML/parsonage_en.html b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/HTML/parsonage_en.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..91af4c3 --- /dev/null +++ b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/HTML/parsonage_en.html @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ + + + + +

The Parsonage at Nuenen

+This house is the parsonage where Van Gogh's parents lived in Nuenen, in the Dutch province of North Brabant. He painted it after returning home to stay with them for a while. The parsonage is still standing. + + diff --git a/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/HTML/parsonage_ru.html b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/HTML/parsonage_ru.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1cae747 --- /dev/null +++ b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/HTML/parsonage_ru.html @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ + + + + +

Дом священника в Нейнене

+Этот дом является пасторским домом, где родители Ван Гога жили в Нуэнене, в голландской провинции Северный Брабант. Он нарисовал его после возвращения домой, чтобы побыть с ними какое-то время. Пасторат все еще стоит. + + diff --git a/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/HTML/peasants_churchyard_en.html b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/HTML/peasants_churchyard_en.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..02fb99a --- /dev/null +++ b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/HTML/peasants_churchyard_en.html @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ + + + + +

The Peasants' Churchyard

+Van Gogh saw the dilapidated church tower as a symbol of the ephemeral nature of religion. In his eyes, it formed a stark contrast with the country graveyard next to it. There, farmers lay buried in the same soil they once had tilled. This showed that their lives were rooted in the eternal truths of death and rebirth. + + diff --git a/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/HTML/peasants_churchyard_ru.html b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/HTML/peasants_churchyard_ru.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2285ea1 --- /dev/null +++ b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/HTML/peasants_churchyard_ru.html @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ + + + + +

Крестьянское кладбище

+Ван Гог видел разрушенную церковную башню как символ эфемерной природы религии. В его глазах это резко контрастировало с местным соседним кладбищем. Там были похоронены фермеры на той же земле, которую они когда-то обрабатывали. Это показало, что их жизнь коренится в вечных истинах смерти и перерождения. + + diff --git a/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/HTML/portrait_of_old_man_en.html b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/HTML/portrait_of_old_man_en.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0923a8c --- /dev/null +++ b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/HTML/portrait_of_old_man_en.html @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ + + + + +

Portrait of an Old Man

+Van Gogh painted this man in Antwerp, where he lived from late November 1885 to late February 1886. He has impressive features, as Van Gogh wrote to his brother Theo. Van Gogh thought that the man's full beard made him look like the author Victor Hugo. Using rough but well-placed brushstrokes, he made a compelling portrait. + + diff --git a/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/HTML/portrait_of_old_man_ru.html b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/HTML/portrait_of_old_man_ru.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..48bcdd4 --- /dev/null +++ b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/HTML/portrait_of_old_man_ru.html @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ + + + + +

Портрет пожилого мужчины

+Ван Гог написал этого человека в Антверпене, где он жил с конца ноября 1885 года до конца февраля 1886 года. У него впечатляющие черты, как писал Ван Гог своему брату Тео. Ван Гог подумал, что большая борода этого человека сделала его похожим на автора Виктора Гюго. Используя грубые, но хорошо расположенные мазки, он сделал убедительный портрет. + + diff --git a/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/HTML/portrait_of_pere_tanguy_en.html b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/HTML/portrait_of_pere_tanguy_en.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4aef68a --- /dev/null +++ b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/HTML/portrait_of_pere_tanguy_en.html @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ + + + + +

Portrait of Pere Tanguy

+In 1887, van Gogh began to experiment with brighter colors, such as red against green and orange against blue.The painting show him sitting in front of a colorful wall of Japanese prints. + + diff --git a/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/HTML/portrait_of_pere_tanguy_ru.html b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/HTML/portrait_of_pere_tanguy_ru.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b3dcdb5 --- /dev/null +++ b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/HTML/portrait_of_pere_tanguy_ru.html @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ + + + + +

Портрет папаши Танги

+В 1887 году Ван Гог начал экспериментировать с более яркими цветами, такими как красный на зеленом и оранжевый на синем. На картине он сидит перед цветной стеной с японскими гравюрами. + + diff --git a/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/HTML/potato_eaters_en.html b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/HTML/potato_eaters_en.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d52162a --- /dev/null +++ b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/HTML/potato_eaters_en.html @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ + + + + +

Potato eaters

+He painted the five figures in earth colours – ‘something like the colour of a really dusty potato, unpeeled of course’. The message of the painting was more important to Van Gogh than correct anatomy or technical perfection. He was very pleased with the result: yet his painting drew considerable criticism because its colours were so dark and the figures full of mistakes. Nowadays, the Potato Eaters is one of Van Gogh’s most famous works. + + diff --git a/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/HTML/potato_eaters_ru.html b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/HTML/potato_eaters_ru.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..83b88ef --- /dev/null +++ b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/HTML/potato_eaters_ru.html @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ + + + + +

Едоки картофеля

+Он нарисовал пять фигур в земляных тонах - «что-то вроде цвета действительно пыльной картошки, конечно, неочищенной». Сообщение картины было более важным для Ван Гога, чем правильная анатомия или техническое совершенство. Он был очень доволен результатом: все же его картина вызвала значительную критику, потому что ее цвета были такими темными, а фигуры полны ошибок. В настоящее время «Пожиратели картофеля» - одно из самых известных произведений Ван Гога. + + diff --git a/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/HTML/road_by_night_en.html b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/HTML/road_by_night_en.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..53b3340 --- /dev/null +++ b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/HTML/road_by_night_en.html @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ + + + + +

Country road in Provence by night

+Van Gogh paints Country road in Provence by night shortly before leaving the asylum at Saint-Rémy. This is not an existing landscape, but instead composed at his own discretion, presumably as a final reminder of Saint-Rémy and as a summary of the many impressions he acquired during his stay in Provence. Van Gogh experiments with his use of colour and brushwork in Saint-Rémy. Many works are composed of graceful forms and swirling lines. The short, rhythmic wavy brushstrokes placed side by side give the painting great dynamism. + + diff --git a/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/HTML/road_by_night_ru.html b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/HTML/road_by_night_ru.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1fe73b0 --- /dev/null +++ b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/HTML/road_by_night_ru.html @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ + + + + +

Дорога с кипарисами и звездой

+Ван Гог рисует проселочную дорогу в Провансе ночью незадолго до того, как покинуть приют в Сен-Реми. Это не существующий пейзаж, а составленный по его собственному усмотрению, предположительно в качестве последнего напоминания о Сен-Реми и краткого изложения многих впечатлений, которые он получил во время своего пребывания в Провансе. Ван Гог экспериментирует с использованием цвета и мазка в Сен-Реми. Многие работы состоят из изящных форм и закрученных линий. Короткие ритмичные волнистые мазки, расположенные рядом, придают картине большой динамичности. + + diff --git a/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/HTML/roadway_with_underpass_en.html b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/HTML/roadway_with_underpass_en.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..154ac5a --- /dev/null +++ b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/HTML/roadway_with_underpass_en.html @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ + + + + +

Roadway with Underpass

+Van Gogh painted this scene at the beginning of his mature period when he was exploring the technical achievements of the various stylistic idioms current in Paris. The contrasting creamy ocher impasto and chalky blue shadows on the crumbling underpass and the road suggest the heightened palette and divided brushstroke of the Impressionists. Moreover the contrasting complementary colors he employs in the energetic dots and loose dashes that imply the movement of the foliage animated by the breeze on the embankment attest to his hesitant investigations of Divisionist color theory. + + diff --git a/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/HTML/roadway_with_underpass_ru.html b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/HTML/roadway_with_underpass_ru.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4daa3db --- /dev/null +++ b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/HTML/roadway_with_underpass_ru.html @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ + + + + +


+Ван Гог написал эту сцену в начале своего зрелого периода, когда он изучал технические достижения различных стилистических идиом, существующих в Париже. Контрастное сливочное охристое импасто и меловые синие тени на разрушающемся подземном переходе и дороге указывают на усиленную палитру и разделенный мазок импрессионистов. Более того, контрастирующие дополняющие цвета, которые он использует в энергичных точках и рыхлых штрихах, которые подразумевают движение листвы, оживляемой бризом на набережной, свидетельствуют о его нерешительных исследованиях теории цвета дивизионистов. + + diff --git a/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/HTML/seine_bridge_en.html b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/HTML/seine_bridge_en.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..dbaf39e --- /dev/null +++ b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/HTML/seine_bridge_en.html @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ + + + + +

The Seine Bridge at Asnieres

+Bridges across the Seine at Asnieres was painted in open air and bright sunlight. The scene depicts railway bridges over the river. Van Gogh uses light and reflection effectively in this painting. The stone piers of the bridge are reflected in the water and white paint is used for highlights. + + diff --git a/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/HTML/seine_bridge_ru.html b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/HTML/seine_bridge_ru.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1d77788 --- /dev/null +++ b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/HTML/seine_bridge_ru.html @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ + + + + +

Мост через Сену в Аньере

+Мосты через Сену в Аньер были окрашены на открытом воздухе и ярком солнечном свете. Сцена изображает железнодорожные мосты через реку. Ван Гог эффективно использует свет и отражение в этой картине. Каменные опоры моста отражаются в воде, а для подсветки используется белая краска. + + diff --git a/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/HTML/self_portrait_en.html b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/HTML/self_portrait_en.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b707eb6 --- /dev/null +++ b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/HTML/self_portrait_en.html @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ + + + + +


+This early example of self-portrait is modest in size and was painted on prepared artist’s board rather than canvas. The surface of the painting dances with particles of color—intense greens, blues, reds, and oranges. Dominating this dazzling array of staccato dots and dashes are the artist’s deep green eyes and the intensity of their gaze. + + diff --git a/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/HTML/self_portrait_in_front_of_easel_en.html b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/HTML/self_portrait_in_front_of_easel_en.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a3f10da --- /dev/null +++ b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/HTML/self_portrait_in_front_of_easel_en.html @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ + + + + +

Self-Portrait in Front of the Easel

+Van Gogh presented himself in this self-portrait as a painter, holding a palette and paintbrushes behind his easel. He showed that he was a modern artist by using a new painting style, with bright, almost unblended colours. The palette contains the complementary colour pairs red/green, yellow/purple and blue/orange – precisely the colours Van Gogh used for this painting. He laid these pairs down side by side to intensify one another: the blue of his smock, for instance, and the orange-red of his beard. + + diff --git a/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/HTML/self_portrait_in_front_of_easel_ru.html b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/HTML/self_portrait_in_front_of_easel_ru.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..be7ebd0 --- /dev/null +++ b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/HTML/self_portrait_in_front_of_easel_ru.html @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ + + + + +

Автопортрет у мольберта

+Ван Гог представил себя на этом автопортрете как художник, держа палитру и кисти за мольбертом. Он показал, что он был современным художником, используя новый стиль живописи, с яркими, почти не смешанными цветами. Палитра содержит дополнительные пары цветов красный/зеленый, желтый/фиолетовый и синий/оранжевый - именно те цвета, которые Ван Гог использовал для этой картины. Он положил эти пары рядом друг с другом, чтобы усилить друг друга: например, синий цвет его халата и оранжево-красный цвет бороды. + + diff --git a/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/HTML/self_portrait_ru.html b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/HTML/self_portrait_ru.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b1022a1 --- /dev/null +++ b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/HTML/self_portrait_ru.html @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ + + + + +


+Этот ранний пример автопортрета скромен по размеру и был нарисован на подготовленной доске художника, а не на холсте. Поверхность картины танцует с частицами цвета - интенсивными зелеными, голубыми, красными и оранжевыми. В этом великолепном множестве отрывистых точек и штрихов доминируют глубокие зеленые глаза художника и интенсивность их взгляда. + + diff --git a/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/HTML/self_portrait_with_grey_felt_hat_en.html b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/HTML/self_portrait_with_grey_felt_hat_en.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e09e2fe --- /dev/null +++ b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/HTML/self_portrait_with_grey_felt_hat_en.html @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ + + + + +

Self-Portrait with Grey Felt Hat

+It is clear from the work that he had studied the technique of the Pointillists and applied it in his own, original way. He placed the short stripes of paint in different directions. Where they follow the outline of his head, they form a kind of halo. He placed complementary colours alongside one another using long brushstrokes: blue and orange in the background, and red and green in the beard and eyes. The colours intensify one another. + + diff --git a/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/HTML/self_portrait_with_grey_felt_hat_ru.html b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/HTML/self_portrait_with_grey_felt_hat_ru.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f61a389 --- /dev/null +++ b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/HTML/self_portrait_with_grey_felt_hat_ru.html @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ + + + + +

Автопортрет в серой фетровой шляпе

+Из работы ясно, что он изучил технику пуантилистов и применил ее по-своему оригинально. Он поместил короткие полосы краски в разные стороны. Там, где они следуют контуру его головы, они образуют своего рода ореол. Он поместил дополнительные цвета рядом друг с другом, используя длинные мазки: синий и оранжевый на заднем плане, красный и зеленый на бороде и глазах. Цвета усиливают друг друга. + + diff --git a/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/HTML/shoes_en.html b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/HTML/shoes_en.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2d1c811 --- /dev/null +++ b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/HTML/shoes_en.html @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ + + + + +


+Worn-out shoes were an unusual choice of subject for a painting. An acquaintance of Van Gogh's in Paris described how he bought old work shoes at a flea market. Then he walked through the mud in them until they were filthy. Only then did he feel they were interesting enough to paint. He painted Shoes over another picture: a view from his brother Theo's apartment. Van Gogh used the same canvas more than once on other occasions too. It was a way of saving money. + + diff --git a/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/HTML/shoes_ru.html b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/HTML/shoes_ru.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..233d50c --- /dev/null +++ b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/HTML/shoes_ru.html @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ + + + + +

Пара ботинок

+Изношенные туфли были необычным выбором предмета для картины. Один знакомый Ван Гога из Парижа рассказал, как он купил старую рабочую обувь на блошином рынке. Затем он прошел через грязь в них, пока они не стали грязными. Только тогда он почувствовал, что они достаточно интересны, чтобы рисовать. Он нарисовал обувь на другой картине: вид из квартиры его брата Тео. Ван Гог не раз использовал один и тот же холст и в других случаях. Это был способ сэкономить деньги. + + diff --git a/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/HTML/sorrowing_old_man_en.html b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/HTML/sorrowing_old_man_en.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7314946 --- /dev/null +++ b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/HTML/sorrowing_old_man_en.html @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ + + + + +

Sorrowing Old Man

+The best glimpse into Vincent’s state of mind is through his own words, in the hundreds of letters he wrote to his brother, Theo. Vincent painted Sorrowing Old Man in 1890, while he was a patient at the Monastery Saint-Paul de Mausole mental hospital in Saint-Rémy. The hospital seemed to help Vincent maintain a calm demeanor. It’s doubtful that Vincent ever saw himself as the sad old man of his future, but unfortunately, it seems he saw himself this way as a young man at various times in his life. + + diff --git a/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/HTML/sorrowing_old_man_ru.html b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/HTML/sorrowing_old_man_ru.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a7b8a72 --- /dev/null +++ b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/HTML/sorrowing_old_man_ru.html @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ + + + + +

Горюющий старик

+Лучшее представление о душевном состоянии Винсента - его собственные слова из сотен писем, которые он написал своему брату Тео. Винсент написал «Печальный старик» в 1890 году, когда он был пациентом психиатрической больницы Сен-Поль-де-Мавзоль в Сен-Реми. Больница, казалось, помогла Винсенту сохранять спокойствие. Сомнительно, что Винсент когда-либо видел себя печальным стариком своего будущего, но, к сожалению, похоже, он видел себя таким, как молодой человек, в разные периоды своей жизни. + + diff --git a/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/HTML/starry_night_en.html b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/HTML/starry_night_en.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..976fc1d --- /dev/null +++ b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/HTML/starry_night_en.html @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ + + + + +

Starry Night

+This painting is dominated by a moon- and star-filled night sky. It takes up three-quarters of the picture plane and appears with intensely swirling patterns that seem to roll across its surface like waves. It is pocked with bright orbs—including the crescent moon to the far right, and Venus, the morning star, to the left of center—surrounded by concentric circles of radiant white and yellow light. The Starry Night is based on van Gogh’s direct observations as well as his imagination, memories, and emotions. The steeple of the church, for example, resembles those common in his native Holland, not in France. The whirling forms in the sky, on the other hand, match published astronomical observations of clouds of dust and gas known as nebulae. + + diff --git a/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/HTML/starry_night_ru.html b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/HTML/starry_night_ru.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..79c229b --- /dev/null +++ b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/HTML/starry_night_ru.html @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ + + + + +

Звездная ночь

+На этой картине преобладает ночное небо, наполненное луной и звездами. Оно занимает три четверти изображения и с сильно закрученными узорами, которые, кажется, катятся по его поверхности, как волны. Он украшен яркими шарами, в том числе серпом луны в дальнем правом углу и Венерой, утренней звездой слева от центра, в окружении концентрических кругов сияющего белого и желтого света. Звездная ночь основана на непосредственных наблюдениях ван Гога, а также на его воображении, воспоминаниях и эмоциях. Например, шпиль церкви напоминает те, что распространены в его родной Голландии, а не во Франции. Вихревые формы на небе, напротив, соответствуют опубликованным астрономическим наблюдениям облаков пыли и газа, известных как туманности. + + diff --git a/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/HTML/sunflowers_en.html b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/HTML/sunflowers_en.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..72f2799 --- /dev/null +++ b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/HTML/sunflowers_en.html @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ + + + + +


+Van Gogh’s paintings of Sunflowers are among his most famous. Vincent painted a total of five large canvases with sunflowers in a vase, with three shades of yellow ‘and nothing else’. In this way, he demonstrated that it was possible to create an image with numerous variations of a single colour, without any loss of eloquence. The sunflower paintings had a special significance for Van Gogh: they communicated ‘gratitude’, he wrote. + + diff --git a/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/HTML/sunflowers_ru.html b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/HTML/sunflowers_ru.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b75bac1 --- /dev/null +++ b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/HTML/sunflowers_ru.html @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ + + + + +


+Картины Ван Гога «Подсолнухи» являются одними из самых известных. Винсент нарисовал в общей сложности пять больших полотен с подсолнухами в вазе, с тремя оттенками желтого «и ничего больше». Таким образом, он продемонстрировал, что можно создать изображение с многочисленными вариациями одного цвета без потери красноречия. Картины подсолнечника имели особое значение для Ван Гога: они выражали «благодарность», писал он. + + diff --git a/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/HTML/van_gogh_en.html b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/HTML/van_gogh_en.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4a189ab --- /dev/null +++ b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/HTML/van_gogh_en.html @@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ + + + + +

Vincent Willem van Gogh

+Vincent Willem van Gogh was a Dutch post-impressionist +painter who is among the most famous and influential +figures in the history of Western art. In just over +a decade, he created about 2,100 artworks, including +around 860 oil paintings, most of which date from the +last two years of his life. They include landscapes, +still lifes, portraits and self-portraits, and are +characterised by bold colours and dramatic, impulsive +and expressive brushwork that contributed to the +foundations of modern art. He was not commercially +successful, and his suicide at 37 came after years of +mental illness, depression and poverty. + + diff --git a/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/HTML/van_gogh_ru.html b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/HTML/van_gogh_ru.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..fca13fd --- /dev/null +++ b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/HTML/van_gogh_ru.html @@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ + + + + +

Винсент Ван Гог

+Винсент Ван Гог — нидерландский +художник-постимпрессионист, который является одной +из самых известных и влиятельных фигур в истории +западного искусства. За десять с небольшим лет он +создал более 2100 произведений, включая около 860 +картин маслом, большинство из которых датируются +последними двумя годами его жизни. Среди них — портреты, +автопортреты, пейзажи и натюрморты, они +характеризуются яркими и драматичными, импульсивными +и выразительными мазками, которые внесли вклад в +основы современного искусства. При жизни был +практически обойдён вниманием критиков, и его +самоубийство в 37 лет произошло в результате многих +лет психических заболеваний, депрессии и бедности. + + diff --git a/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/HTML/view_of_butcher_shop_en.html b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/HTML/view_of_butcher_shop_en.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ce9c660 --- /dev/null +++ b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/HTML/view_of_butcher_shop_en.html @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ + + + + +

View of a Butcher's Shop

+This is the first painting made by Van Gogh after his arrival in Arles. He painted it in the Carrel hotel and restaurant. For the first few months of his time in Arles, he rented a room there. We look outside through the door. There is snow on the street. The sun is shining, making the scene sparkle. Across the street is the butcher shop. On the shop front, the name 'Reboul Charcutier' is visible. On the right of the shop window, sausages have been hung to dry. + + diff --git a/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/HTML/view_of_butcher_shop_ru.html b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/HTML/view_of_butcher_shop_ru.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e2c2a3d --- /dev/null +++ b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/HTML/view_of_butcher_shop_ru.html @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ + + + + +

Лавка мясника. Вид из окна

+Это первая картина, написанная Ван Гогом после его прибытия в Арль. Он нарисовал его в отеле и ресторане Carrel. Первые несколько месяцев своего пребывания в Арле он снимал там комнату. Мы смотрим наружу через дверь. На улице снег. Солнце сияет, заставляя сцену искриться. Через дорогу находится мясная лавка. На витрине магазина видно название «Reboul Charcutier». Справа от витрины сосиски были повешены для просушки. + + diff --git a/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/HTML/weaver_en.html b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/HTML/weaver_en.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..872bf87 --- /dev/null +++ b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/HTML/weaver_en.html @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ + + + + +


+When Van Gogh lived in Nuenen he became fascinated by the weavers there, who worked in their homes. They were poverty-stricken and had to work very hard to earn a living.The loom fills almost the entire picture. Van Gogh devoted considerable attention to representing the machine accurately. + + diff --git a/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/HTML/weaver_ru.html b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/HTML/weaver_ru.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..73fdb94 --- /dev/null +++ b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/HTML/weaver_ru.html @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ + + + + +


+Когда Ван Гог жил в Нуэнене, он был очарован ткачами, которые работали в их домах. Они были в бедности и должны были очень много работать, чтобы заработать на жизнь. Станок заполняет почти всю картину. Ван Гог уделял большое внимание точному представлению машины. + + diff --git a/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/HTML/wheatfield_with_partridge_en.html b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/HTML/wheatfield_with_partridge_en.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..71ad5a9 --- /dev/null +++ b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/HTML/wheatfield_with_partridge_en.html @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ + + + + +

Wheatfield with Partridge

+Amid the waving wheat, we see poppies and cornflowers. A partridge emerges from the field and flies away. Looking at this painting, you feel as if you're right next to the field. That's because of the low point of view. + + diff --git a/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/HTML/wheatfield_with_partridge_ru.html b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/HTML/wheatfield_with_partridge_ru.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..83274ca --- /dev/null +++ b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/HTML/wheatfield_with_partridge_ru.html @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ + + + + +

Пшеничное поле с жаворонком

+Среди струящейся пшеницы мы видим маки и васильки. Жаворонок выходит из поля и улетает. Глядя на эту картину, чувствуешь себя так, как будто ты рядом с полем. Это из-за низкой точки зрения. + + diff --git a/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/HTML/white_house_at_night_en.html b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/HTML/white_house_at_night_en.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b7cbf60 --- /dev/null +++ b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/HTML/white_house_at_night_en.html @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ + + + + +

White House at Night

+According to the Hermitage Museum, the painting "expresses the great psychological tension under which Van Gogh found himself"; two of the windows, considered the "eyes" of a home, are rendered with "alarming" red splashes, while the star, a sign of fate, is seen as symbolic of van Gogh's anguish. It is thought that van Gogh painted White House at Night around 8:00 PM due to the position of the "star" in the painting. + + diff --git a/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/HTML/white_house_at_night_ru.html b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/HTML/white_house_at_night_ru.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..80287c6 --- /dev/null +++ b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/HTML/white_house_at_night_ru.html @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ + + + + +

Белый дом ночью

+Согласно Эрмитажу, картина «выражает огромное психологическое напряжение, в котором оказался Ван Гог»; два окна, которые считаются «глазами» дома, имеют «тревожные» красные брызги, а звезда, знак судьбы, считается символом страданий ван Гога. Считается, что Ван Гог изобразил Белый дом ночью около 20:00 из-за положения «звезды» на картине. + + diff --git a/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/HTML/woman_in_garden_en.html b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/HTML/woman_in_garden_en.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b2348c6 --- /dev/null +++ b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/HTML/woman_in_garden_en.html @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ + + + + +

A Woman Walking in a Garden

+As the title indicates, it depicts a woman walking through a garden. Greenery is everywhere and numerous trees can be seen in the background.Van Gogh also utilized complementary colors to allow the formation of vibrant contrasts which enhance each other when juxtaposed. + + diff --git a/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/HTML/woman_in_garden_ru.html b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/HTML/woman_in_garden_ru.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c45ebec --- /dev/null +++ b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/HTML/woman_in_garden_ru.html @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ + + + + +

Женщина в саду

+Как видно из названия, на нем изображена женщина, идущая по саду. Зелень повсюду, и на заднем плане можно увидеть множество деревьев. Ван Гог также использовал дополнительные цвета, чтобы создать яркие контрасты, которые усиливают друг друга при наложении друг на друга. + + diff --git a/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/HTML/yellow_house_en.html b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/HTML/yellow_house_en.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..39c7c70 --- /dev/null +++ b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/HTML/yellow_house_en.html @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ + + + + +

The Yellow House

+In May 1888, Van Gogh rented four rooms in a house on Place Lamartine in Arles. The green shutters in this painting of the square show where he lived. The work records the artist’s immediate surroundings: he often ate at the restaurant on the left, and the home of his friend, the postman Joseph Roulin, lay just beyond the second railway bridge. + + diff --git a/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/HTML/yellow_house_ru.html b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/HTML/yellow_house_ru.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..84e05b7 --- /dev/null +++ b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/HTML/yellow_house_ru.html @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ + + + + +

Желтый дом

+В мае 1888 года Ван Гог снял четыре комнаты в доме на площади Ламартин в Арле. Зеленые ставни на этой картине площади показывают, где он жил. Работа фиксирует непосредственное окружение художника: он часто ел в ресторане слева, а дом его друга, почтальона Джозефа Рулена, лежал сразу за вторым железнодорожным мостом. + + diff --git a/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/IMG/almond_blossom.jpg b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/IMG/almond_blossom.jpg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8980ef9 Binary files /dev/null and b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/IMG/almond_blossom.jpg differ diff --git a/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/IMG/alyscamps.jpg b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/IMG/alyscamps.jpg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..829ac58 Binary files /dev/null and b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/IMG/alyscamps.jpg differ diff --git a/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/IMG/avenue_of_poplars.jpg b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/IMG/avenue_of_poplars.jpg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1bdba86 Binary files /dev/null and b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/IMG/avenue_of_poplars.jpg differ diff --git a/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/IMG/bedroom_in_arles.jpg b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/IMG/bedroom_in_arles.jpg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3519084 Binary files /dev/null and b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/IMG/bedroom_in_arles.jpg differ diff --git a/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/IMG/bible.jpg b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/IMG/bible.jpg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d3708b5 Binary files /dev/null and b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/IMG/bible.jpg differ diff --git a/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/IMG/cafe_table_with_absinthe.jpg b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/IMG/cafe_table_with_absinthe.jpg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8105b26 Binary files /dev/null and b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/IMG/cafe_table_with_absinthe.jpg differ diff --git a/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/IMG/chrysanthemums_and_wild_flowers.jpg b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/IMG/chrysanthemums_and_wild_flowers.jpg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..84311b0 Binary files /dev/null and b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/IMG/chrysanthemums_and_wild_flowers.jpg differ diff --git a/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/IMG/cornflowers_and_poppies.jpg b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/IMG/cornflowers_and_poppies.jpg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d9a23f7 Binary files /dev/null and b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/IMG/cornflowers_and_poppies.jpg differ diff --git a/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/IMG/cottage.jpg b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/IMG/cottage.jpg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4143b39 Binary files /dev/null and b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/IMG/cottage.jpg differ diff --git a/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/IMG/cottages.png b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/IMG/cottages.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3c7d9ca Binary files /dev/null and b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/IMG/cottages.png differ diff --git a/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/IMG/exterior_of_restaurant.jpg b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/IMG/exterior_of_restaurant.jpg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..81df8a8 Binary files /dev/null and b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/IMG/exterior_of_restaurant.jpg differ diff --git a/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/IMG/factory_at_asnieres.jpg b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/IMG/factory_at_asnieres.jpg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a3f55d0 Binary files /dev/null and b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/IMG/factory_at_asnieres.jpg differ diff --git a/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/IMG/field_with_irises.jpg b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/IMG/field_with_irises.jpg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..db9af59 Binary files /dev/null and b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/IMG/field_with_irises.jpg differ diff --git a/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/IMG/gauguin_chair.jpg b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/IMG/gauguin_chair.jpg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a002fc1 Binary files /dev/null and b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/IMG/gauguin_chair.jpg differ diff --git a/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/IMG/head_of_skeleton.jpg b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/IMG/head_of_skeleton.jpg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8d7470d Binary files /dev/null and b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/IMG/head_of_skeleton.jpg differ diff --git a/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/IMG/head_of_woman.jpg b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/IMG/head_of_woman.jpg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..cb86cd1 Binary files /dev/null and b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/IMG/head_of_woman.jpg differ diff --git a/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/IMG/houses_at_auvers.jpg b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/IMG/houses_at_auvers.jpg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4a10acc Binary files /dev/null and b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/IMG/houses_at_auvers.jpg differ diff --git a/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/IMG/kap.jpg b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/IMG/kap.jpg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1d24f02 Binary files /dev/null and b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/IMG/kap.jpg differ diff --git a/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/IMG/moulin_de_la_gallette.jpg b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/IMG/moulin_de_la_gallette.jpg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..705f8f4 Binary files /dev/null and b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/IMG/moulin_de_la_gallette.jpg differ diff --git a/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/IMG/parsonage.jpg b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/IMG/parsonage.jpg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..246db2b Binary files /dev/null and b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/IMG/parsonage.jpg differ diff --git a/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/IMG/peasants_churchyard.jpg b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/IMG/peasants_churchyard.jpg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0335fce Binary files /dev/null and b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/IMG/peasants_churchyard.jpg differ diff --git a/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/IMG/portrait_of_old_man.jpg b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/IMG/portrait_of_old_man.jpg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..fe3db39 Binary files /dev/null and b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/IMG/portrait_of_old_man.jpg differ diff --git a/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/IMG/portrait_of_pere_tanguy.jpg b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/IMG/portrait_of_pere_tanguy.jpg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6c067d6 Binary files /dev/null and b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/IMG/portrait_of_pere_tanguy.jpg differ diff --git a/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/IMG/potato_eaters.jpg b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/IMG/potato_eaters.jpg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0572ed4 Binary files /dev/null and b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/IMG/potato_eaters.jpg differ diff --git a/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/IMG/road_by_night.jpg b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/IMG/road_by_night.jpg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..35be17b Binary files /dev/null and b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/IMG/road_by_night.jpg differ diff --git a/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/IMG/roadway_with_underpass.jpg b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/IMG/roadway_with_underpass.jpg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9588586 Binary files /dev/null and b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/IMG/roadway_with_underpass.jpg differ diff --git a/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/IMG/seine_bridge.jpg b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/IMG/seine_bridge.jpg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..faa6134 Binary files /dev/null and b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/IMG/seine_bridge.jpg differ diff --git a/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/IMG/self_portrait.jpg b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/IMG/self_portrait.jpg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3f81495 Binary files /dev/null and b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/IMG/self_portrait.jpg differ diff --git a/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/IMG/self_portrait_in_front_of_easel.jpg b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/IMG/self_portrait_in_front_of_easel.jpg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..917c946 Binary files /dev/null and b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/IMG/self_portrait_in_front_of_easel.jpg differ diff --git a/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/IMG/self_portrait_with_grey_felt_hat.jpg b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/IMG/self_portrait_with_grey_felt_hat.jpg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..fc363ea Binary files /dev/null and b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/IMG/self_portrait_with_grey_felt_hat.jpg differ diff --git a/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/IMG/shoes.jpg b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/IMG/shoes.jpg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..397ed9a Binary files /dev/null and b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/IMG/shoes.jpg differ diff --git a/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/IMG/sorrowing_old_man.jpg b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/IMG/sorrowing_old_man.jpg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3ef6a6b Binary files /dev/null and b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/IMG/sorrowing_old_man.jpg differ diff --git a/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/IMG/starry_night.jpg b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/IMG/starry_night.jpg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d2dbe70 Binary files /dev/null and b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/IMG/starry_night.jpg differ diff --git a/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/IMG/sunflowers.jpg b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/IMG/sunflowers.jpg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c03ce1c Binary files /dev/null and b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/IMG/sunflowers.jpg differ diff --git a/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/IMG/van_gogh.jpg b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/IMG/van_gogh.jpg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3f81495 Binary files /dev/null and b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/IMG/van_gogh.jpg differ diff --git a/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/IMG/view_of_butcher_shop.jpg b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/IMG/view_of_butcher_shop.jpg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b71fe44 Binary files /dev/null and b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/IMG/view_of_butcher_shop.jpg differ diff --git a/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/IMG/weaver.jpg b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/IMG/weaver.jpg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..63ca274 Binary files /dev/null and b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/IMG/weaver.jpg differ diff --git a/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/IMG/wheatfield_with_partridge.jpg b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/IMG/wheatfield_with_partridge.jpg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4d013f8 Binary files /dev/null and b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/IMG/wheatfield_with_partridge.jpg differ diff --git a/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/IMG/white_house_at_night.jpg b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/IMG/white_house_at_night.jpg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..556d96d Binary files /dev/null and b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/IMG/white_house_at_night.jpg differ diff --git a/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/IMG/woman_in_garden.jpg b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/IMG/woman_in_garden.jpg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d2a838a Binary files /dev/null and b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/IMG/woman_in_garden.jpg differ diff --git a/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/IMG/yellow_house.jpg b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/IMG/yellow_house.jpg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0ca3e69 Binary files /dev/null and b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/IMG/yellow_house.jpg differ diff --git "a/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/IMG/\321\201ottage.jpg" "b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/IMG/\321\201ottage.jpg" new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d84f4b9 Binary files /dev/null and "b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/IMG/\321\201ottage.jpg" differ diff --git a/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/artist_Van_Gogh.scs b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/artist_Van_Gogh.scs new file mode 100644 index 0000000..be88754 --- /dev/null +++ b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/artist_Van_Gogh.scs @@ -0,0 +1,259 @@ +concept_author_Van_Gogh +=> nrel_main_idtf: + [Винсент Ван Гог] + (* <- lang_ru;; *); + [Vincent Van Gogh] + (* <- lang_en;; *); + <- concept_artist; + +<= nrel_subdividing:... + (* + => nrel_main_idtf:[Разбиение по периодам его живописи](* <- lang_ru;; *);; + -> dutch_period;; + -> paris_period;; + -> late_period;; + *); + +<-rrel_key_sc_element:... +(* + <-definition;; + =>nrel_main_idtf: + [Описание (Винсент Ван Гог)](*<-lang_ru;;*); + [Description (Vincent Van Gogh)](*<-lang_en;;*);; + <=nrel_using_constants: + { + concept_artist + };; + <=nrel_sc_text_translation:... + (* + ->rrel_example: "file://HTML/van_gogh_ru.html"(*<-lang_ru;;=>nrel_format:format_html;;*);; + ->rrel_example: "file://HTML/van_gogh_en.html"(*<-lang_en;;=>nrel_format:format_html;;*);; + *);; +*); + +=> nrel_date_of_birth: + date_30_03_1853 + (* + => nrel_main_idtf: + [30 марта 1853 года] + (* <- lang_ru;; *);; + *); + +=> nrel_place_of_birth: + country_Netherlands; + + => nrel_date_of_death: + date_29_07_1890 + (* + => nrel_main_idtf: + [29 июля 1890 года] + (* <- lang_ru;; *);; + *); +=> nrel_place_of_death: + country_France; + +<= nrel_working_genres: { + genre_landscape_painting; + genre_portrait; + genre_still_life; + genre_drawing; + genre_self_portrait + }; + +<-rrel_key_sc_element: self_portait_of_Van_Gogh;; + +dutch_period +<- sc_node_not_relation; +=> nrel_main_idtf: + [Голландский период] + (* <- lang_ru;; *); + [The Dutch period] + (* <- lang_en;; *); + <- concept_time_period; + +<-rrel_key_sc_element:... +(* + <-definition;; + =>nrel_main_idtf: + [Определение (Голландский период)](*<-lang_ru;;*); + [Definition (The Dutch period)](*<-lang_en;;*);; + <=nrel_using_constants: + { + concept_author_Van_Gogh + };; + <=nrel_sc_text_translation:... + (* + -> rrel_example:[Голландский период - период, + в котором художник стал прежде всего писать + людей, их суровый быт, тяжелую жизнь. Полотна + этого периода совсем не похожи на яркие красивые + творения Ван Гога, которые впоследствии и принесли + ему оглушительную посмертную славу.] + (* <- lang_ru;; => nrel_format: format_html;; *);; + + *);; +*); + +<-rrel_key_sc_element:... +(* + <-explanation;; + =>nrel_main_idtf: + [Описание (Голландский период)](*<-lang_ru;;*); + [Description (The Dutch period)](*<-lang_en;;*);; + <=nrel_using_constants: + { + concept_author_Van_Gogh + };; + <=nrel_sc_text_translation:... + (* + -> rrel_example: + [В этот период художнику не хватало знаний, но + он упорно работал, изучая работы великих мастеров + прошлого и искусство современников. Во имя этой + художественной правды Ван Гог отказался от + фотографической достоверности. Уже в первых + работах он смело деформировал лица и фигуры + персонажей, сознательно огрубляя их. Именно + поэтому, как писала критика, «они пахнут землей, + которую обрабатывают».] + (* <- lang_ru;;*);; + *);; +*);; + +paris_period +<- sc_node_not_relation; +=> nrel_main_idtf: + [Парижский период] + (* <- lang_ru;; *); + [The Paris period] + (* <- lang_en;; *); + <- concept_time_period; + +<-rrel_key_sc_element:... +(* + <-definition;; + =>nrel_main_idtf: + [Определение (Парижский период)](*<-lang_ru;;*); + [Definition (The Paris period)](*<-lang_en;;*);; + <=nrel_using_constants: + { + concept_author_Van_Gogh + };; + <=nrel_sc_text_translation:... + (* + -> rrel_example:[Парижский период - период, + в котором Ван Гог пробует учиться живописи, + посещает выставки модных живописцев, знакомится с + творчеством импрессионистов. Ван Гог начинает + уделять большое внимание цвету, теперь его + привлекают не только люди, но также пейзажи и + натюрморты. Палитра художника становится более + яркой и светлой, в работах парижского периода + начинает проявляться талант Ван Гога как + прекрасного колориста.] + (* <- lang_ru;; => nrel_format: format_html;; *);; + + *);; +*); + +<-rrel_key_sc_element:... +(* + <-explanation;; + =>nrel_main_idtf: + [Описание (Парижский период)](*<-lang_ru;;*); + [Description (The Paris period)](*<-lang_en;;*);; + <=nrel_using_constants: + { + concept_author_Van_Gogh + };; + <=nrel_sc_text_translation:... + (* + -> rrel_example: + [В Париже он познакомился с Камилем Писарро, + Полем Гогеном, Эдгаром Дега и другими + художниками-постимпрессионистами. За два года + пребывания здесь Ван Гог освоил достижения + французской живописи последнего двадцатилетия. + Для этого этапа характерна смена палитры: + исчезла омраченность настроений и красок, + социальные проблемы уступили место натюрмортам, + видам Монмартра, портретам. Этюды с букетами + цветов выходят из-под его кисти десятками: это + дало художнику возможность освоить достижения + новой системы цвета, поэкспериментировать с + красками палитры, испробовать технику мазков.] + (* <- lang_ru;;*);; + *);; +*);; + +late_period +<- sc_node_not_relation; +=> nrel_main_idtf: + [Поздний период] + (* <- lang_ru;; *); + [The Late period] + (* <- lang_en;; *); + <- concept_time_period; + +<-rrel_key_sc_element:... +(* + <-definition;; + =>nrel_main_idtf: + [Определение (Поздний период)](*<-lang_ru;;*); + [Definition (The Late period)](*<-lang_en;;*);; + <=nrel_using_constants: + { + concept_author_Van_Gogh + };; + <=nrel_sc_text_translation:... + (* + -> rrel_example:[Поздний период - период, + в котором проблема цвета играет решающую роль + для художника: Ван Гог использовал два основных + цвета, которые расценивал как противоположные. + Первый – от нежно-лимонного до ярко-оранжевого – + казался ему сродни солнечному свету; второй – + от голубого до почти черного – был таинственным, + выражающим такие понятия, как фатальная + неизбежность и смерть.] + (* <- lang_ru;; => nrel_format: format_html;; *);; + + *);; +*); + +<-rrel_key_sc_element:... +(* + <-explanation;; + =>nrel_main_idtf: + [Описание (Поздний период)](*<-lang_ru;;*); + [Description (The Late period)](*<-lang_en;;*);; + <=nrel_using_constants: + { + concept_author_Van_Gogh + };; + <=nrel_sc_text_translation:... + (* + -> rrel_example: + [Напряженная работа и разгульный образ жизни + (Ван Гог злоупотреблял абсентом) в последние + годы привели к периодическому появлению + приступов безумия. Психическое здоровье + ухудшалось, и в итоге Ван Гог добровольно + удалился в больницу для душевнобольных. Здесь + он продолжил работать. Ван Гог всегда + стремился, чтобы его изображения предельно + точно выражали то, что он видит в природе, + и утверждал, что его полотна – это «не + столько язык живописи, сколько язык природы, + которую нужно уметь слушать». Спустя год + пребывание в клинике начало тяготить художника. + В мае 1890 он поселился в Овере. Последние + работы Ван Гога («Звездная ночь», «Мэрия в + Овере», «Церковь в Овере») полны зловещего + смысла, в них причудливо соединилось реальное + и фантастическое. Художник покончил жизнь + самоубийством в возрасте тридцати семи лет, + выстрелив себе в сердце.] + (* <- lang_ru;;*);; + *);; +*);; diff --git a/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/countries.scs b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/countries.scs new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1745f1a --- /dev/null +++ b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/countries.scs @@ -0,0 +1,37 @@ +country_Netherlands + <- literary_location; + <- planet_Earth; + => nrel_main_idtf: + [Нидерланды] + (* <-lang_ru;; *); + <- rrel_key_sc_element: + ... + (* + <- definition;; + => nrel_main_idtf: [Опр.(Нидерланды)] (* <-lang_ru;; *);; + + <= nrel_using_constants: + ... + (* + -> planet_Earth;; + *);; + *);; + +country_France + <- literary_location; + <- planet_Earth; + => nrel_main_idtf: + [Франция] + (* <-lang_ru;; *); + <- rrel_key_sc_element: + ... + (* + <- definition;; + => nrel_main_idtf: [Опр.(Франция)] (* <-lang_ru;; *);; + + <= nrel_using_constants: + ... + (* + -> planet_Earth;; + *);; + *);; diff --git a/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/painting_almond_blossom.scs b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/painting_almond_blossom.scs new file mode 100644 index 0000000..68f6310 --- /dev/null +++ b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/painting_almond_blossom.scs @@ -0,0 +1,53 @@ +painting_almond_blossom +<- late_period; +=> nrel_main_idtf: + [Цветущий миндаль] + (* <- lang_ru;; *); + [Almond Blossom] + (* <- lang_en;; *); + <- painting; + => nrel_author: + concept_author_Van_Gogh; + +<-rrel_key_sc_element:... +(* + <-definition;; + =>nrel_main_idtf: + [Описание (Цветущий миндаль)](*<-lang_ru;;*); + [Description (Almond Blossom)](*<-lang_en;;*);; + <=nrel_using_constants: + { + genre_still_life + };; + <=nrel_sc_text_translation:... + (* + ->rrel_example: "file://HTML/almond_blossom_ru.html"(*<-lang_ru;;=>nrel_format:format_html;;*);; + ->rrel_example: "file://HTML/almond_blossom_en.html"(*<-lang_en;;=>nrel_format:format_html;;*);; + *);; +*); + +=> nrel_date_of_creation: + date_february_1890 + (* + => nrel_main_idtf: + [Февраль 1890 год] + (* <- lang_ru;; *);; + *); + +=> nrel_place_of_creation: + country_France; + + => nrel_material: + material_oil_paints; + +<-rrel_key_sc_element:... +(* + <-illustration;; + =>nrel_main_idtf: + [Рис. (Цветущий миндаль)](*<-lang_ru;;*); + [Pic. (Almond Blossom)](*<-lang_en;;*);; + <=nrel_sc_text_translation:... + (* + ->"file://IMG/almond_blossom.jpg"(*=>nrel_format:format_jpg;;*);; + *);; +*);; diff --git a/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/painting_alyscamps.scs b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/painting_alyscamps.scs new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2dfc18a --- /dev/null +++ b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/painting_alyscamps.scs @@ -0,0 +1,54 @@ +painting_alyscamps +<- late_period; +=> nrel_main_idtf: + [Алискан] + (* <- lang_ru;; *); + [Les Alyscamps] + (* <- lang_en;; *); + <- genre_landscape_painting; + <- painting; + => nrel_author: + concept_author_Van_Gogh; + +<-rrel_key_sc_element:... +(* + <-definition;; + =>nrel_main_idtf: + [Описание (Алискан)](*<-lang_ru;;*); + [Description (Les Alyscamps)](*<-lang_en;;*);; + <=nrel_using_constants: + { + genre_portrait + };; + <=nrel_sc_text_translation:... + (* + ->rrel_example: "file://HTML/alyscamps_ru.html"(*<-lang_ru;;=>nrel_format:format_html;;*);; + ->rrel_example: "file://HTML/alyscamps_en.html"(*<-lang_en;;=>nrel_format:format_html;;*);; + *);; +*); + +=> nrel_date_of_creation: + date_1890 + (* + => nrel_main_idtf: + [1890 год] + (* <- lang_ru;; *);; + *); + +=> nrel_place_of_creation: + country_France; + + => nrel_material: + material_oil_paints; + +<-rrel_key_sc_element:... +(* + <-illustration;; + =>nrel_main_idtf: + [Рис. (Алискан)](*<-lang_ru;;*); + [Pic. (Les Alyscamps)](*<-lang_en;;*);; + <=nrel_sc_text_translation:... + (* + ->"file://IMG/alyscamps.jpg"(*=>nrel_format:format_jpg;;*);; + *);; +*);; diff --git a/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/painting_avenue_of_poplars_in_autumn.scs b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/painting_avenue_of_poplars_in_autumn.scs new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b7cb7cd --- /dev/null +++ b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/painting_avenue_of_poplars_in_autumn.scs @@ -0,0 +1,54 @@ +painting_avenue_of_poplars_in_autumn +<- dutch_period; +=> nrel_main_idtf: + [Тополиная аллея осенью] + (* <- lang_ru;; *); + [Avenue of Poplars in Autumn] + (* <- lang_en;; *); + <- genre_landscape_painting; + <- painting; + => nrel_author: + concept_author_Van_Gogh; + +<-rrel_key_sc_element:... +(* + <-definition;; + =>nrel_main_idtf: + [Описание (Тополиная аллея осенью)](*<-lang_ru;;*); + [Description (Avenue of Poplars in Autumn)](*<-lang_en;;*);; + <=nrel_using_constants: + { + genre_landscape_painting + };; + <=nrel_sc_text_translation:... + (* + ->rrel_example: "file://HTML/avenue_of_poplars_ru.html"(*<-lang_ru;;=>nrel_format:format_html;;*);; + ->rrel_example: "file://HTML/avenue_of_poplars_en.html"(*<-lang_en;;=>nrel_format:format_html;;*);; + *);; +*); + +=> nrel_date_of_creation: + date_october_1884 + (* + => nrel_main_idtf: + [Октябрь 1884 год] + (* <- lang_ru;; *);; + *); + +=> nrel_place_of_creation: + country_Netherlands; + + => nrel_material: + material_oil_paints; + +<-rrel_key_sc_element:... +(* + <-illustration;; + =>nrel_main_idtf: + [Рис. (Тополиная аллея осенью)](*<-lang_ru;;*); + [Pic. (Avenue of Poplars in Autumn)](*<-lang_en;;*);; + <=nrel_sc_text_translation:... + (* + ->"file://IMG/avenue_of_poplars.jpg"(*=>nrel_format:format_jpg;;*);; + *);; +*);; diff --git a/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/painting_bedroom_in_arles.scs b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/painting_bedroom_in_arles.scs new file mode 100644 index 0000000..79eb495 --- /dev/null +++ b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/painting_bedroom_in_arles.scs @@ -0,0 +1,53 @@ +painting_bedroom_in_arles +<- late_period; +=> nrel_main_idtf: + [Спальня в Арле] + (* <- lang_ru;; *); + [Bedroom in Arles] + (* <- lang_en;; *); + <- painting; + => nrel_author: + concept_author_Van_Gogh; + +<-rrel_key_sc_element:... +(* + <-definition;; + =>nrel_main_idtf: + [Описание (Спальня в Арле)](*<-lang_ru;;*); + [Description (Bedroom in Arles)](*<-lang_en;;*);; + <=nrel_using_constants: + { + painting + };; + <=nrel_sc_text_translation:... + (* + ->rrel_example: "file://HTML/bedroom_in_arles_ru.html"(*<-lang_ru;;=>nrel_format:format_html;;*);; + ->rrel_example: "file://HTML/bedroom_in_arles_en.html"(*<-lang_en;;=>nrel_format:format_html;;*);; + *);; +*); + +=> nrel_date_of_creation: + date_september_1888 + (* + => nrel_main_idtf: + [Сентябрь 1888 год] + (* <- lang_ru;; *);; + *); + +=> nrel_place_of_creation: + country_France; + + => nrel_material: + material_oil_paints; + +<-rrel_key_sc_element: ... +(* + <-illustration;; + =>nrel_main_idtf: + [Рис. (Спальня в Арле)](*<-lang_ru;;*); + [Pic. (Bedroom in Arles)](*<-lang_en;;*);; + <=nrel_sc_text_translation:... + (* + ->"file://IMG/bedroom_in_arles.jpg"(*=>nrel_format:format_jpg;;*);; + *);; +*);; diff --git a/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/painting_bible.scs b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/painting_bible.scs new file mode 100644 index 0000000..23b730a --- /dev/null +++ b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/painting_bible.scs @@ -0,0 +1,54 @@ +painting_bible +<- dutch_period; +=> nrel_main_idtf: + [Натюрморт с библией] + (* <- lang_ru;; *); + [Still Life with Bible] + (* <- lang_en;; *); + <- genre_still_life; + <- painting; + => nrel_author: + concept_author_Van_Gogh; + +<-rrel_key_sc_element:... +(* + <-definition;; + =>nrel_main_idtf: + [Описание (Натюрморт с библией)](*<-lang_ru;;*); + [Description (Still Life with Bible)](*<-lang_en;;*);; + <=nrel_using_constants: + { + genre_still_life + };; + <=nrel_sc_text_translation:... + (* + ->rrel_example: "file://HTML/bible_ru.html"(*<-lang_ru;;=>nrel_format:format_html;;*);; + ->rrel_example: "file://HTML/bible_en.html"(*<-lang_en;;=>nrel_format:format_html;;*);; + *);; +*); +// +=> nrel_date_of_creation: + date_october_1885 + (* + => nrel_main_idtf: + [Октябрь 1885 год] + (* <- lang_ru;; *);; + *); + +=> nrel_place_of_creation: + country_Netherlands; + + => nrel_material: + material_oil_paints; + +<-rrel_key_sc_element:... +(* + <-illustration;; + =>nrel_main_idtf: + [Рис. (Натюрморт с библией)](*<-lang_ru;;*); + [Pic. (Still Life with Bible)](*<-lang_en;;*);; + <=nrel_sc_text_translation:... + (* + ->"file://IMG/bible.jpg"(*=>nrel_format:format_jpg;;*);; + *);; +*);; diff --git a/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/painting_cabbage_and_clogs.scs b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/painting_cabbage_and_clogs.scs new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9c6da07 --- /dev/null +++ b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/painting_cabbage_and_clogs.scs @@ -0,0 +1,54 @@ +painting_cabbage_and_clogs +<- dutch_period; +=> nrel_main_idtf: + [Натюрморт с капустой и деревянными башмаками] + (* <- lang_ru;; *); + [Still Life with Cabbage and Clogs] + (* <- lang_en;; *); + <- genre_still_life; + <- painting; + => nrel_author: + concept_author_Van_Gogh; + +<-rrel_key_sc_element:... +(* + <-definition;; + =>nrel_main_idtf: + [Описание (Натюрморт с капустой и деревянными башмаками)](*<-lang_ru;;*); + [Description (Still Life with Cabbage and Clogs)](*<-lang_en;;*);; + <=nrel_using_constants: + { + genre_still_life + };; + <=nrel_sc_text_translation:... + (* + ->rrel_example: "file://HTML/cabbage_and_clogs_ru.html"(*<-lang_ru;;=>nrel_format:format_html;;*);; + ->rrel_example: "file://HTML/cabbage_and_clogs_en.html"(*<-lang_en;;=>nrel_format:format_html;;*);; + *);; +*); +// +=> nrel_date_of_creation: + date_november_december_1881 + (* + => nrel_main_idtf: + [Ноябрь - Декабрь 1881 год] + (* <- lang_ru;; *);; + *); + +=> nrel_place_of_creation: + country_Netherlands; + + => nrel_material: + material_oil_paints; + +<-rrel_key_sc_element:... +(* + <-illustration;; + =>nrel_main_idtf: + [Рис. (Натюрморт с капустой и деревянными башмаками)](*<-lang_ru;;*); + [Pic. (Still Life with Cabbage and Clogs)](*<-lang_en;;*);; + <=nrel_sc_text_translation:... + (* + ->"file://IMG/kap.jpg"(*=>nrel_format:format_jpg;;*);; + *);; +*);; diff --git a/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/painting_cafe_table_with_absinthe.scs b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/painting_cafe_table_with_absinthe.scs new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f97bed6 --- /dev/null +++ b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/painting_cafe_table_with_absinthe.scs @@ -0,0 +1,54 @@ +painting_cafe_table_with_absinthe +<- paris_period; +=> nrel_main_idtf: + [Кафейный столик с абсентом] + (* <- lang_ru;; *); + [Cafe Table with Absinthe] + (* <- lang_en;; *); + <- genre_still_life; + <- painting; + => nrel_author: + concept_author_Van_Gogh; + +<-rrel_key_sc_element:... +(* + <-definition;; + =>nrel_main_idtf: + [Описание (Кафейный столик с абсентом)](*<-lang_ru;;*); + [Description (Cafe Table with Absinthe)](*<-lang_en;;*);; + <=nrel_using_constants: + { + genre_still_life + };; + <=nrel_sc_text_translation:... + (* + ->rrel_example: "file://HTML/cafe_table_with_absinthe_ru.html"(*<-lang_ru;;=>nrel_format:format_html;;*);; + ->rrel_example: "file://HTML/cafe_table_with_absinthe_en.html"(*<-lang_en;;=>nrel_format:format_html;;*);; + *);; +*); +// +=> nrel_date_of_creation: + date_february_march_1887 + (* + => nrel_main_idtf: + [Февраль - Март 1887 год] + (* <- lang_ru;; *);; + *); + +=> nrel_place_of_creation: + city_Paris; + + => nrel_material: + material_oil_paints; + +<-rrel_key_sc_element:... +(* + <-illustration;; + =>nrel_main_idtf: + [Рис. (Кафейный столик с абсентом)](*<-lang_ru;;*); + [Pic. (Cafe Table with Absinthe)](*<-lang_en;;*);; + <=nrel_sc_text_translation:... + (* + ->"file://IMG/cafe_table_with_absinthe.jpg"(*=>nrel_format:format_jpg;;*);; + *);; +*);; diff --git a/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/painting_chrysanthemums_and_wild_flowers.scs b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/painting_chrysanthemums_and_wild_flowers.scs new file mode 100644 index 0000000..eaf5cea --- /dev/null +++ b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/painting_chrysanthemums_and_wild_flowers.scs @@ -0,0 +1,54 @@ +painting_chrysanthemums_and_wild_flowers +<- paris_period; +=> nrel_main_idtf: + [Хризантемы и полевые цветы в вазе] + (* <- lang_ru;; *); + [Chrysanthemums and Wild Flowers in a Vase] + (* <- lang_en;; *); + <- genre_still_life; + <- painting; + => nrel_author: + concept_author_Van_Gogh; + +<-rrel_key_sc_element:... +(* + <-definition;; + =>nrel_main_idtf: + [Описание (Хризантемы и полевые цветы в вазе)](*<-lang_ru;;*); + [Description (Chrysanthemums and Wild Flowers in a Vase)](*<-lang_en;;*);; + <=nrel_using_constants: + { + genre_still_life + };; + <=nrel_sc_text_translation:... + (* + ->rrel_example: "file://HTML/chrysanthemums_and_wild_flowers_ru.html"(*<-lang_ru;;=>nrel_format:format_html;;*);; + ->rrel_example: "file://HTML/chrysanthemums_and_wild_flowers_en.html"(*<-lang_en;;=>nrel_format:format_html;;*);; + *);; +*); +// +=> nrel_date_of_creation: + date_1887 + (* + => nrel_main_idtf: + [1887 год] + (* <- lang_ru;; *);; + *); + +=> nrel_place_of_creation: + city_Paris; + + => nrel_material: + material_oil_paints; + +<-rrel_key_sc_element:... +(* + <-illustration;; + =>nrel_main_idtf: + [Рис. (Хризантемы и полевые цветы в вазе)](*<-lang_ru;;*); + [Pic. (Chrysanthemums and Wild Flowers in a Vase)](*<-lang_en;;*);; + <=nrel_sc_text_translation:... + (* + ->"file://IMG/chrysanthemums_and_wild_flowers.jpg"(*=>nrel_format:format_jpg;;*);; + *);; +*);; diff --git a/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/painting_cornflowers_and_poppies.scs b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/painting_cornflowers_and_poppies.scs new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d27d55b --- /dev/null +++ b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/painting_cornflowers_and_poppies.scs @@ -0,0 +1,54 @@ +painting_cornflowers_and_poppies +<- paris_period; +=> nrel_main_idtf: + [Ваза с васильками и маками] + (* <- lang_ru;; *); + [Vase with Cornflowers and Poppies] + (* <- lang_en;; *); + <- genre_still_life; + <- painting; + => nrel_author: + concept_author_Van_Gogh; + +<-rrel_key_sc_element:... +(* + <-definition;; + =>nrel_main_idtf: + [Описание (Ваза с васильками и маками)](*<-lang_ru;;*); + [Description (Vase with Cornflowers and Poppies)](*<-lang_en;;*);; + <=nrel_using_constants: + { + genre_still_life + };; + <=nrel_sc_text_translation:... + (* + ->rrel_example: "file://HTML/cornflowers_and_poppies_ru.html"(*<-lang_ru;;=>nrel_format:format_html;;*);; + ->rrel_example: "file://HTML/cornflowers_and_poppies_en.html"(*<-lang_en;;=>nrel_format:format_html;;*);; + *);; +*); +// +=> nrel_date_of_creation: + date_1887 + (* + => nrel_main_idtf: + [1887 год] + (* <- lang_ru;; *);; + *); + +=> nrel_place_of_creation: + city_Paris; + + => nrel_material: + material_oil_paints; + +<-rrel_key_sc_element:... +(* + <-illustration;; + =>nrel_main_idtf: + [Рис. (Ваза с васильками и маками)](*<-lang_ru;;*); + [Pic. (Vase with Cornflowers and Poppies)](*<-lang_en;;*);; + <=nrel_sc_text_translation:... + (* + ->"file://IMG/cornflowers_and_poppies.jpg"(*=>nrel_format:format_jpg;;*);; + *);; +*);; diff --git a/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/painting_cottage.scs b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/painting_cottage.scs new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c142616 --- /dev/null +++ b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/painting_cottage.scs @@ -0,0 +1,54 @@ +painting_cottage +<- dutch_period; +=> nrel_main_idtf: + [Хижина] + (* <- lang_ru;; *); + [The Cottage] + (* <- lang_en;; *); + <- genre_landscape_painting; + <- painting; + => nrel_author: + concept_author_Van_Gogh; + +<-rrel_key_sc_element:... +(* + <-definition;; + =>nrel_main_idtf: + [Описание (Хижина)](*<-lang_ru;;*); + [Description (The Cottage)](*<-lang_en;;*);; + <=nrel_using_constants: + { + genre_landscape_painting + };; + <=nrel_sc_text_translation:... + (* + ->rrel_example: "file://HTML/cottage_ru.html"(*<-lang_ru;;=>nrel_format:format_html;;*);; + ->rrel_example: "file://HTML/cottage_en.html"(*<-lang_en;;=>nrel_format:format_html;;*);; + *);; +*); + +=> nrel_date_of_creation: + date_may_1885 + (* + => nrel_main_idtf: + [Май 1885 год] + (* <- lang_ru;; *);; + *); + +=> nrel_place_of_creation: + country_Netherlands; + + => nrel_material: + material_oil_paints; + +<-rrel_key_sc_element:... +(* + <-illustration;; + =>nrel_main_idtf: + [Рис. (Хижина)](*<-lang_ru;;*); + [Pic. (The Cottage)](*<-lang_en;;*);; + <=nrel_sc_text_translation:... + (* + ->"file://IMG/cottage.jpg"(*=>nrel_format:format_jpg;;*);; + *);; +*);; diff --git a/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/painting_cottages.scs b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/painting_cottages.scs new file mode 100644 index 0000000..55a7780 --- /dev/null +++ b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/painting_cottages.scs @@ -0,0 +1,54 @@ +painting_cottages +<- dutch_period; +=> nrel_main_idtf: + [Хижины] + (* <- lang_ru;; *); + [Cottages] + (* <- lang_en;; *); + <- genre_landscape_painting; + <- painting; + => nrel_author: + concept_author_Van_Gogh; + +<-rrel_key_sc_element:... +(* + <-definition;; + =>nrel_main_idtf: + [Описание (Хижины)](*<-lang_ru;;*); + [Description (Cottages)](*<-lang_en;;*);; + <=nrel_using_constants: + { + genre_landscape_painting + };; + <=nrel_sc_text_translation:... + (* + ->rrel_example: "file://HTML/cottages_ru.html"(*<-lang_ru;;=>nrel_format:format_html;;*);; + ->rrel_example: "file://HTML/cottages_en.html"(*<-lang_en;;=>nrel_format:format_html;;*);; + *);; +*); + +=> nrel_date_of_creation: + date_september_november_1883 + (* + => nrel_main_idtf: + [Сентябрь - Ноябрь 1883 год] + (* <- lang_ru;; *);; + *); + +=> nrel_place_of_creation: + country_Netherlands; + + => nrel_material: + material_oil_paints; + +<-rrel_key_sc_element:... +(* + <-illustration;; + =>nrel_main_idtf: + [Рис. (Хижины)](*<-lang_ru;;*); + [Pic. (Cottages)](*<-lang_en;;*);; + <=nrel_sc_text_translation:... + (* + ->"file://IMG/cottages.png"(*=>nrel_format:format_png;;*);; + *);; +*);; diff --git a/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/painting_exterior_of_restaurant.scs b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/painting_exterior_of_restaurant.scs new file mode 100644 index 0000000..fb83a0a --- /dev/null +++ b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/painting_exterior_of_restaurant.scs @@ -0,0 +1,54 @@ +painting_exterior_of_restaurant +<- paris_period; +=> nrel_main_idtf: + [Экстерьер ресторана в Аньере] + (* <- lang_ru;; *); + [Exterior of a Restaurant in Asnieres] + (* <- lang_en;; *); + <- painting; + <- genre_landscape_painting; + => nrel_author: + concept_author_Van_Gogh; + +<-rrel_key_sc_element:... +(* + <-definition;; + =>nrel_main_idtf: + [Описание (Экстерьер ресторана в Аньере)](*<-lang_ru;;*); + [Description (Exterior of a Restaurant in Asnieres)](*<-lang_en;;*);; + <=nrel_using_constants: + { + genre_landscape_painting + };; + <=nrel_sc_text_translation:... + (* + ->rrel_example: "file://HTML/exterior_of_restaurant_ru.html"(*<-lang_ru;;=>nrel_format:format_html;;*);; + ->rrel_example: "file://HTML/exterior_of_restaurant_en.html"(*<-lang_en;;=>nrel_format:format_html;;*);; + *);; +*); + +=> nrel_date_of_creation: + date_may_june_1887 + (* + => nrel_main_idtf: + [Май - Июнь 1887 год] + (* <- lang_ru;; *);; + *); + +=> nrel_place_of_creation: + city_Paris; + + => nrel_material: + material_oil_paints; + +<-rrel_key_sc_element: ... +(* + <-illustration;; + =>nrel_main_idtf: + [Рис. (Экстерьер ресторана в Аньере)](*<-lang_ru;;*); + [Pic. (Exterior of a Restaurant in Asnieres)](*<-lang_en;;*);; + <=nrel_sc_text_translation:... + (* + ->"file://IMG/exterior_of_restaurant.jpg"(*=>nrel_format:format_jpg;;*);; + *);; +*);; diff --git a/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/painting_factory_at_asnieres.scs b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/painting_factory_at_asnieres.scs new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1b5f461 --- /dev/null +++ b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/painting_factory_at_asnieres.scs @@ -0,0 +1,54 @@ +painting_factory_at_asnieres +<- paris_period; +=> nrel_main_idtf: + [Завод в Аньере] + (* <- lang_ru;; *); + [The Factory at Asnieres] + (* <- lang_en;; *); + <- painting; + <- genre_landscape_painting; + => nrel_author: + concept_author_Van_Gogh; + +<-rrel_key_sc_element:... +(* + <-definition;; + =>nrel_main_idtf: + [Описание (Завод в Аньере)](*<-lang_ru;;*); + [Description (The Factory at Asnieres)](*<-lang_en;;*);; + <=nrel_using_constants: + { + genre_landscape_painting + };; + <=nrel_sc_text_translation:... + (* + ->rrel_example: "file://HTML/factory_at_asnieres_ru.html"(*<-lang_ru;;=>nrel_format:format_html;;*);; + ->rrel_example: "file://HTML/factory_at_asnieres_en.html"(*<-lang_en;;=>nrel_format:format_html;;*);; + *);; +*); + +=> nrel_date_of_creation: + date_1887 + (* + => nrel_main_idtf: + [1887 год] + (* <- lang_ru;; *);; + *); + +=> nrel_place_of_creation: + city_Paris; + + => nrel_material: + material_oil_paints; + +<-rrel_key_sc_element:... +(* + <-illustration;; + =>nrel_main_idtf: + [Рис. (Завод в Аньере)](*<-lang_ru;;*); + [Pic. (The Factory at Asnieres)](*<-lang_en;;*);; + <=nrel_sc_text_translation:... + (* + ->"file://IMG/factory_at_asnieres.jpg"(*=>nrel_format:format_jpg;;*);; + *);; +*);; diff --git a/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/painting_field_with_irises.scs b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/painting_field_with_irises.scs new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c3478e9 --- /dev/null +++ b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/painting_field_with_irises.scs @@ -0,0 +1,54 @@ +painting_field_with_irises +<- late_period; +=> nrel_main_idtf: + [Вид Арля с ирисами на переднем плане] + (* <- lang_ru;; *); + [Field with Irises near Arles] + (* <- lang_en;; *); + <- painting; + <- genre_landscape_painting; + => nrel_author: + concept_author_Van_Gogh; + +<-rrel_key_sc_element:... +(* + <-definition;; + =>nrel_main_idtf: + [Описание (Вид Арля с ирисами на переднем плане)](*<-lang_ru;;*); + [Description (Field with Irises near Arles)](*<-lang_en;;*);; + <=nrel_using_constants: + { + genre_landscape_painting + };; + <=nrel_sc_text_translation:... + (* + ->rrel_example: "file://HTML/field_with_irises_ru.html"(*<-lang_ru;;=>nrel_format:format_html;;*);; + ->rrel_example: "file://HTML/field_with_irises_en.html"(*<-lang_en;;=>nrel_format:format_html;;*);; + *);; +*); + +=> nrel_date_of_creation: + date_may_1888 + (* + => nrel_main_idtf: + [Май 1888 год] + (* <- lang_ru;; *);; + *); + +=> nrel_place_of_creation: + country_France; + + => nrel_material: + material_oil_paints; + +<-rrel_key_sc_element: ... +(* + <-illustration;; + =>nrel_main_idtf: + [Рис. (Вид Арля с ирисами на переднем плане)](*<-lang_ru;;*); + [Pic. (Field with Irises near Arles)](*<-lang_en;;*);; + <=nrel_sc_text_translation:... + (* + ->"file://IMG/field_with_irises.jpg"(*=>nrel_format:format_jpg;;*);; + *);; +*);; diff --git a/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/painting_gauguin_chair.scs b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/painting_gauguin_chair.scs new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4e6da5e --- /dev/null +++ b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/painting_gauguin_chair.scs @@ -0,0 +1,54 @@ +painting_gauguin_chair +<- late_period; +=> nrel_main_idtf: + [Кресло Гогена] + (* <- lang_ru;; *); + [Gauguin's Chair] + (* <- lang_en;; *); + <- genre_still_life; + <- painting; + => nrel_author: + concept_author_Van_Gogh; + +<-rrel_key_sc_element:... +(* + <-definition;; + =>nrel_main_idtf: + [Описание (Кресло Гогена)](*<-lang_ru;;*); + [Description (Gauguin's Chair)](*<-lang_en;;*);; + <=nrel_using_constants: + { + genre_still_life + };; + <=nrel_sc_text_translation:... + (* + ->rrel_example: "file://HTML/gauguin_chair_ru.html"(*<-lang_ru;;=>nrel_format:format_html;;*);; + ->rrel_example: "file://HTML/gauguin_chair_en.html"(*<-lang_en;;=>nrel_format:format_html;;*);; + *);; +*); + +=> nrel_date_of_creation: + date_january_1889 + (* + => nrel_main_idtf: + [Январь 1888 год] + (* <- lang_ru;; *);; + *); + +=> nrel_place_of_creation: + country_France; + + => nrel_material: + material_oil_paints; + +<-rrel_key_sc_element:... +(* + <-illustration;; + =>nrel_main_idtf: + [Рис. (Кресло Гогена)](*<-lang_ru;;*); + [Pic. (Gauguin's Chair)](*<-lang_en;;*);; + <=nrel_sc_text_translation:... + (* + ->"file://IMG/gauguin_chair.jpg"(*=>nrel_format:format_jpg;;*);; + *);; +*);; diff --git a/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/painting_head_of_skeleton.scs b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/painting_head_of_skeleton.scs new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2aa8e89 --- /dev/null +++ b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/painting_head_of_skeleton.scs @@ -0,0 +1,53 @@ +painting_head_of_skeleton +<- dutch_period; +=> nrel_main_idtf: + [Череп с горящей сигаретой] + (* <- lang_ru;; *); + [Head of a Skeleton with a Burning Cigarette] + (* <- lang_en;; *); + <- painting; + => nrel_author: + concept_author_Van_Gogh; + +<-rrel_key_sc_element:... +(* + <-definition;; + =>nrel_main_idtf: + [Описание (Череп с горящей сигаретой)](*<-lang_ru;;*); + [Description (Head of a Skeleton with a Burning Cigarette)](*<-lang_en;;*);; + <=nrel_using_constants: + { + painting + };; + <=nrel_sc_text_translation:... + (* + ->rrel_example: "file://HTML/head_of_skeleton_ru.html"(*<-lang_ru;;=>nrel_format:format_html;;*);; + ->rrel_example: "file://HTML/head_of_skeleton_en.html"(*<-lang_en;;=>nrel_format:format_html;;*);; + *);; +*); + +=> nrel_date_of_creation: + date_january_february_1886 + (* + => nrel_main_idtf: + [Январь - Февраль 1886 год] + (* <- lang_ru;; *);; + *); + +=> nrel_place_of_creation: + country_Netherlands; + + => nrel_material: + material_oil_paints; + +<-rrel_key_sc_element:... +(* + <-illustration;; + =>nrel_main_idtf: + [Рис. (Череп с горящей сигаретой)](*<-lang_ru;;*); + [Pic. (Head of a Skeleton with a Burning Cigarette)](*<-lang_en;;*);; + <=nrel_sc_text_translation:... + (* + ->"file://IMG/head_of_skeleton.jpg"(*=>nrel_format:format_jpg;;*);; + *);; +*);; diff --git a/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/painting_head_of_woman.scs b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/painting_head_of_woman.scs new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5784b36 --- /dev/null +++ b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/painting_head_of_woman.scs @@ -0,0 +1,54 @@ +painting_head_of_woman +<- dutch_period; +=> nrel_main_idtf: + [Голова женщины] + (* <- lang_ru;; *); + [Head of a Woman] + (* <- lang_en;; *); + <- painting; + <- genre_portrait; + => nrel_author: + concept_author_Van_Gogh; + +<-rrel_key_sc_element:... +(* + <-definition;; + =>nrel_main_idtf: + [Описание (Голова женщины)](*<-lang_ru;;*); + [Description (Head of a Woman)](*<-lang_en;;*);; + <=nrel_using_constants: + { + genre_portrait + };; + <=nrel_sc_text_translation:... + (* + ->rrel_example: "file://HTML/head_of_woman_ru.html"(*<-lang_ru;;=>nrel_format:format_html;;*);; + ->rrel_example: "file://HTML/head_of_woman_en.html"(*<-lang_en;;=>nrel_format:format_html;;*);; + *);; +*); + +=> nrel_date_of_creation: + date_march_1885 + (* + => nrel_main_idtf: + [Март 1885 год] + (* <- lang_ru;; *);; + *); + +=> nrel_place_of_creation: + country_Netherlands; + + => nrel_material: + material_oil_paints; + +<-rrel_key_sc_element:... +(* + <-illustration;; + =>nrel_main_idtf: + [Рис. (Голова женщины)](*<-lang_ru;;*); + [Pic. (Head of a Woman)](*<-lang_en;;*);; + <=nrel_sc_text_translation:... + (* + ->"file://IMG/head_of_woman.jpg"(*=>nrel_format:format_jpg;;*);; + *);; +*);; diff --git a/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/painting_houses_at_auvers.scs b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/painting_houses_at_auvers.scs new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0559341 --- /dev/null +++ b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/painting_houses_at_auvers.scs @@ -0,0 +1,54 @@ +painting_houses_at_auvers +<- late_period; +=> nrel_main_idtf: + [Дома в Овере] + (* <- lang_ru;; *); + [Houses at Auvers] + (* <- lang_en;; *); + <- genre_landscape_painting; + <- painting; + => nrel_author: + concept_author_Van_Gogh; + +<-rrel_key_sc_element:... +(* + <-definition;; + =>nrel_main_idtf: + [Описание (Дома в Овере)](*<-lang_ru;;*); + [Description (Houses at Auvers)](*<-lang_en;;*);; + <=nrel_using_constants: + { + genre_landscape_painting + };; + <=nrel_sc_text_translation:... + (* + ->rrel_example: "file://HTML/houses_at_auvers_ru.html"(*<-lang_ru;;=>nrel_format:format_html;;*);; + ->rrel_example: "file://HTML/houses_at_auvers_en.html"(*<-lang_en;;=>nrel_format:format_html;;*);; + *);; +*); + +=> nrel_date_of_creation: + date_1890 + (* + => nrel_main_idtf: + [1890 год] + (* <- lang_ru;; *);; + *); + +=> nrel_place_of_creation: + country_France; + + => nrel_material: + material_oil_paints; + +<-rrel_key_sc_element:... +(* + <-illustration;; + =>nrel_main_idtf: + [Рис. (Дома в Овере)](*<-lang_ru;;*); + [Pic. (Houses at Auvers)](*<-lang_en;;*);; + <=nrel_sc_text_translation:... + (* + ->"file://IMG/houses_at_auvers.jpg"(*=>nrel_format:format_jpg;;*);; + *);; +*);; diff --git a/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/painting_moulin_de_la_gallette.scs b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/painting_moulin_de_la_gallette.scs new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9dd2fc0 --- /dev/null +++ b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/painting_moulin_de_la_gallette.scs @@ -0,0 +1,54 @@ +painting_moulin_de_la_gallette +<- paris_period; +=> nrel_main_idtf: + [Мулен де ла Галетт] + (* <- lang_ru;; *); + [Le Moulin de la Gallette] + (* <- lang_en;; *); + <- painting; + <- genre_landscape_painting; + => nrel_author: + concept_author_Van_Gogh; + +<-rrel_key_sc_element:... +(* + <-definition;; + =>nrel_main_idtf: + [Описание (Мулен де ла Галетт)](*<-lang_ru;;*); + [Description (Le Moulin de la Gallette)](*<-lang_en;;*);; + <=nrel_using_constants: + { + genre_landscape_painting + };; + <=nrel_sc_text_translation:... + (* + ->rrel_example: "file://HTML/moulin_de_la_gallette_ru.html"(*<-lang_ru;;=>nrel_format:format_html;;*);; + ->rrel_example: "file://HTML/moulin_de_la_gallette_en.html"(*<-lang_en;;=>nrel_format:format_html;;*);; + *);; +*); + +=> nrel_date_of_creation: + date_1886 + (* + => nrel_main_idtf: + [1886 год] + (* <- lang_ru;; *);; + *); + +=> nrel_place_of_creation: + city_Paris; + + => nrel_material: + material_oil_paints; + +<-rrel_key_sc_element:... +(* + <-illustration;; + =>nrel_main_idtf: + [Рис. (Мулен де ла Галетт)](*<-lang_ru;;*); + [Pic. (Le Moulin de la Gallette)](*<-lang_en;;*);; + <=nrel_sc_text_translation:... + (* + ->"file://IMG/moulin_de_la_gallette.jpg"(*=>nrel_format:format_jpg;;*);; + *);; +*);; diff --git a/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/painting_parsonage.scs b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/painting_parsonage.scs new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6190006 --- /dev/null +++ b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/painting_parsonage.scs @@ -0,0 +1,53 @@ +painting_parsonage +<- dutch_period; +=> nrel_main_idtf: + [Дом священника в Нейнене] + (* <- lang_ru;; *); + [The Parsonage at Nuenen] + (* <- lang_en;; *); + <- painting; + => nrel_author: + concept_author_Van_Gogh; + +<-rrel_key_sc_element:... +(* + <-definition;; + =>nrel_main_idtf: + [Описание (Дом священника в Нейнене)](*<-lang_ru;;*); + [Description (The Parsonage at Nuenen)](*<-lang_en;;*);; + <=nrel_using_constants: + { + painting + };; + <=nrel_sc_text_translation:... + (* + ->rrel_example: "file://HTML/parsonage_ru.html"(*<-lang_ru;;=>nrel_format:format_html;;*);; + ->rrel_example: "file://HTML/parsonage_en.html"(*<-lang_en;;=>nrel_format:format_html;;*);; + *);; +*); + +=> nrel_date_of_creation: + date_september_october_1885 + (* + => nrel_main_idtf: + [Сентябрь - Октябрь 1885 год] + (* <- lang_ru;; *);; + *); + +=> nrel_place_of_creation: + country_Netherlands; + + => nrel_material: + material_oil_paints; + +<-rrel_key_sc_element:... +(* + <-illustration;; + =>nrel_main_idtf: + [Рис. (Дом священника в Нейнене)](*<-lang_ru;;*); + [Pic. (The Parsonage at Nuenen)](*<-lang_en;;*);; + <=nrel_sc_text_translation:... + (* + ->"file://IMG/parsonage.jpg"(*=>nrel_format:format_jpg;;*);; + *);; +*);; diff --git a/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/painting_peasants_churchyard.scs b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/painting_peasants_churchyard.scs new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8831623 --- /dev/null +++ b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/painting_peasants_churchyard.scs @@ -0,0 +1,57 @@ +painting_peasants_churchyard +<- dutch_period; +=> nrel_main_idtf: + [Старая церковь в Нейнене] + (* <- lang_ru;; *); + [Крестьянское кладбище] + (* <- lang_ru;; *); + [The Old Church Tower at Nuenen] + (* <- lang_en;; *); + [The Peasants' Churchyard] + (* <- lang_en;; *); + <- painting; + => nrel_author: + concept_author_Van_Gogh; + +<-rrel_key_sc_element:... +(* + <-definition;; + =>nrel_main_idtf: + [Описание (Крестьянское кладбище)](*<-lang_ru;;*); + [Description (The Peasants' Churchyard)](*<-lang_en;;*);; + <=nrel_using_constants: + { + painting + };; + <=nrel_sc_text_translation:... + (* + ->rrel_example: "file://HTML/peasants_churchyard_ru.html"(*<-lang_ru;;=>nrel_format:format_html;;*);; + ->rrel_example: "file://HTML/peasants_churchyard_en.html"(*<-lang_en;;=>nrel_format:format_html;;*);; + *);; +*); + +=> nrel_date_of_creation: + date_may_june_1885 + (* + => nrel_main_idtf: + [Май - Июнь 1885 года] + (* <- lang_ru;; *);; + *); + +=> nrel_place_of_creation: + country_Netherlands; + + => nrel_material: + material_oil_paints; + +<-rrel_key_sc_element:... +(* + <-illustration;; + =>nrel_main_idtf: + [Рис. (Крестьянское кладбище)](*<-lang_ru;;*); + [Pic. (The Peasants' Churchyard)](*<-lang_en;;*);; + <=nrel_sc_text_translation:... + (* + ->"file://IMG/peasants_churchyard.jpg"(*=>nrel_format:format_jpg;;*);; + *);; +*);; diff --git a/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/painting_portrait_of_old_man.scs b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/painting_portrait_of_old_man.scs new file mode 100644 index 0000000..32345bc --- /dev/null +++ b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/painting_portrait_of_old_man.scs @@ -0,0 +1,54 @@ +painting_portrait_of_old_man +<- dutch_period; +=> nrel_main_idtf: + [Портрет пожилого мужчины] + (* <- lang_ru;; *); + [Portrait of an Old Man] + (* <- lang_en;; *); + <- painting; + <- genre_portrait; + => nrel_author: + concept_author_Van_Gogh; + +<-rrel_key_sc_element:... +(* + <-definition;; + =>nrel_main_idtf: + [Описание (Портрет пожилого мужчины)](*<-lang_ru;;*); + [Description (Portrait of an Old Man)](*<-lang_en;;*);; + <=nrel_using_constants: + { + genre_portrait + };; + <=nrel_sc_text_translation:... + (* + ->rrel_example: "file://HTML/portrait_of_old_man_ru.html"(*<-lang_ru;;=>nrel_format:format_html;;*);; + ->rrel_example: "file://HTML/portrait_of_old_man_en.html"(*<-lang_en;;=>nrel_format:format_html;;*);; + *);; +*); + +=> nrel_date_of_creation: + date_december_1885 + (* + => nrel_main_idtf: + [Декабрь 1885 год] + (* <- lang_ru;; *);; + *); + +=> nrel_place_of_creation: + country_Netherlands; + + => nrel_material: + material_oil_paints; + +<-rrel_key_sc_element:... +(* + <-illustration;; + =>nrel_main_idtf: + [Рис. (Портрет пожилого мужчины)](*<-lang_ru;;*); + [Pic. (Portrait of an Old Man)](*<-lang_en;;*);; + <=nrel_sc_text_translation:... + (* + ->"file://IMG/portrait_of_old_man.jpg"(*=>nrel_format:format_jpg;;*);; + *);; +*);; diff --git a/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/painting_portrait_of_pere_tanguy.scs b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/painting_portrait_of_pere_tanguy.scs new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6fccd9b --- /dev/null +++ b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/painting_portrait_of_pere_tanguy.scs @@ -0,0 +1,54 @@ +painting_portrait_of_pere_tanguy +<- paris_period; +=> nrel_main_idtf: + [Портрет папаши Танги] + (* <- lang_ru;; *); + [Portrait of Pere Tanguy] + (* <- lang_en;; *); + <- painting; + <- genre_portrait; + => nrel_author: + concept_author_Van_Gogh; + +<-rrel_key_sc_element:... +(* + <-definition;; + =>nrel_main_idtf: + [Описание (Портрет папаши Танги)](*<-lang_ru;;*); + [Description (Portrait of Pere Tanguy)](*<-lang_en;;*);; + <=nrel_using_constants: + { + genre_portrait + };; + <=nrel_sc_text_translation:... + (* + ->rrel_example: "file://HTML/portrait_of_pere_tanguy_ru.html"(*<-lang_ru;;=>nrel_format:format_html;;*);; + ->rrel_example: "file://HTML/portrait_of_pere_tanguy_en.html"(*<-lang_en;;=>nrel_format:format_html;;*);; + *);; +*); + +=> nrel_date_of_creation: + date_1887 + (* + => nrel_main_idtf: + [1887 год] + (* <- lang_ru;; *);; + *); + +=> nrel_place_of_creation: + city_Paris; + + => nrel_material: + material_oil_paints; + +<-rrel_key_sc_element:... +(* + <-illustration;; + =>nrel_main_idtf: + [Рис. (Портрет папаши Танги)](*<-lang_ru;;*); + [Pic. (Portrait of Pere Tanguy)](*<-lang_en;;*);; + <=nrel_sc_text_translation:... + (* + ->"file://IMG/portrait_of_pere_tanguy.jpg"(*=>nrel_format:format_jpg;;*);; + *);; +*);; diff --git a/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/painting_potato_eaters.scs b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/painting_potato_eaters.scs new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6b74d73 --- /dev/null +++ b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/painting_potato_eaters.scs @@ -0,0 +1,53 @@ +painting_potato_eaters +<- dutch_period; +=> nrel_main_idtf: + [Едоки картофеля] + (* <- lang_ru;; *); + [Potato eaters] + (* <- lang_en;; *); + <- painting; + => nrel_author: + concept_author_Van_Gogh; + +<-rrel_key_sc_element:... +(* + <-definition;; + =>nrel_main_idtf: + [Описание (Едоки картофеля)](*<-lang_ru;;*); + [Description (Potato eaters)](*<-lang_en;;*);; + <=nrel_using_constants: + { + painting + };; + <=nrel_sc_text_translation:... + (* + ->rrel_example: "file://HTML/potato_eaters_ru.html"(*<-lang_ru;;=>nrel_format:format_html;;*);; + ->rrel_example: "file://HTML/potato_eaters_en.html"(*<-lang_en;;=>nrel_format:format_html;;*);; + *);; +*); + +=> nrel_date_of_creation: + date_april_may_1885 + (* + => nrel_main_idtf: + [Апрель - Май 1885 года] + (* <- lang_ru;; *);; + *); + +=> nrel_place_of_creation: + country_Netherlands; + + => nrel_material: + material_oil_paints; + +<-rrel_key_sc_element:... +(* + <-illustration;; + =>nrel_main_idtf: + [Рис. (Едоки картофеля)](*<-lang_ru;;*); + [Pic. (Potato eaters)](*<-lang_en;;*);; + <=nrel_sc_text_translation:... + (* + ->"file://IMG/potato_eaters.jpg"(*=>nrel_format:format_jpg;;*);; + *);; +*);; diff --git a/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/painting_road_by_night.scs b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/painting_road_by_night.scs new file mode 100644 index 0000000..669a0a0 --- /dev/null +++ b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/painting_road_by_night.scs @@ -0,0 +1,54 @@ +painting_road_by_night +<- late_period; +=> nrel_main_idtf: + [Дорога с кипарисами и звездой] + (* <- lang_ru;; *); + [Country road in Provence by night] + (* <- lang_en;; *); + <- genre_landscape_painting; + <- painting; + => nrel_author: + concept_author_Van_Gogh; + +<-rrel_key_sc_element:... +(* + <-definition;; + =>nrel_main_idtf: + [Описание (Дорога с кипарисами и звездой)](*<-lang_ru;;*); + [Description (Country road in Provence by night)](*<-lang_en;;*);; + <=nrel_using_constants: + { + genre_landscape_painting + };; + <=nrel_sc_text_translation:... + (* + ->rrel_example: "file://HTML/road_by_night_ru.html"(*<-lang_ru;;=>nrel_format:format_html;;*);; + ->rrel_example: "file://HTML/road_by_night_en.html"(*<-lang_en;;=>nrel_format:format_html;;*);; + *);; +*); + +=> nrel_date_of_creation: + date_february_1890 + (* + => nrel_main_idtf: + [Февраль 1890 год] + (* <- lang_ru;; *);; + *); + +=> nrel_place_of_creation: + country_France; + + => nrel_material: + material_oil_paints; + +<-rrel_key_sc_element:... +(* + <-illustration;; + =>nrel_main_idtf: + [Рис. (Дорога с кипарисами и звездой)](*<-lang_ru;;*); + [Pic. (Country road in Provence by night)](*<-lang_en;;*);; + <=nrel_sc_text_translation:... + (* + ->"file://IMG/road_by_night.jpg"(*=>nrel_format:format_jpg;;*);; + *);; +*);; diff --git a/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/painting_roadway_with_underpass.scs b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/painting_roadway_with_underpass.scs new file mode 100644 index 0000000..97775af --- /dev/null +++ b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/painting_roadway_with_underpass.scs @@ -0,0 +1,54 @@ +painting_roadway_with_underpass +<- paris_period; +=> nrel_main_idtf: + [Виадук] + (* <- lang_ru;; *); + [Roadway with Underpass] + (* <- lang_en;; *); + <- painting; + <- genre_landscape_painting; + => nrel_author: + concept_author_Van_Gogh; + +<-rrel_key_sc_element:... +(* + <-definition;; + =>nrel_main_idtf: + [Описание (Виадук)](*<-lang_ru;;*); + [Description (Roadway with Underpass)](*<-lang_en;;*);; + <=nrel_using_constants: + { + genre_landscape_painting + };; + <=nrel_sc_text_translation:... + (* + ->rrel_example: "file://HTML/roadway_with_underpass_ru.html"(*<-lang_ru;;=>nrel_format:format_html;;*);; + ->rrel_example: "file://HTML/roadway_with_underpass_en.html"(*<-lang_en;;=>nrel_format:format_html;;*);; + *);; +*); + +=> nrel_date_of_creation: + date_1887 + (* + => nrel_main_idtf: + [1887 год] + (* <- lang_ru;; *);; + *); + +=> nrel_place_of_creation: + city_Paris; + + => nrel_material: + material_oil_paints; + +<-rrel_key_sc_element:... +(* + <-illustration;; + =>nrel_main_idtf: + [Рис. (Виадук)](*<-lang_ru;;*); + [Pic. (Roadway with Underpass)](*<-lang_en;;*);; + <=nrel_sc_text_translation:... + (* + ->"file://IMG/roadway_with_underpass.jpg"(*=>nrel_format:format_jpg;;*);; + *);; +*);; diff --git a/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/painting_seine_bridge.scs b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/painting_seine_bridge.scs new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f0ef6aa --- /dev/null +++ b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/painting_seine_bridge.scs @@ -0,0 +1,54 @@ +painting_seine_bridge +<- paris_period; +=> nrel_main_idtf: + [Мост через Сену в Аньере] + (* <- lang_ru;; *); + [The Seine Bridge at Asnieres] + (* <- lang_en;; *); + <- painting; + <- genre_landscape_painting; + => nrel_author: + concept_author_Van_Gogh; + +<-rrel_key_sc_element:... +(* + <-definition;; + =>nrel_main_idtf: + [Описание (Мост через Сену в Аньере)](*<-lang_ru;;*); + [Description (The Seine Bridge at Asnieres)](*<-lang_en;;*);; + <=nrel_using_constants: + { + genre_landscape_painting + };; + <=nrel_sc_text_translation:... + (* + ->rrel_example: "file://HTML/seine_bridge_ru.html"(*<-lang_ru;;=>nrel_format:format_html;;*);; + ->rrel_example: "file://HTML/seine_bridge_en.html"(*<-lang_en;;=>nrel_format:format_html;;*);; + *);; +*); + +=> nrel_date_of_creation: + date_1887 + (* + => nrel_main_idtf: + [1887 год] + (* <- lang_ru;; *);; + *); + +=> nrel_place_of_creation: + city_Paris; + + => nrel_material: + material_oil_paints; + +<-rrel_key_sc_element: ... +(* + <-illustration;; + =>nrel_main_idtf: + [Рис. (Мост через Сену в Аньере)](*<-lang_ru;;*); + [Pic. (The Seine Bridge at Asnieres)](*<-lang_en;;*);; + <=nrel_sc_text_translation:... + (* + ->"file://IMG/seine_bridge.jpg"(*=>nrel_format:format_jpg;;*);; + *);; +*);; diff --git a/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/painting_self_portrait.scs b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/painting_self_portrait.scs new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9f18051 --- /dev/null +++ b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/painting_self_portrait.scs @@ -0,0 +1,54 @@ +painting_self_portrait +<- paris_period; +=> nrel_main_idtf: + [Автопортрет] + (* <- lang_ru;; *); + [Self-Portrait] + (* <- lang_en;; *); + <- painting; + <- genre_self_portrait; + => nrel_author: + concept_author_Van_Gogh; + +<-rrel_key_sc_element:... +(* + <-definition;; + =>nrel_main_idtf: + [Описание (Автопортрет)](*<-lang_ru;;*); + [Description (Self-Portrait)](*<-lang_en;;*);; + <=nrel_using_constants: + { + genre_self_portrait + };; + <=nrel_sc_text_translation:... + (* + ->rrel_example: "file://HTML/self_portrait_ru.html"(*<-lang_ru;;=>nrel_format:format_html;;*);; + ->rrel_example: "file://HTML/self_portrait_en.html"(*<-lang_en;;=>nrel_format:format_html;;*);; + *);; +*); + +=> nrel_date_of_creation: + date_1887 + (* + => nrel_main_idtf: + [1887 год] + (* <- lang_ru;; *);; + *); + +=> nrel_place_of_creation: + city_Paris; + + => nrel_material: + material_oil_paints; + +<-rrel_key_sc_element: self_portait_of_Van_Gogh +(* + <-illustration;; + =>nrel_main_idtf: + [Рис. (Автопортрет Ван Гога)](*<-lang_ru;;*); + [Pic. (Self-Portrait of Van Gogh)](*<-lang_en;;*);; + <=nrel_sc_text_translation:... + (* + ->"file://IMG/self_portrait.jpg"(*=>nrel_format:format_jpg;;*);; + *);; +*);; diff --git a/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/painting_self_portrait_in_front_of_easel.scs b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/painting_self_portrait_in_front_of_easel.scs new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3daf399 --- /dev/null +++ b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/painting_self_portrait_in_front_of_easel.scs @@ -0,0 +1,54 @@ +painting_self_portrait_in_front_of_easel +<- paris_period; +=> nrel_main_idtf: + [Автопортрет у мольберта] + (* <- lang_ru;; *); + [Self-Portrait in Front of the Easel] + (* <- lang_en;; *); + <- painting; + <- genre_self_portrait; + => nrel_author: + concept_author_Van_Gogh; + +<-rrel_key_sc_element:... +(* + <-definition;; + =>nrel_main_idtf: + [Описание (Автопортрет у мольберта)](*<-lang_ru;;*); + [Description (Self-Portrait in Front of the Easel)](*<-lang_en;;*);; + <=nrel_using_constants: + { + genre_self_portrait + };; + <=nrel_sc_text_translation:... + (* + ->rrel_example: "file://HTML/self_portrait_in_front_of_easel_ru.html"(*<-lang_ru;;=>nrel_format:format_html;;*);; + ->rrel_example: "file://HTML/self_portrait_in_front_of_easel_en.html"(*<-lang_en;;=>nrel_format:format_html;;*);; + *);; +*); + +=> nrel_date_of_creation: + date_february_1888 + (* + => nrel_main_idtf: + [Февраль 1888 год] + (* <- lang_ru;; *);; + *); + +=> nrel_place_of_creation: + city_Paris; + + => nrel_material: + material_oil_paints; + +<-rrel_key_sc_element:... +(* + <-illustration;; + =>nrel_main_idtf: + [Рис. (Автопортрет у мольберта)](*<-lang_ru;;*); + [Pic. (Self-Portrait in Front of the Easel)](*<-lang_en;;*);; + <=nrel_sc_text_translation:... + (* + ->"file://IMG/self_portrait_in_front_of_easel.jpg"(*=>nrel_format:format_jpg;;*);; + *);; +*);; diff --git a/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/painting_self_portrait_with_grey_felt_hat.scs b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/painting_self_portrait_with_grey_felt_hat.scs new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ad208b6 --- /dev/null +++ b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/painting_self_portrait_with_grey_felt_hat.scs @@ -0,0 +1,54 @@ +painting_self_portrait_with_grey_felt_hat +<- paris_period; +=> nrel_main_idtf: + [Автопортрет в серой фетровой шляпе] + (* <- lang_ru;; *); + [Self-Portrait with Grey Felt Hat] + (* <- lang_en;; *); + <- painting; + <- genre_self_portrait; + => nrel_author: + concept_author_Van_Gogh; + +<-rrel_key_sc_element:... +(* + <-definition;; + =>nrel_main_idtf: + [Описание (Автопортрет в серой фетровой шляпе)](*<-lang_ru;;*); + [Description (Self-Portrait with Grey Felt Hat)](*<-lang_en;;*);; + <=nrel_using_constants: + { + genre_self_portrait + };; + <=nrel_sc_text_translation:... + (* + ->rrel_example: "file://HTML/self_portrait_with_grey_felt_hat_ru.html"(*<-lang_ru;;=>nrel_format:format_html;;*);; + ->rrel_example: "file://HTML/self_portrait_with_grey_felt_hat_en.html"(*<-lang_en;;=>nrel_format:format_html;;*);; + *);; +*); + +=> nrel_date_of_creation: + date_september_october_1887 + (* + => nrel_main_idtf: + [Сентябрь - Октябрь 1887 год] + (* <- lang_ru;; *);; + *); + +=> nrel_place_of_creation: + city_Paris; + + => nrel_material: + material_oil_paints; + +<-rrel_key_sc_element:... +(* + <-illustration;; + =>nrel_main_idtf: + [Рис. (Автопортрет в серой фетровой шляпе)](*<-lang_ru;;*); + [Pic. (Self-Portrait with Grey Felt Hat)](*<-lang_en;;*);; + <=nrel_sc_text_translation:... + (* + ->"file://IMG/self_portrait_with_grey_felt_hat.jpg"(*=>nrel_format:format_jpg;;*);; + *);; +*);; diff --git a/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/painting_shoes.scs b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/painting_shoes.scs new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b6e45b6 --- /dev/null +++ b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/painting_shoes.scs @@ -0,0 +1,54 @@ +painting_shoes +<- paris_period; +=> nrel_main_idtf: + [Пара ботинок] + (* <- lang_ru;; *); + [Shoes] + (* <- lang_en;; *); + <- genre_still_life; + <- painting; + => nrel_author: + concept_author_Van_Gogh; + +<-rrel_key_sc_element:... +(* + <-definition;; + =>nrel_main_idtf: + [Описание (Пара ботинок)](*<-lang_ru;;*); + [Description (Shoes)](*<-lang_en;;*);; + <=nrel_using_constants: + { + genre_still_life + };; + <=nrel_sc_text_translation:... + (* + ->rrel_example: "file://HTML/shoes_ru.html"(*<-lang_ru;;=>nrel_format:format_html;;*);; + ->rrel_example: "file://HTML/shoes_en.html"(*<-lang_en;;=>nrel_format:format_html;;*);; + *);; +*); +// +=> nrel_date_of_creation: + date_september_november_1886 + (* + => nrel_main_idtf: + [Сентябрь - Ноябрь 1886 год] + (* <- lang_ru;; *);; + *); + +=> nrel_place_of_creation: + city_Paris; + + => nrel_material: + material_oil_paints; + +<-rrel_key_sc_element:... +(* + <-illustration;; + =>nrel_main_idtf: + [Рис. (Пара ботинок)](*<-lang_ru;;*); + [Pic. (Shoes)](*<-lang_en;;*);; + <=nrel_sc_text_translation:... + (* + ->"file://IMG/shoes.jpg"(*=>nrel_format:format_jpg;;*);; + *);; +*);; diff --git a/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/painting_sorrowing_old_man.scs b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/painting_sorrowing_old_man.scs new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e7f5f46 --- /dev/null +++ b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/painting_sorrowing_old_man.scs @@ -0,0 +1,59 @@ +painting_sorrowing_old_man +<- late_period; +=> nrel_main_idtf: + [На пороге вечности] + (* <- lang_ru;; *); + [Горюющий старик] + (* <- lang_ru;; *); + [At Eternity's Gate] + (* <- lang_en;; *); + [Sorrowing Old Man] + (* <- lang_en;; *); +// <- genre_landscape_painting; + <- genre_portrait; + <- painting; + => nrel_author: + concept_author_Van_Gogh; + +<-rrel_key_sc_element:... +(* + <-definition;; + =>nrel_main_idtf: + [Описание (Горюющий старик)](*<-lang_ru;;*); + [Description (Sorrowing Old Man)](*<-lang_en;;*);; + <=nrel_using_constants: + { + genre_portrait + };; + <=nrel_sc_text_translation:... + (* + ->rrel_example: "file://HTML/sorrowing_old_man_ru.html"(*<-lang_ru;;=>nrel_format:format_html;;*);; + ->rrel_example: "file://HTML/sorrowing_old_man_en.html"(*<-lang_en;;=>nrel_format:format_html;;*);; + *);; +*); + +=> nrel_date_of_creation: + date_1890 + (* + => nrel_main_idtf: + [1890 год] + (* <- lang_ru;; *);; + *); + +=> nrel_place_of_creation: + country_France; + + => nrel_material: + material_oil_paints; + +<-rrel_key_sc_element:... +(* + <-illustration;; + =>nrel_main_idtf: + [Рис. (Горюющий старик)](*<-lang_ru;;*); + [Pic. (Sorrowing Old Man)](*<-lang_en;;*);; + <=nrel_sc_text_translation:... + (* + ->"file://IMG/sorrowing_old_man.jpg"(*=>nrel_format:format_jpg;;*);; + *);; +*);; diff --git a/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/painting_starry_night.scs b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/painting_starry_night.scs new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7aef3b9 --- /dev/null +++ b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/painting_starry_night.scs @@ -0,0 +1,54 @@ +painting_starry_night +<- late_period; +=> nrel_main_idtf: + [Звездная ночь] + (* <- lang_ru;; *); + [Starry Night] + (* <- lang_en;; *); + <- genre_landscape_painting; + <- painting; + => nrel_author: + concept_author_Van_Gogh; + +<-rrel_key_sc_element:... +(* + <-definition;; + =>nrel_main_idtf: + [Описание (Звездная ночь)](*<-lang_ru;;*); + [Description (Starry Night)](*<-lang_en;;*);; + <=nrel_using_constants: + { + genre_landscape_painting + };; + <=nrel_sc_text_translation:... + (* + ->rrel_example: "file://HTML/starry_night_ru.html"(*<-lang_ru;;=>nrel_format:format_html;;*);; + ->rrel_example: "file://HTML/starry_night_en.html"(*<-lang_en;;=>nrel_format:format_html;;*);; + *);; +*); + +=> nrel_date_of_creation: + date_1889 + (* + => nrel_main_idtf: + [1889 год] + (* <- lang_ru;; *);; + *); + +=> nrel_place_of_creation: + country_France; + + => nrel_material: + material_oil_paints; + +<-rrel_key_sc_element:... +(* + <-illustration;; + =>nrel_main_idtf: + [Рис. (Звездная ночь)](*<-lang_ru;;*); + [Pic. (Starry Night)](*<-lang_en;;*);; + <=nrel_sc_text_translation:... + (* + ->"file://IMG/starry_night.jpg"(*=>nrel_format:format_jpg;;*);; + *);; +*);; diff --git a/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/painting_sunflowers.scs b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/painting_sunflowers.scs new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0af2fd4 --- /dev/null +++ b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/painting_sunflowers.scs @@ -0,0 +1,54 @@ +painting_sunflowers +<- late_period; +=> nrel_main_idtf: + [Подсолнухи] + (* <- lang_ru;; *); + [Sunflowers] + (* <- lang_en;; *); + <- genre_still_life; + <- painting; + => nrel_author: + concept_author_Van_Gogh; + +<-rrel_key_sc_element:... +(* + <-definition;; + =>nrel_main_idtf: + [Описание (Подсолнухи)](*<-lang_ru;;*); + [Description (Sunflowers)](*<-lang_en;;*);; + <=nrel_using_constants: + { + genre_still_life + };; + <=nrel_sc_text_translation:... + (* + ->rrel_example: "file://HTML/sunflowers_ru.html"(*<-lang_ru;;=>nrel_format:format_html;;*);; + ->rrel_example: "file://HTML/sunflowers_en.html"(*<-lang_en;;=>nrel_format:format_html;;*);; + *);; +*); + +=> nrel_date_of_creation: + date_january_1889 + (* + => nrel_main_idtf: + [Январь 1888 год] + (* <- lang_ru;; *);; + *); + +=> nrel_place_of_creation: + country_France; + + => nrel_material: + material_oil_paints; + +<-rrel_key_sc_element:... +(* + <-illustration;; + =>nrel_main_idtf: + [Рис. (Подсолнухи)](*<-lang_ru;;*); + [Pic. (Sunflowers)](*<-lang_en;;*);; + <=nrel_sc_text_translation:... + (* + ->"file://IMG/sunflowers.jpg"(*=>nrel_format:format_jpg;;*);; + *);; +*);; diff --git a/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/painting_view_of_butcher_shop.scs b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/painting_view_of_butcher_shop.scs new file mode 100644 index 0000000..96e1872 --- /dev/null +++ b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/painting_view_of_butcher_shop.scs @@ -0,0 +1,54 @@ +painting_view_of_butcher_shop +<- late_period; +=> nrel_main_idtf: + [Лавка мясника. Вид из окна] + (* <- lang_ru;; *); + [View of a Butcher's Shop] + (* <- lang_en;; *); + <- painting; + <- genre_landscape_painting; + => nrel_author: + concept_author_Van_Gogh; + +<-rrel_key_sc_element:... +(* + <-definition;; + =>nrel_main_idtf: + [Описание (Лавка мясника. Вид из окна)](*<-lang_ru;;*); + [Description (View of a Butcher's Shop)](*<-lang_en;;*);; + <=nrel_using_constants: + { + genre_landscape_painting + };; + <=nrel_sc_text_translation:... + (* + ->rrel_example: "file://HTML/view_of_butcher_shop_ru.html"(*<-lang_ru;;=>nrel_format:format_html;;*);; + ->rrel_example: "file://HTML/view_of_butcher_shop_en.html"(*<-lang_en;;=>nrel_format:format_html;;*);; + *);; +*); + +=> nrel_date_of_creation: + date_february_1888 + (* + => nrel_main_idtf: + [Февраль 1888 год] + (* <- lang_ru;; *);; + *); + +=> nrel_place_of_creation: + country_France; + + => nrel_material: + material_oil_paints; + +<-rrel_key_sc_element: ... +(* + <-illustration;; + =>nrel_main_idtf: + [Рис. (Лавка мясника. Вид из окна)](*<-lang_ru;;*); + [Pic. (View of a Butcher's Shop)](*<-lang_en;;*);; + <=nrel_sc_text_translation:... + (* + ->"file://IMG/view_of_butcher_shop.jpg"(*=>nrel_format:format_jpg;;*);; + *);; +*);; diff --git a/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/painting_weaver.scs b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/painting_weaver.scs new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ebfee47 --- /dev/null +++ b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/painting_weaver.scs @@ -0,0 +1,53 @@ +painting_weaver +<- dutch_period; +=> nrel_main_idtf: + [Ткач] + (* <- lang_ru;; *); + [Weaver] + (* <- lang_en;; *); + <- painting; + => nrel_author: + concept_author_Van_Gogh; + +<-rrel_key_sc_element:... +(* + <-definition;; + =>nrel_main_idtf: + [Описание (Ткач)](*<-lang_ru;;*); + [Description (Weaver)](*<-lang_en;;*);; + <=nrel_using_constants: + { + painting + };; + <=nrel_sc_text_translation:... + (* + ->rrel_example: "file://HTML/weaver_ru.html"(*<-lang_ru;;=>nrel_format:format_html;;*);; + ->rrel_example: "file://HTML/weaver_en.html"(*<-lang_en;;=>nrel_format:format_html;;*);; + *);; +*); + +=> nrel_date_of_creation: + date_august_1884 + (* + => nrel_main_idtf: + [Август 1884 год] + (* <- lang_ru;; *);; + *); + +=> nrel_place_of_creation: + country_Netherlands; + + => nrel_material: + material_oil_paints; + +<-rrel_key_sc_element:... +(* + <-illustration;; + =>nrel_main_idtf: + [Рис. (Ткач)](*<-lang_ru;;*); + [Pic. (Weaver)](*<-lang_en;;*);; + <=nrel_sc_text_translation:... + (* + ->"file://IMG/weaver.jpg"(*=>nrel_format:format_jpg;;*);; + *);; +*);; diff --git a/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/painting_wheatfield_with_partridge.scs b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/painting_wheatfield_with_partridge.scs new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8582584 --- /dev/null +++ b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/painting_wheatfield_with_partridge.scs @@ -0,0 +1,54 @@ +painting_wheatfield_with_partridge +<- paris_period; +=> nrel_main_idtf: + [Пшеничное поле с жаворонком] + (* <- lang_ru;; *); + [Wheatfield with Partridge] + (* <- lang_en;; *); + <- painting; + <- genre_landscape_painting; + => nrel_author: + concept_author_Van_Gogh; + +<-rrel_key_sc_element:... +(* + <-definition;; + =>nrel_main_idtf: + [Описание (Пшеничное поле с жаворонком)](*<-lang_ru;;*); + [Description (Wheatfield with Partridge)](*<-lang_en;;*);; + <=nrel_using_constants: + { + genre_landscape_painting + };; + <=nrel_sc_text_translation:... + (* + ->rrel_example: "file://HTML/wheatfield_with_partridge_ru.html"(*<-lang_ru;;=>nrel_format:format_html;;*);; + ->rrel_example: "file://HTML/wheatfield_with_partridge_en.html"(*<-lang_en;;=>nrel_format:format_html;;*);; + *);; +*); + +=> nrel_date_of_creation: + date_june_july_1887 + (* + => nrel_main_idtf: + [Июнь - Июль 1887 год] + (* <- lang_ru;; *);; + *); + +=> nrel_place_of_creation: + city_Paris; + + => nrel_material: + material_oil_paints; + +<-rrel_key_sc_element: ... +(* + <-illustration;; + =>nrel_main_idtf: + [Рис. (Пшеничное поле с жаворонком)](*<-lang_ru;;*); + [Pic. (Wheatfield with Partridge)](*<-lang_en;;*);; + <=nrel_sc_text_translation:... + (* + ->"file://IMG/wheatfield_with_partridge.jpg"(*=>nrel_format:format_jpg;;*);; + *);; +*);; diff --git a/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/painting_white_house_at_night.scs b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/painting_white_house_at_night.scs new file mode 100644 index 0000000..832a385 --- /dev/null +++ b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/painting_white_house_at_night.scs @@ -0,0 +1,54 @@ +painting_white_house_at_night +<- late_period; +=> nrel_main_idtf: + [Белый дом ночью] + (* <- lang_ru;; *); + [White House at Night] + (* <- lang_en;; *); + <- genre_landscape_painting; + <- painting; + => nrel_author: + concept_author_Van_Gogh; + +<-rrel_key_sc_element:... +(* + <-definition;; + =>nrel_main_idtf: + [Описание (Белый дом ночью)](*<-lang_ru;;*); + [Description (White House at Night)](*<-lang_en;;*);; + <=nrel_using_constants: + { + genre_landscape_painting + };; + <=nrel_sc_text_translation:... + (* + ->rrel_example: "file://HTML/white_house_at_night_ru.html"(*<-lang_ru;;=>nrel_format:format_html;;*);; + ->rrel_example: "file://HTML/white_house_at_night_en.html"(*<-lang_en;;=>nrel_format:format_html;;*);; + *);; +*); + +=> nrel_date_of_creation: + date_1890 + (* + => nrel_main_idtf: + [1890 год] + (* <- lang_ru;; *);; + *); + +=> nrel_place_of_creation: + country_France; + + => nrel_material: + material_oil_paints; + +<-rrel_key_sc_element:... +(* + <-illustration;; + =>nrel_main_idtf: + [Рис. (Белый дом ночью)](*<-lang_ru;;*); + [Pic. (White House at Night)](*<-lang_en;;*);; + <=nrel_sc_text_translation:... + (* + ->"file://IMG/white_house_at_night.jpg"(*=>nrel_format:format_jpg;;*);; + *);; +*);; diff --git a/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/painting_woman_in_garden.scs b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/painting_woman_in_garden.scs new file mode 100644 index 0000000..33e2bfc --- /dev/null +++ b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/painting_woman_in_garden.scs @@ -0,0 +1,54 @@ +painting_woman_in_garden +<- paris_period; +=> nrel_main_idtf: + [Женщина в саду] + (* <- lang_ru;; *); + [A Woman Walking in a Garden] + (* <- lang_en;; *); + <- painting; + <- genre_landscape_painting; + => nrel_author: + concept_author_Van_Gogh; + +<-rrel_key_sc_element:... +(* + <-definition;; + =>nrel_main_idtf: + [Описание (Женщина в саду)](*<-lang_ru;;*); + [Description (A Woman Walking in a Garden)](*<-lang_en;;*);; + <=nrel_using_constants: + { + genre_landscape_painting + };; + <=nrel_sc_text_translation:... + (* + ->rrel_example: "file://HTML/woman_in_garden_ru.html"(*<-lang_ru;;=>nrel_format:format_html;;*);; + ->rrel_example: "file://HTML/woman_in_garden_en.html"(*<-lang_en;;=>nrel_format:format_html;;*);; + *);; +*); + +=> nrel_date_of_creation: + date_1887 + (* + => nrel_main_idtf: + [1887 год] + (* <- lang_ru;; *);; + *); + +=> nrel_place_of_creation: + city_Paris; + + => nrel_material: + material_oil_paints; + +<-rrel_key_sc_element:... +(* + <-illustration;; + =>nrel_main_idtf: + [Рис. (Женщина в саду)](*<-lang_ru;;*); + [Pic. (A Woman Walking in a Garden)](*<-lang_en;;*);; + <=nrel_sc_text_translation:... + (* + ->"file://IMG/woman_in_garden.jpg"(*=>nrel_format:format_jpg;;*);; + *);; +*);; diff --git a/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/painting_yellow_house.scs b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/painting_yellow_house.scs new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a5d56d4 --- /dev/null +++ b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/painting_yellow_house.scs @@ -0,0 +1,54 @@ +painting_yellow_house +<- late_period; +=> nrel_main_idtf: + [Желтый дом] + (* <- lang_ru;; *); + [The Yellow House] + (* <- lang_en;; *); + <- painting; + <- genre_landscape_painting; + => nrel_author: + concept_author_Van_Gogh; + +<-rrel_key_sc_element:... +(* + <-definition;; + =>nrel_main_idtf: + [Описание (Желтый дом)](*<-lang_ru;;*); + [Description (The Yellow House)](*<-lang_en;;*);; + <=nrel_using_constants: + { + genre_landscape_painting + };; + <=nrel_sc_text_translation:... + (* + ->rrel_example: "file://HTML/yellow_house_ru.html"(*<-lang_ru;;=>nrel_format:format_html;;*);; + ->rrel_example: "file://HTML/yellow_house_en.html"(*<-lang_en;;=>nrel_format:format_html;;*);; + *);; +*); + +=> nrel_date_of_creation: + date_september_1888 + (* + => nrel_main_idtf: + [Сентябрь 1888 год] + (* <- lang_ru;; *);; + *); + +=> nrel_place_of_creation: + country_France; + + => nrel_material: + material_oil_paints; + +<-rrel_key_sc_element: ... +(* + <-illustration;; + =>nrel_main_idtf: + [Рис. (Желтый дом)](*<-lang_ru;;*); + [Pic. (The Yellow House)](*<-lang_en;;*);; + <=nrel_sc_text_translation:... + (* + ->"file://IMG/yellow_house.jpg"(*=>nrel_format:format_jpg;;*);; + *);; +*);; diff --git a/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/section_subject_domain_of_artgenres/section_subject_domain_of_artgenres.scs b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/section_subject_domain_of_artgenres/section_subject_domain_of_artgenres.scs new file mode 100755 index 0000000..b8bec79 --- /dev/null +++ b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/section_subject_domain_of_artgenres/section_subject_domain_of_artgenres.scs @@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ +section_subject_domain_of_artgenres +=> nrel_main_idtf: + [Раздел. Предметная область жанров изобразительного искусства] + (* <- lang_ru;; *); + +<- not_enough_formed_structure;; + +section_subject_domain_of_artgenres = [*^"file://section_subject_domain_of_artgenres.scsi"*];; + +//section_subject_domain_of_artgenres-> rrel_key_sc_element: ;; + + + + + + + + + + + diff --git a/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/section_subject_domain_of_artgenres/section_subject_domain_of_artgenres.scsi b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/section_subject_domain_of_artgenres/section_subject_domain_of_artgenres.scsi new file mode 100755 index 0000000..d9b8dfc --- /dev/null +++ b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/section_subject_domain_of_artgenres/section_subject_domain_of_artgenres.scsi @@ -0,0 +1,270 @@ +//сюда кидаем формализацию всех понятий +//удаалить из kse/additional_ids +/* + genre_painting <- concept_artgenre;; + genre_painting => nrel_main_idtf: + [живопись](*<-lang_ru;;*); + [painting](*<-lang_en;;*);; + + genre_homoeroticism <- concept_artgenre;; + genre_homoeroticism => nrel_main_idtf: + [гомоэротизм](*<-lang_ru;;*); + [homoeroticism](*<-lang_en;;*);; + + genre_paysage <- concept_artgenre;; + genre_paysage => nrel_main_idtf: + [пейзаж](*<-lang_ru;;*); + [paysage](*<-lang_en;;*);; + + genre_still_life <- concept_artgenre;; + genre_still_life => nrel_main_idtf: + [натюрморт](*<-lang_ru;;*); + [still life](*<-lang_en;;*);; + + genre_portrait <- concept_artgenre;; + genre_portrait => nrel_main_idtf: + [портрет](*<-lang_ru;;*); + [portrait](*<-lang_en;;*);; + + concept_artgenre => nrel_main_idtf: + [жанр изобразительного искусства](*<-lang_ru;;*); + [artgenre](*<-lang_en;;*);; +*/ + +//удаалить из IAS_kb/concepts without a section/additional_ids +/* + genre_painting => nrel_main_idtf: + [живопись](*<-lang_ru;;*); + [painting](*<-lang_en;;*);; + + genre_paysage => nrel_main_idtf: + [пейзаж](*<-lang_ru;;*); + [paysage](*<-lang_en;;*);; + + genre_still_life => nrel_main_idtf: + [натюрморт](*<-lang_ru;;*); + [still life](*<-lang_en;;*);; + + genre_portrait => nrel_main_idtf: + [портрет](*<-lang_ru;;*); + [portrait](*<-lang_en;;*);; +*/ + +//удаалить из IAS_kb/kse_kb/additional_ids +/* + genre_painting => nrel_main_idtf: + [живопись](*<-lang_ru;;*); + [painting](*<-lang_en;;*);; + + genre_paysage => nrel_main_idtf: + [пейзаж](*<-lang_ru;;*); + [paysage](*<-lang_en;;*);; + + genre_still_life => nrel_main_idtf: + [натюрморт](*<-lang_ru;;*); + [still life](*<-lang_en;;*);; + + genre_portrait => nrel_main_idtf: + [портрет](*<-lang_ru;;*); + [portrait](*<-lang_en;;*);; + + concept_artgenre => nrel_main_idtf: + [жанр изобразительного искусства](*<-lang_ru;;*); + [artgenre](*<-lang_en;;*);; +*/ + +concept_artgenre +<- sc_node_not_relation; +=> nrel_main_idtf: + [жанр изобразительного искусства] + (*<-lang_ru;;*); + [artgenre] + (*<-lang_en;;*);; + +genre_homoeroticism + <- concept_artgenre; + => nrel_main_idtf: + [гомоэротизм] + (*<-lang_ru;;*); + [homoeroticism] + (*<-lang_en;;*);; + +concept_painting_type +<- sc_node_not_relation; +=> nrel_main_idtf: + [жанр живописи] + (*<-lang_ru;;*); + [type of painting] + (*<-lang_en;;*); + <- concept_artgenre; + +<-rrel_key_sc_element:... +(* + <-definition;; + =>nrel_main_idtf: + [Определение (жанр живописи)](*<-lang_ru;;*); + [Definition (type of painting)](*<-lang_en;;*);; + + <=nrel_sc_text_translation:... + (* + -> rrel_example:[Жанры живописи - исторически + сложившееся деление произведений живописи в + соответствии с темами и объектами изображения.] + (* <- lang_ru;; => nrel_format: format_html;; *);; + *);; +*);; + +genre_landscape_painting +<- sc_node_not_relation; + <- concept_painting_type; + => nrel_main_idtf: + [пейзаж] + (*<-lang_ru;;*); + [landscape painting] + (*<-lang_en;;*); + + <-rrel_key_sc_element:... + (* + <-definition;; + =>nrel_main_idtf: + [Определение (пейзаж)](*<-lang_ru;;*); + [Definition (landscape painting)](*<-lang_en;;*);; + <=nrel_sc_text_translation:... + (* + -> rrel_example:[Пейзаж - это изображение + ландшафтов в искусстве - природных видов, таких + как горы, долины, деревья, реки и леса, особенно + там, где основной предмет - широкий обзор, - с + элементами, объединенными в последовательную + композицию.] + (* <- lang_ru;; => nrel_format: format_html;; *);; + -> rrel_example:[Landscape painting is + the depiction of landscapes in art — natural + scenery such as mountains, valleys, trees, + rivers, and forests, especially where the main + subject is a wide view — with its elements arranged + into a coherent composition.] + (* <- lang_en;; => nrel_format: format_html;; *);; + *);; +*);; + +genre_still_life +<- sc_node_not_relation; + <- concept_painting_type; + => nrel_main_idtf: + [натюрморт] + (*<-lang_ru;;*); + [still life] + (*<-lang_en;;*); + + <-rrel_key_sc_element:... + (* + <-definition;; + =>nrel_main_idtf: + [Определение (натюрморт)](*<-lang_ru;;*); + [Definition (still life)](*<-lang_en;;*);; + <=nrel_sc_text_translation:... + (* + -> rrel_example:[Натюрморт - это + произведение искусства, изображающее в основном + неодушевленные предметы, как правило, обычные + предметы, которые являются либо естественными + (еда, цветы, мертвые животные, растения, камни, + ракушки и т. Д.), либо искусственными (стаканы, + книги, вазы, ювелирные изделия, монеты, трубки + и т.д.).] + (* <- lang_ru;; => nrel_format: format_html;; *);; + -> rrel_example:[Still life is a work of + art depicting mostly inanimate subject matter, + typically commonplace objects which are either + natural (food, flowers, dead animals, plants, + rocks, shells, etc.) or man-made (drinking glasses, + books, vases, jewelry, coins, pipes, etc.).] + (* <- lang_en;; => nrel_format: format_html;; *);; + *);; +*);; + +genre_portrait +<- sc_node_not_relation; + <- concept_painting_type; + => nrel_main_idtf: + [портрет] + (*<-lang_ru;;*); + [portrait] + (*<-lang_en;;*); + + <-rrel_key_sc_element:... + (* + <-definition;; + =>nrel_main_idtf: + [Определение (портрет)](*<-lang_ru;;*); + [Definition (portrait)](*<-lang_en;;*);; + <=nrel_sc_text_translation:... + (* + -> rrel_example:[Портрет - это художественное + изображение человека, в котором преобладает лицо и + его выражение.] + (* <- lang_ru;; => nrel_format: format_html;; *);; + -> rrel_example:[A portrait is an artistic + representation of a person, in which the face and + its expression is predominant.] + (* <- lang_en;; => nrel_format: format_html;; *);; + *);; +*);; + +genre_self_portrait +<- sc_node_not_relation; + <- concept_painting_type; + => nrel_main_idtf: + [автопортрет] + (*<-lang_ru;;*); + [self-portrait] + (*<-lang_en;;*); + + <-rrel_key_sc_element:... + (* + <-definition;; + =>nrel_main_idtf: + [Определение (автопортрет)](*<-lang_ru;;*); + [Definition (self-portrait)](*<-lang_en;;*);; + <=nrel_sc_text_translation:... + (* + -> rrel_example:[Автопортрет - это изображение + художника, нарисованное, нарисованное, + сфотографированное или созданное этим художником.] + (* <- lang_ru;; => nrel_format: format_html;; *);; + -> rrel_example:[A self-portrait is a + representation of an artist that is drawn, painted, + photographed, or sculpted by that artist.] + (* <- lang_en;; => nrel_format: format_html;; *);; + *);; +*);; + +genre_drawing +<- sc_node_not_relation; + <- concept_painting_type; + => nrel_main_idtf: + [рисунок] + (*<-lang_ru;;*); + [drawing] + (*<-lang_en;;*); + + <-rrel_key_sc_element:... + (* + <-definition;; + =>nrel_main_idtf: + [Определение (рисунок)](*<-lang_ru;;*); + [Definition (drawing)](*<-lang_en;;*);; + <=nrel_sc_text_translation:... + (* + -> rrel_example:[Рисунок является формой + визуального искусства, в котором человек использует + различные инструменты для рисования, чтобы создать + изображение на плоскости.] + (* <- lang_ru;; => nrel_format: format_html;; *);; + -> rrel_example:[Drawing is a form of visual + art in which a person uses various drawing instruments + to mark paper or another two-dimensional medium.] + (* <- lang_en;; => nrel_format: format_html;; *);; + *);; +*);; diff --git a/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/test.gwf b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/test.gwf new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8f27ae2 --- /dev/null +++ b/kb/concepts/painting/Van Gogh/test.gwf @@ -0,0 +1,151 @@ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +