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Generalized item scraper set up to work with cron scheduling in Ubuntu 16.


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Generalized Item Scraper

  • Omar Trejo
  • January, 2018

Setup and Execute in Ubuntu 16 Environment

To execute the scraper in Ubuntu 16, you need to setup the development environment by installing relevant Ubuntu 16 packages, as well as relevant Python 3 packages. To do so, you may simply execute:

$ bash


The / file (not to be confused with utilities/, contains the settings that will be used for the scraping process. Currently, the parameters that may be modified are:

  • save_html (True/False): whether to save HTML files for crawled pages.
  • random_proxies (True/False): use a random proxy for each request.
  • random_user_agents (True/False): use a random User Agent for each request.
  • timezone (valid timezone string): not used for now, but when scraping automatically, it will be used to select dates/times for scraping.
  • search_strings (dictionary):
    • file (string): location of file that contains initial search strings.
    • variable (string): name of variable in the CSV that contains the strings used for searching.
    • sample (None or integer): If None, all the observations in the file will be used. If it's an integer, a random sample of size sample will be used.
  • required_fields (list of strings): fields required for each sites.
  • sites (dictionary): specification for the data to be scraped from each site with the following structure:
    • site_name (dictionary):
      • base_url (string): URL used to fix relative URLs within crawled pages.
      • javascript (boolean): if True, Selenium will be used instead of Scrapy's default headless browser/parser. Default is False.
      • headless (boolean): If javascript is True, then this option will be used. If it is True Selenium will run in headless mode, otherwise you will be need a windowing system to actually see the browser window. Default is False.
      • cookies (list of dictionaries): where each dictionary has name and value keys, one pair for each cookie. Default is no custom cookies.
      • search (dictionary): specification for search parameters for site.
        • query (string): URL used for searching (with {} where search strings should appear).
        • auto_redirected (list of strings, optional): if specified, a site's search pages will pass through a "auto-redirected detector" which uses the specified XPATH/CSS selectors to detect whether the return page is an "item page" insteado of a "search page", and if it is, it will be treated as such. The selectors I'm using for now look for price data for this detection mechanism.
        • double_hop (list of strings, optional): if specified, a site's search pages will pass through a "double hop detector" which uses the specified XPATH/CSS selectors to detect whether a page is a "intermediate" hop. If such detection is positive, the first category will be passed through to the standard "search page" parser, otherwise, it will be treated as a "search page" itself.
        • first_item (list of strings): XPATHs used to identify the first item
        • fields (dictionary): where each key is a string with the name of the variable as it will be store in the CSV (may end with _css to indicate that a CSS selector should be used instead of an XPATH selector), and the value should be a list with strings representing XPATH/CSS selectors.
      • item (dictionary, optional): specification for item parameters for site.
        • fields (dictionary): same as the fields dicitonary for search.


Once the have been adjusted, execute:

$ python3

The results will be in the outputs/ directory.

If we want to both save a log with the output as well as see the actual output in real-time in the terminal, we can use the following instead (you may use the .txt extension instead of .log if you prefer):

$ python3 -u |& tee outputs/log.txt

If we want to execute under a schedule, we can use the native cron utility for Ubuntu. First we need to edit crontab entries using the following command:

$ sudo crontab -e

Inside that file, we can use of the following specifications:

# Every minute
*/1 * * * * bash /home/ubuntu/flatfooted/

# Every hour (sharp)
0 * * * * bash /home/ubuntu/flatfooted/

# Every day (midnight)
0 0 * * * bash /home/ubuntu/flatfooted/

# Every week (Sunday midnight)
0 0 0 * * bash /home/ubuntu/flatfooted/

After saving the file, cron will start executing these jobs. You can also see the list of current cron jobs with:

$ sudo crontab -l

The contents of the file are simple:

cd /home/ubuntu/flatfooted/
python3 |& tee "log_$(date +\%Y-\%m-\%d).txt"

If you try to run the Python script directly, you will encounter lots of problems (relative paths, environment packages, and so on), therefore I added an extra level of indirection with the file.

Database into single CSV script

The script used to extract data from the current database (MongoDB) and put it into a single CSV is scripts/ It allows for three-dimensional queries, and receives as inputs:

  • --date-start (string): format: YYYY-MM-DD-hh-mm
  • --date-end (string): format: YYYY-MM-DD-hh-mm
  • --site (string): examples: AMZN, ZORO, etc
  • --sku (string): string to search for in the search_string column
  • --file (string): results file name

Some notes about parameters

  • If date_start is provided, then date_end must also be provided
  • They can be combined to filter in multiple dimensions simultaneously
    • If combined, they will be combined using an AND mechanism
  • In the case of sku, a "contains" mechanism is used (instead of a "equals" mecahanism) because the data is "dirty" and sometimes the SKU will be contained multiple times, or within a larger string. This was done to maximize the probability of getting the SKU required, even at the cost of not matching exactly.
  • If file is not specified, results.csv will be used
  • Currently there's no cross-referencing with searches (so the resulting CSV) does not have the information for the searches that preceded the item (if any).


Assuming you're located in the scripts/ directory.

  • Example 1: download file here
python --date-start 2018-01-01-00-00 --date-end 2018-02-28-00-00 --file example_1.csv
  • Example 2: download file here
python --date-start 2018-01-01-00-00 --date-end 2018-02-28-00-00 --search-string QUA41967 --file example_2.csv
  • Example 3: download file here
python --search-string QUA41967 --file example_3.csv
  • Example 4: download file here
python --site AMZN --file example_4.csv
  • Example 5: download file here
python --site AMZN --search-string 65UX340C --file example_5.csv


Phase 1

  • Join site and spreadsheet search strings
  • Test CSS selectors from amzn file
  • Removed 1,240 duplicates between site and spreaddsheet data
  • General search capability search-to-new-results-page
  • Test general search capability for Amazon
  • Use first-result mechanim to retrieve relevant item
  • Environment installlation scripts for Ubuntu 16

Phase 2

  • Fix Twisted Reactor bug when scraping multiple sites
  • Test with two sites at the same time (use Staples)
  • Initial throttling mechanism
  • Initial randomized proxy mechanism
  • Initial randomize user-agent mechanism
  • Resarch best way to save results into database
    • Best done with Item Pipelines
  • Handle 429 (and possibly) other response codes
  • Include search_string to correlate results
  • Save information for unhandled requests
  • Update documentation
  • Remove non-ASCII characters that affect data post-processing
  • Retrieve fresh proxy list from API
    • Postponed due to requirement of only 5,000 / items / site / day
      • Currently testing if throttling is enough for this
      • If throttling is not enough, we can look again into proxies
    • Was actually implemented because the Staples site eturned HTTP status codes that indicated that, even though we're connecting only once every 2 or 3 seconds, they detected it was the same IP and blocked us.
    • Note to implement this another scraper was created to retrieve live proxy data from ProxyDB. It was necessary because we need the "latest" proxies known to be within the US and which allow for HTTPS due to the automatic-redirection towards HTTPS (making HTTP proxies useless) mechanism implemented in Amazon and Staples.
      • This new scraper was implemente differently, it uses Selenium beacuse we need to execute JavaScript code which is used to obfuscate the proxy IPs and ports (to avoid people doing what we did, but that didn't stop us ;).
      • To be able to do this, we need to install Chromium and use the chromedriver included in the utilities/ directory.

Phase 3

  • Integrate "sale price" into "price" field
  • Separate field for "Currently unavailable"
  • Save raw HTML to re-scrape it if necessary without re-crawling
    • For example, an item which was search for on Amazon at a certain date, and with search_string == RKLCDBKT, is saved as: outputs/html/Amazon_2018-01-21-02-32_RKLCDBKT.html
    • If no HTML was saved for a response, it was because of a failure and we should further look into it.
  • Look for errors in the request-response cycle
    • When comparing number of lines in input file vs number of items in outputs file, we find that 3 out of 322 missing searches for Amazon.
    • The prolem was that the Peachtree null was repeated 3 times (4 in total) as a search_string, so these were the three extra observations that my code ignores because it treats them as duplicates of previous requests. This is to avoid unnecessary multiple requests, and that's the reason for the difference, not that we did not execute them or that they got an error I was not catching.
      • NOTE: If you look into full observations, they were actually different because the SKU variables was different for them, but the String variable (which is what I'm using to search sites) was the same. If we want to actually make them different, the SKU information should go inside the String information also.
  • Re-test 7 failed search cases with 2 new XPATHs for Amazon
    • Turns out that the correct number of searches that failed (meaning that they do return results, but the scraper did not detect them and marked them as not returning any results), was 12. These search terms are saved in the inputs/search-strings-re-tests.csv file.
    • New XPATHs have been integrated, and I've re-ordered them to make sure we go from specific to general, and thus are able to get "special" cases before they are "obscured" using a more "general" XPATH.
    • The last results show that we are now able to get all results correctly, as well as the information for the corresponding items.

Phase 4

  • Insert metadata (site_name and timestamp) into results
  • Keep track of "0 results" in the Amazon data
  • JOIN by search_string in post-processing script
    • Need to separate URLs into "search URL" and "item URL", as well as HTTP status codes for searches and items
  • Deal with JavaScript enabled sites by using headless browser
    • Currently there's a manual process to specify what should be looked for to detect that a site has finshed loading the data we need. This is necessary because some sites take a bit longer. Should these be specified through the settings file?
  • Get indicator for "suggeted" results or "no results" for a search
    • Zoro (ZORO): DONE (No "suggested" results indicator)
    • Grainger (GWW): DONE
    • CDW (CDW): DONE
    • Connection (CNXN): DONE
    • TechData (TECD): DONE
    • Insight (NSIT): DONE
    • Fastenal (FAST): DONE (No "suggested" results indicator)
    • AutoZone (AZO): DONE (No "suggested" results indicator)
    • Bunzlpd (BUNZL): TODO: decision by Mike (OR/AND issue)
    • Tiger Direct (PCMI): DONE
    • MSC Direct (MSM): DONE
    • HD Supply Solutions (HDSS): DONE
    • Biggest Book (ESND): Pending fragmented URLs
    • Staples (STAPLES): DONE

Phase 5

  • Optionally retrieve item data directly from results page
    • I changed things so that if the item key is ommitted from the settings for a site, then it means that only results from the search page will be used, and the item data should be specified in its corresponding fields.
  • Optionally specify that an auto-redirect into item is expected
  • Optionally specify when double-hops should be used
  • Make sure we can reliably scrape Amazon and Zoro
  • Make proxies work together with Selenium
  • Save into a relational database (single table)
    • Save each page as it's scraped
    • Easily etrieve saved HTML
  • Setup periodic scraping for once a day
  • Deterministic column order in CSVs (delete?)

Phase 6

  • New mechanism for search string specification
    • UseOn and AvoidOn columns
    • Avoid problems when not enough search strings for sample
  • Save protocol-level errors separately
  • Record which proxy were used for each request (search and items)
  • Setup GI to work with current search/item/scrape model
  • Specialized scraper for MM to get direct item pages through SKUs
    • Setup Selenium for specialized scraper (requires JavaScript)
    • Use random proxies and user agents to avoid sensitivity
    • Post-process JSON files into single CSV with all items
  • Allow for direct item pages mechanism in current scraper
    • Use behavior in the absence of a search dict in site settings
  • Ensure these sites work: GWW, MSM, FAST, ZORO, GI, CP, MM
  • Extract data from database into single CSV file
    • Cube with three dimensions: date range, SKU, site
    • Put examples in README
  • Get brand and MFR for OREILY

Site Groups

Group 1

  • ZORO
  • GWW
    • Status: DONE
    • JavaScript: Yes
    • Auto-redirect: Yes
    • Use search page: No
    • Double-hop: No
    • Seems that JavaScript is required to actually interact with the site and get the data we are looking for. This can be a bit tricky, but will explore it later.
      • As suggested by Mike, the JavaScript interaction may be bypassed if we are able to use an identifier from the Zoro data, and use that as the search string. This will bypass a "results page" and go straight to "item page".
      • This is how we solved it. However, this requires a "special" search strings list that contains the MFR IDs for the items. Any other search may produce results, but currently we are not able to crawl them.

Group 2

  • CDW
    • Status: DONE
    • JavaScript: No
    • Auto-redirect: Yes
    • Use search page: No
    • Double-hop: No
  • CNXN
    • Status: DONE
    • JavaScript: No
    • Auto-redirect: Yes
    • Use search page: No
    • Double-hop: No
    • I'm getting a lot of 404 (Not Found) and 302 (Moved)
      • It seems that when an item is not found, they return a 404 instead of simply returning a 200. They are using HTML status code incorrectly. It doesn't affect functionality, but leaves 404's in the spreadsheet instead of leaving a 200 with a "research without results" indicator. Should we fix this?
      • When a result is actually returned (maybe when it's the only one), we're automatically redirected to the item page (with a 302), and that is messing up the mechanism. Need to look into this further. This definitely needs to be fixed.
      • Working around the misuse of the HTTP response codes can be very tricky, and it won't add value to the analysis. I propose that we deal with it in the post-processing, and leave as is for now.
  • TECD
    • Status: DONE
    • JavaScript: No
    • Auto-redirect: No
    • Use search page: Yes
    • Double-hop: No
    • "Item page" needs sign-in account
  • NSIT
    • Status: DONE
    • JavaScript: Yes
    • Auto-redirect: Yes
    • Use search page: No
    • Double-hop: No
    • Sometimes price is held back behind a "Estimate the total price of this item" button. However, it's not working because even if we put a valid ZIP code, the price comes as "$0", and we need to call their number to get a price. These cases will be marked as not having a price. Other cases, were price does appear, just proceed normally.

Group 3

  • FAST
    • Status: DONE
    • JavaScript: No
    • Auto-redirect: No
    • Use search page: No
    • Double-hop: No
    • There are no identifiers in the first/main table, so the fields can move around without ourselves knowing apriori where they will be. We need some kind of dynamic parsing for this (check each field until we find the word "Manufacturer" in one of the cells, and use the appropriate value)
      • How to proceed: save all the data in the table as a single string.
  • AZO
    • Status: Defered (ZIP interactivity not working due to JavaScript problems on their side, and high sensitivity to scraping, quick blocks with CAPTCHA) sensitivity)
    • JavaScript: No
    • Auto-redirect: No
    • Use search page: No
    • Double-hop: Yes
    • Asks for ZIP
      • The JavaScript that the site uses is completely broken, and the ZIP form does not appear to work (it doesn't return any results or changes anything, possibly due to the JavaScript errors that don't allow it to continue)
      • JavaScript Errors
    • The sites is very sensitive and quickly blocks the scraper with a CAPTCHA page (in my case after only 5 requests). Need to find autothrottle settings that are slow enough for this to succeed.
      • CAPTCHA page

Group 4

    • Status: DONE
    • JavaScript: No
    • Auto-redirect: No
    • Use search page: No
    • Double-hop: No
  • PCMI
    • Status: DONE
    • JavaScript: No
    • Auto-redirect: No
    • Use search page: No
    • Double-hop: No
  • MSM
    • Status: DONE
    • JavaScript: No
    • Auto-redirect: Yes
    • Use search page: No
    • Double-hop: Yes
    • How to proceed (by Mike):
      • If it goes to "categories" mark it as not having results
      • If it goes to "search results" proceed normally
      • If it auto-redirects to item, proceed normally
    • I was able to go through "categories" pages to follow through the double hop, which is more than what Mike asked for and allows us to get more item data.
  • HDSS
    • Status: DONE
    • JavaScript: No
    • Auto-redirect: No
    • Use search page: No
    • Double-hop: No
    • Sometimes instock button requires site account for checking
  • ESND
    • Status: Defered (framgmented URLs)
    • JavaScript: Yes
    • Auto-redirect: Yes
    • Use search page: No
    • Double-hop: No
    • This site has fragmented URLs, meaning that they contain a # character, which is used to identify sections within a page, not a different, page, and that's causing problems with Scrapy and Selenium. Need to look into this further.
  • STAPLES{0}/directory_{0}?
    • Status: DONE
    • JavaScript: Yes
    • Auto-redirect: No
    • Use search page: No
    • Double-hop: No
    • Note that the search URL is dynamic in the sense that it needs the field to be filled twice in different places.
    • The site gives problematic results when a ? character is used in the search, probably due to the dynamic nature of the URL and the fact that the ? symbol is used to specify parameters in a URL. These should be avoided in the search strings.

Group 5

"We are the people we have been waiting for."


Generalized item scraper set up to work with cron scheduling in Ubuntu 16.








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