For production usage, install the latest tagged release from PCIC's PyPI server.
It is best practice to install in a virtual environment. Python version >= 3.8 is now required in the environment in which this package is installed.
Some of our servers do not by default provide Python >= 3.8. If the server
includes the module facility (which crmprtd.pcic
fortunately does), then
you can obtain a suitable Python environment by loading the appropriate module.
For example:
module load python/3.8.6
Create the virtual environment:
$ python3 -m venv venv
$ . venv/bin/activate
(venv) $ pip install -U pip
Then install (with virtual environment still activated):
(venv) $ pip install -i crmprtd
# or with JSON logging functionality
(venv) $ pip install -i crmprtd[jsonlogger]