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title: Secure Replica Service in CCN abbrev: Secure Replica Service in CCN docname: draft-wood-icnrg-securereplica-00 category: std

area: General workgroup: icnrg keyword: Internet-Draft

stand_alone: yes pi: rfcedstyle: yes toc: yes tocindent: yes sortrefs: yes symrefs: yes strict: yes comments: yes inline: yes text-list-symbols: -o*+ author:

ins: M. Mosko
name: M. Mosko
organization: PARC
email: [email protected]

normative: RFC2119: TLS13: title: "The Transport Layer Security (TLS) Protocol Version 1.3" target: author: - ins: E. Rescorla org: RTFM, Inc. date: 2015-12-28 DTLS12: title: "Datagram Transport Layer Security Version 1.2" target: author: - ins: E. Rescorla org: RTFM, Inc. - ins: N. Modadugu org: Google, Inc. date: 2012-1 GCM: title: "Recommendation for Block Cipher Modes of Operation: Galois/Counter Mode (GCM) and GMAC" date: 2007-11 author: ins: M. Dworkin seriesinfo: NIST: Special Publication 800-38D CCNxMessages: target: title: "CCNx Messages in TLV Format" author: - ins: M. Mosko org: PARC, Inc. - ins: I. Solis org: PARC, Inc. date: 2016-1-11 TLVENCAP: target: title: CCNx Packet Encapsulation author: - ins: M. Mosko org: PARC, Inc. - ins: C. Wood org: PARC, Inc. CCNXKE: target: TODO title: CCNx Key Exchange author: - ins: M. Mosko org: PARC, Inc. - ins: E. Uzun org: PARC, Inc. - ins: C. A. Wood org: PARC, Inc.

informative: RFC5077: HASHCHAIN: title: "Password Authentication with Insecure Communication" author: org: L. Lamport date: 1981-11 seriesinfo: ANSI: Communications of the ACM 24.11, pp 770-772

--- abstract

We describe a mechanism for session migration between an authentication endpoint and content replica in CCN. The technique described herein depends on the CCNx-KE protocol.

--- middle


CCNx-KE is a protocol that enables a consumer and producer to create a session over which they can communicate securely. Session keys derived from CCNx-KE are used to encrypt interest and content objects sent between the consumer and producer, as shown below.

+----------+                           +----------+
| Consumer <----(encrypted channel)----> Producer |
+----------+                           +----------+

In many cases, the producer must authenticate the consumer before providing any application data. Moreover, this producer might not be the one storing the data sought after by the consumer. Therefore, a mechanism to create a secure session between the consumer and replica is needed to securely obtain data. One way to do this is for the consumer to create a session with the replica. However, if consumer authentication is performed, then the replica is burdened with (a) authenticating the consumer and (b) must possess the private keys necessary to prove its identity to the consumer. A better solution would be to migrate a session from a producer (authenticator) to a replica (data distributor) securely.

CCNx-KE {{CCNXKE}} supports the ability to migrate sessions with a MoveToken. However, the specification does not describe how to create these tokens. In this document, we describe how to migrate a CCNx-KE session with a particular MoveToken construction.

Assumptions and Overview

If a consumer is to migrate a session from a producer to a replica, then the producer must necessarily trust the replica service to provide the appropriate content. This trust is based on economics since the producer is likely to pay the replica for its services. Under this assumption, we also assume that the producer and replica service can create a secure session amongst themselves. The producer and replica are assumed to be able to create and share keys on regular basis. We rely on this assumption in the remainder of the document.

When a client wishes to obtain data from a replica, the following steps occur:

  1. The consumer creates a session with the (authenticating) producer.
  2. The producer redirects the consumer to the best replica (e.g., based on its geographic location).
  3. The producer provides the consumer with a MoveToken to use when migrating to the replica.

This is particular exchange in the context of CCNx-KE is outlined below. We will describe how MoveChallenge, MovePrefix, MoveProof, and MoveToken are created in the following sections.

 Client                 Producer              Replica (MovePrefix)

  (Round 2 Interest)       
  + MoveChallenge          

   (Round 2 Content)
  + MovePrefix, MoveToken

  (Round 3 Interest)
  + MoveToken, MoveProof

  (Round 3 Content)
  + NewSessionID

Session Migration

Session keys produced by CCNx-KE are derived from the traffic secret constructed by the consumer and producer. Therefore, to decrypt traffic from the consumer and join the session, the MoveToken must allow the replica to extract or recover this secret. Moreover, since this extraction step must involve some computation, the replica must be allowed to check that the MoveToken was generated by a trusted producer. This is necessary to avoid trivial computational Denial of Service (DoS) attacks against the replica.

With the requirements in place, we now describe how to generate the MoveChallenge, MoveProof, and MoveToken.

MoveChallenge and MoveProof

The MoveChallenge is as defined in {{CCNXKE}}. It is a random 256-bit string defined as follows:

   MoveChallenge = SHA256(X)

for a randomly generated 256-bit string X. The value X is also the MoveProof.


The MoveToken must allow the replica to (a) check that the consumer obtained the MoveToken from a trusted or known producer and (b) extract the traffic secret (TS) to derive the encryption and decryption keys. Therefore, it is defined as follows

   MoveTokenCT, MoveTokenTag = AEnc(K, MoveChallenge + TS)
   MoveToken = K_id +  MoveTokenCT +  MoveTokenTag

where K_id is the key identifier for the key K and + is concatenation. Also, AEnc is shorthand for authenticated encryption that produces a ciphertext and authentication tag. One such algorithm is AES-GCM {{GCM}}.


As shown in the protocol diagram above, the consumer must provide both the MoveProof and MoveToken in the Round 3 Interest (for the desired data). Upon receipt, the replica performs the following checks:

  1. If K_id is not valid, i.e., the replica has no key with that identifier, then the Interest is dropped.
  2. Otherwise, the replica computes
    MoveTokenCT, MoveTokenTag = MoveToken
    MoveChallenge + TS = ADec(K, MoveTokenCT, MoveTokenTag)

If the decryption fails, i.e., if the encryption is not valid (the ciphertext was tampered with), then the Interest is dropped. 3. Otherwise, the replica computes

    Challenge = SHA256(MoveProof)

If Challenge = MoveChallenge, then the replica accepts the Interest. Otherwise, the Interest is dropped.

Final Notes

If the traffic secret is recovered correctly, then the replica creates a new SessionID (NewSessionID) for the session between the replica and consumer and returns it with the corresponding application data requested in the Round 3 Interest. At this point, both the consumer and replica have a common SessionID and traffic secret and can then derive the appropriate encryption keys to use when encrypting traffic.

Replica Workload

To create a new session, the replica must only perform a single authenticated decryption and hash function (SHA256) computation. No public-key cryptographic algorithms are required to verify a MoveToken and complete the migration.

Security Considerations