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Identity Staking V2

This repo contains the Identity Staking V2 contract. These were the goals when writing this contract:

  • Allow users to stake on themselves and others for a given duration
  • Make staking and re-staking as gas-efficient as possible
  • Be able to determine the total GTC staked by a user (self + community)
  • Allow slashing of users who commit slash-able offenses
  • Allow slashing to be appealed, with a minimum appeal period of 90 days
  • Allow successfully appealed GTC to be released
  • GTC staked in this contract should only possibly be able to be...
    1. Held by the contract (staked or frozen)
    2. Burned
    3. Returned to the original owner
  • Slashing, burning, and releasing must be gas-efficient enough to be practical
  • Events should be emitted to allow simple indexing of all activity


Table of Contents

  1. Working with the repo
  2. IdentityStaking.sol
    1. Methods
    2. Events
    3. State
    4. Appendix A: Slashing Rounds
    5. Appendix B: Slashing in Consecutive Rounds
    6. Appendix C: Diagrams
    7. Appendix D: Security
  3. IIdentityStaking.sol

Working with the repo

REPORT_GAS=true npx hardhat test
npx hardhat run scripts/deploy.ts --network <network>




function selfStake(uint88 amount, uint64 duration) external whenNotPaused;

Add amount GTC to your stake on yourself. Minimum duration is 12 weeks, maximum duration is 104 weeks (2 years).

If you have an existing self-stake, then the duration must end later than the existing self-stake's unlockTime.

The unlockTime of all of your self-stake will be extended to the end of the new duration.


function extendSelfStake(uint64 duration) external whenNotPaused;

Set existing self-stake's unlock time to the end of duration. Minimum duration is 12 weeks, maximum duration is 104 weeks (2 years).

The duration must end later than the existing self-stake's unlockTime.


function withdrawSelfStake(uint88 amount) external whenNotPaused;

Withdraw amount GTC from your unlocked self-stake.


function communityStake(address stakee, uint88 amount, uint64 duration) external whenNotPaused;

Add amount GTC to your stake on stakee. Minimum duration is 12 weeks, maximum duration is 104 weeks (2 years).

If you have an existing community-stake on stakee, then the duration must end later than the existing community-stake's unlockTime.

The unlockTime of all of your community-stake on stakee will be extended to the end of the new duration.


function extendCommunityStake(address stakee, uint64 duration) external whenNotPaused;

Set existing community-stake's unlock time to the end of duration. Minimum duration is 12 weeks, maximum duration is 104 weeks (2 years).

The duration must end later than the existing community-stake's unlockTime.


function withdrawCommunityStake(address stakee, uint88 amount) external whenNotPaused;

Withdraw amount GTC from your unlocked community-stake on stakee.


function slash(address[] selfStakers, address[] communityStakers, address[] communityStakees, uint64 percent) external onlyRole(SLASHER_ROLE) whenNotPaused;

Slash the provided addresses by percent. Addresses in selfStakers correspond to self-stakes to be slashed. The address in communityStakers and communityStakees correspond to community stakes to be slashed, such that communityStakers[i] has a community-stake on communityStakees[i].

This function can only be called by an address with the SLASHER_ROLE.

percent must be between 1 and 100.

Note: All staked GTC is liable to be slashed, even if it is past its unlockTime


function lockAndBurn() external whenNotPaused;

This function is to be called every three months (burnRoundMinimumDuration).

When called this will lock the current round, burn the previous round, and start a new round.

Anyone can call this function. The roundMinimumDuration facilitates the logic to keep everything in sync.

See Appendix A: Slashing Rounds for more details.


function release(address staker, address stakee, uint88 amountToRelease, uint16 slashRound) external onlyRole(RELEASER_ROLE) whenNotPaused;

Release amountToRelease GTC from the community stake on stakee by staker. If staker is the same as stakee, then this is a self-stake. If slashRound is two or more rounds previous to the current round, then the stake is already burned and this function will fail.

This function can only be called by an address with the RELEASER_ROLE.


function pause() external onlyRole(PAUSER_ROLE) whenNotPaused;

Pause the contract. This function can only be called by an address with the PAUSER_ROLE.


function unpause() external onlyRole(PAUSER_ROLE) whenPaused;

Unpause the contract. This function can only be called by an address with the PAUSER_ROLE.



event SelfStake(address indexed staker, uint88 amount, uint64 unlockTime);

Emitted when a self-stake is added/increased/extended. amount is the additional amount added for this particular transaction (could be 0 for an extension). unlockTime applies to the full self-stake amount for this staker.


event CommunityStake(address indexed staker, address indexed stakee, uint88 amount, uint64 unlockTime);

Emitted when a community-stake is added/increased/extended. amount is the additional amount added for this particular transaction (could be 0 for an extension). unlockTime applies to the full community-stake amount for this staker on this stakee.


event SelfStakeWithdrawn(address indexed staker, uint88 amount);

Emitted when a self-stake is withdrawn. amount is the amount withdrawn in this transaction.


event CommunityStakeWithdrawn(address indexed staker, address indexed stakee, uint88 amount);

Emitted when a community-stake is withdrawn. amount is the amount withdrawn in this transaction.


event Slash(address indexed staker, uint88 amount, uint16 round);

Emitted when a slash occurs. amount is the total amount slashed in this transaction. round is the round in which the slash occurred.


event LockAndBurn(uint16 indexed round, uint88 amount);

Emitted when a lockAndBurn occurs. round is the round that was burned, and amount is the total amount burned in this transaction.



bytes32 public constant SLASHER_ROLE = keccak256("SLASHER_ROLE");

Role held by addresses which are permitted to submit a slash.


bytes32 public constant RELEASER_ROLE = keccak256("RELEASER_ROLE");

Role held by addresses which are permitted to release an un-burned slash.


bytes32 public constant PAUSER_ROLE = keccak256("PAUSER_ROLE");

Role held by addresses which are permitted to pause the contract.

struct Stake

struct Stake {
  uint64 unlockTime;
  uint88 amount;
  uint88 slashedAmount;
  uint16 slashedInRound;
  • unlockTime is the unix time in seconds after which this stake can be withdrawn.
  • amount is the amount of GTC staked. - Note: uint88 can hold ~300 million with 18 decimals, which is 3x the current GTC supply. - Note: this does not include any GTC that has been slashed - Note: this does include slashed GTC that has been released
  • slashedAmount is the amount of GTC slashed (could be burned already)
  • slashedInRound is the round in which this stake was last slashed


mapping(address => Stake) public selfStakes;

Self-stakes by a user. The address is the staker. The Stake struct is described above.


mapping(address => mapping(address => Stake)) public communityStakes;

Community-stakes by a user on a stakee. The first address is the staker, the second address is the stakee. The Stake struct is described above.


mapping(address => uint88) public userTotalStaked;

Total amount of GTC staked by a user. This includes self-stakes and community stakes on all stakees. This does not include any GTC that has been slashed.


uint16 public currentSlashRound = 1;

The current slash round. This is incremented on each call to lockAndBurn. See Appendix A: Slashing Rounds.


uint64 public burnRoundMinimumDuration = 90 days;

The minimum duration between slash rounds. See Appendix A: Slashing Rounds.

This value cannot be modified.


uint256 public lastBurnTimestamp;

The timestamp of the last call to lockAndBurn. See Appendix A: Slashing Rounds.

Initially set to the contract's deployment time.


address public burnAddress

The address to which burned stake is sent. Only configurable on initialization.

The GTC contract does not allow for transfers to the zero address, so the address of the GTC contract itself will be used as the burnAddress instead. Tokens transferred to the GTC contract cannot ever be retrieved by anyone.


mapping(uint256 => uint88) public totalSlashed;

The current slash total for each slash round, to track the amounts to be burned.


GTC public gtc;

The GTC token contract.

Appendix A: Slashing Rounds

Rounds exist for the sole purpose of facilitating the timing around slashing, waiting a given duration to allow time for appeals (90 days), and then burning the remaining slashed amount.

This is much more gas-efficient than tracking individual slashes and their appeal periods.

Note for comprehending the next section: This is talking about slash age, not stake age. Slash age is the time since the slash occurred.

On each call to lockAndBurn...

  • the current round contains all the slashes younger than the last lockAndBurn (effectively 0-90 days old), these are to be locked
  • the previous round contains all the non-released slashes older than this (at least older than the burnRoundMinimumDuration, effectively 90-180 days old), and so it is burned
  • the current round becomes the previous round, and a new round is initiated

The contract is initiated with currentSlashRound = 1. On the very first call to lockAndBurn, nothing will be burned.

lockAndBurn may not necessarily be called right away after the burnRoundMinimumDuration, but this is okay. This just means that some slashes will technically have a bit longer to appeal. All we care about is enforcing a minimum appeal period.

There is a caveat to this if a user is slashed in consecutive rounds. See Appendix B for more details.

Appendix B: Slashing in Consecutive Rounds

If a user is slashed, and they had also been slashed in the previous round, then that user's slashAmount from the previous round will be rolled into the current round. Otherwise, the slashAmount from the previous would not be able to be released.

In a non-abuse situation where a user has consecutive slashes that are not appealed, this simply means that the stake will remain frozen longer (potentially indefinitely), before being burned. This should be a non-issue in practice.

In an abuse situation (a user keeps committing slash-able offenses in order to delay their frozen stake from being burned):

  • The attacker must keep dumping in stake to be slashed, so they're just digging a bigger hole and ultimately burning more GTC.
  • If the user is not slashed for a round, then this cycle is broken. So the slashers can refuse to slash a user for a round to break the cycle.
  • Some sort of appeal limit (included in the T&C) can be implemented to prevent abuse in the form of wasting the appeal council's time.

Appendix C: Diagrams

Normal slashing and burning, demonstrating the minimum appeal period:

  actor Slasher
  actor User
  participant Staking Contract
  actor Community
  rect rgb(200,100,255)
  note left of User:Slash Round 1<br />January - March
  User->>Staking Contract: Self Stake 10 GTC
  note right of Staking Contract: lastBurnTimestamp = Jan. 1<br />currentSlashRound = 1<br />totalSlashed[0] = 0<br />totalSlashed[1] = 0<br />User Stake =<br />amount: 10<br />slashedAmount: 0<br />slashedInRound: 0
  Slasher->>Staking Contract: Slash User 50%
  note right of Staking Contract: lastBurnTimestamp = Jan. 1<br />currentSlashRound = 1<br />totalSlashed[0] = 0<br />totalSlashed[1] = 5<br />User Stake =<br />amount: 5<br />slashedAmount: 5<br />slashedInRound: 1
  Community->>Staking Contract: Lock and Burn<br />(burns totalSlashed[0] = 0 GTC)
  note left of Community: This call always burns the<br/>previous round, in this case<br />round 0 with 0 GTC. 
  rect rgb(100,50,200)
  note left of User: Slash Round 2<br />April - June
  note right of Staking Contract: lastBurnTimestamp = Apr. 1<br />currentSlashRound = 2<br />totalSlashed[1] = 5<br />totalSlashed[2] = 0<br />User Stake =<br />amount: 5<br />slashedAmount: 5<br />slashedInRound: 1
  Community->>Staking Contract: Lock and Burn<br />(burns totalSlashed[1] = 5 GTC)
  note left of Community: This burns the 5 GTC slashed<br />in round 1. Round 2 had to<br />complete before this could<br />occur, therefore the<br />minimum appeal period<br />is the round length =<br />3 months

Slashing in Consecutive Rounds:

  actor Slasher
  actor User
  participant Staking Contract
  actor Community
  rect rgb(200,100,255)
  note left of User:Slash Round 1<br />January - March
  User->>Staking Contract: Self Stake 10 GTC
  note right of Staking Contract: lastBurnTimestamp = Jan. 1<br />currentSlashRound = 1<br />totalSlashed[0] = 0<br />totalSlashed[1] = 0<br />User Stake =<br />amount: 10<br />slashedAmount: 0<br />slashedInRound: 0
  Slasher->>Staking Contract: Slash User 50%
  note right of Staking Contract: lastBurnTimestamp = Jan. 1<br />currentSlashRound = 1<br />totalSlashed[0] = 0<br />totalSlashed[1] = 5<br />User Stake =<br />amount: 5<br />slashedAmount: 5<br />slashedInRound: 1
  Community->>Staking Contract: Lock and Burn<br />(burns totalSlashed[0] = 0 GTC)
  rect rgb(100,50,200)
  note left of User: Slash Round 2<br />April - June
  note right of Staking Contract: lastBurnTimestamp = Apr. 1<br />currentSlashRound = 2<br />totalSlashed[1] = 5<br />totalSlashed[2] = 0<br />User Stake =<br />amount: 5<br />slashedAmount: 5<br />slashedInRound: 1
  Slasher->>Staking Contract: Slash User 80%
  note right of Staking Contract: lastBurnTimestamp = Apr. 1<br />currentSlashRound = 2<br />totalSlashed[1] = 0<br />totalSlashed[2] = 9<br />User Stake =<br />amount: 1<br />slashedAmount: 9<br />slashedInRound: 2
  Community->>Staking Contract: Lock and Burn<br />(burns totalSlashed[1] = 0 GTC)
  note left of Community: The 5 GTC slashed in round 1<br />was moved to round 2<br />because this particular user<br />was slashed two rounds in<br />a row, so 0 GTC is burned 
rect rgb(50,50,200)
  note left of User: Slash Round 3<br />July  - September
  note right of Staking Contract: lastBurnTimestamp = Jul. 1<br />currentSlashRound = 3<br />totalSlashed[2] = 9<br />totalSlashed[3] = 0<br />User Stake =<br />amount: 1<br />slashedAmount: 9<br />slashedInRound: 2
  Community->>Staking Contract: Lock and Burn<br />(burns totalSlashed[2] = 9 GTC)
  note left of Community: Burns all 9 slashed GTC,<br />now all slashed at<br />least 3 months ago

Several Users:

  actor Slasher
  actor User C
  actor User B
  actor User A
  participant Staking Contract
  actor Community
  rect rgb(200,100,255)
    note right of Slasher:Slash Round 1<br />January - March
    User A->>Staking Contract: Self Stake 10 GTC
    User B->>Staking Contract: Self Stake 10 GTC
    note right of Staking Contract: lastBurnTimestamp = Jan. 1<br />currentSlashRound = 1<br />totalSlashed[0] = 0<br />totalSlashed[1] = 0
    Slasher->>Staking Contract: Slash Users A and B 50% - 10 GTC Total
    note right of Staking Contract: lastBurnTimestamp = Jan. 1<br />currentSlashRound = 1<br />totalSlashed[0] = 0<br />totalSlashed[1] = 10
  Community->>Staking Contract: Lock and Burn<br />(burns totalSlashed[0] = 0 GTC)
  rect rgb(100,50,200)
    note right of Slasher: Slash Round 2<br />April - June
    User C->>Staking Contract: Self Stake 10 GTC
    note right of Staking Contract: lastBurnTimestamp = Apr. 1<br />currentSlashRound = 2<br />totalSlashed[1] = 10<br />totalSlashed[2] = 0
    Slasher->>Staking Contract: Slash Users A and C 80% - 12 GTC Total
    note right of Staking Contract: User A is slashed again, so<br />their 5 GTC slashed in round 1<br />is moved to this round, along<br />with the 4 additional GTC just<br />slashed from User A and the<br />8 GTC just slashed from<br />User C = 17 GTC
    note right of Staking Contract: lastBurnTimestamp = Apr. 1<br />currentSlashRound = 2<br />totalSlashed[1] = 5<br />totalSlashed[2] = 17
  Community->>Staking Contract: Lock and Burn<br />(burns totalSlashed[1] = 5 GTC)
  rect rgb(50,50,200)
    note right of Slasher: Slash Round 3<br />July  - September
    note right of Staking Contract: lastBurnTimestamp = Jul. 1<br />currentSlashRound = 3<br />totalSlashed[2] = 17<br />totalSlashed[3] = 0<br />
    User B->>Staking Contract: Self Stake 10 GTC
    Slasher->>Staking Contract: Slash User B 50% - 5 GTC Total
    note right of Staking Contract: lastBurnTimestamp = Jul. 1<br />currentSlashRound = 3<br />totalSlashed[2] = 17<br />totalSlashed[3] = 5<br />
  Community->>Staking Contract: Lock and Burn<br />(burns totalSlashed[2] = 17 GTC)

Appendix D: Security


This contract is not susceptible to reentrancy attacks. All state changes are made before any external calls are made. Additionally, external calls are made only to the GTC contract set at initialization, which is a trusted contract.

Token Ownership

The tokens in this contract can only be in three states:

  1. Held by the contract (staked or frozen)
  2. Burned
  3. Returned to the original owner

The contract cannot send tokens to any address other than the original owner, or the burn address.

Token Amounts

Token amounts are stored as uint88 which can hold 309,485,009,821,345,068,724,781,055 or just over 300 million with 18 decimals. This is 3x the current GTC supply.

If this contract is used with tokens other than GTC, or if enough GTC were minted to exceed this amount, then the contract would need to be updated. Currently uint88s are used so that all stake info fits in a single 256 byte slot, which provides huge gas savings.

If the current contract needs to be upgraded after the GTC supply exceeds this max supply, the following could be done:

Note: These scenarios are not fully thought out and may need some tweaks to be completely viable. These are just high level proof-of-concepts.

Option 1: Do nothing. In the extremely unlikely event that one of the uint88s were to exceed the max uint88, then the contract would revert. In the perfect storm, a user could not be slashed in a particular round. But this is exceedingly unlikely and not a huge deal anyways. Users could still withdraw their existing stake.

Option 2: Add an explicit stake amount cap, user total stake cap, and a round cap at MAX_UINT88. This should effectively change nothing, it's the same as option 1 but with a clearer intention.

Option 3: If we want to really consider what would be necessary to handle much larger amounts (i.e. in a hyperinflation scenario), then the following could be done:

  1. If necessary the contract can be paused while this upgrade is pending.
  2. The contract could be upgraded to start considering all uint88 amount parameters to have e.g. 16 decimals. There could be a mapping (address => bool) amountUses16Decimals to track which amounts are using 16 decimals. (Note: This is high level, in reality we need to track self, community, slash round amounts, etc.)
  3. 18 decimal amounts would be divided by 100 to get the new amount, when those amounts are interacted with. Any change leftover could be refunded to The user.
  4. After all 18 decimal stake is withdrawn/burned, the logic to handle both 16 and 18 decimal amounts at the same time could be removed. If some old stakes are holding on, there could be a one-time refund to the user of any leftover change (would need to be a new function, with guarantees to only be called once, etc.).

OpenZeppelin Contracts

Where it makes sense, we've used OpenZeppelin's contracts to handle generic functionality (access control, pausing, and upgrading). These contracts are well-vetted and audited.

block.timestamp usage

block.timestamp is sometimes a source of security issues because nodes can tweak it a bit. However, in this contract, block.timestamp is only used to determine when stake is staked and when it can be withdrawn. This happens over long periods of a minimum of 12 weeks.

The danger with block.timestamp is when it's used to derive randomness, or when changing the value by a few seconds or less could have a significant impact. This is not the case in this contract.

An alternative would be to rely on the average block time and calculate block numbers, but then this would need to be configurable in case the average block time changes in the future. So this would be a source of manipulation and potential error. Further, it's simply unnecessary as explained above.


This contract defines a minimal interface for the data that is likely to be useful onchain, for easy integration with other contracts.

There are accessors for selfStakes, communityStakes, and userTotalStaked.