✨ Add an "always on top" button on title bar [0c90cdf ]
✨ Add a settings page [1a8568d ]
✨ Support filtering the gitmoji rows based on the input search text [7cbb997 ]
➕ Add dependency "provider" [c5f6298 ]
✨ Support fetching gitmoji data source from github [bea9846 ]
🎉 Initialize the flutter app project [c590569 ]
🎉 Initial commit [a4fc0fe ]
🔧 Update Windows app resource configuration [8acc906 ]
🔧 Add inno setup wizard script for make windows app installer [e7ca530 ]
⬆️ Upgrade icons_launcher, then update windows app icon to a multiple resolution ico [4dd0c9a ]
🔧 Packaging Windows app with msix [8a1c5a4 ]
🔧 Set macOS deployment target to 10.15 to reduce package size [59a7758 ]
🔧 Update macOS project, fix the app name and bundle id [99f0180 ]
🗃️ Persistently save configuration data to support setting the copy value type of gitmoji [1a37e04 ]
🍱 Add application icons (prefer Big Sur round style on desktop) [0d32fab ]
💄 Add a search bar and adjust the gitmoji row style [35ebe8e ]
🔧 Update project configuration files [4b43b02 ]
💄 Add basic home page UI elements [cb37c0d ]
⚡ Persistently cache Gitmoji data [7fc645b ]
🐛 Fix the windows icon, remove the low resolution part of the ico file [10745f5 ]
🐛 Fix the windows app executable name [dac0363 ]
🐛 Fix the issue that the hidden style title bar could not be dragged on Windows [3704821 ]
🐛 Fix the issue that the shared preferences instance not initialized when accessing data [3af624d ]
📝 Update README [390c180 ]
👷 Fix Windows build pipeline, use inno setup to make installer exe [aa94243 ]
👷 Build and archive Windows app with Github Actions [fc08129 ]
Merge branch 'main' into feature/ci [c2a1cfa ]
🚩 Display app version on settings page [7a60a6b ]
🚩 Add a button to exit the app in the settings page [66df84f ]
👷 Fix the wrong archive artifact path [7db29ca ]
📝 Add installation guide for macOS App [d3138eb ]
👷 Fix the issue that the symlink is invalid when packaging macOS app [ce290b7 ]
👷 Add Github Actions workflow for CI [419fd60 ]
📝 Update README [976584d ]
🚩 Add a clear text button for the search bar text field [a660834 ]
🚩 Customize window style, set minimum window size and remove the title bar [7c31b2b ]
🚩 Prefer loading local "gitmojis" json data over remote github data to speed up launch time [d4957d8 ]
🚩 Support click to copy emoji to clipboard [1ae8530 ]
You can’t perform that action at this time.