UI is based on ChessBase for windows.
Main features (✗ - not implemented, ✓ - implemented): ✗ Application settings (read/write from config file) ✗ Play game against engine from any position ✗ Analyse position with engine ✗ Analyse position with engine using branching (deep analysis) ✗ Select and configure engine ✗ Work with chess notation ✗ Work with chess games databases ✗ Battle different engines (from any position) ✗ User can load different textures for pieces and board
Main parts: 1. Engine manager 2. Notation editor 3. Chess Board
Engine manager is 2-thread process that fork+exec engine child process and synchronously communicates with it. It manages the whole workcycle of different UCI engines, i.e. it loads engine, initializes engine parameters, transfers commands and information from GUI to engine and vice versa, correctly shuts down engine, and so on.
At application start engine manager should load default engine or wait for engine name to load it.
- run engine in child process
- initialize engine parameters read from $enginename.conf
- transfers commands from stdin to engine subprocess
- performs all communication stuff synchronously
- store position state in process
- API to get/send moves from/to GUI and engine
- ability to turn off engine and wait for commands from gui (to load engine again)
- ability to load another engine
- engine battle mode
Engine manager should be controlled from GUI, so there should be some form/widget that configures work of engine manager. I.e. sets default engine, adds and removes engines, and configures engines parameters.
- none
- CRUD engines list in some widget
- configure engines (update config files)
Notation editor is a part of project that is responsible for showing game notation and saving/loading game files.
- none
- Store game notation in some way
it seems to be good idea, to store it some way that could be
corresponding with current `game_state` type. This would allow to
perform threefold repetition check (Chess board part)
The notation should satisfy following requirements:
- Any form of notation could be chosen as a setting, i.e
1. g1f3
1. Ng1f3
1. Nf3
1. ♘g1f3
1. ♘f3
- Notation supports branching variations
1. e4
[ 1. d4 d5 2. c4
(2. Nf3
1... e5
[ 2... c5]
- Current move is always highlighted
- User can click on any move on the notation widget and current
state will be set to selected move
- User can scroll through notation with mouse wheel or arrow buttons
- User can copy/paste [FEN](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Forsyth%E2%80%93Edwards_Notation) and copy/paste/load/save [PGN](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Portable_Game_Notation)
- Interact with databases
Chess Board is a part of project that is responsible for users ability to perfrom different manipulations with chess board. It consists of 2 subparts: front-end and backend.
- Start new game
- Enter move via drag-and-drop operation
this includes castlings, enpassants and pawn promotions
- Flip board (Needs to be bind to Ctrl+B shortcut)
- highlighted kings square if threatened
- highlighted threatened and protected squares (as setting)
- board editor
- enter move via two sequential clicks
- ability to draw arrows over the board with right-click drag-and-drop
- ability to draw arrows for moves got from engine (in analysis mode)
- [premoves](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Premove)
- Start new game
- Calculate move validness and perform it
this includes castlings, enpassants and pawn promotions
also this includes kings safety rules
- Flip board
- Check game end cases:
- mate
- stalemate
- insufficient material
- Check game end case:
- threefold repetition (may be implemented in Notation part)