diff --git a/doc/pdoc/cli.html b/doc/pdoc/cli.html index c82e9adf..6c542573 100644 --- a/doc/pdoc/cli.html +++ b/doc/pdoc/cli.html @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
- +Command-line entry point
def main(_args=None):
+ """ Command-line entry point """
+ global args
+ args = _args or parser.parse_args()
+ # If warnings not externally managed, show deprecation warnings
+ if not sys.warnoptions:
+ warnings.simplefilter("once", DeprecationWarning)
+ if args.close_stdin:
+ sys.stdin.close()
+ if (args.html or args.http) and not args.output_dir:
+ args.output_dir = 'html'
+ if args.html_dir:
+ _warn_deprecated('--html-dir', '--output-dir')
+ args.output_dir = args.html_dir
+ if args.overwrite:
+ _warn_deprecated('--overwrite', '--force')
+ args.force = args.overwrite
+ template_config = {}
+ for config_str in args.config:
+ try:
+ key, value = config_str.split('=', 1)
+ value = ast.literal_eval(value)
+ template_config[key] = value
+ except Exception:
+ raise ValueError(
+ f'Error evaluating --config statement "{config_str}". '
+ 'Make sure string values are quoted?'
+ )
+ if args.html_no_source:
+ _warn_deprecated('--html-no-source', '-c show_source_code=False', True)
+ template_config['show_source_code'] = False
+ if args.link_prefix:
+ _warn_deprecated('--link-prefix', '-c link_prefix="foo"', True)
+ template_config['link_prefix'] = args.link_prefix
+ if args.external_links:
+ _warn_deprecated('--external-links')
+ template_config['external_links'] = True
+ if args.template_dir is not None:
+ if not path.isdir(args.template_dir):
+ print(f'Error: Template dir {args.template_dir!r} is not a directory', file=sys.stderr)
+ sys.exit(1)
+ pdoc.tpl_lookup.directories.insert(0, args.template_dir)
+ # Support loading modules specified as python paths relative to cwd
+ sys.path.append(os.getcwd())
+ # Virtual environment handling for pdoc script run from system site
+ try:
+ os.environ['VIRTUAL_ENV']
+ except KeyError:
+ pass # pdoc was not invoked while in a virtual environment
+ else:
+ from glob import glob
+ from sysconfig import get_path
+ libdir = get_path("platlib")
+ sys.path.append(libdir)
+ # Resolve egg-links from `setup.py develop` or `pip install -e`
+ # XXX: Welcome a more canonical approach
+ for pth in glob(path.join(libdir, '*.egg-link')):
+ try:
+ with open(pth) as f:
+ sys.path.append(path.join(libdir, f.readline().rstrip()))
+ except IOError:
+ warn(f'Invalid egg-link in venv: {pth!r}')
+ if args.http:
+ template_config['link_prefix'] = "/"
+ # Run the HTTP server.
+ _WebDoc.args = args # Pass params to HTTPServer xP
+ _WebDoc.template_config = template_config
+ host, _, port = args.http.partition(':')
+ host = host or DEFAULT_HOST
+ port = int(port or DEFAULT_PORT)
+ print(f'Starting pdoc server on {host}:{port}', file=sys.stderr)
+ httpd = HTTPServer((host, port), _WebDoc)
+ print(f"pdoc server ready at http://{host}:{port}", file=sys.stderr)
+ # Allow tests to perform `pdoc.cli._httpd.shutdown()`
+ global _httpd
+ _httpd = httpd
+ try:
+ httpd.serve_forever()
+ finally:
+ httpd.server_close()
+ sys.exit(0)
+ if args.filter and args.filter.strip():
+ def docfilter(obj, _filters=args.filter.strip().split(',')):
+ return any(f in obj.refname or
+ isinstance(obj, pdoc.Class) and f in obj.doc
+ for f in _filters)
+ else:
+ docfilter = None
+ modules = [pdoc.Module(module, docfilter=docfilter,
+ skip_errors=args.skip_errors)
+ for module in args.modules]
+ pdoc.link_inheritance()
+ # Loading is done. Output stage ...
+ config = pdoc._get_config(**template_config)
+ # Load configured global markdown extensions
+ # XXX: This is hereby enabled only for CLI usage as for
+ # API use I couldn't figure out where reliably to put it.
+ if config.get('md_extensions'):
+ from .html_helpers import _md
+ _kwargs = {'extensions': [], 'configs': {}}
+ _kwargs.update(config.get('md_extensions', {}))
+ _md.registerExtensions(**_kwargs)
+ if args.pdf:
+ _print_pdf(modules, **template_config)
+ import textwrap
+ PANDOC_CMD = textwrap.indent(_PANDOC_COMMAND, ' ')
+ print(f"""
+PDF-ready markdown written to standard output.
+ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+Convert this file to PDF using e.g. Pandoc:
+or using Python-Markdown and Chrome/Chromium/WkHtmlToPDF:
+ markdown_py --extension=meta \\
+ --extension=abbr \\
+ --extension=attr_list \\
+ --extension=def_list \\
+ --extension=fenced_code \\
+ --extension=footnotes \\
+ --extension=tables \\
+ --extension=admonition \\
+ --extension=smarty \\
+ --extension=toc \\
+ pdf.md > pdf.html
+ chromium --headless --disable-gpu --print-to-pdf=pdf.pdf pdf.html
+ wkhtmltopdf --encoding utf8 -s A4 --print-media-type pdf.html pdf.pdf
+or similar, at your own discretion.""",
+ file=sys.stderr)
+ sys.exit(0)
+ for module in modules:
+ if args.html:
+ _quit_if_exists(module, ext='.html')
+ recursive_write_files(module, ext='.html', **template_config)
+ elif args.output_dir: # Generate text files
+ _quit_if_exists(module, ext='.md')
+ recursive_write_files(module, ext='.md', **template_config)
+ else:
+ sys.stdout.write(module.text(**template_config))
+ # Two blank lines between two modules' texts
+ sys.stdout.write(os.linesep * (1 + 2 * int(module != modules[-1])))
+ if args.html:
+ lunr_config = config.get('lunr_search')
+ if lunr_config is not None:
+ _generate_lunr_search(
+ modules, lunr_config.get("index_docstrings", True), template_config)
def module_path(m: Module, ext: str)
def module_path(m: pdoc.Module, ext: str):
+ return path.join(args.output_dir, *re.sub(r'\.html$', ext, m.url()).split('/'))
def recursive_write_files(m: Module,
ext: str,
def recursive_write_files(m: pdoc.Module, ext: str, **kwargs):
+ assert ext in ('.html', '.md')
+ filepath = module_path(m, ext=ext)
+ dirpath = path.dirname(filepath)
+ if not os.access(dirpath, os.R_OK):
+ os.makedirs(dirpath)
+ with _open_write_file(filepath) as f:
+ if ext == '.html':
+ f.write(m.html(**kwargs))
+ elif ext == '.md':
+ f.write(m.text(**kwargs))
+ for submodule in m.submodules():
+ recursive_write_files(submodule, ext=ext, **kwargs)