Splashboard is an HTML5 app for displaying information in a pleasant way.
Currently it can display the following information:
- Local weather condition and temperature (U.S. only)
- Time
- Date
- Photos (provided directly or from Picasa Album JSON feed)
- Severe weather alerts (U.S. only)
Additionally, Splashboard supports a feature called nightmode, in which the display goes dark.
npm install
bower install
grunt build
Copy the files from the dist/ directory to your server.
The fragment part of the url (after the '#') is how you specify a configuration file. There are four ways to specify configuration:
- Zip code: http://example.com/spashboard/#90210
- Config (called config.json) in Splashboard root: http://example.com/splashboard/#config
- Relative path to config: http://example.com/splashboard/#/dir/config.json
- Path to external server: http://example.com/splashboard/#//www.example.org/dir/config.json
picasa: ['http://picasaweb.google.com/data/feed/base/user/112870609367691483673/albumid/5699371792810315905?alt=json&kind=photo&hl=en_US'],
images: ['http://lorempixel.com/800/600/'],
zip: 90210,
delay: 5000,
nightmode: [23, 6]
picasa - Picasa Web Album feed. Make sure you use "alt=json"
images - URLs to images to display in addition to images found in any picasa album feeds
zip - Zip code used for weather and weather alerts
delay - How many miliseconds between displaying images
nightmode - Two element array. First element is the hour in which nightmode starts, followed by the hour in which nightmode ends.
Splashboard works on a number of different devices. I run it frequently as a screensaver on my Mac through WebSaver
I'm also working on running it on Chumby powered devices, through a Chromeless QtWebkit app.
Here are some ideas I working on:
- Monitor webcams and display webcam images on motion detection
- Display of popup information