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Configuring Datadog Tracing in Nginx

The behavior of the Datadog nginx module can be customized using dedicated directives in the nginx configuration.

Nginx configuration files have a hierarchical structure:

# "main" context

events {
    # ...

http {
    # "http" context

    server {
        # "server" context
        listen 80;

        location /ping {
            # "location" context
            # ...

        location /auth {
            if ($request_method = POST) {
                # "if" context
                # ...
            # ...

Each context inherits its configuration from the surrounding context. Contexts closer to the "main" context are at a "higher level," and contexts more deeply nested are at a "lower level."

For example, in the configuration above, location /ping inherits all of its configuration from the surrounding server, which in turn inherits its configuration from the surrounding "main" context.

Configuration directives in a given context override part of the configuration inherited from the higher levels.

Configuration Directives

The Datadog tracing module defines the following configuration directives.


  • syntax datadog_service_name <name>
  • default: nginx
  • context: http

Set the service name to associate with each span produced by this module.


  • syntax datadog_environment <environment>
  • default: (no value)
  • context: http

Set the name of the environment within which nginx is running. Common values include prod, dev, and staging.


  • syntax datadog_sample_rate <rate> [on|off]
  • default: N/A
  • context: http, server, location

Set the probability that the traces beginning with requests in this configuration context will be kept (sent to Datadog), as opposed to dropped.

The <rate> is a number between 0.0 and 1.0, inclusive. Zero indicates "never," while one indicates "always." 0.5 would indicate "half the time," i.e. 50%.

Optionally specify a third argument that is a variable expression that must evaluate to either on or off. If it evaluates to on, then the associated sample rate is chosen. If it evaluates to off, then the associated sample rate is ignored. Any other value behaves as off and logs an error. If the third argument is omitted, then it defaults to on.

datadog_sample_rate directives in lower level configuration contexts take precedence over those in higher level configuration contexts. If multiple directives appear at the same configuration level, then their on/off expressions are tried in order. The first directive whose expression evaluates to on is the rate applied at that configuration level.

For example, consider the following excerpt from an nginx configuration file:

 1  http {
 2      map $http_x_request_category $healthcheck_toggle {
 3          healthcheck    on;
 4          default    off;
 5      }
 7      datadog_sample_rate 0 $healthcheck_toggle;
 8      datadog_sample_rate 0.1;
10      server {
11          listen 80;
13          location / {
14              proxy_pass http://upstream;
15          }
17          location /admin {
18              datadog_sample_rate 1.0;
19              proxy_pass http://admin-portal;
20          }
21      }
22  }

The location / at line 13 does not have its own datadog_sample_rate, so it inherits any from enclosing configuration contexts. There are no datadog_sample_rate directives directly in the enclosing server block, but there are in the enclosing http block. The first is on line 7, and is conditional based on the value of the $healthcheck_toggle variable, which is defined by the map on line 2.

A request that routes to location / will be sampled at 0% if the X-Request-Category header has the value healthcheck, per the datadog_sample_rate on line 7. If the X-Request-Category header is no present or has a value different from healthcheck, then the request will be sampled at 10%, per the datadog_sample_rate on line 8.

A request that routes to location /admin will be sampled at 100%, per the datadog_sample_rate on line 18.

The datadog_sample_rate directive that applies, if any, is annotated in the request span as the nginx.sample_rate_source tag. The tag has the following format:

<nginx file path>:<line>#<dupe>

For example,

  • <nginx file path> is the path to the nginx configuration file that contains the datadog_sample_rate directive.
  • <line> is the line number where the directive appears.
  • <dupe> is the one-based index of the directive among all datadog_sample_rate directives that appear on that same line. Typically each directive is on its own line, so <dupe> is likely always 1.


  • syntax datadog_agent_url <url>
  • default: http://localhost:8126
  • context: http

Specify a URL at which the Datadog Agent can be contacted. The following formats are supported:

  • http://<domain or IP>:<port>
  • http://<domain or IP>
  • http+unix://<path to socket>
  • unix://<path to socket>

The port defaults to 8126 if it is not specified.


  • syntax datadog_tag <key> <value>
  • context: http, server, location

On the currently active span, set a tag whose name is the specified <key> and whose value is the result of evaluating the specified <value> in the context of the current request. <value> is a string that may contain $-variables (including those provided by this module).


  • syntax datadog_delegate_sampling [on|off]
  • default off
  • context http, server, location

If on, and if nginx is making the trace sampling decision (i.e. if nginx is the first service in the trace), then delegate the sampling decision to the upstream service. nginx will make a provisional sampling decision, and convey it along with the intention to delegate to the upstream. The upstream service might then make its own sampling decision and convey that decision back in the response. If the upstream does so, then nginx will use the upstream's sampling decision instead of the provisional decision.

Sampling delegation exists to allow nginx to act as a reverse proxy for multiple different services, where the trace sampling decision can be better made within the service than it can within nginx.

Sampling delegation is off by default. The directive's argument can be a variable expression that evaluates to either of on or off. If the directive's argument is omitted, then it is as if it were on.


  • syntax datadog_enable
  • context http, server, location

Enable Datadog tracing in the current configuration context. This overrides any datadog_disable directives at higher levels, and may be overridden by datadog_disable directives at lower levels.

When tracing is enabled, a span is created for each request, and trace context is propagated to the proxied service.

Datadog tracing is enabled by default.


  • syntax datadog_disable
  • context http, server, location

Disable Datadog tracing in the current configuration context. This overrides any datadog_enable directives at higher levels, and may be overridden by datadog_enable directives at lower levels.

When tracing is disabled, no span is created when a request is handled, and no trace context is propagated to proxied services.

Datadog tracing is enabled by default. This directive is the way to disable it.


  • syntax datadog_resource_name <name>
  • default: $request_method $uri, e.g. "GET /api/book/0-345-24223-8/title"
  • context: http, server, location

Set the request span's "resource name" (sometimes called "endpoint") to the result of evaluating the specified <name> in the context of the current request. <name> is a string that may contain $-variables (including those provided by this module).

The request span is the span created while processing a request.


  • syntax datadog_location_resource_name <name>
  • default: $request_method $uri, e.g. "GET /api/book/0-345-24223-8/title"
  • context: http, server, location

Set the location span's "resource name" (sometimes called "endpoint") to the result of evaluating the specified <name> in the context of the current request. <name> is a string that may contain $-variables (including those provided by this module).

The location span is a span created in addition to the request span. See datadog_trace_locations.


  • syntax datadog_trust_incoming_span on|off
  • default: on
  • context: http, server, location

If on, attempt to extract trace context from incoming requests. This way, nginx need not be the beginning of the trace — it can inherit a parent span from the incoming request.

If off, trace context will not be extracted from incoming requests. Nginx will start a new trace. This might be desired if extracting trace information from untrusted clients is deemed a security concern.


  • syntax datadog_propagation_styles <style> [<style> ...]
  • default: tracecontext datadog
  • context: http

Set one or more trace propagation styles that nginx will use to extract trace context from incoming requests and to inject trace context into outgoing requests.

When extracting trace context from an incoming request, the specified styles will be tried in order, stopping at the first style that yields trace context.

When injecting trace context into an outgoing request, all of the specified styles will be used.

The following styles are supported:

  • datadog is the Datadog style. It uses the following headers:
    • X-Datadog-Trace-Id
    • X-Datadog-Parent-Id
    • X-Datadog-Sampling-Priority
    • X-Datadog-Origin
    • X-Datadog-Tags
  • tracecontext is the W3C (OpenTelemetry) style. It uses the following headers:
    • traceparent
    • tracestate
  • b3 is the Zipkin multi-header style. It uses the following headers:
    • X-B3-TraceId
    • X-B3-SpanId
    • X-B3-Sampled


  • syntax datadog_operation_name <name>
  • default: nginx.request
  • context: http, server, location

Set the request span's "operation name" to the result of evaluating the specified <name> in the context of the current request. <name> is a string that may contain $-variables (including those provided by this module).

The request span is the span created while processing a request.


  • syntax datadog_location_operation_name <name>
  • default: nginx.$datadog_proxy_directive, e.g. nginx.proxy_pass
  • context: http, server, location

Set the location span's "operation name" to the result of evaluating the specified <name> in the context of the current request. <name> is a string that may contain $-variables (including those provided by this module).

The location span is a span created in addition to the request span. See datadog_trace_locations.


  • syntax datadog_trace_locations on|off
  • default: off
  • context: http, server, location

If on, then in addition to creating one span per request handled, create an additional span representing the location block selected in handling the request.

This option is off by default, so that only one span is produced per request.


  • syntax datadog_allow_sampling_delegation_in_subrequests [on|off]
  • default: off
  • context: http, server, location

If on, then honor datadog_delegate_sampling directives in contexts where nginx is making a subrequest, e.g. with the auth_request directive.

This option is off by default, so that sampling delegation is not performed for subrequests.

Note that in addition to this directive, the nginx configuration must also contain the log_subrequest on; directive in order for tracing to be enabled for subrequests.

datadog_appsec_enabled (AppSec builds)

  • syntax datadog_appsec_enabled [on|off]
  • default: off
  • context: main

Controls whether AppSec can be used in requests (provided that the request is mapped to a thread pool).

A basic but full example of a configuration file that enables AppSec is:

thread_pool waf_thread_pool threads=2 max_queue=16;

load_module /path/to/;

events {
    worker_connections 1024;

http {
    datadog_agent_url http://agent:8126;
    datadog_appsec_enabled on;
    datadog_waf_thread_pool_name waf_thread_pool;

    server {
        listen 80;
        location / {
            proxy_pass http://backend:8080;

datadog_waf_thread_pool_name (AppSec builds)

  • syntax datadog_waf_thread_pool_name <pool name>
  • default: (undefined)
  • context: main, server, location

AppSec runs its core logic in a separate thread in order to avoid blocking the main thread as much as possible. This directive controls the thread pool where the task is dispatched to. The thread pool must have been defined with the nginx thread_pool directive. If a request is not mapped to any thread pool, AppSec checks will not run.

datadog_appsec_ruleset_file (AppSec builds)

  • syntax datadog_appsec_ruleset_file <path to json rules file>
  • default: (undefined: embedded rules are run)
  • context: main

Allows replacing the embedded rules file with a custom one.

datadog_appsec_http_blocked_template_json (AppSec builds)

  • syntax datadog_appsec_http_blocked_template_json <path to json file>
  • default: (undefined: default response is sent)
  • context: main

When AppSec blocks a request, this directive controls the response the server will send, provided that content negotiation results in a json response.

datadog_appsec_http_blocked_template_html (AppSec builds)

  • syntax datadog_appsec_http_blocked_template_html <path to html file>
  • default: (undefined: default response is sent)
  • context: main

When AppSec blocks a request, this directive controls the response the server will send, provided that content negotiation results in an html response.

datadog_client_ip_header (AppSec builds)

  • syntax datadog_client_ip_header <name of header with IP address>
  • default: (undefined: a predefined set of headers are checked, plus the peer address)
  • context: main

Controls which header is used to determine the real client IP address. The value may contain uppercase and underscore characters; these are normalized to their lowercase counterparts and the dash character, respectively.

It is recommended that this header be set in order to avoid IP address spoofing.

datadog_appsec_waf_timeout (AppSec builds)

  • syntax datadog_appsec_waf_timeout <int><unit>
  • default: 100ms
  • context: main

The approximate maximum execution time for each WAF run. The run will exit early should this limit be exceeded.

datadog_appsec_obfuscation_key_regex (AppSec builds)

  • syntax datadog_appsec_obfuscation_key_regex <regular expression>
  • default: (?i)(?:p(?:ass)?w(?:or)?d|pass(?:_?phrase)?|secret|(?:api_?|private_?|public_?)key)|token|consumer_?(?:id|key|secret)|sign(?:ed|ature)|bearer|authorization
  • context: main

Values associated with a key matching this regular expression will be redacted.

datadog_appsec_obfuscation_value_regex (AppSec builds)

  • syntax datadog_appsec_obfuscation_key_regex <regular expression>
  • default: (undefined)
  • context: main

Values matching this regular expression will be redacted.


Nginx defines variables that may appear in various contexts in the nginx configuration and at runtime evaluate to values of interest, such as the request "User-Agent" header ($http_user_agent).

The Datadog nginx module defines additional variables that provide information about the currently active trace.


$datadog_trace_id expands to the decimal representation of the unsigned 64-bit ID of the currently active trace. If there is no currently active trace, then the variable expands to a hyphen character (-) instead.


$datadog_span_id expands to the decimal representation of the unsigned 64-bit ID of the currently active span. If there is no currently active span, then the variable expands to a hyphen character (-) instead.

Note that if datadog_trace_locations is on, then $datadog_span_id will refer to the span associated with the location (outbound request), not its parent (inbound request).


$datadog_location expands to the name or pattern of the location block that matched the current request. For example,

location /foo {
    # ...

has location name "/foo", while

location ~ /api/v(1|2)/trace/[0-9]+ {
    # ...

has location name "/api/v(1|2)/trace/[0-9]+".

Named locations have their literal names, including the "@", e.g.

location @updates {
    # ...

has location name "@updates".

If there is no location associated with the current request, then $datadog_location expands to a hyphen character ("-").


$datadog_proxy_directive expands to the name of the configuration directive used to proxy the current request, i.e. one of proxy_pass, grpc_pass, fastcgi_pass, or uwsgi_pass.

If the request was not configured by one of those directives, then $datadog_proxy_directive expands to "location".

This variable is used in the implementation of the Datadog nginx module.


$datadog_json expands to a JSON object of trace context. Each of its properties corresponds to the value of a header that would be used to propagate trace context to a proxied service.

If there is no currently active trace, then the variable expands to a hyphen character (-) instead.


$datadog_config_json expands to a JSON object whose properties describe the configuration of the Datadog tracer. It is the same as the JSON object logged to standard error when the tracer is initialized.

If tracing is disabled, then the variable expands to a hyphen character (-) instead.


$datadog_env_<var> expands to the value of the specified <var> environment variable. <var> must be one of the environment variables used to configure the Datadog tracer.

If <var> is not one of the allowed variables, or if <var> is not defined in the environment, then the variable expands to a hyphen character (-) instead.

This family of variables is used in the tests for the Datadog nginx module.


This is an implementation detail of the module and should not be used.