- Changed configuration style:
- Removed RSpec.configure interface
- Added OO interface to Fizzgig to allow storing configuration in
the Fizzgig instance
- Removed RSpec matchers; you can use the matchers from rspec-puppet
require 'rspec-puppet/matchers'
RSpec.configure do |c|
c.include RSpec::Puppet::ManifestMatchers
- Changed API for #instantiate to take ruby Hash of params rather
than String containing puppet code
- Added support for evaluating nodes using Fizzgig.node(hostname)
- Changed function stubs to allow multi-arg functions. This broke
existing code, since single args need to be wrapped in an Array.
- fixed bug to allow multiple conditions on a matcher, eg:
it {should contain_file('foo').with_content(/asdf/).with_content(/jkl;/)}