Generate Kubernetes architecture diagrams from Kubernetes manifest files, kustomization files, Helm charts, and actual cluster state.
There are several tools to generate Kubernetes architecture diagrams (see here). The main originality of KubeDiagrams is its configurability allowing for instance to deal with custom Kubernetes resources.
Architecture diagram for official Kubernetes WordPress tutorial manifests:
Architecture diagram for official Kubernetes ZooKeeper tutorial manifests:
Architecture diagram of a deployed Cassandra instance:
Architecture diagram for Train Ticket:A Benchmark Microservice System:
Architecture diagram of the Minikube Ingress Addon:
Architecture diagram for the Kube Prometheus Stack chart:
Architecture diagram for free5gc-k8s manifests:
Architecture diagram for open5gs-k8s manifests:
Architecture diagram for the Towards5GS-helm chart:
Architecture diagram for a deployed CronJob instance:
Architecture diagram for NetworkPolicy resources:
Many other architecture diagrams are available into examples/.
All the examples are
- official Kubernetes WordPress tutorial
- official Kubernetes ZooKeeper tutorial
- official Kubernetes Cassandra tutorial
- Train Ticket
- minikube architecture diagrams
- k0s architecture diagrams
- Kube Prometheus Stack
- free5gc-k8s
- open5gs-k8s
- Towards5GS-helm
- OpenAirInterface 5G Core Network
- docker-open5gs
- Miscellaneous examples
- Some Helm charts
Following software must be installed:
Following command installs KubeDiagrams and all its Python dependencies, i.e., PyYAML and Diagrams.
# using pip (pip3)
$ pip install KubeDiagrams
$ kube-diagrams -h
usage: kube-diagrams [-h] [-o OUTPUT] [-f FORMAT] [-c CONFIG] [-v] [--without-namespace] filename [filename ...]
Generate Kubernetes architecture diagrams from Kubernetes manifest files
positional arguments:
filename the Kubernetes manifest filename to process
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
output diagram filename
-f FORMAT, --format FORMAT
output format, allowed formats are png (default), jpg, svg, pdf, and dot
-c CONFIG, --config CONFIG
custom kube-diagrams configuration file
-v, --verbose verbosity, set to false by default
--without-namespace disable namespace cluster generation
Supported kind
resource types are 48 ones:
- APIService/
- ClusterRole/
- ClusterRoleBinding/
- ConfigMap/v1
- CronJob/batch/v1
- CustomResourceDefinition/
- CSIDriver/
- CSINode/
- CSIStorageCapacity/
- DaemonSet/apps/v1
- Deployment/apps/v1
- Endpoints/v1
- EndpointSlice/
- Group/
- HorizontalPodAutoscaler/autoscaling/v1
- HorizontalPodAutoscaler/autoscaling/v2
- Ingress/
- IngressClass/
- Job/batch/v1
- Lease/
- LimitRange/v1
- MutatingWebhookConfiguration/
- Namespace/v1
- NetworkAttachmentDefinition/
- NetworkPolicy/
- Node/v1
- PersistentVolume/v1
- PersistentVolumeClaim/v1
- PriorityClass/
- Pod/v1
- PodDisruptionBudget/policy/v1
- PodSecurityPolicy/policy/v1beta1
- PodTemplate/v1
- ReplicaSet/apps/v1
- ReplicationController/v1
- ResourceQuota/v1
- Role/
- RoleBinding/
- RuntimeClass/
- Secret/v1
- Service/v1
- ServiceAccount/v1
- StatefulSet/apps/v1
- StorageClass/
- User/
- ValidatingWebhookConfiguration/
- VerticalPodAutoscaler/
- VolumeAttachment/
Note: The mapping between these supported Kubernetes resources and architecture diagrams is defined into bin/kube-diagrams.yml.
Note: The mapping for any Kubernetes custom resources can be also defined into KubeDiagrams configuration files as illustrated in examples/k0s/KubeDiagrams.yml and examples/kube-prometheus-stack/KubeDiagrams.yml.
Currently, unsupported kind
resource types are 15 ones:
- Binding/
- ComponentStatus/
- Event/
- ControllerRevision/apps
- TokenReview/
- LocalSubjectAccessReview/
- SelfSubjectAccessReview/
- SelfSubjectRulesReview/
- SubjectAccessReview/
- CertificateSigningRequest/
- Event/
- FlowSchema/
- PriorityLevelConfiguration/
- NodeMetrics/
- PodMetrics/
With KubeDiagrams, Kubernetes resources can be clustered within the architecture diagrams automatically. KubeDiagrams uses the metadata.namespace
resource field as first clustering criteria. Then, the metadata.labels
keys can be used to define subclusters. Following table lists the predefined mappings between label keys and cluster titles as defined in the bin/kube-diagrams.yml file (see the clusters
Label | Cluster Title |
---|---| |
K8s Instance |
release |
Release | |
Helm Chart |
chart |
Chart | |
K8s Application |
app |
Application | |
K8s Component |
service |
Microservice |
tier |
Tier |
New mappings can be easily defined in custom configuration files (see examples/minikube/KubeDiagrams.yml, examples/k0s/KubeDiagrams.yml, examples/free5gc-k8s/KubeDiagrams.yml, examples/open5gs-k8s/KubeDiagrams.yml, and examples/towards5gs-helm/KubeDiagrams.yml) and provided to KubeDiagrams via the --config
command-line option.
- Visualizing cloud-native applications with KubeDiagrams, February 17, 2025
Posts and blogs about KubeDiagrams:
- Announce on reddit
- Facebook Kubernetes Users Group
- Visualising SQL Server in Kubernetes
- Tool of the day
- Post on DevSecOps
This project is licensed under the GPL-3.0 license - see the LICENSE file for details.