Releases: phoebe-project/phoebe2
Releases · phoebe-project/phoebe2
PHOEBE 2.3.40
- fixes handling of
when passed torun_solver
. Previously an error was raised stating it was not a supported keyword argument and was not passed to the script correctly duringexport_solver
PHOEBE 2.3.39
- fixes bug in increment size in progressbar for optimizers that appears to go past 100% before completion
- when running a forward model sampling from a distribution (or a solution), only allow 10 failed samples per draw before raising an error to prevent getting stuck in an infinite loop if the parameter space is unphysical
- add_compute(overwrite=True) now allows the existing tag to already exist in solutions (in addition to models)
PHOEBE 2.3.38
- updates distl to 0.3.1 which includes a fix to treat mvgaussian uncertainties from percentiles like other distribution types
- forces updating kepler's third law constraint when importing a bundle from before 2.3.25 bugfix
PHOEBE 2.3.37
- fixes bug where tags on distributions were improperly applied when passing
- disables run_compute progressbar within solvers
- fixes typo in description of progress parameter
PHOEBE 2.3.36
- fixes bug where running phoebe for the first time within MPI crashes due to each processor attempting to create the passband directory.
PHOEBE 2.3.35
- bugfix in equation for converting rotation period/frequency to potential that affects the shapes of rapidly rotating stars with distortion_method of 'rotstar'.
- single stars: implements the missing constraint for requiv_max for single star systems.
PHOEBE 2.3.34
- ebai: map phases onto -0.5,0.5 interval after computing phase-shift and sending to ebai
- emcee: cast fitted_uniqueids to list when applying wrap indices for continue_from
PHOEBE 2.3.33
- fixes handling of multivariate distributions as priors
- run_compute sample_from: use serial mode when sample_num is 1
- run_compute when passing solution instead of sample_from, default to sample_num=1 if adopt_distributions is False
- export_solver: exclude unneeded distributions/solutions from the exported script to optimize filesize
- export_solver: adds (undocumented until 2.4 release) support for autocontinue
- export_compute: do not require explicitly passing compute if only one exists matching the filter
- calculate_lnp: include_constrained now defaults to True
PHOEBE 2.3.32
- fixes version of flask-socketio dependency to remain compatible with desktop client
- ensures path and query string are cast to string
PHOEBE 2.3.30
- all fitting ld_coeffs. Each coefficient is referenced by index and can be fit or have distributions attached independently. See tutorial for more details.
- also fixes support for custom constraints which can be used to link ld_coeffs between datasets of the same passband, for example.