Releases: phoebe-project/phoebe2
Releases · phoebe-project/phoebe2
PHOEBE 2.2.2
- fix overriding mesh_init_phi as kwarg to run_compute
- fix pblum computation to not require irrad_method kwarg
- fix bundle representation to exclude hidden parameters
PHOEBE 2.2.1
- Improves the detection of g++/gcc version to compare against requirements during setup.
PHOEBE 2.2.0
- Add support for interstellar extinction/reddening.
- Support for Python 3.6+ in addition to Python 2.7+.
- Overhaul of limb-darkening with new ld_mode and ld_coeffs_source parameters.
- Overhaul of passband luminosity and flux scaling with new pblum_mode parameter, including support for maintaining color relations between multiple passbands.
- Ability to provide third light in either flux or percentage units, via the new l3_mode and l3_frac parameters.
- Support for computing a model at different times than the observations, via the new compute_times or computes_phases parameter.
- Transition from pickled to FITS passband files, with automatic detection for available updates. The tables can now also be accessed via
- DISABLED support for beaming/boosting.
- Allow flipping Kepler's thrid law constraint to solve for q.
- Require overwrite=True during add_* or run_* methods that would result in overwriting an existing label.
- Constraint for logg.
- Account for time-dependence (dpdt/dperdt) in t0 constraints.
PHOEBE 2.1.17
- Future-proof to ignore for passband files with extensions other than ".pb" which may be introduced in future versions of PHOEBE.
PHOEBE 2.1.16
- Fixes bug where irradiation was over-optimized and not recomputed as needed for
eccentric or misaligned orbits. Introduced in the optimizations in 2.1.6.
PHOEBE 2.1.15
- Fixes 'long' location of spots on single stars.
- Fixes treatment of spots on secondary 'half' of contact systems.
- Fixes loading legacy files with a spot that has source of 0 due to a bug in legacy.
- Fixes overriding 'ntriangles' by passing keyword argument to run_compute.
PHOEBE 2.1.14
- Fixes the polar rotation axis for RVs in contact systems with non-90 inclinations
by re-enabling the alignment (pitch, yaw) constraints and enforcing them to be 0.
PHOEBE 2.1.13
- Fixes infinite loop when trying to flip esinw AND ecosw
- Adds ability to flip mass (Kepler's third law) to solve for q
- Fixes bug introduced in 2.1.9 in which out-of-limits constrained parameters in an envelope were being raised before all constraints could resolve successfully.
PHOEBE 2.1.12
- Fixes applying t0 when importing legacy dataset which use phase.
- Fixes ignoring other compute options when running checks on kwargs during run_compute.
PHOEBE 2.1.11
- Fixes loading legacy datasets which use phase (by translating to time with the current ephemeris).
- Fixes loading legacy datasets with errors in magnitudes (by converting to errors in flux units).
- Fixes plotting RV datasets in which only one component has times (which is often the case when importing from a legacy file).