(c) 2013 phpManufaktur by Ralf Hertsch
MIT License (MIT) - http://www.opensource.org/licenses/MIT
kitFramework - https://kit2.phpmanufaktur.de
0.29 - 2014-09-14
- fatal: missing /Debug folder ... 8-(
0.28 - 2014-09-10
- upgrade to Silex 1.2.1 (2014-07-01) with all depending libraries
- finally removed Carbon and Nicl/Markdown from framework master branch (moved to kfLibrary in March 2014)
- added libraries Goutte and Guzzle
0.27 - 2013-12-17
- minor release, only very small fixes ...
0.26 - 2013-09-20
- changed template handling
- changed authentication handling
0.25 - 2013-09-16
- fixed invalid namespace for Carbon
0.24 - 2013-09-12
- updated the Carbon extension to 1.4.0
- added hint for usage of
0.23 - 2013-08-28
- updated the Carbon extension to 1.3.0
0.21 - 2013-08-03
- added the Carbon extension for DateTime (1.2.0, @Carbon)
0.20 - 2013-08-01
- upgraded to the Silex framework 1.1.0 (2013-05-04)
- added /framework/README.md
- added /framework/VERSION
0.19 - 2013-07-25
- first public BETA release
0.10 - 2013-02-12
- initial release