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DUDes: a top-down taxonomic profiler for metagenomics and metaproteomics

install with bioconda

Piro, V. C., Lindner, M. S., & Renard, B. Y. (2016). DUDes: a top-down taxonomic profiler for metagenomics. Bioinformatics, 32(15), 2272–2280.


Local installation

pip install

Global installation

conda install -c bioconda dudes
# or
pip install

Toy example with sample data:

dudes -s sampledata/hiseq_accuracy_k60.sam -d sampledata/arc-bac_refseq-cg_201503.npz -o sampledata/dudes_profile_output
  • The sample data is based on a set of bacterial whole-genome shotgun reads comprising 10 organisms (HiSeq - 10000 reads [1]). The read set was mapped with Bowtie2 [2] against the set of complete genome sequences (dudesdb_arc-bac_refseq-cg_201503).

Example with pre-compiled DB for metagenomics:

  • Download the pre-compiled database:
Info Date Size Link
Archaea + Bacteria - RefSeq Complete Genomes 2015-03 13.2 GB
Archaea + Bacteria - RefSeq Complete Genomes 2017-09 37.7 GB
Fungal + Viral - RefSeq Complete Genomes 2017-09 9.5 GB


tar zxfv dudesdb_arc-bac_refseq-cg_201709.tar.gz

Map your reads (fastq) with bowtie2 (any other mapper/index can be used - check -i parameter on

bowtie2 -x dudesdb_arc-bac_refseq-cg_201709/arc-bac_refseq-cg_201709 --no-unal --very-fast -k 10 -1 reads.1.fq -2 reads.2.fq -S mapping_output.sam

Run DUDes:

dudes -s mapping_output.sam -d dudesdb_arc-bac_refseq-cg_201709/arc-bac_refseq-cg_201709.npz -o output_prefix

Example with pre-compiled DB for metaproteomics:

  • Download the pre-compiled dudes database:
Info Date Size Link
UniProt SwissProt + TrEMBL 2024-01 6.4 GB


tar zxfv dudesdb_uniprot_202401.tar.gz

Map your peptides (fasta) with diamond (any other mapper/index can be used - check -i parameter on

Download and unpack Version 2024-01 for the UniProt SwissProt and TrEMBL fasta:

tar zxfv knowledgebase2023_05.tar.gz knowledgebase/complete/uniprot_sprot.fasta.gz knowledgebase/complete/uniprot_trembl.fasta.gz

Create the database:

zcat knowledgebase/complete/uniprot_sprot.fasta.gz knowledgebase/complete/uniprot_trembl.fasta.gz | diamond makedb --db diamond_database.dmnd

Map your peptides:

diamond blastp  \
        -q path/to/your.fasta \
        -d diamond_database.dmnd \
        --fast \
        --outfmt 6 qseqid sseqid slen sstart evalue \
        -o mapping_output.tsv

Run DUDes:

dudes -c mapping_output.tsv -d dudes_db.npz -o output_prefix

Custom index and dudes database:

Index your reference file (.fasta) with bowtie2 (any other mapper/index can be used - check -i parameter on

bowtie2-build -f references.fasta custom_db

Create a dudes database based on the same set of references:

dudesdb -m 'av' -f references.fasta -n nodes.dmp -a names.dmp -g nucl_gb.accession2taxid -t 12 -o custom_db
  • Choose the parameter -m considering the format of the headers in your reference sequences:
    • -m 'av': New NCBI header [>NC_009925.1 Acaryochloris marina MBIC11017, complete genome.]
    • -m 'gi': Old NCBI header [>gi|158333233|ref|NC_009925.1| Acaryochloris marina MBIC11017, complete genome.]
    • -m 'up': UniProt header [>sp|Q197F8|002R_IIV3 Uncharacterized protein 002R OS=Invertebrate iridescent virus 3 OX=345201 GN=IIV3-002R PE=4 SV=1]
  • nodes.dmp and names.dmp can be obtained from: taxdump.tar.gz
  • nucl_gb.accession2taxid, nucl_wgs.accession2taxid or gi_taxid_nucl.dmp.gz(depending on your reference origin) can be obtained from here


dudes requires two main input files to perform the taxonomic analysis:

  1. a sequence alignment/map file (.sam file)
  2. a database generated by (.npz file)

dudesdb links taxonomic information and reference sequences identifiers (GI or accession.version). The input to dudesdb script should be the same set of reference sequences (or a subset with matching identifiers)** used for the index database of the mapping tool.

** It is possible to run DUDes with previously generated alignment/map files with a pre-compiled database (see above) or with a database generated from a different source/date/version from the mapping tool. DUDes' algorithm filters references (and matches) not found in DUDes database before performing the analysis. Notice that some information can be lost in this case.


$ dudes --help

usage: dudes [-h] (-s <sam_file> | -c <custom_blast_file>) -d <database_file>
     [-i <sam_format>] [-t <threads>] [-x <taxid_start>]
     [-m <max_read_matches>] [-a <min_reference_matches>]
     [-l <last_rank>] [-b <bin_size>] [--no-normalize]
     [-o <output_prefix>] [--debug]
     [--debug_plots_dir DEBUG_PLOTS_DIR] [-v]

-h, --help            show this help message and exit
-s <sam_file>         Alignment/mapping file in SAM format. DUDes does not
		    depend on any specific read mapper, but it requires
		    header information (@SQ
		    SN:gi|556555098|ref|NC_022650.1| LN:55956) and
		    mismatch information (check -i)
-c <custom_blast_file>
		    Alignment/mapping file in custom BLAST format. The
		    required columns and their order are: 'qseqid',
		    'sseqid', 'slen', 'sstart', 'evalue'. Additional 
		    columns are ignored.
		    Example command for creating appropriate file with
		    diamond: 'diamond blastp -q {query_fasta} -d
		    {diamond_database} --outfmt 6 qseqid sseqid slen
		    sstart evalue'
-d <database_file>    Database file (output from dudesdb [.npz])
-i <sam_format>       SAM file format, ignored for custom blast files
		    ['nm': sam file with standard cigar string plus NM
		    flag (NM:i:[0-9]*) for mismatches count | 'ex': just
		    the extended cigar string]. Default: 'nm'
-t <threads>          # of threads. Default: 1
-x <taxid_start>      Taxonomic Id used to start the analysis (1 = root).
		    Default: 1
-m <max_read_matches>
		    Keep reads up to this number/percentile of matches (0:
		    off / 0-1: percentile / >=1: match count). Default: 0
-a <min_reference_matches>
		    Minimum number/percentage of supporting matches to
		    consider the reference (0: off / 0-1: percentage /
		    >=1: read number). Default: 0.001
-l <last_rank>        Last considered rank [superkingdom,phylum,class,order,
		    family,genus,species,strain]. Default: 'species'
-b <bin_size>         Bin size (0-1: percentile from the lengths of all
		    references in the database / >=1: bp). Default: 0.25
-o <output_prefix>    Output prefix. Default: STDOUT
--debug               print debug info to STDERR
--debug_plots_dir DEBUG_PLOTS_DIR
		    path to directory for writing debug plots to.
-v                    show program's version number and exit
$ dudesdb --help

usage: dudesdb [-h] [-m <reference_mode>] -f [<fasta_files> ...] -g
       [<ref2tax_files> ...] -n <nodes_file> [-a <names_file>]
       [-o <output_prefix>] [-t <threads>] [-v]

-h, --help            show this help message and exit
-m <reference_mode>   'gi' uses the GI as the identifier (For headers like:
		    >gi|158333233|ref|NC_009925.1|) [NCBI is phasing out
		    sequence GI numbers in September 2016]. 'av' uses the
		    accession.version as the identifier (for headers like:
		    >NC_013791.2). 'up' uses the uniprot accession as
		    identifier (for headers like: >sp|Q197F8|... Default:
-f [<fasta_files> ...]
		    Reference fasta file(s) for header extraction only,
		    plain or gzipped - the same file used to generate the
		    read mapping index. Each sequence header '>' should
		    contain a identifier as defined in the reference mode.
-g [<ref2tax_files> ...]
		    reference id to taxid file(s):
		    'gi_taxid_nucl.dmp[.gz]' --> 'gi' mode,
		    '*.accession2taxid[.gz]' --> 'av' mode [from NCBI
		    taxonomy database
		    onomy/]'[.gz]' --> 'up' mode
-n <nodes_file>       nodes.dmp file [from NCBI taxonomy database]
-a <names_file>       names.dmp file [from NCBI taxonomy database]
-o <output_prefix>    Output prefix. Default: dudesdb
-t <threads>          # of threads. Default: 1
-v                    show program's version number and exit


[1] Wood DE, Salzberg SL: Kraken: ultrafast metagenomic sequence classification using exact alignments. Genome Biology 2014, 15:R46.

[2] Langmead B, Salzberg SL. Fast gapped-read alignment with Bowtie 2. Nature Methods 2012, 9(4), 357–9.