#pivorak WebApp
We are Pivorak - a solid community of Rubyists in Lviv.
Now we’ve grown up enough to make our website.
Thanks to our contributors!
We share experience, knowledge, love, and happiness.
We do such events as:
- #pivorak Ruby Meetups
- #pivorak Ruby Conferences
- #pivorak Ruby Summer Courses
- #pivorak Rails Girls
- #pivorak Rails Teens
- #pivorak Workshops
And many more cool things!
We started in June 2015 and kept gathering for almost 4 years. We are proud to have 30+ speakers and Aaron Patterson, Andrzej Krzywda, Piotr Solnica, Piotr Szotkowski, Nick Sutterer, Michał Papis, Miha Rekar, Ivan Nemytchenko, José Valim, Tobias Pfeiffer, Sroop Sunar among them.
You can help us by contributing to the pivorak-web-app!
You can report a bug!
You can also support our community with Donation.
Join our slack chat!
We have special #pivorak-web-app
channel for contributors.
Follow us on socials: youtube | facebook | twitter | instagram