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Jekyll F.A.Q.s - Frequently Asked Questions (and Answers)

What's News?Themes / TemplatesGetting HelpTroubleshootingGitHub PagesHistory / TriviaMeta

What's News?

Q: Where can I find the latest (and greatest) Jekyll news and goodies?

Check the official Jekyll news blog (web: or the Twitter page (t: jekyllrb).

For detailed upcoming major and minor enhancements and bug fixes, see the History page in the Jekyll repo.

For more Jekyll news see the Static Times news channel (t: statictimes).

For more Jekyll goodies see the Awesome Jekyll bookmark list or the Jekyll bookmark category at the (Static is) The New Dynamic site.

Themes / Templates

Q: Where can I find themes?

Check the Dr. Jekyll's Themes directory or

See the Themes wiki page at the Jekyll repo site or

Search Goolge for jekyll themes

Q: Can I use Bootstrap with Jekyll?

Yes, of course. You can use any HTML starter template/boilerplate with Jekyll.

Jekyll (and GitHub Pages) has built-in support for SCSS, thus, if you use the Bootstrap SCSS version - Jekyll will auto-build the bootstrap.css from the sources letting you change colors, fonts and much more in _settings.scss. To get started see the jekyll-bootstrap-theme (github: henrythemes/jekyll-bootstrap-theme) - a ready-to-fork starter theme - as a (live) example.

Q: How can I get started with gem-packaged themes? / Do I need to package my theme into a gem?

Gem-packaged themes are just an advanced option and in addition they are in development for (real world) experiments (e.g. think v0.1 as stated by the Ben Balter - the lead designer / manager / dev at GitHub).

Thus, to conclude do NOT read too much into the official themes docs e.g. as the only or "right" way to design a theme. Just (continue to) use "classic" themes - there are hundreds to learn from and once you have mastered "classic" themes you can "graduate" to the master class, that is, using gem-packaged themes.

Again gem-packaged themes are wonderful and welcome -- remember, however, the party is just getting started:

For some "classic" starter themes you may try some of Henry's themes:

For the "state-of-art" what a "classic" theme can do - see the incredible beautiful and extremely well-documented (incl. a getting started guide and much much more) Minimal Mikstake (MM) theme by Michael Rose. Happy Jekylling.

Q: Where can I find gem-packaged themes?

See the Awesome (Gem-Packaged) Jekyll themes page

Getting Help

Q: Where can I find help?

Use the official Jekyll talk forum (web: to post your questions and find help on troubleshooting.

Ask your (Jekyll) friends!

For GitHub Pages see the GitHub Pages Troubleshooting Help Pages for a start.

Q: Where can I find Jekyll friends?

Look for a Jekyll (static site) user group in your city.

In Europe groups include:

In America groups include:

If there's no Jekyll group yet in your city, why not start one! If not, try a local Ruby user group (be aware you might run into some Middleman fanatics ;-), see the Awesome Events Page @ Planet Ruby for a world-wide listing.


Q: The Markdown page (e.g. gets copied 1:1 to the _site folder without getting converted to HTML? Why?

Double check your front matter. Jekyll REQUIRES that your markdown page starts with a front matter section e.g.:

layout: page
title:  The Front Matters

Note: The front matter MUST start and end with three dashes e.g. --- (not two -- or four ---- etc.). As a rule: Without front matter there's no preprocessing, that is, conversion from Markdown (.md) to Markup (.html).

Q: Why are my page headings (e.g. ##Heading) not rendered any longer?

Note: Most markdown converter REQUIRE a space between ## and Heading, thus, change:

#Heading One
##Heading Two


# Heading One
## Heading Two

Q: Jekyll doesn't render Markdown when adding HTML tags?

Note: If you put your markdown inside an HTML block tag (e.g. div) - the default setting for Jekyll's markdown converter (e.g. kramdown) is to pass the text along as is, that is, without any conversion. Example:

A List:

- Apples
- Oranges
- Blueberries

Use the "magic" markdown attribute to turn on markdown conversion inside an HTML block tag e.g.:

<div markdown="1">
A List:

- Apples
- Oranges
- Blueberries

Posts and Pages

Q: Why are my latest posts not output (when using a site.posts loop)?

Note: By default future posts will not get added to the posts collection. To get future posts added use the future: true setting in _config.yml. For example, lets assume today is 2016-10-12.


Than the posts collection above (without future: true) will NOT include the post in site.posts.

Q: How can I include markdown blocks in markdown pages?

You can include markdown blocks from files in your markdown pages with include (looks in the _includes folder) or include_relative (looks in the current folder of your page).


title:  Title 
layout: default

{% include_relative %}
{% include_relative %}
{% include_relative %}

Note: With include_relative you can only include files from the current folder and its subfolders but NOT up the hierachy in parent folders e.g. ..\ due to the security sandbox.

Q: How can I include markdown blocks in html pages?

If your page is a HTML page e.g. about.html you have to capture the included markdown block
and than convert the markdown block with the markdownify filter.

Example about.html:

{% capture intro %}{% include %}{% endcapture %}
{{ intro | markdownify }}

Syntax Highlighting

Q: How can I get backtick fenced code blocks (e.g. ```) working (with kramdown)?

Use the GitHub-Flavored Markdown (GFM) parser / mode. Change your _config.yml settings to:

markdown: kramdown
  input: GFM
  hard_wrap: false

For more see the Official GitHub-Flavored Markdown (GFM) Docu Page.

Q: How can I get backtick fenced code blocks (e.g. ```) working inside lists (with kramdown)?

The gist is that the indentation for the code block in lists is determined by the column number of the first non-space character after the list item marker. Huh?

Let's use some examples (note the leading spaces get replaced with dots e.g. · to help along):

Bulleted List

*·some text     =>  use 2 spaces indentation e.g.

  $ gem install beerdb

*···some text   =>  use 4 spaces indentation e.g.

    $ gem install beerdb

Numbered List

1.·some text    =>  use 3 spaces indentation e.g.

   $ gem install beerdb

==> If you line up the fenced code block with the "natural" list indentation, it will work.

For more examples, see the syntax highlighter sandbox list page - (source).

Q: How can I turn on syntax highlighting in code blocks (with kramdown 'n' rouge)?

Use the highlighter and the kramdown.syntax_highlighter options. Change your _config.yml settings to:

highlighter: rouge

markdown: kramdown

  input: GFM
  hard_wrap: false
  syntax_highlighter: rouge

Q: How can I turn off syntax highlighting in code blocks (with kramdown 'n' rouge)?

Use the kramdown.syntax_highlighter_opts.disable option. Change your _config.yml settings to:

highlighter: rouge

markdown: kramdown

  input: GFM
  hard_wrap: false
  syntax_highlighter: rouge
    disable: true

For more see the Official Rouge Syntax Highlighter Docu Page.

Q: How can I add a CSS syntax highlighter theme for Rouge?

Note: If you have Rouge configured Jekyll will only highlight / markup your code in HTML documents using css classes.


printf("Hello, World!");


<div class="highlighter-rouge"><pre class="highlight"><code>
<span class="n">printf</span><span class="p">(</span><span class="s">"Hello, World!"</span><span class="p">);</span>

As step two you have to add css styles to your site's css folder. You can use the rouge command line tool called rougify to get a copy of your theme. For example, to save the css styles for the monokai.sublime theme to the file syntax.css try:

$ rougify style monokai.sublime > syntax.css 

Finally as step three make sure you include / load the css styles for the syntax highlighter in your HTML template e.g.

<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/syntax.css">

That's it.

Tip: Looking for more themes? Rouge aims to be a drop-in replacement for pygments (e.g. uses the same css style classes), thus, you can (re)use all pygments css themes.

Q: What languages (lexers) are supported by Rouge?


$ rougify list

to see an up-to-date list. For version 1.3.1 the languages include:

apache • applescript • c • clojure (clj,cljs) • coffeescript (coffee,coffee-script) • common_lisp (cl,common-lisp,elisp,emacs-lisp) • conf (config,configuration) • cpp (c++) • csharp (c#,cs) • css • CowScript • dart • diff (patch,udiff) • elixir (elixir,exs) • erb (eruby,rhtml) • erlang (erl) • factor • gherkin (cucumber,behat) • glsl • go (golang) • groovy • haml (HAML) • handlebars (hbs,mustache) • haskell (hs) • html • http • ini • io • java • javascript (js) • json • json-doc • liquid • literate_coffeescript (litcoffee) • literate_haskell (lithaskell,lhaskell,lhs) • llvm • lua • make (makefile,mf,gnumake,bsdmake) • markdown (md,mkd) • matlab (m) • moonscript (moon) • nginx • nim (nimrod) • objective_c (objc) • ocaml • perl (pl) • php (php3,php4,php5) • plaintext (text) • powershell (posh) • praat • prolog • properties • puppet (pp) • python (py) • qml • r (R,s,S) • racket • ruby (rb) • rust (rs) • sass • scala • scheme • scss • sed • shell (bash,zsh,ksh,sh) • slim • smalltalk (st,squeak) • sml (ml) • sql • swift • tcl • tex • toml • tulip (tlp) • vb (visualbasic) • viml (vim,vimscript,ex) • xml • yaml (yml)

GitHub Pages

Q: What Jekyll plugins can I use on GitHub Pages?

See the GitHub Pages Dependency Versions page listing all installed (white-listed) Jekyll Plugins. In Nov/2016 the list includes:

Liquid Templates

Q: How can I post (escape) code snippets that include curly brackets {{ }}?

Wrap your code snippets with {% raw %}..{% endraw %} tags. Example:


{% assign words = content | number_of_words %}
{% if words < 360 %}
   1 min
{% else %}
   {{ words | divided_by:180 }} mins
{% endif %}


{% raw %}
{% assign words = content | number_of_words %}
{% if words < 360 %}
    1 min
{% else %}
   {{ words | divided_by:180 }} mins
{% endif %}
{% endraw %}

Note: Unless escaped (with raw) {{ }} and {% %} get processed by Jekyll as Liquid template tags/directives/macros.

History / Trivia

Q: Why is the Jekyll static site generator called Jekyll (and not Hyde or [your name here])?

Tom Preston-Werner started to put together some Ruby scripts that let you "Blog Like a Hacker" back in 2008 and published the package as Jekyll with the tagline "Transform your text into a monster" and a black and white theme.

The name is inspired by "The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde" - a novella written by Scottish author Robert Louis Stevenson first published in 1886 in London. Why? Read the novella online - generated using the Jekyll world classics book theme ;-) Spoiler alert: Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde is one and only one person.



The Jekyll FAQs is dedicated to the public domain. Use it as you please with no restrictions whatsoever.

Questions? Comments?

Post them to the wwwmake forum. Thanks!