All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.
0.0.42 (2022-09-02)
0.0.41 (2022-09-02)
- add hook export (ddc782b)
- publish script (268cf8b)
- protal cleanup fn (5b72504)
- add useUniqueId (ebbde7a)
- add hooks (4e2bced)
- async-wrap: typings (810fc53)
- usecallbackstate: set usecallback (dd9cb51)
- pref useCountdown (16376e7)
- switch: condition 0 error (2d796b9)
- hook: useCountdown chore return types (29b0a06)
- useCountdown params adjust (1958288)
- add utils export and add some utils (f3e058d)
- add portal (e6626cf)
- jest error (0029978)
- useSafeState typing (7d36cc0)
- useCountdown export (e4dce18)
- usemount: typing (6d9f53b)