Postcss is a tool for transforming styles with javascript plugins. These plugins can lint your css, support variables and mixins, transpile future css syntax, inline images, and more.
- Install postcss-loader.
- Install postcss-import to handle import statements for stylesheets.
- Install postcss-preset-env which bundle a list of plugins.
- Set browserslist.
Because browserlist is set to ie 10
, custom properties are transpiled to their original value and prefixes are added for flexbox.
Postcss plugins order is important, they are evaluated from left to right.
If you target older browser (like IE) set preserve
to false
When preserve: false
it only transpile css custom properties that are defined within their file. Therefor if you import them from a different file @import "./partials/var.css";
you must parse the import statement with postcss-import. If you want to run a test try to to comment out postcssImport()
and run the build, only --color-1
will be transpiled.
If you are using sass you don't need postcss-import (import statements are handled by sass).