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Extending DHCPLB

It's possible to extend dhcplb to modify the way it fetches the list of DHCP servers, or have a different logging implementation, or add different balancing algorithm, or make it behave as a server, replying to requests directly. At the moment this is a bit complex but we will work on ways to make it easier.

Adding a new balancing algorithm.

Adding a new algorithm can be done by implementing something that matches the DHCPBalancingAlgorithm interface:

type DHCPBalancingAlgorithm interface {
  selectServerFromList(list []*DHCPServer, message *DHCPMessage) (*DHCPServer, error)
  selectRatioBasedDhcpServer(message *DHCPMessage) (*DHCPServer, error)
  updateStableServerList(list []*DHCPServer) error
  updateRCServerList(list []*DHCPServer) error
  setRCRatio(ratio uint32)
  Name() string

Then add it to the algorithms map in the configSpec.algorithm function, in the config.go file. Do that if you want to share the algorithm with the community.

If, however, you need to implement something that you can't share, because, for example, it's internal and specific to your infra, you can write something that implements the ConfigProvider interface, in particular the NewDHCPBalancingAlgorithm function.

Adding more configuration options.

More configuration options can be added to the config JSON file using the ConfigProvider interface:

type ConfigProvider interface {
  NewHostSourcer(sourcerType, args string, version int) (DHCPServerSourcer, error)
  ParseExtras(extras json.RawMessage) (interface{}, error)
  NewDHCPBalancingAlgorithm(version int) (DHCPBalancingAlgorithm, error)
  NewHandler(extras interface{}, version int) (Handler, error)

The NewHostSourcer function is passed values from the host_sourcer config option with the sourcerType being the part of the string before the : and args the remaining portion. ex: file:hosts-v4.txt,hosts-v4-rc.txt will have sourcerType="file" and args="hosts-v4.txt,hosts-v4-rc-txt". The default Config loader is able to instantiate a FileSourcer by itself, so NewHostSourcer can simply return nil, nil unless you are using a custom sourcer implementation.

Any struct can be returned from the ParseExtras function and used elsewhere in the code via the Extras member of a Config struct.

As mentioned in the section before NewDHCPBalancingAlgorithm can be used to return your own specific load balancing implementation.

Write your own logic to source list of DHCP servers

If you want to change the way dhcplb sources the list of DHCP servers (for example you want to source them from a backend system like a database) you can have something implementing the DHCPServerSourcer interface:

type DHCPServerSourcer interface {
  GetStableServers() ([]*DHCPServer, error)
  GetRCServers() ([]*DHCPServer, error)
  // get servers from a specific named group (this is used with overrides)
  GetServersFromTier(tier string) ([]*DHCPServer, error)

Then implement your own ConfigProvider interface and make it return a DHCPServerSourcer. Then in the main you can replace NewDefaultConfigProvider with your own ConfigProvider implementation.

Write your own server handler

If you want to make dhcplb responsible for serving dhcp requests you can implement the Handler interface. The methods of the interface take an incoming packet and return the crafted response the server is going to reply with.

type Handler interface {
  ServeDHCPv4(packet *dhcpv4.DHCPv4) (*dhcpv4.DHCPv4, error)
  ServeDHCPv6(packet dhcpv6.DHCPv6) (dhcpv6.DHCPv6, error)

Then implement your own ConfigProvider interface and make it return a Handler interface. dhcplb should be started in server mode using the -server flag.

When creating a Handler, the Extra configuration options are passed to it, so things such as DNS, NTP servers or lease time can be defined there.

When dhcplb is used to serve requests directly, the DHCPServerSourcer and DHCPBalancingAlgorithm interfaces are not used.


Define a config provider with its methods and the extra configuration options.

// MyConfigProvider implements the ConfigProvider interface
type MyConfigProvider struct {

// MyConfigExtras represents extra configuration options
type MyConfigExtras struct {
  NameServers []string `json:"name_servers"`
  LeaseTime   uint32   `json:"lease_time_s"`

// ParseExtras is responsible for parsing extra configuration options
func (p MyConfigProvider) ParseExtras(extrasJSON json.RawMessage) (interface{}, error) {
  var extras MyConfigExtras
  if err := json.Unmarshal(extrasJSON, &extras); err != nil {
    return nil, fmt.Errorf("Error parsing extras JSON: %s", err)
  return extras, nil

// NewHandler returns the handler for serving DHCP requests
func (p MyConfigProvider) NewHandler(extras interface{}, version int) (Handler, error) {
  config, ok := extras.(MyConfigExtras)
  if !ok {
    return nil, fmt.Errorf("MyConfigExtras type assertion error")
  return &MyHandler{config: config}, nil

Define a server handler and its methods.

// MyHandler contains data needed to handle DHCP requests
type MyHandler struct {
  config MyConfigExtras

// ServeDHCPv6 handles DHCPv6 requests
func (h MyHandler) ServeDHCPv6(packet dhcpv6.DHCPv6) (dhcpv6.DHCPv6, error) {
  msg, err := packet.GetInnerMessage()
  if err != nil {
    return nil, err

  mac, err := dhcpv6.ExtractMAC(packet)
  if err != nil {
    return nil, err

  reply, err := buildReply(msg)
  if err != nil {
    return nil, err


  var nameservers []net.IP
  for _, ns := range h.config.NameServers {
    nameservers = append(nameservers, net.ParseIP(ns))
  reply.AddOption(&dhcpv6.OptDNSRecursiveNameServer{NameServers: nameservers})


  return reply, nil

Create a configuration file and watch the config changes.

  "v6": {
    "version": 6,
    "listen_addr": "::",
    "port": 547,
    "packet_buf_size": 1024,
    "update_server_interval": 30,
    "algorithm": "xid",
    "host_sourcer": "file:hosts-v6.txt",
    "rc_ratio": 0,
    "throttle_cache_size": 1024,
    "throttle_cache_rate": 128,
    "throttle_rate": 256,
    "extras": {
      "name_servers": [
      "lease_time_s": 43200
  configChan, err := dhcplb.WatchConfig(
    *configPath, *overridesPath, *version, &MyConfigProvider{})