All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Added a new input argument granule-list-file to input a specific list of granules to process,
and ignore start-date, end-date, cycles, etc
- List can be a list of GranuleURs or granule concept-IDs
- Update db size from t2.micro to t3.micro
- Made arguments --cumulus-configurations and --default-message-config optional in preview mode
- Updated forge-py to 0.3.0
- Updated cumulus-postworkflow-normalizer to 0.4.1
- Updated hitide-backfill-lambdas to 0.4.1
- Update metadata aggregator to cumulus-metadata-aggregator-8.7.0-alpha.6-SNAPSHOT
- Update forge-py memory to 2048
- Updated regression and memory profiling scripts
- Updated CLI preview message to note that messages sent count might not be same as actual execution
- Moved repo to hitide-backfill-tool
- Updated cumulus cluster template
- Made default_message_config.json an argument file
- Implemented Github Actions to Build and Deploy to AWS
- Updated to use hitide-backfill-lambdas repo
- Updated cluster settings
- Removed using hitide-backfill-post-step and hitide-backfill-sqs-to-step
- Updated to terraform 1.5.3
- Added Dmrpp Lambda and update to 5.0.1
- Updated tig to 0.12.0 to allow terraform 1.5.3 update
- Updated forge to 0.11.0 to allow terraform 1.5.3 update
- Updated post to cmr and hyrax metadata updates lambda modules from cumulus 18.2.0
- Updated postworkflow normalizer now it computes a workflow flag for ecs_lambda to help determine to use lambda or ecs based on a granule size.
- Updated to use cumulus-postworkflow-normalizer repo
- Added forge-py to generate footprints for specific collections
- Update to deploy
- Updated tig to 0.11.0
- Updated to have a regression test to call backfilling on all forge/tig collections
- Added a sort order for cmr based on date
- Changed tig memory to 3.5 gb
- Added in a memory profiler for lambda functions maily for tig
- updated message_visibility_timeout to 18000
- Updated tig to 0.10.0
- Updated tig to 0.9.0
- Updated forge 0.10.0
- Updated backfill-post to 0.3.0
- Updated backfill-sqs-to-step to 0.3.0
- Updated how tig, forge, backfill_post_step, and backfill_sqs_to_step is deployed to each environment with override variables
- Added output granule count with both footprint and bbox
- Renamed monthly_counts to monthly_results. Now return full granule object instead of just the count
- Updated python dependency libraries
- Updated service uat disk space to from 100 GB to 600 GB
- Updated number of ec2 to 2 for dmrpp
- Added a replay script to move messages from dead letter queue to regular queue
- Updated number of ec2 servers to t3.micro and 50 with 50 gb each
- Updated python libraries
- Updated tig fargate memory to 16 gb
- Updated to cumulus 16.1.2
- Updated CMA layer to 2.0.3
- Updated forge 0.9.0 and tig 0.8.0
- Updated library versions to latest to fix security issues
- Added cumulus normalizer to filter out unecessary data for forge tig dmrpp workflows
- Updated the cmr request to retry on failures
- Updated Jenkins docker image to a snyk base image
- Added output granule concept IDs for missing images, footprints, and dmrpps
- Updated forge 0.8.0 and tig 0.7.0
- Updated library versions to latest to fix security issues
- Fix dmrpp workflow to keep revision id
- Add cycle parameter to cli
- Update Updated dmrpp-generator v4.0.9
- Update tig to public 0.6.2
- Update forge to public 0.7.5
- Add a monthly count totals table output by Year-Month
- PODAAC-5418
- Add ability to backfil swot collections
- PODAAC-5320
- Add timeout to forge and tig fargate steps
- PODAAC-5321
- Allow tig and forge fargate to scale to 100
- PODAAC-5280
- Check forge/tig configuration before backfilling collection to make sure we can for footprints
- update aggregator
- Updated cumulus-metadata-aggregator v8.4.0
- PODAAC-5274
- update post step lambda to make raw sql query count
- update_ebs
- turn on docker debug mode
- update ops ebs to 600 gb
- change ops running container to 50
- update jenkins to deploy to ops on changelog
- update dmrpp-generator
- Updated dmrpp-generator v4.0.7
- update tig and forge
- Updated tig v0.5.0
- Updated forge v0.7.0
- **update_ebs
- update ebs volume type to gp3 and ops size to 400gb
- PODAAC-5126
- Added DMRPP file generation and CMR OpenDAP URL update capability
- Fargate Changes
- Added fargate terraform resources, added in forge and tig fargate
- PODAAC-5128
- Add DMRPP workflow.
- PODAAC-5143
- added ECS facility for docker image to run upon
- PODAAC-5229
- update post lambda to process dmrpp workflows
- PODAAC-4881
- Add script to find unique errors in step function workflows
- Update jenkins
- Update jenkins branch to have deploy sit and uat triggers
- Now using tig v0.4.0, forge v0.5.1, and cumulus-metadata-aggregator v8.1.0
- PODAAC-4425
- Initial development of cli tool
- Includes backfill and create-backfill-config scripts
- PODAAC-4424
- Implementation of hitide backfill terraform infrastructure.
- PODAAC-4771
- Properly parses s3 bucket information from s3 urls that contain multiple directories in the path.