All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- ** Fix lon and lat check ** Fix the checking of longitude and latitude data for empty granules
- ** Check input lon and lat data **
- Made function to check input lon and lat data are valid if not then it should fail quickly.
- ** Versioning Update **
- Update github actions versioning
- ** Better Error Message **
- Error message now trickle up the parallel processing
- ** TIG Upgrade Cumulus 18 **
- Update tig to use cumulus 18 templates, terraform 1.5.3 is necesary for this update.
- ** TIG Log Request Id **
- Add log to log lambda request id
- ** Update ECR Deploy **
- Update way we deploy ECR images
- ** TIG improvement **
- Update tig to no longer average pixels and use numpy to loop through the data
- Added a regression test to test tig collections
- ** Add Arm Architecture **
- update tig to be able to run with arm architecture
- ** Add image uploading **
- update tig to upload tig image to ecr
- ** Add palette support to generating configuration **
- [issue/44] (podaac/hitide#44): Add support to palette, ppd, fill_missing in csv in generating configuration
- ** Fix swot 2.0 alignment issue **
- Added way to use global grid for region if it is in hitide configurations
- ** Add function to fill in missing pixels for certain collections **
- issue/26: Fix images with missing pixels for ASCAT collections
- ** Add Hitide Generate Configuration **
- issue/26: Added cli command to generate hitide configurations for tig/forge
- ** Added in swot expert image generation **
- [issue/18] (podaac/hitide#18): Added in code to generate ssha_karin_2 in swot expert
- ** Upgrade to support Cumulus 16 **
- [issue/29] (podaac/hitide#29): Upgrade to support cumulus 16
- Actions updates
- Updated Github Actions to tag releases properly and deploy to Cumulus
- Moved repo to
- Repo moved here:
- Now builds and deploys in Actions instead of Jenkins
- ** Issue-2 **
- Add lambda to clean up cma messages with descriptions
- Add in variable description for images generated
- PODAAC-5277
- Update tig to handle multipe lon and lats for different groups
- Update some python libraries for snyk and cma python
- PODAAC-5541
- Replace spaces " " with "_" to handle group names with spaces
- Fixes collection AQUARIUS_L2_SSS_V5
- PODAAC-5016
- TIG does not decode time values when opening dataset to support SMAP_RSS_L2_SSS_V5
- PODAAC-4986
- TIG includes group names in output image filenames
- PODAAC-4332
- Fix no fill value for variables by adding fill value to configuration files -- Lock Matlibplot
- Lock matlibplot to 3.5.1
- tig-fix
- parallelize tig lambda to 2 process, and fix swot ops deployment
- PODAAC-4179
- Added in ability to download palette files from hitide url and removed palette folder.
- Update python libraries.
- Add TIG cli.
- PODAAC-4240
- TIG handles variables in nested groups.
- CLI "--input_file" option can now be an absolute path.
- PODAAC-4422
- Update TIG to use python 3.8.
- Update python libraries.
- Update TIG input and output to be compatible with cumulus 11.
- PODAAC-4424
- Update tig uploaded images to give bucket account owner full control.
- PODAAC-3608
- Added in the options to download configuration files from a url.
- PODAAC-3701
- Make TIG work with AQUARIUS_L2_SSS_V5 collection, change dataset to open with groups.
- PODAAC-3720
- Add in function to delete every file and folder in temp folder.
New project
- Implementation of download and upload of S3 files.
- Implementation of wrapping tig in run cumulus framework.
- Image generator downloading
- Initial working version of tig module
- Faster image generation
- Jenkins to build terraform and lambda image
- Terraform file for cumulus to make tig lambda
- Made TIG lambda into an ecs task
- Added ability to run tig as a fargate taskß
- PODAAC-3366
- Migrate to cumulus V8.0.0
- hotfix-get_lon_lat_grids
- Fixed get_lon_lat_grids function where its possible the returned array is greater than col or row size