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d651d22 · Sep 7, 2023


This branch is 2162 commits behind tvraman/emacspeak:master.


* Emacspeak support for StumpWM
X Setup is designed to work with exwm as well.

File =stumpwmrc= is my StumpWM init file that  I use to set up
StumpWM as a talking window manager.  With this setup, I run Emacs in
one window and Chrome+ChromeVox in another window. 
File =xsession= is my =.xsession= file  --- it launches StumpWM once =lightdm= has finished authentication.
You can find my =lightdm= setup files in  directory =emacspeak/tvr/lightdm=.

* Contents

  - tts.lisp :: Interface to Emacspeak TTS  servers.
  - stumpwmrc :: Code to insert into personal .stumpwmrc
  -Setup   ::  You should only need to edit the value of  =*emacspeak-dir*= in the =stumpwmrc= file for setup.

* Resulting Functionality

  1. All Keybindings  match my usual =screen= setup, including the window-manager prefix-key.
  2. C-\ is the window-manager key.
  3. Switching windows speaks the title of the new window.
  4. Stumpwm command for displaying window list =C-\w= also speaks the output.
  5. The init file provides a simple lock-screen command bound to =C-\d=.
  6. The above lock command invokes shell script =xlock= --- that script takes care of playing an auditory icon when the desktop is locked or unlocked.
  7. Window manager messages speak automatically; this can be toggled with =C-\t=.
  8. If there is a lot of activity in a window that is not focused,
     you can turn off automatic speaking of messages using =C-\t= to
     avoid distraction.
  9. StumpWM is set up to deny raise-focus requests --- this is so that activity in a window doesn't automatically grab focus.
   I typically run with only one window displayed at a time.
# local variables:
# mode:org
# end: