is a small process manager for Cosmos SDK application binaries that monitors the governance module for incoming chain upgrade proposals. If it sees a proposal that gets approved, it stops the current binary, switch from the old binary to the new one, and finally restarts the node with the new binary.
This guide will explain how to install Cosmovisor and prepare for a future chain update. A full guide about Cosmovisor can be found here.
You can build Cosmovisor from the source or download it from our GitHub repository. Detailed instruction to understand how it works here.
To download Cosmovisor without having to compile it yourself, run the following command:
cd ~
Check sha256 sum
sha256sum cosmovisor-v1.1.0-linux-amd64.tar.gz
It must return: 9a6eb658404f28a3607a3d531821ca4a6501749aa483698847155f362e66859d
Unzip the file, give it the correct permissions and move it to your machine's PATH
tar -xf cosmovisor-v1.1.0-linux-amd64.tar.gz
rm cosmovisor-v1.1.0-linux-amd64.tar.gz
chmod +x cosmovisor
sudo mv cosmovisor /usr/local/bin
To compile Cosmovisor from the source, you need to have go
installed on your system. A full guide to install go
can be found here.
Try this to install Cosmovisor from the source by pulling the cosmos-sdk repository, switch to the correct version and build it:
git clone
cd cosmos-sdk
git checkout cosmovisor/v1.1.0
make cosmovisor
The previous action builds Cosmovisor in the /cosmovisor
directory, now let's move it to the system's PATH:
sudo mv cosmovisor/cosmovisor /usr/local/bin
- Create new directories
mkdir -p ${HOME}/.bcna/cosmovisor/genesis/bin
mkdir -p ${HOME}/.bcna/cosmovisor/upgrades/ruderalis/bin
- Download & copy the old version BitCanna
binary to Cosmovisor's genesis folder.
cd ~
rm -f bcnad #delete the binary if exist to avoid version mixings
cp ./bcnad ${HOME}/.bcna/cosmovisor/genesis/bin/
- Download & copy the current version
to the upgrades folder. This guide shows how to download the binary. If you want to build the binary from the source, detailed instructions can be found in the README of our GitHub.
cd ~
rm -f bcnad
wget -nc
Check the sha256sum.
sha256sum ./bcnad
It must return: ad6784e945135454efc436d22a7661db36bc6a396e7d9cdb7572c4d8d5ccef3f
Verify that the version is:.1.3.1
chmod +x bcnad
./bcnad version
- Move the newly built binary to the upgrades directory.
mv ./bcnad ${HOME}/.bcna/cosmovisor/upgrades/ruderalis/bin/
If you build the binary from the code source move it to the same folder
- Setup the current version link for Cosmovisor.
Very important decision now. Depending on your choice you should sync the chain using a snapshot file/service or sync from the scratch (very slow process)
- If you want to sync from the scratch (from block 1) you should do:
ln -s -T ${HOME}/.bcna/cosmovisor/genesis ${HOME}/.bcna/cosmovisor/current
- If you are going to sync using (advanced users) a snapshot file, StateSync or other you should point to the last version (v.1.3.1)
ln -s -T ${HOME}/.bcna/cosmovisor/genesis ${HOME}/.bcna/cosmovisor/upgrades/ruderalis
- To check if everything is OK, run:
ls .bcna/cosmovisor/ -lh
The output should look like this:
total 8.0K
lrwxrwxrwx 1 user user 35 Jan 14 20:16 current -> /home/user/.bcna/cosmovisor/genesis
drwxrwxr-x 3 user user 4.0K Jan 14 20:09 genesis
drwxrwxr-x 4 user user 4.0K Jan 14 20:15 upgrades
- If you are a new user, you should Initialize the folders: change Moniker by your validator name (use quotes for two or more separated words "Royal Queen Seeds")
bcnad init Moniker --chain-id bitcanna-1 --overwrite
This will create a `$HOME/.bcna` folder
- Download the Genesis
cd $HOME
curl -s > ~/.bcna/config/genesis.json
Ensure you have the correct file. Run the SHA256SUM test:
sha256sum $HOME/.bcna/config/genesis.json
<output> cd7449a199e71c400778f894abb00874badda572ac5443b7ec48bb0aad052f29
- Add to config.toml file: server SEEDs:
sed -E -i 's/seeds = \".*\"/seeds = \"[email protected]:26656,[email protected]:26656\"/' $HOME/.bcna/config/config.toml
- You can set the minimum gas prices for transactions to be accepted into your node’s mempool. This sets a lower bound on gas prices, preventing spam.
sed -E -i 's/minimum-gas-prices = \".*\"/minimum-gas-prices = \"0.001ubcna\"/' $HOME/.bcna/config/app.toml
- Open the P2P port (26656 by default)
sudo ufw allow 26656
- Create a systemd service for Cosmovisor. Simply copy and paste everything to create the service unit.
echo "[Unit]
Description=Cosmovisor BitCanna Service
#Optional export DAEMON_DATA_BACKUP_DIR=${HOME}/your_chain_backup
ExecStart=$(which cosmovisor) run start
" >cosmovisor.service
- Change bcnad service for
service. You can avoid the 3rd line if it is a clean installation andbcnad
service doesn't exist.
sudo mv cosmovisor.service /lib/systemd/system/
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl stop bcnad.service && sudo systemctl disable bcnad.service
sudo systemctl enable cosmovisor.service && sudo systemctl start cosmovisor.service
- Check the logs to see if everything is OK. (ctrl + C to stop).
sudo journalctl -uf cosmovisor
You can speed up the syncing using a StateSync Server or a snapshot file.
If everything is right Cosmovisor will take control of the binaries. Instead of bcnad you must use cosmosvisor run
in your commands, for example: cosmovisor run status
To do this, make the following changes:
- Add variables to the end of the .profile file.
nano $HOME/.profile
Add to the end of the file:
export DAEMON_NAME=bcnad
export DAEMON_HOME=${HOME}/.bcna
#add this to continue to use bcnad for commands, this is optional
- Reload the config of the .profile file.
source .profile
- Now let's try Cosmovisor.
- Show Cosmovisor version:
cosmovisor run version
Will bev.1.2
before the upgrade andv.1.3.1
after the upgrade
cosmovisor run version
12:14PM INF running app args=["version"] module=cosmovisor path=/home/testnet/.bcna/cosmovisor/genesis/bin/bcnad
12:14PM ERR failed to read error="lstat /home/testnet/.bcna/cosmovisor/current/upgrade-info.json: no such file or directory" filename=/home/testnet/.bcna/cosmovisor/current/upgrade-info.json module=cosmovisor
- Show BitCanna version:
bcnad version
Must show the same version as above - Show Cosmovisor sync info and status:
cosmovisor run status
In the future, you must use the cosmovisor
command instead of the bcnad command if you want to perform service related commands.
For example:
- Start the service:
sudo service cosmovisor start
- Stop the service:
sudo service cosmovisor stop
- Restart the service:
sudo service cosmovisor restart
- Check the logs:
sudo journalctl -u cosmovisor -f