This module adds support for the Julia language to Doom Emacs.
- Syntax highlighting and latex symbols from doom-package:julia-mode
- REPL integration from doom-package:julia-repl
- Code completion and syntax checking, requires doom-module::tools lsp and doom-module:+lsp
This module has no dedicated maintainers. Become a maintainer?
- +lsp
Enable LSP support for
. Requires doom-module::tools lsp and a langserver (supports LanguageServer.jl). - +tree-sitter
- Leverages tree-sitter for better syntax highlighting and structural text editing. Requires doom-module::tools tree-sitter.
- doom-package:julia-mode
- doom-package:julia-repl
- if doom-package:+lsp
- if doom-module::tools lsp
- doom-package:lsp-julia
- doom-package:lsp
- if doom-module::tools lsp +eglot
- doom-package:eglot-jl
- doom-package:eglot
- if doom-module::tools lsp
No hacks documented for this module.
This module does not have a changelog yet.
Enable this module in your doom!
This module requires Julia and an language server if doom-module:+lsp is enabled.
doom-module:+lsp requires LanguageServer.jl
and SymbolServer.jl
. The doom-package:lsp-julia and
doom-package:eglot-jl packages both come bundled with their own versions of these servers,
which is used by default. If you’re happy with that, no further configuration is
However, to use your own installation you will need to install then configure them. To install them, execute these commands in a Julia REPL:
using Pkg
Then configure doom-package:lsp-julia or doom-package:eglot-jl depending on whether you have enabled doom-module::tools lsp or doom-module::tools lsp +eglot, respectively:
To instruct doom-package:lsp-julia not to use the built-in package:
;; in $DOOMDIR/config.el
(setq lsp-julia-package-dir nil)
To find your installation of LanguageServer.jl
, doom-package:lsp-julia needs to know the
environment in which it is installed. This is set to v1.6 by default as it is
the current LTS:
;; in $DOOMDIR/config.el
(after! lsp-julia
(setq lsp-julia-default-environment "~/.julia/environments/v1.6"))
To find your installation of LanguageServer.jl
, doom-package:eglot-jl must know the
environment in which it is installed. This is set to v1.6 by default as it is
the current LTS:
;; in $DOOMDIR/config.el
(setq eglot-jl-language-server-project "~/.julia/environments/v1.6")
But to let doom-package:eglot-jl use the environment bundled with it, set it to
;; in $DOOMDIR/config.el
(after! eglot-jl
(setq eglot-jl-language-server-project eglot-jl-base))
🔨 This module’s usage documentation is incomplete. Complete it?
doom-module:+lsp adds code completion, syntax checking, formatting and other doom-package:lsp-mode or
doom-package:eglot features. It requires LanguageServer.jl
, the installation of which is
described above.
🔨 This module’s configuration documentation is incomplete. Complete it?
doom-package:lsp-julia requires a variable be set for the Julia environment. This is set to v1.6 by default as it is the current LTS:
;; in $DOOMDIR/config.el
(after! lsp-julia
(setq lsp-julia-default-environment "~/.julia/environments/v1.6"))
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