FLEDGE has been renamed to Protected Audience API. To learn more about the name change, see the blog post.
This article is for adtech engineers who will set up the Google Cloud infrastructure and run the Key/Value server for FLEDGE usage.
Attention: Currently, the GCP Key/Value server is intended to be called by the B&A services. Please create a github issue if other use cases are needed (e.g., processing requests from browsers).
To learn more about FLEDGE and the Key/Value server, take a look at the following documents:
- FLEDGE Key/Value server explainer
- FLEDGE Key/Value server trust model
- FLEDGE explainer
- FLEDGE API developer guide
The instructions written in this document are for running a test Key/Value server that does not yet have full privacy protection. The goal is for interested users to gain familiarity with the functionality and high level user experience. As more privacy protection mechanisms are added to the system, this document will be updated accordingly.
For the initial testing of the Key/Value server, you must have or create a Google Cloud Platform (GCP) account.
Install the gcloud CLI as it's a set of tools to create and manage Google Cloud resources.
Create a project. This may belong to an organization but can also be standalone. All work will proceed within a single project.
Create a service account. This should have the minimum role permissions required, but for testing purposes it is convenient to set it to roles/Editor. GCE instances rely on this service account to perform their operations. GCE instances rely on the IAM role of the service account for permissions.
Register a domain name via Cloud Domains and a Cloud DNS zone for your domain.
Create a SSL certificate for the Global External Load Balancer as it only accepts TLS traffic from clients. From the external load balancer to the key/value server's envoy endpoint, another TLS session is required and we need to manually prepare a TLS certificate and a private key for this TLS session. Per GCP's policy, the certificate is not verified.
Create an Artifact Registry repository, then authenticate your account. You will build and upload the docker images used for testing.
Enable the following APIs:
Terraform state data can be stored into Google Cloud Storage (GCS) bucket, and the bucket must be manually created first. Follow this official link to create a GCS bucket.
OS: The current build process can run on Debian. Other OS may not be well supported at this moment.
Before starting the build process, install Docker. If you run into any Docker access errors, follow the instructions for setting up sudoless Docker.
The code for the FLEDGE Key/Value server is released on GitHub.
The main branch is under active development. For a more stable experience, please use the latest release branch.
From the Key/Value server repo folder, execute the following command:
prod_mode(default mode)
./production/packaging/gcp/build_and_test --mode nonprod
This script will build a Docker image and store it locally under /dist
Before uploading the image to your docker image repo, please specify an image tag for the docker image, which would also be used later to identify your image on server start up.
export GCP_IMAGE_TAG=[[your gcp image tag]]
From the Key/Value server repo folder, execute the following command to tag your image and upload it to your image repo:
./production/packaging/gcp/docker_push_gcp_repo --gcp-image-repo [[your GCP image repo]] --gcp-image-tag ${GCP_IMAGE_TAG}
where [[your GCP image repo]] should be the Artifact Registry you created earlier.
Use Terraform to deploy necessary resources to GCP and it's already loaded in
. You only need to set the required Terraform version:
Feel free to add this script to ~/.bashrc
(or other shell config you use) for your convenience.
For your Terraform configuration, you can use the template under
. Copy the entire folder to another folder named with
your choice such as dev/staging/prod, name the files inside according to the region you want to
deploy to, and update the [[REGION]].tfvars.json
with Terraform variables for your environment.
The description of each variable is described in
GCP Terraform Vars doc.
Note that variable tls_key
and tls_cert
are not in [[REGION]].tfvars.json
. Please supply these
with a secrets.auto.tfvars
file under production/terraform/gcp/environments/
Update the [[REGION]].backend.conf
- Set the bucket name that Terraform will use. The bucket was created in the previous Set up GCS bucket for Terraform states step.prefix
- Set a path/to/directory to contain the Terraform state.
If you're integrating with Bidding and Auction services (B&A), you are likely going to be reusing the same VPC (virtual private cloud) and Service Mesh (internal LB).
Hence, you need to set these two parameters to true: use_existing_service_mesh
You also need to set these parameters to proper values: existing_service_mesh
, existing_vpc_id
Example value:
: projects/your-project/locations/global/meshes/your-mesh
: projects/your-project/global/networks/your-vpc
Other things to keep in mind
- CIDR range needs to be different for each server deployment (B&A, each kv). It is specified with
can be set to false. In this case, several other terraform vars can be ignoredregions_use_existing_nat
-- note that the NAT for each region can only be set up once under the same VPC. If a NAT has already been set up in an existing server deployment (by specifying an empty set of theregions_use_existing_nat
), other sever deployments in the same region(s) need to specify the region(s) in theregions_use_existing_nat
From the Key/Value server repo folder, run:
should be the folder name you just created. Then, initialize the
Terraform configuration:
builders/tools/terraform -chdir=production/terraform/gcp/environments init --backend-config=${ENVIRONMENT}/${REGION}.backend.conf --var-file=${ENVIRONMENT}/${REGION}.tfvars.json --reconfigure
Generate/update GCP resources:
builders/tools/terraform -chdir=production/terraform/gcp/environments apply --var-file=${ENVIRONMENT}/${REGION}.tfvars.json
At the end, to destroy all the GCP resources:
builders/tools/terraform -chdir=production/terraform/gcp/environments destroy --var-file=${ENVIRONMENT}/${REGION}.tfvars.json
Refer to the FLEDGE Key/Value data loading guide documentation for loading data to be queried into the server.
You can access your GCP instances through Google Cloud Console.
Go to Compute Engine.
Make sure VM instances
is selected in the left panel. All VM instances under your project id are
listed to the right. Instances associated with your Kv-server have the name starting with
, where your_environment
is the environment variable you set in
. Click the instance name for more details.
In the instance details page, under Logs
, you can access server console logs in both Logging
Serial port (console)
. To enable console log, you need to set use_confidential_space_debug_image
parameter to true
. The Logging
option is more powerful with better filtering and query support
on Logs Explorer
. In Logs Explorer
, the server log is located under resource type
VM Instance
(console log), and Generic Task
(log exported through otel collector)
When server is running in prod build, the console log will not be available. However, if parameter
is set to true, KV server will export selective server logs to Logs Explorer
under resource type Generic Task
More details about logging in prod mode
and nonprod mode
developing the server.
Note that your server may need several minutes to fully rampup before starting to accept queries.
First, set your server url. This should correspond to the Terraform variable server_url
that you
use when deploying GCP resources.
export GCP_SERVER_URL=your_url_here
Here we use grpcurl as an example tool to query the server. Please install grpcurl if you haven't done so already.
curl -L https://github.com/fullstorydev/grpcurl/releases/download/v1.8.1/grpcurl_1.8.1_linux_x86_64.tar.gz | tar -xz
./grpcurl -d '{"kv_internal":"hi"}' ${GCP_SERVER_URL}:443 kv_server.v1.KeyValueService.GetValues
BODY='{ "metadata": { "hostname": "example.com" }, "partitions": [{ "id": 0, "compressionGroupId": 0, "arguments": [{ "tags": [ "custom", "keys" ], "data": [ "foo1" ] }] }] }'
./grpcurl -d '{"raw_body": {"data": "'"$(echo -n $BODY|base64 -w 0)"'"}}' ${GCP_SERVER_URL}:443 kv_server.v2.KeyValueService/GetValuesHttp
In short, service mesh is an internal load balancer. So, it is only available internally within a VPC. The KV Server is set up with a service mesh as a backend service and we can query it internally using proxyless gRPC. Normally, you would send proxyless gRPC queries from other internal servers (e.g., a bidding server). For this demo, however, we are setting up a temporary server within the same VPC and service mesh as the Kv-server for demonstration purposes.
First, in your local terminal, please set the environment parameter. This environment parameter should be the same as the one in your terraform config.
export ENVIRONMENT=your_environment
Then, use the following command to set up a client VM within the same VPC network as your already
deployed KV Server. Note that you still need to manually replace [[your_environment]]
at the end
of the script.
gcloud compute instances create ${ENVIRONMENT}-grpc-client --network=kv-server-${ENVIRONMENT}-vpc --subnet=kv-server-${ENVIRONMENT}-us-east1-subnet --zone=us-east1-b --tags=allow-ssh --scopes=https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform --image-family=debian-10 --image-project=debian-cloud --metadata-from-file=startup-script=<(echo '#! /bin/bash
set -e
export GRPC_XDS_BOOTSTRAP=/run/td-grpc-bootstrap.json
echo export GRPC_XDS_BOOTSTRAP=$GRPC_XDS_BOOTSTRAP | sudo tee /etc/profile.d/grpc-xds-bootstrap.sh
curl -L https://storage.googleapis.com/traffic-director/td-grpc-bootstrap-0.14.0.tar.gz | tar -xz
./td-grpc-bootstrap-0.14.0/td-grpc-bootstrap --config-mesh-experimental kv-server-[[your environment]]-mesh | tee $GRPC_XDS_BOOTSTRAP')
Note that if you are using an existing VPC and existing service_mesh instead of creating new
resources (you can do this by changing Terraform variables), please specify the existing VPC through
and the existing service_mesh through --config-mesh-experimental
Then, access the VM instance of this temporary server ([[your environment]]-grcp-client
), and in
the details page, click SSH
on top to access the terminal.
In the terminal of your grpc-client instance, run the following command to download and install the grpcurl tool:
curl -L https://github.com/fullstorydev/grpcurl/releases/download/v1.8.1/grpcurl_1.8.1_linux_x86_64.tar.gz | tar -xz
./grpcurl --plaintext -d '{"kv_internal":"hi"}' xds:///kv-service-host kv_server.v1.KeyValueService.GetValues
For GetValues v2, we need an api descriptor to parse query requests. The 'query_api_descriptor_set.pb' should already be built and moved under 'dist/' as you run the following command earlier (from kv-server root repo, not from the grpc-client instance)
No need to run it again if you have already build_and_test
on the latest branch.
Now, from the grpc-client instance, make a dist
directory in preparation to receive the
mkdir dist
Then, from the kv-server root repo, execute the following command to move the descriptor to the grpc instance:
gcloud compute scp dist/query_api_descriptor_set.pb ${ENVIRONMENT}-grpc-client:dist/ --zone=us-east1-b
Finally, you can make the v2 query from the grpc-client instance:
BODY='{ "metadata": { "hostname": "example.com" }, "partitions": [{ "id": 0, "compressionGroupId": 0, "arguments": [{ "tags": [ "custom", "keys" ], "data": [ "foo1" ] }] }] }'
./grpcurl --plaintext --protoset dist/query_api_descriptor_set.pb -d '{"raw_body": {"data": "'"$(echo -n $BODY|base64 -w 0)"'"}}' xds:///kv-service-host kv_server.v2.KeyValueService/GetValuesHttp
At the end, remember to delete your grcp-client instance
gcloud compute instances delete ${ENVIRONMENT}-grpc-client --zone=us-east1-b