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Wavefront Operator Helm Chart

Helm is a package manager for Kubernetes. You can use Helm for installing the Wavefront Operator in your Kubernetes cluster.


This chart will deploy the Wavefront Collector for Kubernetes and the Wavefront Proxy to your Kubernetes cluster. You can use this chart to install multiple Wavefront Proxy releases, though only one Wavefront Kubernetes collector per cluster should be used.


To deploy this operator, you will need a cluster with the following minimum setup:

  • Kubernetes v1.12.0 or above
  • Helm v2.10.0 or above


Add the Wavefront Repo

helm repo add wavefront ''
helm repo update

Install the Chart

The required options for the chart are:

  • clusterName
  • wavefront.url
  • wavefront.token

Helm 2

To deploy a release named "wavefront" into a namespace "wavefront" using helm 2:

helm install --name wavefront wavefront/wavefront-operator --set wavefront.url=,wavefront.token=YOUR_API_TOKEN,clusterName=YOUR_CLUSTER_NAME --namespace wavefront

Helm 3

To deploy a release named "wavefront" into a namespace "wavefront" using helm 3:

kubectl create namespace wavefront
helm install wavefront wavefront/wavefront-operator --set wavefront.url=,wavefront.token=YOUR_API_TOKEN,clusterName=YOUR_CLUSTER_NAME --namespace wavefront


  • CRD already exists:
Error: <""> already exists

If you see the above error (can be seen when trying to create multiple releases), then try running the helm command with "--no-crd-hook" flag.

helm install --name wavefront wavefront/wavefront-operator --set wavefront.url=,wavefront.token=YOUR_API_TOKEN,clusterName=YOUR_CLUSTER_NAME --namespace wavefront --no-crd-hook


To uninstall/delete a release named "wavefront":

helm delete wavefront --purge

CRDs and namespaces created by this release are not removed as part of helm delete.

To remove the CRDs:

kubectl delete crd
kubectl delete crd

To remove the namespace:

kubectl delete namespace wavefront


To update the helm chart:

  • Update the files under ./wavefront-operator
  • Increment version in Chart.yaml to next desired version.
  • From inside install directory run the below
    • Run helm package ./wavefront-operator to update the tgz file
    • Run helm repo index . to update the index.yaml
  • Commit the changes to this repo