issues Search Results · repo:progrium/buildpack-nginx language:Shell
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inprogrium/buildpack-nginx (press backspace or delete to remove)As you know, the latest buildstep runs everything as a non-root user. When attempting to deploy the test static app, we
re seeing this.
----- Cleaning up ...
----- Building test-static-4596 ...
----- ...
- 3
- Opened on Dec 17, 2014
- #18
I get this error, on an otherwise vanilla setup.
remote: HEAD is now at 44538cb... nginx dokku
nginx app detected
Ign quantal InRelease
Ign quantal-updates ...
- 2
- Opened on Dec 11, 2014
- #17
I get the following errors when I try to push an app... Any idea what that could be? All other build packs with as
remote: HEAD is now at 6380bff... Back to nginx
----- Fetching custom buildpack ...
- 4
- Opened on Oct 29, 2014
- #15
I was wondering if there there is a way to specify a different version of nginx to be installed on deploy? Currently
version nginx/1.1.19 is installed. I would like to install a most recent version. ...
- Opened on Oct 1, 2014
- #13
All other buildpacks I ve seen follow 12factor principles and vendor any required dependencies into the app directory.
Take an Apache buildpack for example ...
- 1
- Opened on Sep 11, 2014
- #12
Rather than overriding the entire nginx.conf, it d be nice to just have an env var that I can set to override www. Not
sure if nginx.conf.erb can have any sort of logic to detect if the env variable is ...
- 6
- Opened on May 22, 2014
- #10
Is there any way to detect if nginx is already installed before doing the apt-get update and apt-get install nginx? I m
fairly new to dokku, so I m not sure if a completely new docker container gets started ...
- 2
- Opened on May 8, 2014
- #8
Hey! Awesome work with this buildpack.
I m having some trouble getting custom-build to run. I ve got a file called custom-build in my project root that looks
like so:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
apt-get install ...
- 2
- Opened on May 5, 2014
- #7
I m interested in using buildpack-nginx to add several upstream blocks and add several location blocks to create a
reverse proxy service for the components of my Service Oriented Architecture.
Is this ...
- 1
- Opened on Mar 29, 2014
- #6
Would be great if you could just serve the files not from a www folder.
- 1
- Opened on Feb 2, 2014
- #3

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