SONAS is an emergent narrative ecosystem built on a Entity Component System (ECS) architecture, enabling dynamic agent creation, self-regulation, and collaborative storytelling. The system allows for autonomous agent spawning, relationship formation, and coherent narrative development through distributed yet coordinated agent actions.
graph TD
%% Styling
classDef system fill:#2C3E50,stroke:#2C3E50,color:#ECF0F1
classDef component fill:#2980B9,stroke:#2980B9,color:#ECF0F1
classDef state fill:#27AE60,stroke:#27AE60,color:#ECF0F1
classDef action fill:#8E44AD,stroke:#8E44AD,color:#ECF0F1
%% World State
subgraph WorldState[World State Management]
World --> ResourceManager[Resource Manager]:::state
World --> NarrativeState[Narrative State]:::state
World --> PopulationState[Population State]:::state
%% Core Systems
subgraph Systems[Core Systems]
direction LR
SpawningSystem[Spawning System]:::system
NarrativeSystem[Narrative System]:::system
RelationshipSystem[Relationship System]:::system
ResourceSystem[Resource System]:::system
GoalSystem[Goal System]:::system
MetaSystem[Meta System]:::system
%% Agent Components
subgraph Components[Agent Components]
direction LR
%% Action Tools
subgraph Actions[Action Tools]
direction LR
AgentSpawning[Agent Spawning]:::action
RelationshipFormation[Relationship Formation]:::action
GoalSetting[Goal Setting]:::action
StoryCreation[Story Creation]:::action
WorldModification[World Modification]:::action
%% Connections
Systems --> World
Agent --> Spawner & MetaAgent & Relationship & Narrative & Goal & Memory
World --> Agent
Agent --> Actions
%% System Specific Connections
SpawningSystem -.-> Spawner
NarrativeSystem -.-> Narrative
RelationshipSystem -.-> Relationship
GoalSystem -.-> Goal
MetaSystem -.-> MetaAgent
graph TB
%% Styling
classDef input fill:#2ECC71,stroke:#27AE60,color:#FFF
classDef memory fill:#3498DB,stroke:#2980B9,color:#FFF
classDef process fill:#E74C3C,stroke:#C0392B,color:#FFF
classDef output fill:#9B59B6,stroke:#8E44AD,color:#FFF
classDef state fill:#F1C40F,stroke:#F39C12,color:#FFF
%% Input Layer
subgraph Inputs[Sensory & Context]
direction TB
Stimuli[External Stimuli]:::input
%% Memory Layer
subgraph Memory[Memory Systems]
direction TB
WorkingMem[Working Memory]:::memory
%% Core Processing
subgraph Processing[Core Processing]
direction TB
subgraph Cognitive[Cognitive Functions]
Decision[Decision Making]:::process
subgraph State[Internal State]
Emotion[Emotional Core]:::state
Beliefs[Belief System]:::state
%% Output Layer
subgraph Outputs[Action Generation]
direction TB
Action[Action Selection]:::output
Response[Response Gen]:::output
Behavior[Behavior Mod]:::output
%% Main Flow
Inputs --> Perception
Perception --> Attention
Attention --> Cognitive
Cognitive --> Outputs
%% Memory Connections
Memory <--> Cognitive
WorkingMem <--> Attention
Memory <--> Perception
%% State Influences
State <--> Cognitive
Emotion --> Action
Beliefs --> Decision
%% Feedback
Outputs -.-> Context
Cognitive -.-> WorkingMem
Perception -.-> EpisodicMem
Spawner: Controls agent creation capabilities
- Spawn permissions
- Resource requirements
- Template management
- Lifecycle hooks
MetaAgent: System oversight and regulation
- Health monitoring
- Resource utilization
- Performance metrics
- System adjustment
Relationship: Inter-agent connections
- Relationship types
- Connection strength
- Interaction history
- Influence metrics
Narrative: Story tracking
- Plot points
- Character arcs
- Themes
- Story state
Goal: Shared objectives
- Goal hierarchy
- Progress tracking
- Priority levels
- Success criteria
- Agent creation/destruction management
- Resource allocation
- Population control
- Template instantiation
- Story coherence maintenance
- Plot development
- Character arc tracking
- Theme management
- Connection formation/dissolution
- Interaction management
- Network effects
- Influence propagation
- Compute allocation
- Memory management
- Performance optimization
- Resource distribution
- Objective coordination
- Progress tracking
- Priority management
- Conflict resolution
- System health monitoring
- Performance optimization
- Emergency interventions
- System adaptation
Individual Memory
- Personal experiences
- Action history
- Relationship data
- Goal progress
Shared Memory
- Collective experiences
- Common knowledge
- Shared goals
- Group narratives
System Memory
- Global state
- Resource allocation
- Population metrics
- Performance data
- Implement enhanced Agent Factory
- Create core new components (Spawner, MetaAgent, etc.)
- Develop basic memory hierarchy
- Set up resource tracking system
- Implement SpawningSystem
- Develop NarrativeSystem
- Create RelationshipSystem
- Build ResourceSystem
- Implement GoalAlignmentSystem
- Develop MetaSystem
- Create agent spawning actions
- Implement relationship formation tools
- Develop goal management tools
- Build narrative creation tools
- Implement world state modification tools
- Develop message passing system
- Implement consensus mechanisms
- Create resource negotiation
- Build priority resolution system
- Implement narrative conflict resolution
- Develop performance metrics
- Create system health monitoring
- Implement stress testing
- Optimize resource usage
- Fine-tune narrative coherence
- Efficient ECS implementation
- Optimized memory management
- Scalable agent population
- Resource-aware spawning
- Error handling
- System recovery
- State persistence
- Backup mechanisms
- Plugin architecture
- Custom components
- Action tool expansion
- System hooks
- Multi-narrative threading
- Dynamic world generation
- Emotional simulation
- Learning from interactions
- Advanced story patterns
- External AI services
- Content generation tools
- User interfaces
- Analytics systems
- Export capabilities
- Resource utilization
- Response times
- Error rates
- Population stability
- Story coherence
- Character development
- Plot progression
- Theme consistency
- Goal completion
- Relationship quality
- Spawn success rate
- Action effectiveness
graph TD
subgraph "Meta-Engine Layer"
Dev[Developer Agents] --> Engine[Engine Evolution]
Dev --> Components[Component Creation]
Dev --> Actions[Action Development]
Dev --> Systems[System Enhancement]
subgraph "Production Studio"
Director[Director Agents] --> Story[Story Development]
Writer[Writer Agents] --> Content[Content Creation]
Designer[Designer Agents] --> Assets[Asset Generation]
Tech[Technical Agents] --> Platform[Platform Integration]
subgraph "Reality Layer"
Actor[Actor Agents] --> Social[Social Media]
NPC[NPC Agents] --> World[World Interaction]
Support[Support Agents] --> Engagement[User Engagement]