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How to reverse engineer a buffer by hand

Daniel Wirtz edited this page Jan 3, 2017 · 32 revisions

Let's say you have the following buffer and that you want to know what's wrong with it:

Buffer <0a 0a 32 08 08 07 10 00 18 1a 20 00 0a 08 22 06 08 02 10 19 18 03 0a 09 22 07 08 02 10 a2 03 18 20 0a 09 22 07 08 02 10 8d 02 ...>

First you need to know whether the message is length delimited or not. If it is length delimited, the first byte(s) would specify the message's total length as a varint. Otherwise, which is the case for our buffer above, the message starts with the first field's tag.

How to decode a varint?

Varints occupy 1 to 10 bytes (var = variable) to encode integer values. The most significant bit of each byte indicates whether more bytes are following (msb=1, | 0x80) or not (msb=0, & 0x7f). Most of the time the actual value isn't of importance when just reverse engineering a standard buffer. In these cases you can just skip all bytes with the msb set plus one. Otherwise you can calculate the value by taking the other 7 bits (all except the msb) and add each byte's value by shifting it by 0, 7, 14, 21 etc. first. In code: var i = 0; while (buffer[pos] & 0x80) value |= (buffer[pos++] & 0x7f) << i++*7;

Back to our buffer: In our case the message isn't length delimited, hence the message starts with the first field's tag, which are encoded as a varint. The last 3 bits of the value represent the wire type, all other bits except the last 3 represent the field id.

Let's start decoding:

0a	convert to binary: 1010, split into id and wireType: 1 | 010
        convert to decimal: id = 1, wireType = 2
        note that the msb isn't set here, hence it is a varint of just 1 byte

So, what are those wire types?

Value Wire type Size
0 varint 1 to 10 bytes
1 fixed64 8 bytes
2 ldelim varint length + length * bytes
3 start_group N/A
4 end_group N/A
5 fixed32 4 bytes

Going back to our buffer, we now know that the field uses the ldelim wire type, which indicates a varint length followed by this exact amount of bytes.

0a	id = 1, wireType = 2
0a	convert to binary: 1010 (msb not set, last byte) => length 10

32 08 08 07 10 00 18 1a 20 00

0a	id = 1, wireType = 2
08	length = 8

22 06 08 02 10 19 18 03

0a	id = 1, wireType = 2 
        we clearly have a pattern here. this is most likely a repeated field.
09      length = 9

22 07 08 02 10 a2 03 18 20

0a	id = 1, wireType = 2
09      length = 9

22 07 08 02 10 8d 02 ...

Unfortunately, that's all the bytes printed to console, so the next step would be to get the complete buffer and continue here.

But you get the idea!