List#push(element: T) -> Void
pushes an element at the end of the list
List#pop() -> T
pops the last element of the list, undefined behavior for empty lists
List#length() -> Int
List#insert(element: T, index: Int) -> Void
List#remove(element: T) -> Void
List#remove_at(index: Int) -> Void
List#slice(from: Int, to: Int) -> List[T]
List#slice_from(from: Int) -> List[T]
List#slice_to(to: Int) -> List[T]
List#map(f: Function[T, Z]) -> List[Z]
List#filter(f: Function[T, Boolean]) -> List[T]
List#reduce(f: Function[T, Z, Z], initial: Z) -> Z
List#any?(f: Function[T, Boolean]) -> Boolean
List#all?(f: Function[T, Boolean]) -> Boolean
List#sort() -> Void
sorts in place
Dictionary[K, V]
Dictionary#length() -> Int
Dictionary#contains?(element: T) -> Boolean
Dictionary#keys() -> List[K]
Dictionary#values() -> List[V]
Dictionary#present?() -> Boolean
Dictionary#empty?() -> Boolean
Set#length() -> Int
Set#contains?(element: T) -> Boolean
Set#union(right: Set[T]) -> Set[T]
Set#intersection(right: Set[T]) -> Set[T]
Set#present?() -> Boolean
Set#empty?() -> Boolean
Tuple#length() -> Int
Array#length() -> Int
String#substr(from: Int, to: Int) -> String
String#substr_from(from: Int) -> String
String#substr_to(to: Int) -> String
String#length() -> Int
String#concat(value: String) -> String
String#find(element: String) -> Int
String#count(element: String) -> Int
String#partition(on: String) -> Tuple[String, String]
String#split(delimiter: String) -> List[String]
String#trim() -> String
String#reversed() -> String
String#center(count: Int, fill: String) -> String
String#present?() -> Boolean
String#empty?() -> Boolean
String#to_int() -> Int
String#pad_left(count: Int, fill: String) -> String
String#pad_right(count: Int, fill: String) -> String
Int#to_int() -> Int
Int#to_float() -> Float
Currently just several methods, add more in future versions and investigate edge cases
ln(x: Number) -> Float
the natural logarithm of x
log(x: Number, base: Number) -> Float
cos(x: Number) -> Float
the cosine of x
tan(x: Number) -> Float
the tangent
sin(x: Number) -> Float
display(*args: Any) -> Void
writes the contents to STDOUT using the native print function. display
is the only pseudo
function accepting a variable number of args
read() -> String
reads a line from STDIN
args() -> List[String]
returns a list with all the command line args
arg_count() -> Int
returns the number of command line args (including the filename)
index(a: Int) -> String
a-th command arg, 1-based indexing(filename is 0)