diff --git a/core/field_dropdown.js b/core/field_dropdown.js index be570ad36de..e4f7f8610e4 100644 --- a/core/field_dropdown.js +++ b/core/field_dropdown.js @@ -114,11 +114,18 @@ Blockly.FieldDropdown = function(menuGenerator, opt_validator, opt_config) { this.imageElement_ = null; /** - * SVG arrow element. + * Tspan based arrow element. * @type {SVGTSpanElement} * @private */ this.arrow_ = null; + + /** + * SVG based arrow element. + * @type {SVGElement} + * @private + */ + this.svgArrow_ = null; }; Blockly.utils.object.inherits(Blockly.FieldDropdown, Blockly.Field); @@ -198,14 +205,22 @@ Blockly.FieldDropdown.prototype.initView = function() { Blockly.FieldDropdown.superClass_.initView.call(this); this.imageElement_ = /** @type {!SVGImageElement} */ - (Blockly.utils.dom.createSvgElement('image', - { - 'y': Blockly.FieldDropdown.IMAGE_Y_OFFSET - }, this.fieldGroup_)); + (Blockly.utils.dom.createSvgElement('image', {}, this.fieldGroup_)); + + if (this.constants_.FIELD_DROPDOWN_SVG_ARROW) { + this.createSVGArrow_(); + } else { + this.createTextArrow_(); + } +}; +/** + * Create a tspan based arrow. + * @protected + */ +Blockly.FieldDropdown.prototype.createTextArrow_ = function() { this.arrow_ = /** @type {!SVGTSpanElement} */ - (Blockly.utils.dom.createSvgElement('tspan', - {}, this.textElement_)); + (Blockly.utils.dom.createSvgElement('tspan', {}, this.textElement_)); this.arrow_.appendChild(document.createTextNode( this.sourceBlock_.RTL ? Blockly.FieldDropdown.ARROW_CHAR + ' ' : @@ -217,6 +232,19 @@ Blockly.FieldDropdown.prototype.initView = function() { } }; +/** + * Create an SVG based arrow. + * @protected + */ +Blockly.FieldDropdown.prototype.createSVGArrow_ = function() { + this.svgArrow_ = Blockly.utils.dom.createSvgElement('image', { + 'height': this.constants_.FIELD_DROPDOWN_SVG_ARROW_SIZE + 'px', + 'width': this.constants_.FIELD_DROPDOWN_SVG_ARROW_SIZE + 'px' + }, this.fieldGroup_); + this.svgArrow_.setAttributeNS(Blockly.utils.dom.XLINK_NS, 'xlink:href', + this.constants_.FIELD_DROPDOWN_SVG_ARROW_DATAURI); +}; + /** * Create a dropdown menu under the text. * @private @@ -242,6 +270,8 @@ Blockly.FieldDropdown.prototype.showEditor_ = function() { /** @type {!Element} */ (this.selectedMenuItem_.getElement()), /** @type {!Element} */ (this.menu_.getElement())); } + + this.applyColour(); }; /** @@ -296,6 +326,7 @@ Blockly.FieldDropdown.prototype.dropdownDispose_ = function() { } this.menu_ = null; this.selectedMenuItem_ = null; + this.applyColour(); }; /** @@ -469,6 +500,17 @@ Blockly.FieldDropdown.prototype.doValueUpdate_ = function(newValue) { * @package */ Blockly.FieldDropdown.prototype.applyColour = function() { + if (this.borderRect_) { + this.borderRect_.setAttribute('stroke', + this.sourceBlock_.style.colourTertiary); + if (this.menu_) { + this.borderRect_.setAttribute('fill', + this.sourceBlock_.style.colourTertiary); + } else { + this.borderRect_.setAttribute('fill', + this.sourceBlock_.style.colourPrimary); + } + } // Update arrow's colour. if (this.sourceBlock_ && this.arrow_) { if (this.sourceBlock_.isShadow()) { @@ -514,18 +556,26 @@ Blockly.FieldDropdown.prototype.renderSelectedImage_ = function(imageJson) { this.imageElement_.setAttribute('height', imageJson.height); this.imageElement_.setAttribute('width', imageJson.width); - var arrowWidth = Blockly.utils.dom.getFastTextWidth( - /** @type {!SVGTSpanElement} */ (this.arrow_), - this.constants_.FIELD_TEXT_FONTSIZE, - this.constants_.FIELD_TEXT_FONTWEIGHT, - this.constants_.FIELD_TEXT_FONTFAMILY); - var imageHeight = Number(imageJson.height); var imageWidth = Number(imageJson.width); // Height and width include the border rect. - this.size_.height = imageHeight + Blockly.FieldDropdown.IMAGE_Y_PADDING; + this.size_.height = Math.max( + this.constants_.FIELD_DROPDOWN_BORDER_RECT_HEIGHT, + imageHeight + Blockly.FieldDropdown.IMAGE_Y_PADDING); + var halfHeight = this.size_.height / 2; var xPadding = this.constants_.FIELD_BORDER_RECT_X_PADDING; + var arrowWidth = 0; + if (this.svgArrow_) { + arrowWidth = this.positionSVGArrow_(imageWidth + xPadding, halfHeight - + this.constants_.FIELD_DROPDOWN_SVG_ARROW_SIZE / 2); + } else { + arrowWidth = Blockly.utils.dom.getFastTextWidth( + /** @type {!SVGTSpanElement} */ (this.arrow_), + this.constants_.FIELD_TEXT_FONTSIZE, + this.constants_.FIELD_TEXT_FONTWEIGHT, + this.constants_.FIELD_TEXT_FONTFAMILY); + } this.size_.width = imageWidth + arrowWidth + xPadding * 2; if (this.sourceBlock_.RTL) { @@ -534,12 +584,12 @@ Blockly.FieldDropdown.prototype.renderSelectedImage_ = function(imageJson) { this.imageElement_.setAttribute('x', imageX); this.textElement_.setAttribute('x', arrowX); } else { - var arrowX = - imageWidth + arrowWidth + xPadding + 1; + var arrowX = imageWidth + arrowWidth + xPadding + 1; this.textElement_.setAttribute('text-anchor', 'end'); this.textElement_.setAttribute('x', arrowX); this.imageElement_.setAttribute('x', xPadding); } + this.imageElement_.setAttribute('y', halfHeight - imageHeight / 2); }; /** @@ -549,25 +599,53 @@ Blockly.FieldDropdown.prototype.renderSelectedImage_ = function(imageJson) { Blockly.FieldDropdown.prototype.renderSelectedText_ = function() { // Retrieves the selected option to display through getText_. this.textContent_.nodeValue = this.getDisplayText_(); + Blockly.utils.dom.addClass(/** @type {!Element} */ (this.textElement_), + 'blocklyDropdownText'); this.textElement_.setAttribute('text-anchor', 'start'); - this.textElement_.setAttribute('x', - this.constants_.FIELD_BORDER_RECT_X_PADDING); + // Height and width include the border rect. this.size_.height = Math.max( this.constants_.FIELD_DROPDOWN_BORDER_RECT_HEIGHT, - this.constants_.FIELD_TEXT_HEIGHT + - this.constants_.FIELD_BORDER_RECT_Y_PADDING * 2); - this.size_.width = Blockly.utils.dom.getFastTextWidth(this.textElement_, + this.constants_.FIELD_TEXT_HEIGHT); + var halfHeight = this.size_.height / 2; + var textWidth = Blockly.utils.dom.getFastTextWidth(this.textElement_, this.constants_.FIELD_TEXT_FONTSIZE, this.constants_.FIELD_TEXT_FONTWEIGHT, - this.constants_.FIELD_TEXT_FONTFAMILY) + - this.constants_.FIELD_BORDER_RECT_X_PADDING * 2; + this.constants_.FIELD_TEXT_FONTFAMILY); + var xPadding = this.constants_.FIELD_BORDER_RECT_X_PADDING; + var arrowWidth = 0; + if (this.svgArrow_) { + arrowWidth = this.positionSVGArrow_(textWidth + xPadding, halfHeight - + this.constants_.FIELD_DROPDOWN_SVG_ARROW_SIZE / 2); + } + this.size_.width = textWidth + arrowWidth + xPadding * 2; - this.textElement_.setAttribute('y', this.size_.height / 2); + this.textElement_.setAttribute('x', this.sourceBlock_.RTL ? + this.size_.width - textWidth - xPadding : xPadding); + this.textElement_.setAttribute('y', halfHeight); if (!this.constants_.FIELD_TEXT_BASELINE_CENTER) { this.textElement_.setAttribute('dy', - this.constants_.FIELD_TEXT_BASELINE_Y - this.size_.height / 2); + this.constants_.FIELD_TEXT_BASELINE_Y - halfHeight); + } +}; + +/** + * Position a drop-down arrow at the appropriate location at render-time. + * @param {number} x X position the arrow is being rendered at, in px. + * @param {number} y Y position the arrow is being rendered at, in px. + * @return {number} Amount of space the arrow is taking up, in px. + * @private + */ +Blockly.FieldDropdown.prototype.positionSVGArrow_ = function(x, y) { + if (!this.svgArrow_) { + return 0; } + var padding = this.constants_.FIELD_BORDER_RECT_X_PADDING; + var svgArrowSize = this.constants_.FIELD_DROPDOWN_SVG_ARROW_SIZE; + var arrowX = this.sourceBlock_.RTL ? padding : x + padding; + this.svgArrow_.setAttribute('transform', + 'translate(' + arrowX + ',' + y + ')'); + return svgArrowSize + padding; }; /** diff --git a/core/renderers/common/constants.js b/core/renderers/common/constants.js index d53abadbbc0..cc1bf6edb0d 100644 --- a/core/renderers/common/constants.js +++ b/core/renderers/common/constants.js @@ -208,6 +208,12 @@ Blockly.blockRendering.ConstantProvider = function() { */ this.FIELD_DROPDOWN_BORDER_RECT_HEIGHT = this.FIELD_BORDER_RECT_HEIGHT; + /** + * Whether or not a dropdown field uses a text or SVG arrow. + * @type {boolean} + */ + this.FIELD_DROPDOWN_SVG_ARROW = false; + /** * A colour field's default width. * @type {number} diff --git a/core/renderers/zelos/constants.js b/core/renderers/zelos/constants.js index 37fe001721d..9b1c980a961 100644 --- a/core/renderers/zelos/constants.js +++ b/core/renderers/zelos/constants.js @@ -164,6 +164,36 @@ Blockly.zelos.ConstantProvider = function() { */ this.FIELD_DROPDOWN_BORDER_RECT_HEIGHT = 8 * this.GRID_UNIT; + /** + * @override + */ + this.FIELD_DROPDOWN_SVG_ARROW = true; + + /** + * A dropdown field's SVG arrow size. + * @type {number} + * @const + */ + this.FIELD_DROPDOWN_SVG_ARROW_SIZE = 12; + + /** + * A dropdown field's SVG arrow datauri. + * @type {string} + * @const + */ + this.FIELD_DROPDOWN_SVG_ARROW_DATAURI = + '' + + 'AxIiB4bWxucz0iaHR0cDovL3d3dy53My5vcmcvMjAwMC9zdmciIHdpZHRoPSIxMi43MSIgaG' + + 'VpZ2h0PSI4Ljc5IiB2aWV3Qm94PSIwIDAgMTIuNzEgOC43OSI+PHRpdGxlPmRyb3Bkb3duLW' + + 'Fycm93PC90aXRsZT48ZyBvcGFjaXR5PSIwLjEiPjxwYXRoIGQ9Ik0xMi43MSwyLjQ0QTIuND' + + 'EsMi40MSwwLDAsMSwxMiw0LjE2TDguMDgsOC4wOGEyLjQ1LDIuNDUsMCwwLDEtMy40NSwwTD' + + 'AuNzIsNC4xNkEyLjQyLDIuNDIsMCwwLDEsMCwyLjQ0LDIuNDgsMi40OCwwLDAsMSwuNzEuNz' + + 'FDMSwwLjQ3LDEuNDMsMCw2LjM2LDBTMTEuNzUsMC40NiwxMiwuNzFBMi40NCwyLjQ0LDAsMC' + + 'wxLDEyLjcxLDIuNDRaIiBmaWxsPSIjMjMxZjIwIi8+PC9nPjxwYXRoIGQ9Ik02LjM2LDcuNz' + + 'lhMS40MywxLjQzLDAsMCwxLTEtLjQyTDEuNDIsMy40NWExLjQ0LDEuNDQsMCwwLDEsMC0yYz' + + 'AuNTYtLjU2LDkuMzEtMC41Niw5Ljg3LDBhMS40NCwxLjQ0LDAsMCwxLDAsMkw3LjM3LDcuMz' + + 'dBMS40MywxLjQzLDAsMCwxLDYuMzYsNy43OVoiIGZpbGw9IiNmZmYiLz48L3N2Zz4='; + /** * The ID of the highlight glow filter, or the empty string if no filter is * set. diff --git a/media/dropdown-arrow.svg b/media/dropdown-arrow.svg new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..4e6ce19ec0f --- /dev/null +++ b/media/dropdown-arrow.svg @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +dropdown-arrow \ No newline at end of file