diff --git a/config.toml b/config.toml
index 696cd472..f7303e4f 100644
--- a/config.toml
+++ b/config.toml
@@ -744,6 +744,27 @@ theme = "doc-theme"
parent = "firmwareapi@pycom@network"
weight = 20
+ name = "HTTPS"
+ url = "/firmwareapi/pycom/network/https/"
+ identifier = "firmwareapi@pycom@network@https"
+ parent = "firmwareapi@pycom@network"
+ weight = 40
+ name = "Server"
+ url = "/firmwareapi/pycom/network/https/server/"
+ identifier = "firmwareapi@pycom@network@https@server"
+ parent = "firmwareapi@pycom@network@https"
+ weight = 10
+ name = "Client"
+ url = "/firmwareapi/pycom/network/https/client/"
+ identifier = "firmwareapi@pycom@network@https@client"
+ parent = "firmwareapi@pycom@network@https"
+ weight = 10
name = "Bluetooth"
url = "/firmwareapi/pycom/network/bluetooth/"
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+title: "HTTP/S"
+ - chapter/firmwareapi/pycom/network/https
+This module implements an HTTP and HTTPS Server and Client, operating individually or as both at the same time.
+## Quick Usage Example
+Below is an example demonstrating the usage of `HTTP_Server` and `HTTP_Client` at the same time:
+from network import WLAN
+from network import HTTP_Server
+from network import HTTP_Client
+# The callback that handles the responses generated from the requests sent to a HTTP/S Server
+def server_callback(uri, method, headers, body, new_uri, status):
+ print("Request URI: {}".format(uri))
+ print("Request Method: {}".format(method))
+ for key, value in headers.items():
+ print("Request headers:", (key, value))
+ print("Request Body: {}".format(body))
+ print("Request New URI: {}".format(new_uri))
+ print("Request Status: {}".format(status))
+# The callback that handles the responses generated from the requests sent to a HTTP/S Server
+def client_callback(status, headers, body):
+ print("Response Status: {}".format(status))
+ for key, value in headers.items():
+ print("Response headers:", (key, value))
+ print("Response Body: {}".format(body))
+# Connect to the network
+wlan = WLAN(mode=WLAN.STA)
+wlan.connect('your-ssid', auth=(WLAN.WPA2, 'your-key'))
+while not wlan.isconnected():
+ pass
+# Initilise an HTTP Server
+# Add new resource to Server
+res = HTTP_Server.add_resource('/resource', value = "Hello Client!")
+# Register resource request handler
+res.register_request_handler(HTTP_Server.GET, callback=server_callback)
+# Initialize an HTTP Client
+HTTP_Client.init('http://' + str(wlan.ifconfig()[0] + '/resource'), callback=client_callback)
+# Send request with body
+HTTP_Client.send_request(body='Hello Server!')
+To implement HTTPS Server and Client, only the two init methods need to be changed. HTTP Server and Client init:
+# HTTP Server init
+# HTTP Client init
+HTTP_Client.init('http://' + str(wlan.ifconfig()[0] + '/resource'), callback=client_callback)
+HTTPS Server and Client init:
+# HTTPS Server init
+HTTP_Server.init(port=443, keyfile='/flash/cert/prvtkey.pem', certfile='/flash/cert/cacert.pem')
+# HTTPS Client init
+HTTP_Client.init('https://' + str(wlan.ifconfig()[0] + '/resource'), callback=client_callback)
diff --git a/content/firmwareapi/pycom/network/https/client.md b/content/firmwareapi/pycom/network/https/client.md
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+title: "HTTP/S Client"
+ - firmwareapi/pycom/network/https/client.html
+ - firmwareapi/pycom/network/https/client.md
+ - chapter/firmwareapi/pycom/network/https/client
+This module implements HTTP/S Client.
+## Quick Usage Example
+from network import WLAN
+from network import HTTP_Client
+# The callback that handles the responses generated from the requests sent to a HTTP/S Server
+def client_callback(status, headers, body):
+ print("Status Code: {}".format(status))
+ for key, value in headers.items():
+ print(key, ":", value)
+ print("Body: {}".format(body))
+# Connect to the network
+wlan = WLAN(mode=WLAN.STA)
+wlan.connect('your-ssid', auth=(WLAN.WPA2, 'your-key'))
+while not wlan.isconnected():
+ pass
+# Initialize HTTP Client
+HTTP_Client.init("http://httpbin.org/get", callback=client_callback)
+# Send request with GET method
+# Set HTTPS url
+# Send request with POST method and custom body
+HTTP_Client.send_request(method=HTTP_Client.POST, body='post data')
+# Optionally deinit Client
+## Initialization
+#### HTTP_Client.init(url, *, auth=None, callback=None)
+Initialize the HTTP_Client module.
+The arguments are:
+* `url` is the address where the HTTP_Client module handles communication. Based on HTTP or HTTPS Client mode, `url` string must be started with 'http://' or 'https://' respectively.
+* `auth` is a tuple with (username, password). `Basic` authentication is supported in case of configured username and password.
+* `callback` registers a callback function which will be called when a response received on the Client's request. `callback` must have the following arguments:
+ * `status` is the status code issued by a Server in response to a Client's request (e.g. `200` OK or `404` Not Found).
+ * `headers` is a dictionary contains all the response headers as key-value pairs. Size of `headers` depends on the number of headers received.
+ * `body` is the message body or payload transmitted in response.
+## Methods:
+#### HTTP_Client.deinit()
+Disables and deinitiates HTTP_Client module.
+#### HTTP_Client.url(url)
+Get or set the `url` for HTTP_Client.
+* Calling method without argument gets the currently set `url` as string.
+* `url` is the address where the HTTP_Client module handles communication. Based on HTTP or HTTPS Client mode, `url` string must be started with 'http://' or 'https://.
+This method (re)initiates HTTP_Client.
+# Get the url of Client
+# Set the url for Client
+#### HTTP_Client.auth(auth)
+Get or set the `auth` for HTTP_Client.
+* Calling method without argument gets the currently set `auth` as tuple.
+* `auth` is a tuple with (username, password). `Basic` authentication is supported in case of configured username and password. Setting empty strings ("") for username and password disables `Basic` authentication.
+# Get the auth of Client
+# Set the auth for Client
+HTTP_Client.auth("user", "pass")
+# Disable the auth for Client
+HTTP_Client.auth("", "")
+#### HTTP_Client.callback(callback, *, action=True)
+Register or unregister method for HTTP_Client's response handler.
+* `callback` registers/unregisters (based on `action` flag) a callback function which will be called when a response received on the Client's request. `callback` must have the following arguments:
+ * `status` is the status code issued by a Server in response to a Client's request (e.g. `200` OK or `404` Not Found).
+ * `headers` is a dictionary contains all the response headers as key-value pairs. Size of `headers` depends on the number of headers received.
+ * `body` is the message body or payload transmitted in response.
+* `action` is a flag which decides if the given `callback` is registered (`action`=True) or unregistered(`action`=False).
+# The callback that handles the responses generated from the requests sent to a HTTP/S Server
+def client_callback(status, headers, body):
+ # Define callback method
+ pass
+# Register callback for Client
+# Unregister callback for Client
+HTTP_Client.callback(client_callback, action=False)
+#### HTTP\_Client.send\_request(method=HTTP_Client.GET, body=None, content_type=HTTP_Client.TEXT, accept=None, user_agent='ESP32 HTTP Client/1.0')
+* `method` is the method to be sent to the server, can be: `HTTP_Client.GET`, `HTTP_Client.POST`, `HTTP_Client.PUT` or `HTTP_Client.DELETE`.
+* `body` is the message body (or content) of the request in string format.
+* `content_type` is the Content-Type header of the request, can be: `HTTP_Client.TEXT`, `HTTP_Client.XML`, `HTTP_Client.PLAIN`, `HTTP_Client.JSON`, `HTTP_Client.OCTET` or `HTTP_Client.APP_XML`.
+* `accept` is the Accept header of the request in string format.
+* `user_agent` is the User-Agent header of the request in string format, which lets server identify the client. The default value is: \'ESP32 HTTP Client/1.0\'.
+## Constants
+* HTTP_Client methods: `HTTP_Client.GET`, `HTTP_Client.POST`, `HTTP_Client.PUT`, `HTTP_Client.DELETE`
+* HTTP_Client media types:
+ `HTTP_Client.TEXT`: HyperText Markup Language (HTML): "text/html"
+ `HTTP_Client.XML`: XML format: "text/xml"
+ `HTTP_Client.PLAIN`: Text format: "text/plain"
+ `HTTP_Client.JSON`: Json format: "application/json"
+ `HTTP_Client.OCTET`: Binary data: "application/octet-stream"
+ `HTTP_Client.APP_XML`: Json format: "application/xml
diff --git a/content/firmwareapi/pycom/network/https/server.md b/content/firmwareapi/pycom/network/https/server.md
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index 00000000..8d1897c6
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@@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
+title: "HTTP/S Server"
+ - firmwareapi/pycom/network/https/server.html
+ - firmwareapi/pycom/network/https/server.md
+ - chapter/firmwareapi/pycom/network/https/server
+This module implements HTTP/S Server.
+## Quick Usage Example
+from network import WLAN
+from network import HTTP_Server
+# The callback that handles the responses generated from the requests sent to a HTTP/S Server
+def server_callback(uri, method, headers, body, new_uri, status):
+ print("Request URI: {}".format(uri))
+ print("Request Method: {}".format(method))
+ for key, value in headers.items():
+ print("Request headers:", (key, value))
+ print("Request Body: {}".format(body))
+ print("Request New URI: {}".format(new_uri))
+ print("Request Status: {}".format(status))
+# Connect to the network
+wlan = WLAN(mode=WLAN.STA)
+wlan.connect('your-ssid', auth=(WLAN.WPA2, 'your-key'))
+while not wlan.isconnected():
+ pass
+# Initilise an HTTP Server
+# Add resources to Server
+res1 = HTTP_Server.add_resource('/resource1', value = "Hello Client!")
+res2 = HTTP_Server.add_resource('/resource2')
+# Register resource request handlers
+res2.register_request_handler(HTTP_Server.GET | HTTP_Server.POST | HTTP_Server.PUT | HTTP_Server.DELETE, callback=server_callback)
+## Initialization
+#### HTTP_Server.init(port=80, max_uri=100, keyfile=None, certfile=None)
+Initialize the HTTP_Server module.
+The arguments are:
+* `port` is the port where the HTTP_Server module listens. If not set, the default port is 80. HTTPS (HTTP Secure or HTTP over TLS/SSL) mode is activated in case of 443 port setting. In this case, `keyfile` and `certfile` must be placed into `/flash/cert/` folder on the device.
+* `max_uri` is the maximum allowed resources on the Server.
+* `keyfile` is the Private Key path for SSL Certificate.
+* `certfile` is the Certification File path for SSL Certificate.
+For example you can create an HTTP Server:
+# Init HTTP Server
+or an HTTPS:
+# Init HTTPS Server
+HTTP_Server.init(port=443, keyfile='/flash/cert/prvtkey.pem', certfile='/flash/cert/cacert.pem')
+_Note: Self-signed Certificate can be gemerated by using OpenSSL command line tool:_
+openssl req -newkey rsa:2048 -nodes -keyout prvtkey.pem -x509 -days 365 -out cacert.pem -subj "/CN=Pycom HTTPS Server"
+## Methods:
+#### HTTP_Server.deinit()
+Disables and deinitiates HTTP_Server module.
+#### HTTP_Server.add_resource(uri, *, content_type=HTTP_Server.TEXT, value=0)
+Creates a `HTTP_Resource` object, which can be defined with its `uri`, and can be registered with different request handlers.
+* `uri` is the unique identifier path to the resource, `uri` string must be started with '/'.
+* `content_type` is the representation type of the resource.
+* `value` is the default value of the resource. If not given, it is initialised to decimal 0.
+#### HTTP_Server.get_resource(uri, *)
+Returns with the `HTTP_Resource` object defined by `uri` argument.
+* `uri` is the full path of the resource to be returned.
+#### HTTP_Server.list_resource(uri_start=None)
+Returns with the list of uri starts with `uri_start` strings, registered on the Server.
+* `uri_start` is start string of uri to be returned. If not set, all the existing resources are returned.
+#### HTTP_Server.remove_resource(uri, *)
+Removes the `HTTP_Resource` defined by the `uri` argument, and unregister its handler.
+* `uri` is the full path of the resource to be removed.
+## Class resource
+The resource class represents a resource in the scope of the HTTP\_Server module. A new resource can be created with the `HTTP_Server.add_resource` function or with a POST Client request.
+#### Class methods
+The following methods are defined in the scope of the `HTTP_Resource` class.
+#### resource.value(value)
+Get or set the `value` for resource.
+* Calling method without argument gets the currently set `value` as string.
+* `value` is the new value to update the current value with.
+#### resource.register_request_handler(method, *, callback)
+Registers the servers operation on the given resource. Calling multiple times this function, only the most recent methods are registered.
+* `method` is the indication of the desired action to be performed for a given resource. It can be `HTTP_Server.GET`, `HTTP_Server.POST`, `HTTP_Server.PUT`, `HTTP_Server.DELETE`, or any combination at the same time. Calling method again with different method, unregisters recent settings, and resets the new one(s).
+* `callback` can be assigned to the resource, it contains information about Client's request:
+ * `uri` is the full path of the resource to be requested.
+ * `method` indicates the request method.
+ * `headers` is a dictionary contains all the request headers as key-value pairs. Size of `headers` depends on the number of headers received.
+ * `body` is the message body or payload transmitted in request.
+ * `new_uri` is the full path of newly created `uri`. It is empty except in case of successful Post request.
+ * `status` is the status code sent back by the Server in the response.
+# The callback that handles the requests of the Server
+def server_callback(uri, method, headers, body, new_uri, status):
+ # Define callback method
+ pass
+# Create a resource
+res = HTTP_Server.add_resource('/res')
+# Register a GET request handler for resource
+# Register GET and POST request handler for resource with a callback
+res.register_request_handler(HTTP_Server.GET | HTTP_Server.POST, callback=server_callback)
+_Note: Registering a request handler means that `HTTP_Server` automatically handles basic HTTP requests. Currently four methods are supported:_
+* _GET: Server serves the requested resources value. Successful GET: `200 OK`._
+* _PUT: Server updates the value of the requested resource (creating resource with PUT request is not supported). Successful PUT: `204 No Content`. `Content-Location` header in response contains the updated reource's URI._
+* _POST: Server creates a new resource. New resource will be the subresource of the requested one, and a 5 digit ID is generated by the Server, and the value of the resource will be the payload of the request. Successful POST: `201 Created`. `Location` header in response contains the created reource's URI._
+* _DELETE: Server deletes the requested resource. Successful DELETE: `204 No Content`._
+_Currently handled status codes by Server: `200`, `201`, `204`, `404`, `405`, `406`, `408`, `413`, `415`, `500` and `507`_
+## Constants
+* HTTP_Server methods: `HTTP_Serveer.GET`, `HTTP_Server.POST`, `HTTP_Server.PUT`, `HTTP_Server.DELETE`
+* HTTP_Server media types:
+ `HTTP_Server.TEXT`: HyperText Markup Language (HTML): "text/html"
+ `HTTP_Server.XML`: XML format: "text/xml"
+ `HTTP_Server.PLAIN`: Text format: "text/plain"
+ `HTTP_Server.JSON`: Json format: "application/json"
+ `HTTP_Server.OCTET`: Binary data: "application/octet-stream"
+ `HTTP_Server.APP_XML`: Json format: "application/xml
diff --git a/content/tutorials/all/https.md b/content/tutorials/all/https.md
index bf44611c..01f01bd5 100644
--- a/content/tutorials/all/https.md
+++ b/content/tutorials/all/https.md
@@ -6,6 +6,150 @@ aliases:
- chapter/tutorials/all/https
+At present, basic HTTP/S Server and Client functionality is available. More features will be implemented in the near future. This page will be updated in line with these features.
+Full info on HTTP/S Server/Client can be found within [HTTPS page](http://localhost:1313/firmwareapi/pycom/network/https/) page of the Firmware API Reference.
+## HTTP Server
+In the following example, an HTTP webserver will be created, using [`HTTP_Server`](http://localhost:1313/firmwareapi/pycom/network/https/server/) module. The color (`RED`, `GREEN`, `BLUE` or `OFF`) of the LED can be modified through a web or mobile client:
+import pycom
+from network import WLAN
+from network import HTTP_Server
+# The callback that handles the responses generated from the requests sent to a HTTP/S Server
+def server_callback(uri, method, headers, body, new_uri, status):
+ if(uri == '/buttons/red'):
+ pycom.rgbled(0x7f0000)
+ if (uri == '/buttons/green'):
+ pycom.rgbled(0x007f00)
+ if (uri == '/buttons/blue'):
+ pycom.rgbled(0x0000ff)
+ if (uri == '/buttons/off'):
+ pycom.rgbled(0x000000)
+# Connect to the network
+wlan = WLAN(mode=WLAN.STA)
+wlan.connect('your-ssid', auth=(WLAN.WPA2, 'your-key'))
+while not wlan.isconnected():
+ pass
+# Initiate LED as turned off
+# Initilise an HTTP Server
+# Define html values
+main_html = 'Choose the Pycom RGB Color'
+main_html += ''
+main_html += ''
+main_html += ''
+main_html += ''
+redirect_html = ''
+# Create resources
+button = HTTP_Server.add_resource('/buttons', value=main_html)
+button_red = HTTP_Server.add_resource('/buttons/red', value=redirect_html)
+button_green = HTTP_Server.add_resource('/buttons/green', value=redirect_html)
+button_blue = HTTP_Server.add_resource('/buttons/blue', value=redirect_html)
+button_off = HTTP_Server.add_resource('/buttons/off', value=redirect_html)
+# Register resource request handlers
+button.register_request_handler(HTTP_Server.GET, callback=server_callback)
+button_red.register_request_handler(HTTP_Server.GET, callback=server_callback)
+button_green.register_request_handler(HTTP_Server.GET, callback=server_callback)
+button_blue.register_request_handler(HTTP_Server.GET, callback=server_callback)
+button_off.register_request_handler(HTTP_Server.GET, callback=server_callback)
+## HTTPS Server
+To create an HTTPS (HTTP Secure or HTTP over TLS/SSL) Server using `HTTP_Server` module, a `keyfile` and a `certfile` must be generated, and placed into `/flash/cert/` folder on the device. The simplest is to create a self-signed certificate, which can be generated by using OpenSSL command line tool:
+openssl req -newkey rsa:2048 -nodes -keyout prvtkey.pem -x509 -days 365 -out cacert.pem -subj "/CN=Pycom HTTPS Server"
+To enable HTTPS capabilities, port must be set to `443`, `keyfile` and `certfile` paths must be added:
+# Init HTTPS Server
+HTTP_Server.init(port=443, keyfile='/flash/cert/prvtkey.pem', certfile='/flash/cert/cacert.pem')
+After initiating an HTTPS Server, it will automatically handle the whole SSL handshake process, in case of a request is coming from a Client. From this point, there is no difference between the HTTP and HTTPS Server methods usage.
+## HTTP Client
+For testing the capabilities of [`HTTP_Client`](http://localhost:1313/firmwareapi/pycom/network/https/client/) module a great way is to use Request & Response Service of http://httpbin.org/. In the example below, a quick example demonstrates using of `GET`, `POST`, `PUT` and `DELETE` methods:
+from network import WLAN
+from network import HTTP_Client
+# The callback that handles the responses generated from the requests sent to a HTTP/S Server
+def client_callback(status, headers, body):
+ print("Status Code: {}".format(status))
+ for key, value in headers.items():
+ print(key, ":", value)
+ print("Body: {}".format(body))
+# Connect to the network
+wlan = WLAN(mode=WLAN.STA)
+wlan.connect('your-ssid', auth=(WLAN.WPA2, 'your-key'))
+while not wlan.isconnected():
+ pass
+# Initialize HTTP Client
+HTTP_Client.init("http://httpbin.org/get", callback=client_callback)
+# Send request with GET method
+# Set POST
+HTTP_Client.send_request(method=HTTP_Client.POST, body='post data')
+# Set PUT
+HTTP_Client.send_request(method=HTTP_Client.PUT, body='put data')
+# Optionally deinit Client
+#### Basic authentication
+Basic authentication is supported by Client after username and password are set. In this case `Authorization` request header is filled up properly with encoded username and password as value:
+# Initialize HTTP Client with user and pass
+HTTP_Client.init("http://httpbin.org/basic-auth/http_user/http_pass", auth=('http_user', 'http_pass'), callback=client_handler)
+# Send request
+## HTTPS Client
+To create an HTTPS (HTTP Secure or HTTP over TLS/SSL) Client using `HTTP_Client` module, the only thing that needs to be done is to be set the correct `url` in init method starting with `https://`. From that point, the whole SSL handshake process will be handled automatically after a request send. Request & Response Service of https://httpbin.org/ can be used for testing.
+# Initialize HTTP Client
+HTTP_Client.init("http://httpbin.org/get", callback=client_callback)
+# Initialize HTTPS Client
+HTTP_Client.init("https://httpbin.org/get", callback=client_callback)
+## HTTP with socket
Basic connection using `ssl.wrap_socket()`.