You can help with translations. The best way to do so is via our weblate hosted by Framasoft: Contact me by opening an issue or by sending a private e-mail if you want to contribute by translating the project in a language you know and have any issue with weblate (for instance your language is not available). I can help.
Please don't hesitate to open a Pull Request if you have a fix for one of the issues.
Don't hesitate to open new issues with your reports or remarks.
You can use this script to setup a development environment. If you trust it, run, in the directory where you want to clone the project:
curl -sSL "" | sh
This script is only proven to work on a fresh Ubuntu 18.04 install. You can use VirtualBox, Docker, qemu or whatever virtualisation/containerization technology you prefer.
It uses coverage to evaluate tests coverage.
pdm run coverage run pytition/ test petition
pdm run coverage report -m
Add docker-compose exec web
before each command to use it with docker.