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Infinite Tux For Windows, Linux, and OSX

This is a great mario game clone for Windows, Linux, and OSX that will bring tons of fun to your day! Thank you Chris Lewis for putting this out there!
I've replaced all of the proprietary artwork with stuff I created or downloaded and I've added a full screen mode and the ability to exit the game by hitting escape.
Also added some scripts to help compile the game.

Now it's completely open source!

Make sure you have a Java version of at least 1.8.

Download executable

Gameplay Video

Gameplay Video

AI Gameplay Video

AI Gameplay Video AI Gameplay Video over ground


Infinite Tux Title Screen

Infinite Tux World Map

Infinite Tux Above Ground 1

Infinite Tux Above Ground 2

Infinite Tux Dungeon

Infinite Tux Castle

Download executable

Problems with OpenJDK on Ubuntu 14.04 and 16.04

Latest version now works correctly with OpenJDK!

Compiling and running

The following was tested on Ubuntu 16.04 and 18.04. At a minimum you'll need a JDK of at least 1.6.
on Ubuntu you can install 1.8 like this.

You can compile via any of the following methods.

  • Maven
  • makeit
  • makeit.bat(for windows)
sudo apt-get install openjdk-8-jdk
  • With Maven if you don't have maven installed, this worked for me.
sudo apt-get install maven

Once installed, you can compile, package and run the resulting jar file.

mvn compile
mvn package
cd target
java -jar infinitetux-1.1-jar-with-dependencies.jar

You could also start the game by running a starter script created in the dist folder.

cd dist

or you could run it full screen

./infinitetux  f

to exit just hit escape.


java -jar infinitetux.jar


java -cp .:infinitetux.jar com.mojang.mario.FullScreenFrameLauncher
  • With java jdk

If you only wish to install the minimum, then all you need is a JDK to compile and run it.
On windows make sure the jdk is in your path.

Under linux and Mac you should only need the makeit script. If the script isn't executable, do the following.
Make executable.

chmod +x makeit


cd dist




infinitetux f


java -jar infinitetux.jar


java -cp .:infinitetux.jar com.mojang.mario.FullScreenFrameLauncher

On windows you should just have to double click on the makeit.bat file. I think you could double click on the jar file and it will start. You can always issue the commands from the command prompt. I still need to make a batch script that will run the game in full screen mode.




java -jar infinitetux.jar


java -cp .;infinitetux.jar com.mojang.mario.FullScreenFrameLauncher

Making a debian package

You'll need gnu make, a jdk and the following additional dependencies. Also I had to do this on a debian unstable installation because my Ubuntu installation does not have the latest debhelper and other dependencies. You can do this on Ubuntu 18.04 however. follow these instructions and then see the end of this section.

devscripts debhelper jarwrapper default-jdk default-jre javahelper

If you don't have these installed, this worked for me.

sudo apt-get install devscripts debhelper jarwrapper javahelper default-jdk default-jre

Enter the deb directory.

cd deb

Create the deb package


debuild -us -uc -I

Ubuntu 18.04

 dpkg-buildpackage -d -b -rfakeroot -us -uc

If all goes well, this will produce an installable deb package.

the deb file should be one level above the current directory.



sudo dpkg -i infinitetux_1.1_all.deb