diff --git a/docs/calendar_container.md b/docs/calendar_container.md
index e1bb60121..b6013064f 100644
--- a/docs/calendar_container.md
+++ b/docs/calendar_container.md
@@ -1,8 +1,7 @@
# `calendar_container` (component)
-| name | type | default value | description |
-| -------------------- | -------- | ------------- | ----------- |
-| `children` | `node` | | |
-| `className` | `string` | | |
-| `showTime` | `bool` | `false` | |
-| `showTimeSelectOnly` | `bool` | `false` | |
+| name | type | default value | description |
+| -------------------- | ---- | ------------- | ----------- |
+| `className` | | | |
+| `showTime` | | `false` | |
+| `showTimeSelectOnly` | | `false` | |
diff --git a/docs/calendar_icon.md b/docs/calendar_icon.md
index cb57659de..f01046d72 100644
--- a/docs/calendar_icon.md
+++ b/docs/calendar_icon.md
@@ -1,7 +1,25 @@
# `calendar_icon` (component)
-| name | type | default value | description |
-| ----------- | --------------------- | ------------- | ----------- |
-| `className` | `string` | `""` | |
-| `icon` | `union(string\|node)` | | |
-| `onClick` | `func` | | |
+`CalendarIcon` is a React component that renders an icon for a calendar.
+The icon can be a string representing a CSS class, a React node, or a default SVG icon.
+@prop icon - The icon to be displayed. This can be a string representing a CSS class or a React node.
+@prop className - An optional string representing additional CSS classes to be applied to the icon.
+@prop onClick - An optional function to be called when the icon is clicked.
+// To use a CSS class as the icon
+// To use a React node as the icon
+} onClick={myClickHandler} />
+@returns The `CalendarIcon` component.
+| name | type | default value | description |
+| ----------- | ---- | ------------- | ----------- |
+| `className` | | `""` | |
+| `icon` | | | |
+| `onClick` | | | |
diff --git a/docs/index.md b/docs/index.md
index 317027568..f2fd19c85 100644
--- a/docs/index.md
+++ b/docs/index.md
@@ -1,166 +1,93 @@
# `index` (component)
-| name | type | default value | description |
-| ------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------ | ----------- |
-| `adjustDateOnChange` | `bool` | | |
-| `allowSameDay` | `bool` | `false` | |
-| `ariaDescribedBy` | `string` | | |
-| `ariaInvalid` | `string` | | |
-| `ariaLabelClose` | `string` | | |
-| `ariaLabelledBy` | `string` | | |
-| `ariaRequired` | `string` | | |
-| `autoComplete` | `string` | | |
-| `autoFocus` | `bool` | | |
-| `calendarClassName` | `string` | | |
-| `calendarContainer` | `func` | | |
-| `calendarIconClassname` | `string` | | |
-| `calendarIconClassName` | `string` | | |
-| `calendarStartDay` | `number` | `undefined` | |
-| `children` | `node` | | |
-| `chooseDayAriaLabelPrefix` | `string` | | |
-| `className` | `string` | | |
-| `clearButtonClassName` | `string` | | |
-| `clearButtonTitle` | `string` | | |
-| `closeOnScroll` | `union(bool\|func)` | | |
-| `customInput` | `element` | | |
-| `customInputRef` | `string` | | |
-| `customTimeInput` | `element` | `null` | |
-| `dateFormat` | `union(string\|array)` | `"MM/dd/yyyy"` | |
-| `dateFormatCalendar` | `string` | `"LLLL yyyy"` | |
-| `dayClassName` | `func` | | |
-| `disabled` | `bool` | `false` | |
-| `disabledDayAriaLabelPrefix` | `string` | | |
-| `disabledKeyboardNavigation` | `bool` | `false` | |
-| `dropdownMode` | `enum("scroll"\|"select")` | `"scroll"` | |
-| `enableTabLoop` | `bool` | `true` | |
-| `endDate` | `instanceOfDate` | | |
-| `excludeDateIntervals` | `arrayOf[object Object]` | | |
-| `excludeDates` | `arrayOf[object Object]` | | |
-| `excludeScrollbar` | `bool` | `true` | |
-| `excludeTimes` | `array` | | |
-| `filterDate` | `func` | | |
-| `filterTime` | `func` | | |
-| `fixedHeight` | `bool` | | |
-| `focusSelectedMonth` | `bool` | `false` | |
-| `forceShowMonthNavigation` | `bool` | | |
-| `form` | `string` | | |
-| `formatWeekDay` | `func` | | |
-| `formatWeekNumber` | `func` | | |
-| `highlightDates` | `array` | | |
-| `holidays` | `array` | | |
-| `icon` | `union(string\|node)` | | |
-| `id` | `string` | | |
-| `includeDateIntervals` | `array` | | |
-| `includeDates` | `array` | | |
-| `includeTimes` | `array` | | |
-| `injectTimes` | `array` | | |
-| `inline` | `bool` | | |
-| `isClearable` | `bool` | | |
-| `locale` | `union(string\|shape)` | | |
-| `maxDate` | `instanceOfDate` | | |
-| `maxTime` | `instanceOfDate` | | |
-| `minDate` | `instanceOfDate` | | |
-| `minTime` | `instanceOfDate` | | |
-| `monthAriaLabelPrefix` | `string` | | |
-| `monthClassName` | `func` | | |
-| `monthsShown` | `number` | `1` | |
-| `name` | `string` | | |
-| `nextMonthAriaLabel` | `string` | `"Next Month"` | |
-| `nextMonthButtonLabel` | `union(string\|node)` | `"Next Month"` | |
-| `nextYearAriaLabel` | `string` | `"Next Year"` | |
-| `nextYearButtonLabel` | `string` | `"Next Year"` | |
-| `onBlur` | `func` | | |
-| `onCalendarClose` | `func` | | |
-| `onCalendarOpen` | `func` | | |
-| `onChange` (required) | `func` | | |
-| `onChangeRaw` | `func` | | |
-| `onClickOutside` | `func` | | |
-| `onDayMouseEnter` | `func` | | |
-| `onFocus` | `func` | | |
-| `onInputClick` | `func` | | |
-| `onInputError` | `func` | | |
-| `onKeyDown` | `func` | | |
-| `onMonthChange` | `func` | | |
-| `onMonthMouseLeave` | `func` | | |
-| `onSelect` | `func` | | |
-| `onWeekSelect` | `func` | | |
-| `onYearChange` | `func` | | |
-| `onYearMouseEnter` | `func` | | |
-| `onYearMouseLeave` | `func` | | |
-| `open` | `bool` | | |
-| `openToDate` | `instanceOfDate` | | |
-| `peekNextMonth` | `bool` | | |
-| `placeholderText` | `string` | | |
-| `popperClassName` | `string` | | |
-| `popperContainer` | `func` | | |
-| `popperModifiers` | `arrayOf[object Object]` | | |
-| `popperPlacement` | `enum("top-start"\|"top-end"\|"bottom-start"\|"bottom-end"\|"right-start"\|"right-end"\|"left-start"\|"left-end"\|"top"\|"right"\|"bottom"\|"left")` | | |
-| `popperProps` | `object` | | |
-| `portalHost` | `instanceOfShadowRoot` | | |
-| `portalId` | `string` | | |
-| `preventOpenOnFocus` | `bool` | `false` | |
-| `previousMonthAriaLabel` | `string` | `"Previous Month"` | |
-| `previousMonthButtonLabel` | `union(string\|node)` | `"Previous Month"` | |
-| `previousYearAriaLabel` | `string` | `"Previous Year"` | |
-| `previousYearButtonLabel` | `string` | `"Previous Year"` | |
-| `readOnly` | `bool` | `false` | |
-| `renderCustomHeader` | `func` | | |
-| `renderDayContents` | `func` | | |
-| `renderMonthContent` | `func` | | |
-| `renderQuarterContent` | `func` | | |
-| `renderYearContent` | `func` | | |
-| `required` | `bool` | | |
-| `scrollableMonthYearDropdown` | `bool` | | |
-| `scrollableYearDropdown` | `bool` | | |
-| `selected` | `instanceOfDate` | | |
-| `selectedDates` | `arrayOf[object Object]` | | |
-| `selectsDisabledDaysInRange` | `bool` | `false` | |
-| `selectsEnd` | `bool` | | |
-| `selectsMultiple` | `bool` | | |
-| `selectsRange` | `bool` | | |
-| `selectsStart` | `bool` | | |
-| `shouldCloseOnSelect` | `bool` | `true` | |
-| `showDateSelect` | `bool` | | |
-| `showDisabledMonthNavigation` | `bool` | | |
-| `showFourColumnMonthYearPicker` | `bool` | `false` | |
-| `showFullMonthYearPicker` | `bool` | `false` | |
-| `showIcon` | `bool` | | |
-| `showMonthDropdown` | `bool` | | |
-| `showMonthYearDropdown` | `bool` | | |
-| `showMonthYearPicker` | `bool` | `false` | |
-| `showPopperArrow` | `bool` | `true` | |
-| `showPreviousMonths` | `bool` | `false` | |
-| `showQuarterYearPicker` | `bool` | `false` | |
-| `showTimeInput` | `bool` | `false` | |
-| `showTimeSelect` | `bool` | `false` | |
-| `showTimeSelectOnly` | `bool` | | |
-| `showTwoColumnMonthYearPicker` | `bool` | `false` | |
-| `showWeekNumbers` | `bool` | | |
-| `showWeekPicker` | `bool` | `false` | |
-| `showYearDropdown` | `bool` | | |
-| `showYearPicker` | `bool` | `false` | |
-| `startDate` | `instanceOfDate` | | |
-| `startOpen` | `bool` | | |
-| `strictParsing` | `bool` | `false` | |
-| `swapRange` | `bool` | `false` | |
-| `tabIndex` | `number` | | |
-| `timeCaption` | `string` | `"Time"` | |
-| `timeClassName` | `func` | | |
-| `timeFormat` | `string` | | |
-| `timeInputLabel` | `string` | `"Time"` | |
-| `timeIntervals` | `number` | `30` | |
-| `title` | `string` | | |
-| `todayButton` | `node` | | |
-| `toggleCalendarOnIconClick` | `union(func\|bool)` | `false` | |
-| `usePointerEvent` | `bool` | `false` | |
-| `useShortMonthInDropdown` | `bool` | | |
-| `useWeekdaysShort` | `bool` | | |
-| `value` | `string` | | |
-| `weekAriaLabelPrefix` | `string` | | |
-| `weekDayClassName` | `func` | | |
-| `weekLabel` | `string` | | |
-| `withPortal` | `bool` | `false` | |
-| `wrapperClassName` | `string` | | |
-| `yearClassName` | `func` | | |
-| `yearDropdownItemNumber` | `number` | | |
-| `yearItemNumber` | `number` | `12` | |
+| name | type | default value | description |
+| ------------------------------- | ---- | ------------------ | ----------- |
+| `allowSameDay` | | `false` | |
+| `ariaDescribedBy` | | | |
+| `ariaInvalid` | | | |
+| `ariaLabelClose` | | | |
+| `ariaLabelledBy` | | | |
+| `ariaRequired` | | | |
+| `autoComplete` | | | |
+| `autoFocus` | | | |
+| `calendarClassName` | | | |
+| `calendarContainer` | | | |
+| `calendarIconClassName` | | | |
+| `calendarIconClassname` | | | |
+| `calendarStartDay` | | `undefined` | |
+| `className` | | | |
+| `clearButtonClassName` | | | |
+| `clearButtonTitle` | | | |
+| `closeOnScroll` | | | |
+| `customInput` | | | |
+| `customInputRef` | | | |
+| `customTimeInput` | | `null` | |
+| `dateFormat` | | `"MM/dd/yyyy"` | |
+| `dateFormatCalendar` | | `"LLLL yyyy"` | |
+| `disabled` | | `false` | |
+| `disabledKeyboardNavigation` | | `false` | |
+| `dropdownMode` | | `"scroll"` | |
+| `enableTabLoop` | | `true` | |
+| `excludeScrollbar` | | `true` | |
+| `focusSelectedMonth` | | `false` | |
+| `form` | | | |
+| `highlightDates` | | | |
+| `holidays` | | | |
+| `id` | | | |
+| `isClearable` | | | |
+| `monthsShown` | | `1` | |
+| `name` | | | |
+| `nextMonthAriaLabel` | | `"Next Month"` | |
+| `nextMonthButtonLabel` | | `"Next Month"` | |
+| `nextYearAriaLabel` | | `"Next Year"` | |
+| `nextYearButtonLabel` | | `"Next Year"` | |
+| `onBlur` | | | |
+| `onCalendarClose` | | | |
+| `onCalendarOpen` | | | |
+| `onChangeRaw` | | | |
+| `onClickOutside` | | | |
+| `onFocus` | | | |
+| `onInputClick` | | | |
+| `onInputError` | | | |
+| `onKeyDown` | | | |
+| `onSelect` (required) | | | |
+| `open` | | | |
+| `placeholderText` | | | |
+| `popperClassName` | | | |
+| `preventOpenOnFocus` | | `false` | |
+| `previousMonthAriaLabel` | | `"Previous Month"` | |
+| `previousMonthButtonLabel` | | `"Previous Month"` | |
+| `previousYearAriaLabel` | | `"Previous Year"` | |
+| `previousYearButtonLabel` | | `"Previous Year"` | |
+| `readOnly` | | `false` | |
+| `required` | | | |
+| `selected` | | | |
+| `selectsDisabledDaysInRange` | | `false` | |
+| `shouldCloseOnSelect` | | `true` | |
+| `showDateSelect` | | | |
+| `showFourColumnMonthYearPicker` | | `false` | |
+| `showFullMonthYearPicker` | | `false` | |
+| `showIcon` | | | |
+| `showMonthYearPicker` | | `false` | |
+| `showPopperArrow` | | `true` | |
+| `showPreviousMonths` | | `false` | |
+| `showQuarterYearPicker` | | `false` | |
+| `showTimeInput` | | `false` | |
+| `showTimeSelect` | | `false` | |
+| `showTwoColumnMonthYearPicker` | | `false` | |
+| `showWeekPicker` | | `false` | |
+| `showYearPicker` | | `false` | |
+| `startDate` | | | |
+| `startOpen` | | | |
+| `strictParsing` | | `false` | |
+| `swapRange` | | `false` | |
+| `tabIndex` | | | |
+| `timeCaption` | | `"Time"` | |
+| `timeInputLabel` | | `"Time"` | |
+| `timeIntervals` | | `30` | |
+| `title` | | | |
+| `toggleCalendarOnIconClick` | | `false` | |
+| `usePointerEvent` | | `false` | |
+| `value` | | | |
+| `withPortal` | | `false` | |
+| `yearItemNumber` | | `12` | |
diff --git a/docs/input_time.md b/docs/input_time.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c30685905
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/input_time.md
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+# `input_time` (component)
+`InputTime` is a React component that manages time input.
+@param props - The properties that define the `InputTime` component.
+@param props.onChange - Function that is called when the date changes.
+@param props.date - The initial date value.
+@param props.timeString - The initial time string value.
+@param props.timeInputLabel - The label for the time input.
+@param props.customTimeInput - An optional custom time input element.
+@returns The `InputTime` component.
+| name | type | default value | description |
+| ----------------- | ---- | ------------- | ----------- |
+| `customTimeInput` | | | |
+| `date` | | | |
+| `onChange` | | | |
+| `timeInputLabel` | | | |
+| `timeString` | | | |
diff --git a/docs/month_dropdown.md b/docs/month_dropdown.md
index cecd525c8..949116c24 100644
--- a/docs/month_dropdown.md
+++ b/docs/month_dropdown.md
@@ -1,11 +1,8 @@
-`month_dropdown` (component)
+# `month_dropdown` (component)
-| name | type | default value | description |
-|`dropdownMode` (required)|`enum("scroll"\|"select")`|||
-|`month` (required)|`number`|||
-|`onChange` (required)|`func`|||
\ No newline at end of file
+| name | type | default value | description |
+| ------------------------- | ---- | ------------- | ----------- |
+| `dropdownMode` (required) | | | |
+| `locale` | | | |
+| `onChange` (required) | | | |
+| `useShortMonthInDropdown` | | | |
diff --git a/docs/month_dropdown_options.md b/docs/month_dropdown_options.md
index b4822e419..29437b4ce 100644
--- a/docs/month_dropdown_options.md
+++ b/docs/month_dropdown_options.md
@@ -1,10 +1,8 @@
-`month_dropdown_options` (component)
+# `month_dropdown_options` (component)
-| name | type | default value | description |
-|`month` (required)|`number`|||
-|`monthNames` (required)|`arrayOf[object Object]`|||
-|`onCancel` (required)|`func`|||
-|`onChange` (required)|`func`|||
\ No newline at end of file
+| name | type | default value | description |
+| ----------------------- | ---- | ------------- | ----------- |
+| `month` (required) | | | |
+| `monthNames` (required) | | | |
+| `onCancel` (required) | | | |
+| `onChange` (required) | | | |
diff --git a/docs/month_year_dropdown.md b/docs/month_year_dropdown.md
index c014b916f..b2074e2a7 100644
--- a/docs/month_year_dropdown.md
+++ b/docs/month_year_dropdown.md
@@ -1,14 +1,7 @@
-`month_year_dropdown` (component)
+# `month_year_dropdown` (component)
-| name | type | default value | description |
-|`date` (required)|`instanceOfDate`|||
-|`dateFormat` (required)|`string`|||
-|`dropdownMode` (required)|`enum("scroll"\|"select")`|||
-|`maxDate` (required)|`instanceOfDate`|||
-|`minDate` (required)|`instanceOfDate`|||
-|`onChange` (required)|`func`|||
\ No newline at end of file
+| name | type | default value | description |
+| ------------------------- | ---- | ------------- | ----------- |
+| `dropdownMode` (required) | | | |
+| `locale` | | | |
+| `onChange` (required) | | | |
diff --git a/docs/month_year_dropdown_options.md b/docs/month_year_dropdown_options.md
index b3465976d..a14c32091 100644
--- a/docs/month_year_dropdown_options.md
+++ b/docs/month_year_dropdown_options.md
@@ -1,14 +1,12 @@
-`month_year_dropdown_options` (component)
+# `month_year_dropdown_options` (component)
-| name | type | default value | description |
-|`date` (required)|`instanceOfDate`|||
-|`dateFormat` (required)|`string`|||
-|`maxDate` (required)|`instanceOfDate`|||
-|`minDate` (required)|`instanceOfDate`|||
-|`onCancel` (required)|`func`|||
-|`onChange` (required)|`func`|||
\ No newline at end of file
+| name | type | default value | description |
+| ----------------------------- | ---- | ------------- | ----------- |
+| `date` (required) | | | |
+| `dateFormat` (required) | | | |
+| `locale` | | | |
+| `maxDate` (required) | | | |
+| `minDate` (required) | | | |
+| `onCancel` (required) | | | |
+| `onChange` (required) | | | |
+| `scrollableMonthYearDropdown` | | | |
diff --git a/docs/portal.md b/docs/portal.md
index aead89467..b1fd3fd65 100644
--- a/docs/portal.md
+++ b/docs/portal.md
@@ -1,7 +1,16 @@
# `portal` (component)
-| name | type | default value | description |
-| ------------ | ---------------------- | ------------- | ----------- |
-| `children` | `any` | | |
-| `portalHost` | `instanceOfShadowRoot` | | |
-| `portalId` | `string` | | |
+`Portal` is a React component that allows you to render children into a DOM node
+that exists outside the DOM hierarchy of the parent component.
+@param {PortalProps} props - The properties that define the `Portal` component.
+@property {React.ReactNode} props.children - The children to be rendered into the `Portal`.
+@property {string} props.portalId - The id of the DOM node into which the `Portal` will render.
+@property {ShadowRoot} [props.portalHost] - The DOM node to host the `Portal`.
+| name | type | default value | description |
+| --------------------- | ---- | ------------- | ----------- |
+| `children` (required) | | | |
+| `portalHost` | | | |
+| `portalId` (required) | | | |
diff --git a/docs/tab_loop.md b/docs/tab_loop.md
index 22cffd70b..211d301f3 100644
--- a/docs/tab_loop.md
+++ b/docs/tab_loop.md
@@ -1,8 +1,23 @@
-`tab_loop` (component)
+# `tab_loop` (component)
+`TabLoop` is a React component that manages tabbing behavior for its children.
-| name | type | default value | description |
\ No newline at end of file
+TabLoop prevents the user from tabbing outside of the popper
+It creates a tabindex loop so that "Tab" on the last element will focus the first element
+and "Shift Tab" on the first element will focus the last element
+@param props - The properties that define the `TabLoop` component.
+@param props.children - The child components.
+@param props.enableTabLoop - Whether to enable the tab loop.
+@returns The `TabLoop` component.
+| name | type | default value | description |
+| --------------- | ---- | ------------- | ----------- |
+| `enableTabLoop` | | `true` | |
diff --git a/docs/time.md b/docs/time.md
index b2cc52f17..44754efa4 100644
--- a/docs/time.md
+++ b/docs/time.md
@@ -1,23 +1,17 @@
# `time` (component)
-| name | type | default value | description |
-| -------------------- | ---------------------- | ------------- | ----------- |
-| `excludeTimes` | `array` | | |
-| `filterTime` | `func` | | |
-| `format` | `string` | | |
-| `handleOnKeyDown` | `func` | | |
-| `includeTimes` | `array` | | |
-| `injectTimes` | `array` | | |
-| `intervals` | `number` | `30` | |
-| `locale` | `union(string\|shape)` | | |
-| `maxTime` | `instanceOfDate` | | |
-| `minTime` | `instanceOfDate` | | |
-| `monthRef` | `object` | | |
-| `onChange` | `func` | | |
-| `onTimeChange` | | `() => {}` | |
-| `openToDate` | `instanceOfDate` | | |
-| `selected` | `instanceOfDate` | | |
-| `showTimeSelectOnly` | `bool` | | |
-| `timeCaption` | `string` | `"Time"` | |
-| `timeClassName` | `func` | | |
-| `todayButton` | `node` | `null` | |
+| name | type | default value | description |
+| -------------------- | ---- | ------------- | ----------- |
+| `format` | | | |
+| `handleOnKeyDown` | | | |
+| `injectTimes` | | | |
+| `intervals` | | `30` | |
+| `locale` | | | |
+| `monthRef` | | | |
+| `onChange` | | | |
+| `openToDate` | | | |
+| `selected` | | | |
+| `showTimeSelectOnly` | | | |
+| `timeCaption` | | `"Time"` | |
+| `timeClassName` | | | |
+| `todayButton` | | `null` | |
diff --git a/docs/week_number.md b/docs/week_number.md
index 2461510db..55ba540cf 100644
--- a/docs/week_number.md
+++ b/docs/week_number.md
@@ -1,17 +1,18 @@
# `week_number` (component)
-| name | type | default value | description |
-| ---------------------------- | -------------------- | ------------- | ----------- |
-| `ariaLabelPrefix` | `string` | `"week "` | |
-| `containerRef` | `union(func\|shape)` | | |
-| `date` (required) | `instanceOfDate` | | |
-| `disabledKeyboardNavigation` | `bool` | | |
-| `handleOnKeyDown` | `func` | | |
-| `inline` | `bool` | | |
-| `onClick` | `func` | | |
-| `preSelection` | `instanceOfDate` | | |
-| `selected` | `instanceOfDate` | | |
-| `shouldFocusDayInline` | `bool` | | |
-| `showWeekNumber` | `bool` | | |
-| `showWeekPicker` | `bool` | | |
-| `weekNumber` (required) | `number` | | |
+| name | type | default value | description |
+| ---------------------------- | ---- | ------------- | ----------- |
+| `ariaLabelPrefix` | | `"week "` | |
+| `containerRef` | | | |
+| `date` (required) | | | |
+| `disabledKeyboardNavigation` | | | |
+| `handleOnKeyDown` | | | |
+| `inline` | | | |
+| `isInputFocused` | | | |
+| `onClick` | | | |
+| `preSelection` | | | |
+| `selected` | | | |
+| `shouldFocusDayInline` | | | |
+| `showWeekNumber` | | | |
+| `showWeekPicker` | | | |
+| `weekNumber` (required) | | | |
diff --git a/docs/year.md b/docs/year.md
index 392e818c2..9bf269e82 100644
--- a/docs/year.md
+++ b/docs/year.md
@@ -1,30 +1,44 @@
# `year` (component)
-| name | type | default value | description |
-| ----------------------------- | ------------------------ | ------------- | ----------- |
-| `clearSelectingDate` | `func` | | |
-| `date` | `instanceOfDate` | | |
-| `disabledKeyboardNavigation` | `bool` | | |
-| `endDate` | `instanceOfDate` | | |
-| `excludeDates` | `arrayOf[object Object]` | | |
-| `filterDate` | `func` | | |
-| `handleOnKeyDown` | `func` | | |
-| `includeDates` | `array` | | |
-| `inline` | `bool` | | |
-| `maxDate` | `instanceOfDate` | | |
-| `minDate` | `instanceOfDate` | | |
-| `onDayClick` | `func` | | |
-| `onYearMouseEnter` (required) | `func` | | |
-| `onYearMouseLeave` (required) | `func` | | |
-| `preSelection` | `instanceOfDate` | | |
-| `renderYearContent` | `func` | | |
-| `selected` | `object` | | |
-| `selectingDate` | `instanceOfDate` | | |
-| `selectsEnd` | `bool` | | |
-| `selectsRange` | `bool` | | |
-| `selectsStart` | `bool` | | |
-| `setPreSelection` | `func` | | |
-| `startDate` | `instanceOfDate` | | |
-| `usePointerEvent` | `bool` | | |
-| `yearClassName` | `func` | | |
-| `yearItemNumber` | `number` | | |
+`Year` is a component that represents a year in a date picker.
+@param {YearProps} props - The properties that define the `Year` component.
+@property {VoidFunction} [props.clearSelectingDate] - Function to clear the selected date.
+@property {Date} [props.date] - The currently selected date.
+@property {boolean} [props.disabledKeyboardNavigation] - If true, keyboard navigation is disabled.
+@property {Date} [props.endDate] - The end date in a range selection.
+@property {(date: Date) => void} props.onDayClick - Function to handle day click events.
+@property {Date} props.preSelection - The date that is currently in focus.
+@property {(date: Date) => void} props.setPreSelection - Function to set the pre-selected date.
+@property {{ [key: string]: any }} props.selected - The selected date(s).
+@property {boolean} props.inline - If true, the date picker is displayed inline.
+@property {Date} props.maxDate - The maximum selectable date.
+@property {Date} props.minDate - The minimum selectable date.
+@property {boolean} props.usePointerEvent - If true, pointer events are used instead of mouse events.
+@property {(date: Date) => void} props.onYearMouseEnter - Function to handle mouse enter events on a year.
+@property {(date: Date) => void} props.onYearMouseLeave - Function to handle mouse leave events on a year.
+| name | type | default value | description |
+| ----------------------------- | ---- | ------------- | ----------- |
+| `clearSelectingDate` | | | |
+| `date` | | | |
+| `disabledKeyboardNavigation` | | | |
+| `endDate` | | | |
+| `handleOnKeyDown` | | | |
+| `inline` | | | |
+| `onDayClick` | | | |
+| `onYearMouseEnter` (required) | | | |
+| `onYearMouseLeave` (required) | | | |
+| `preSelection` | | | |
+| `renderYearContent` | | | |
+| `selected` | | | |
+| `selectingDate` | | | |
+| `selectsEnd` | | | |
+| `selectsRange` | | | |
+| `selectsStart` | | | |
+| `setPreSelection` | | | |
+| `startDate` | | | |
+| `usePointerEvent` | | | |
+| `yearClassName` | | | |
+| `yearItemNumber` | | | |
diff --git a/scripts/release.sh b/scripts/release.sh
index c0b2599cc..a399cee01 100755
--- a/scripts/release.sh
+++ b/scripts/release.sh
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ git checkout .
npm version $1
-npx react-docgen ./src/*.jsx | node ./scripts/buildDocs.js
+npx react-docgen ./src/*.tsx | node ./scripts/buildDocs.js
git add .