- Binder for Pandora's notebooks. [#215]
- Version handling with setuptools_scm. [#212]
- Set dataset's transform to None if it is the identity matrix. [#211]
- Handling of np.inf values on input images. [#210]
- Remove copy from check_dataset and doesn't return dataset anymore. [#219]
- Doc for confidence and piecewise optimization.
- Do not force omp layer on numba and silence its warning.
- Correction on multi scale processing to allocate the confidence measure. [#217]
- Correct non-masked nan values on validity mask. [#218]
- Margin computation without optimisation step. [#220]
- Implementation of the ambiguity confidence measure. [#162]
- Implementation of the bilateral filter to suppress OpenCV dependency. [#148]
- Checker to check if an image dataset is valid. [#196]
- Creation of Jupyter notebooks for Pandora.[#153]
- Correct Nan propagation of the bilateral filter. [#159]
- GeoRef is now supported and both
ought to be set as attributes of images dataset provided to Pandora [#158]
- Call to interpolation functions. [#175]
- Check right disparities. [#177]
- Disparity refinement after disparity map filtering step. [#154]
- Implementation of multi scale processing for the disparity map computation. [#80]
- A
directory with images and configuration files for user's first steps with Pandora [#168] - Add extra requirements making sgm plugin available [#183]
- Semantic change: stereo becomes matching_cost (transition name, module, files and class name). [#170]
- Merge image on input configuration section. [#169]
- Enable the use of GraphMachine if graphviz avalaible to generate machine states diagram. [#149]
- Move find_valid_neighbors function to img_tools. [#184]
- Renamed json_cheker to check_json. [#182]
- Confidence measure that computes the distance LR / RL in cross checking method. [#155]
- Classification and segmentation maps as input. [#126]
- Non truncation of the cost volume and the disparity map, which have the input image's size. [#152]
- Input masks convention and creation of masks dataset.
- Implementation of a state machine for Pandora's sequencing management. [#107]
- Disparity grids as input to define dmin and dmax values for each pixel. [#91]
- A changelog file. [#115]
- "Image configuration (no data of image, no data and invalid pixel of input mask ) is now implemented as attributes of xarray image dataset and must no longer be provided separately to the run method. [#131]
- The reference/secondary naming convention becomes left/right naming. [#135]
- Functions which can modify input arguments passed by reference does not return these references anymore. [#109]
- Creation of mask dataset in
function of theimg_tools
module. [#133] - Management of no data in cbca method. [#125]
- Detection between false matches and occlusions. [#132]