diff --git a/version b/version index 8241a53d88..e3c66dfb85 100644 --- a/version +++ b/version @@ -1,7 +1,28 @@ +20211201-1602.41 +add a latent function, you can edit platform token(or API key) via '?setup=auth' when the token invalid, not need edit it in Environment(or Config Var) manually, (even in Vercel, config saved in file, and can't modiy it manually). +新增隐藏功能,在平台操作代码的token或API key失效时,可以在 '?setup=auth' 修改它,不用去环境变量修改了(特别地,Vercel保存在代码中时都改不到)。 +20211129 +check if there is another deployment building when start deploy. +Vercel部署时检测是否有另一个部署。 +20211104 +check if exist php-curl or not in php host and VPS. +在VPS中检测是否有php-curl。 +20211021 +specialchars, fix: list folder, encrypt folder, preview files, rename, show in title, error on back link after login at specialchars folder, etc. +针对特殊字符,解决目录的列表,目录的加密,文件的预览,目录与文件重命名,在网页标题的显示,在特殊字符处登录后跳转出错等问题。 +20211006 +oprate files by fileID, write a localStorage when login to anti CSRF. +管理时对文件id操作,管理登录时写入一个localStorage预防CSRF。 +20210908 +add fileConduitSize&fileConduitCacheTime, little files can stream from program, better to show html/js as local file. +增加fileConduitSize,fileConduitCacheTime,小文件可以从服务器中转,以对html/js本地化更好的支持。 +20210903 +add a latent function, you can run some command by '?setup=cmd', be care, please dont try "top", and set times by "ping -c 4". +新增隐藏功能,你可以通过'?setup=cmd'来跑一些命令,注意不要试图跑top,另外ping请-c设置次数。 + 20210820-1810.40 because Vercel must redeploy after change Environment Variables, and it must <4k, so decide that, save config in code file. in Vercel, after update, please install again. if you want continue use Environment, please add a ( name: "ONEMANAGER_CONFIG_SAVE", value: "env" ) in Environment Variables in Project Settings before update. 因为Vercel修改环境变量也必须重新部署才生效,而且环境变量只能小于4k,所以决定将配置保存在代码文件中。升级更新后,用Vercel的请重新安装。如果还想继续使用环境变量,请在更新前,在Project Settings的Environment Variables中,新增一个( name: "ONEMANAGER_CONFIG_SAVE", value: "env" )的环境变量。 - 20210817-2030.39 fix bugs in Vercel. add wait function in operating. change update method in SCF. add payme in readme. 修复一些Vercel上的bug。在操作完后添加等待功能,确认平台已经准备好。SCF的更新方式改变。在readme中添加讨饭链接。