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Gravitino connector development
gravitino connector development
Copyright 2024 Datastrato Pvt Ltd. This software is licensed under the Apache License version 2.

This document is to guide users through the development of the Gravitino connector for Trino locally.


Before you start developing the Gravitino trino connector, you need to have the following prerequisites:

  1. You need to start the Gravitino server locally, for more information, please refer to the start Gravitino server
  2. Create a catalog in the Gravitino server, for more information, please refer to the Gravitino metadata management. Assuming we have just created a MySQL catalog using the following command:
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"name":"test","comment":"comment","properties":{}}' http://localhost:8090/api/metalakes

curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"name":"mysql_catalog3","type":"RELATIONAL","comment":"comment","provider":"jdbc-mysql", "properties":{
  "jdbc-url": "jdbc:mysql://",
  "jdbc-user": "root",
  "jdbc-password": "123456",
  "jdbc-driver": "com.mysql.cj.jdbc.Driver"
}}' http://localhost:8090/api/metalakes/test/catalogs

:::note Please change the above localhost, port and the names of metalake and catalogs accordingly. :::

Development environment

To develop the Gravitino connector locally, you need to do the following steps:


  1. Clone the Trino repository from the GitHub repository. We advise you to use the release version 426 or 435.
  2. Open the Trino project in your IDEA.
  3. Create a new module for the Gravitino connector in the Trino project as the following picture (we will use the name trino-gravitino as the module name in the following steps). trino-gravitino
  4. Add a soft link to the Gravitino trino connector module in the Trino project. Assuming the src java main directory of the Gravitino trino connector in project Gravitino is gravitino/path/to/gravitino-trino-connector/src/main/java, and the src java main directory of trino-gravitino in the Trino project is trino/path/to/trino-gravitino/src/main/java, you can use the following command to create a soft link:
ln -s gravitino/path/to/trino-connector/src/main/java trino/path/to/trino-gravitino/src/main/java

then you can see the gravitino-trino-connecor source files and directories in the trino-gravitino module as follows:


  1. Add <module>plugin/trino-gravitino</module> to trino/pom.xml and change the pom.xml file in the trino-gravitino module accordingly. This is an example content of the pom.xml file in the trino-gravitino module. Ensure that the version of trino-root is identical to the version of trino.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
 Copyright 2024 Datastrato Pvt Ltd.
 This software is licensed under the Apache License version 2.

<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">

    <description>Trino - Graviton Connector</description>


        The following dependencies are required for the Gravitino connector. You can install them
        locally (./gradlew publishToMavenLocal) or just use the release version like 0.4.0



















  1. Try to compile module trino-gravitino to see if there are any errors.
# build the whole trino project
./mvnw -pl '!core/trino-server-rpm' package -DskipTests -Dair.check.skip-all=true

# build the trino-gravitino module if we change the code in the trino-gravitino module
./mvnw clean -pl 'plugin/trino-gravitino' package -DskipTests -Dcheckstyle.skip -Dair.check.skip-checkstyle=true -DskipTests -Dair.check.skip-all=true

:::note If a compile error occurs due to The following artifacts could not be resolved: com.datastrato.gravitino:xxx:jar, which can be resolved by executing ./gradlew publishToMavenLocal in gravitino beforehand. :::

  1. Set up the configuration for the Gravitino connector in the Trino project. You can do as the following picture shows:

The corresponding configuration files are here:

  • Gravitino properties file:
# Copyright 2024 Datastrato Pvt Ltd.
# This software is licensed under the Apache License version 2.

# the connector name is always 'gravitino'

# uri of the gravitino server, you need to change it according to your environment

# The name of the metalake to which the connector is connected, you need to change it according to your environment
  • Trino configuration file:
# Copyright 2024 Datastrato Pvt Ltd.
# This software is licensed under the Apache License version 2.

# ^^^^^^^
# This configuration file is for development only and should NOT be used
# in production. For example configuration, see the Trino documentation.
# sample nodeId to provide consistency across test runs

# Default port is 8080, We change it to 8180





# We removed several catalogs that won't be used in Gravitino
  ../../plugin/trino-local-file/pom.xml, \
  ../../plugin/trino-postgresql/pom.xml, \
  ../../plugin/trino-exchange-filesystem/pom.xml, \


:::note Remove the file /etc/catalogs/ if the corresponding plugin/trino-xxx/pom.xml is not recorded in the /etc/ For the hive plugin, please use plugin/trino-hive/pom.xml after release version 435. Others should use plugin/trino-hive-hadoop2/pom.xml. :::

  1. Start the Trino server and connect to the Gravitino server.
  2. If DevelopmentServer has started successfully, you can connect to the Trino server using the trino-cli and run the following command to see if the Gravitino connector is available:
java -jar trino-cli-429-executable.jar --server localhost:8180

:::note The trino-cli-429-executable.jar is the Trino CLI jar file, you can download it from the Trino release page. Users can use the version of the Trino CLI jar file according to the version of the Trino server. :::

  1. If nothing goes wrong, you can start developing the Gravitino connector in the Gravitino project and debug it in the Trino project.