A simple way to announce new moxie instances.
$ moxie-announce http://example.com/
Transcode for streaming. (RSS feed should link to the originals.)
Case-insensitive file extension search.
Advertise Moxie in the HTML and RSS generator tags.
- An RSS feed with podcast enclosures.
./setup.py develop
- The page title has playing track title.
- Adjust active/hover highlights.
- Write a README
- Highlight the playing track.
- Indent the track list.
- Reset title when nothing is playing.
- Pick decent looking fonts.
- Change cursor to hand when hovering over tracks.
- Support CGI and static deployments.
- setup.py runs scons to build test data / MusicPlayer.swf.
- Work in IE.
- Right-justify track duration.
- Round seconds correctly.
- Correctly display VBR track durations.