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File metadata and controls

122 lines (76 loc) · 12.4 KB

MC-spike: Assessment of bias and reproducibility of viral metagenomics methods

The pipeline consists of a Nextflow script which runs the bioinformatics tools that perform the bulk of the analysis. A collection of R and R Markdown scripts is provided to perform the final part of the analysis, combining output files from the Nextflow pipeline to generating figures and statistics.


The Nextflow pipeline has been tested on the following software:

  • Nextflow 24.04.3
  • Ubuntu 22.04.4 running Conda 24.3.0
  • AlmaLinux 9.4 running Singularity 3.8.7-1.el9.centos
  • CheckV 1.0.3 scripts

The R scripts have been tested with R 4.1.1 on:

  • Windows 10 and 11
  • Ubuntu 22.04.4


  1. Install Nextflow by following the instructions on
  2. Install R version 4.4.1 from
  3. Download the MC Spike pipeline from the git repository using git clone
  4. In the MC Spike project folder, run ./ to set up the project R environment.
  5. Download the reads to the ./reads/raw folder of the mc-spike project.
  6. Download the CheckV and scripts from, and place them in the ./scripts/ folder.
  7. Optional: obtain a Singularity or Docker image (see below)

Singularity and Docker images

When running Nextflow with Singularity or Docker, the relevant image can be pulled automatically from Singularity Library or Docker Hub. Alternatively, you can obtain a Singularity image manually and move into the MC Spike ./envs directory.

For Singularity, either: 1. Pull the image using singularity pull --arch amd64 library://rhaagmans/mc-spike/mc-spike:v1.0 2. Build the image using sudo singularity build mc-spike.img ubuntu-mc.def

For Docker, either: 1. Pull the image using docker pull rhaagmans/mc-spike:1.0 2. Build the image using docker build . rhaagmans/mc-spike:1.0


The pipeline can also be run in a Conda environment without the use of Docker or Singularity. If the server running the pipeline is connected to the internet, Nextflow can handle setting up the environment through the provided ./envs/ubuntu-mc-environment.yml environment file. It is also possible to set up the environment yourself by moving into the ./envs folder and running conda env create -n mc -f ubuntu-mc-environment.yml. If this fails for some reason, you could try ubuntu-mc-environment-history.yml instead, which only lists the required packages without dependencies. The conda parameter in the conda profile of main.config needs to be edited to point to the location of the environment, e.g. conda = "/opt/miniforge3/envs/mc".


The pipeline uses CheckV and geNomad, which each depend on their databases. The first step of the pipeline consists of downloading these databases, and if your computing setup does not allow access to online resources, these can be downloaded manually to a folder of your choice. If the files are downloaded manually, their location can be specified in the configuration file (see below). Or, the script can be run using the --download_only option on a computer with internet access to download these online resources: nextflow run ${mc_spike}/ -c ${mc_spike}/config/main.config -profile vm,conda --download_only (select the appropriate profile for your situation). By default, the pipeline downloads the latest database versions. If you already have downloaded these databases, you can place them in a folder and add this to the configuration (see below). For the paper, geNomad database version 1.7 and CheckV database version 1.5 were used.

Configuring the pipeline

There are two main files that can be edited to configure the pipeline, including for analysis of your own data. The first is ./config/main.config, in which the nextflow script is configured. This includes changing paths to various files and folders, and setting the computing resources for the various steps of the pipeline. These parameters are configured separately for the vm and hpc profiles. The other file is ./config/sample_sheet.csv, which defines the sample metadata and raw read file names.


The samples parameter points to the sample metadata sheet sample_sheet.csv and can be changed to a user-supplied metadata sheet.

The reads parameter defines the location of the raw reads. By default, the raw read files are assumed to be located in the ./reads/raw folder in the main project folder.

The data_out parameter defines the location of the pipeline output. By default, the pipeline output will be stored in the mc-spike project folder that also contains the code. However, a different folder can be specified by changing the data_out parameter in the vm and/or hpc profile. All output will be stored within the folder specified there:

  • Reads are stored in ${data_out}/reads.
  • Output from bioinformatics tools are stored in ${data_out}/data.
  • Figures from the R scripts stored in ${data_out}/figures.
  • R Markdown reports stored in ${data_out}/reports.

The db_dir parameter defines the download location of CheckV and geNomad databases. By default, the pipeline will download CheckV and geNomad databases to ./dbs in the mc-spike project folder. If you've already downloaded these databases (for the manuscript, CheckV DB version 1.5 and geNomad DB version 1.7 were used), you can point this parameter to a folder containing (symbolic links to) these databases. The CheckV database files should be in ${db_dir}/checkv_db/checkv-db-v*. Make sure there is only one database folder matching that pattern in the ${db_dir}/checkv_db/ folder. The geNomad database files should be in ${db_dir}/genomad_db.

The ictv_vmr parameter defines the path to the ICTV virus metadata resource, which is downloaded to ${data_out}/data/taxonomy by default. This can be supplied by the user separately.

The assembly_groups parameter defines the columns in the sample sheet that define the assembly groups. By default, individual samples are assembled, and all samples belonging to the same base faecal sample, processed using the same method, are co-assembled. These default assembly groups are defined by the assembly and coassembly columns in sample_sheet.csv. The sample sheet can be edited to define alternative assembly groupings, and are configured by specifying the column names in the assembly_groups parameter. Only use alphanumeric characters, underscores (_), and dashes (-) in the to define assembly groups.

The adapters parameter can be defined by the user to supply custom adapter sequences to fastp in the read trimming and filtering step.

The megahit_tmp parameter can be used to specify an alternative location for the storage of temporary files for MEGAHIT.

Additional pipeline configurations, including CPU and memory requirements for processes, nextflow executors (e.g, SLURM), total available CPUs and memory, etc., can be changes in main.config as well. For more information, see the Nextflow documentation.


The sample sheet consists of the following columns:

  • sample_name: unique identifier for each sample (including identical replicates).
  • base_sample: identifier for the base sample to which a mock community was added.
  • spike: identifier for the mock community added to the sample
  • rt_method: identifier for the method used to process the sample
  • replicate: identifier for the replicate, in case multiple replicates of base_sample + spike + rt_method are used
  • assembly: specifies single assemblies.
  • coassembly: specifies groups of samples that are co-assembled.
  • fw_readfile and rv_readfile: the base filenames of the forward and reverse read files in the reads folder specified in main.config (excluding the path).

For the identifiers, please only use alphanumeric characters, underscores (_), and dashes (-).

Samples can be co-assembled based on user-defined criteria, either by changing the groups in the coassembly column, or by adding (a) additional column(s) that specifiy additional assembly groups. For example, if you would like to co-assemble both all sample that share a base sample and method, and all samples that share a base sample (thus co-assemlbing samples from multiple methods), an additional column can be added, e.g. coasembly_by_base. Samples can be excluded from an assembly grouping by either leaving the cell blank or entering a single dash (-).

If the assembly groups are changed, or multiple replicates of identical treatments (base sample + spike + method) are used, the R scripts will need to be modified.

Mock Community particle counts and reference names

When analysing your own data, there are two additional files that the R reports depend on. The file mock_community_particles_added.csv contains three columns with info on the number of particles added to the Mock Community for each virus, and the number of strands (single our double). The file mock_community_ref_to_virus.csv contains a table translating the sequence ID in the mock community fasta file to an individual virus. The --vlp_counts and --mc_refnames options can be used to change the files.

Running the pipeline

The nextflow pipeline is run in a temporary folder, for example on a scratch disk, which requires ~150 Gb of disk space. Most ouput files are copied to the ${data_out} folder, although some larger files, particularly *.sam files, are instead symlinked to save space. The process parameter publishDir option mode can be changed from "symlink" to "copy" for those files to include the full file in the output folder. The pipeline can be rerun using the Nextflow -resume option from the same location to resume after an error, or to copy files to the ${data_out}. The Nextflow run folder is not required for subsequent analysis and can be deleted.

Two main profiles are specified in main.config, vm and hpc. By default, the vm profile is set up to run on a single computer. The hpc profile is set up to run on a high performance computing cluster running the SLURM workload manager.

Additionally, container profiles are provied for Docker (docker), Singularity (singularity_local and singularity_online), and Conda (conda). For Docker and Singularity, Nextflow can handle downloading the images (in the case of Singularity, use profile singularity_online). Alternatively, you can pull or build the images as described above. In that case, use singularity_local profile and make sure the configuration file points to the singularity image using the container parameter. The docker profile works in both cases. For Conda, an environment file is provided in the conda profile and Nextflow will handle setting up the environment. The conda parameter can be edited to point to a different local conda environment. The profiles can be selected using the Nextflow -profile option and should always consist of vm or hpc and one of the container profiles, separated by a comma (e.g., -profile vm,docker or -profile hpc,singularity_local).

To run the pipeline:

  1. Make sure the configuration file points to the correct file paths.
  2. Make sure the sample sheet contains the correct metadata and file names.
  3. Optionally, pre-download the Singularity or Docker image or create a Conda environment.
  4. On your server, move into a temporary folder with sufficient disk space.
  5. Run the nextflow pipeline using nextflow run ${mc_spike}/ -config ${mcspike}/config/main.config -profile hpc,singularity_local (or another -profile, as described above). Here, $mcspike points to the MC Spike project folder and the profile can be selected using the -profile option. A different configuration file can be used with the Netflow -config option.
  6. Once Nextflow has finished, run ./, or run Rscript ./R/process_data.R, followed by Rscript ./R/generate_reports.R to generate figures and reports.


A manuscript is in preparation, meanwhile, a preprint is available at:

Haagmans, R.; Charity, O. J.; Baker, D.; Telatin, A.; Savva, G. M.; Adriaenssens, E. M.; Powell, P.; Carding, S. R. Assessing Bias and | Reproducibility of Viral Metagenomics Methods for the Combined Detection of Faecal RNA and DNA Viruses. Preprints 2024, 2024112016.