The most reliable manner is to install this reposititory to a local Linux/Mac with conda based on environment.yml
provided. But if you do not have a Linux and/or Conda environment, you can
still use the cloud version below.
Install Docker-desktop, and start it on the back. Launched Windows PowerShell (The blue one) and have navigate to a folder where you want to do docking. Run:
docker pull qutesun/labodock_binder
docker run -p 8888:8888 -v ${PWD}:/home/jovyan/work qutesun/wemd
Your PowerShell terminal will output some crazy lines that you probably can't read properly, among which there will be a token pin, just copy it.
Now go to your default browser, and try
your browser will start a Jupyter Notebook interface and ask for a token pin, which you have coped from the backend in the PowerShell interface.
After having entered the browser interface, double click wedock_win.ipynb
, and you are ready to do the docking just as if you using the Binder badge above.